Selamat Datang di Cuap-Cuap Cuan!
Di podcast ini, kamu bisa dapetin banyak info soal dunia ekonomi, bisnis dan investasi dengan cara yang fun serta menyenangkan. Langsung aja jelajahi playlist Cuap-Cuap Cuan yang full faedah di Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, dan Anchor. Kita upload episode baru tiap hari lho...
Kalo ada saran, kritik maupun pujian, langsung aja DM ke Instagram @cuap_cuan yaa...
Salam Cuan! -
A podcast presented by Kanopi FEB UI, an organisation that focuses on social and economic research and lively discussions. Kanopi On Air is divided into two programmes; Speakonomics (which converses on economic issues) and Talks&Thoughts (which chats on fun experiences and exchange ideas on insightful topics).
BroadCash disiarkan langsung dari markas besar Bisnis Indonesia di Karet Tengsin. Semoga saluran informasi audio ini bisa menemani hari produktif Anda. Kami pun siap menemani hari-hari yang penuh deadline, kemacetan, bahkan menanti layanan antar makanan yang belum tiba. Semoga kita semakin dekat, dengan membisikkan informasi langsung ke telinga Anda. Bernas, Luas dan Tuntas! Support this podcast:
If you're looking to take your solar sales or business to the next level, then you've found the right place. In this podcast, we reveal the tricks of the trade to make it happen in the solar industry whether you're a sales pro, marketer, or entrepreneur.
Show topics include online marketing, closing strategy, mindset, filling the pipeline, industry news, interviews, and so much more. Stay sharp and join us every week to increase your income and impact in the solar industry and join the elite force of solar entrepreneurs. -
Looking for in-depth conversation about some of the top moments in business news you may have missed? The Rapid Fire podcast with Kelly Evans has you covered. Join Kelly and a rotating case of expert reporters from CNBC and as they share their knowledge—and opinions—on some of the most thought-provoking business stories and hottest topics of the week. And, at the end of each episode, they’ll answer listener questions, so be sure to tweet your queries and tell them what you want to know.