Eyes are blurry, mind is spiraling, and all you want to do is scream in front of your laptop while you’re in a zoom meeting (just make sure to mute yourself). Yup, I feel you! It’s more than a year since most of us have been working from home and I’m sure we have different ways of managing our time and energy so that work doesn’t pile up with all our other problems at home.
In this episode, I awkwardly talk about how I TRY to manage an overwhelming work day where my mind is just all over the place… which is quite ironic because I’m very magulo in this episode and I blame my coffee brain LMAO. This is my first spontaneous episode so expect this to be AWKWARD!
Anyway, connect with me on Instagram and let’s have awkward conversations there! @francespanol @awkwrdpodcast
Mothers are real life superheroes and I will never get tired of hearing their inspiring superhero stories. For this episode, I invited my friend Lou Mapagdalita to share her awkward experiences before she became the super wo-MOM that she is today with her ever-supportive partner, Ken, and their adorable kids, Kenzo & Kenji.
Let’s celebrate our mommies, nanays, mamas, mudras, and inays today and every single day.
Be awkward with us on instagram: @awkwrdpodcast @francespanol @_loumpgdlt
Episodes manquant?
If you could go back in time and give yourself an Adulting 101 course, what would you tell your younger version to make adulting less awkward? I'm France (@francespanol) and for our first episode, let's talk about the crazy, awkward journey of being in our 20's.
I'm France and I'm finally using my awkwardness to create this passion project where I am able to express myself, share stories and bring up conversations that are uncomfortable to discuss. Here's a quick preview of what to expect from this awkward podcast.
Let's be awkward together and connect on instagram @francespanol ✨