Thrill of the Hill returns for season 5, with an exciting line-up on new and returning guest speakers and specialists in their fields and on their hills.
Venison, an underappreciated meat in Scotland? Despite the abundance of deer in Scotland, farmed and wild, venison has never been a staple of the Scottish diet, certainly not in the same way as beef or lamb. Scottish Government reports that the amount of farmed venison in Scotland increased by around 4.9% on the last five year average, making up 16,000 animals. That figure might sound impressive, but the Venison Advisory Service suggests that accounts for only 3% of national production, with the remainder coming from wild venison. Scottish Government reports that around 3,500 tonnes of wild venison is produced in Scotland each year and The Times suggest that around two thirds of that is used in the domestic and wider UK markets. But with such plentiful supplies of venison on our hills, could we be making more of it? In this episode Anona Gow discusses the virtues of venison, its nutritional value, cooking options, perception of the sector and reflects on her new book, The Venison Kitchen.
Want to get in touch with Anona? She can be contacted at The Venison Kitchen via email enquiries at [email protected].uk
Related FAS Resources
Related External Resources
The Venison Kitchen by Anona Gow Cook Book
Events — Pitscandly Farm Venison Events and Farmers Markets
Thrill of the Hill returns for season 5, with an exciting line-up on new and returning guest speakers and specialists in their fields and on their hills.
We're all human, fragile and fallible, accidents can occur and mistakes can be made, people can be in danger, get hurt and when that happens, be in need of first aid. The National Farmers Union reports that despite accounting for only 1% of the working population, agriculture accounts for 20% of all deaths in the workplace. In this episode, qualified First Aid Trainer and practitioner, Sean Magee discusses the importance of first aid in the farm and rural environment, including what information to provide to emergency services and the processes of seeking help, how to assess the requirements of a casualty and top tips for dealing with agricultural related incidents when they occur.
If you want to get in touch with Sean, he can be contacted at CPS Activities Ltd via email at [email protected].
Related FAS Resources
Developing Safe Farming Practices - Lone Working
Other Related Resources
First Aid Training - CPS Activities Ltd
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Thrill of the Hill returns for season 5, with an exciting line-up on new and returning guest speakers and specialists in their fields and on their hills.
Technology is always progressing, and the same is true in the uplands. New innovations mean it has never been easier to collect, measure and interpret data for the benefit of farming, nature and climate change. In this episode, Environmental Consultant, Jack Zuill discusses the potential for and realities of measuring nature, using a range of technologies, from drones and LiDAR to audio capture, speculate on the future of data gathering and the importance of having specialist input in decision-making.
Want to get in touch with Jack, he can be contacted at SAC Consulting Ltd on 07584 526 926 or via email at [email protected].uk.
Related FAS Resources
UAVs in Agriculture | Farm Advisory Service
Natural Capital - Drones, Data and Decision Making | Information helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service
Thrill of the Hill returns for season 5, with an exciting line-up on new and returning guest speakers and specialists in their fields and on their hills.
Love them or hate them, geese are a recurring feature on farms across Scotland. Views differ on the benefits of having them, some see them as a pest species, others as a necessary component of a larger biodiversity network. In this episode we sit down with Rae Mackenzie for a broad discussion on geese and goose management in Scotland. We cover their ecology and nature value, look at the international efforts being made to promote the species and the ins and outs of Scotland's own goose management support scheme.
Got questions on goose management, contact your local NatureScot office for advice and signposting in the first instance.
Related FAS Resources
Natural Capital - Islay Geese | Information helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service
Goose Management in Scotland | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service
Understanding Goose Control Law in Scotland | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service
Other Related Resources
Managing geese | NatureScot
Thrill of the Hill returns for season 5, with an exciting line-up on new and returning guest speakers and specialists in their fields and on their hills.
As climate change, biodiversity decline and food security continue to build in our collective consciousnesses the drive to find a comprehensive solution intensifies. In this episode, Chris Clark from Nethergill Associates shares his opinions and approach to Maximum Sustainable Output (MSO), a concept that revolves the ideas of natural and industrial energy, reducing artificial inputs and allowing land to revert to a natural carrying capacity, whether that is livestock or crops. Chris provides a broad introductory discussion on the concept and shares his own opinions on how sustainable land management is measured and achieved. We cover mindset change, bring energy use to the forefront and unpick to what extent it compliments existing farming approaches like regenerative farming and organics. This is a great start to the conversation around MSO.
Want to get in touch with Chris, he can be contacted at Nethergill Associates on 07969 018 324 or via email at [email protected].uk.
**In January 2024 the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) published the ‘Harmonisation of Carbon Accounting Tools for Agriculture’ report, which discusses the different approaches and methodologies behind measuring carbon across six of the most commonly used tools in the UK - an overview and the findings can be accessed via the link provided.
Related Links
Harmonisation of Carbon Accounting Tools for Agriculture - SCF0129
Carbon Calculators - Farm Advisory Service | The Scottish Farmer
What is the Maximum Profit Potential for your Farm? (Youtube.com)
Thrill of the Hill returns for season 5, with an exciting line-up on new and returning guest speakers and specialists in their fields and on their hills.
With COP26 in Glasgow well in the rearview mirror and 2030 on the horizon, serious, measurable change has to be made in the fight against climate change. With Scottish Climate Week coming up, in this podcast we hear from Senior Carbon & Sustainability Consultant and returning guest to the podcast, Seamus Murphy on the progress made by Scottish farming to address climate change. We discuss changing perceptions on climate change in the industry, the reliability of carbon markets, the need for, not just individual action but a collective led campaign to keep global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and talk candidly about the likely impacts of not doing so.
Want to get in touch with Seamus, he can be contacted at SAC Consulting on 01292 525 145 or via email at [email protected].uk.
Related FAS Resources
Climate Change resources for farmers from Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)
Thrill of the Hill returns for season 5, with an exciting line-up on new and returning guest speakers and specialists in their fields and on their hills.
Life as a cow is difficult and complicated, on the one hand there is a general acceptance that their non-selective grazing, trampling and dunging can contribute to diverse grassland swards, ideal habitat for ground-nesting birds etc. and promote healthy soils. On the other hand, the production of methane and relatively high carbon footprints in comparison to other enterprises can leave cattle exposed to climate criticism. In this episode we talk with conservation consultant Helen Bibby and host of the Stock Talk podcast and returning guest Robert Ramsay for a broad discussion on cattle, cattle grazing and what makes them Scotland's preferred grazing animal.
Want to get in touch with Helen, she can be contacted at SAC Consulting Oban on 01631 563 093 or via email at [email protected]. Alternatively, you can contact Robert at SAC Consulting Ayr on 01292 525 171 or via email at [email protected].uk.
Related Materials
Soil is a perennial topic, something that needs to be discussed on a recurring basis, and last time we did so was with Dr Bill Crooks some years ago now.
In this episode, we hear from agricultural consultant and soil management enthusiast Lorna Galloway and talk all manner of things, from improving the uplands, raising soil pH, integrating clover, managing drainage and highlighting the support available for soil sampling under Preparing for Sustainable Farming.
Soil forms the foundation of just about everything we do in agriculture, we like to think of our society as being at the cutting edge, but this is not a new idea. “To be a successful farmer one must first know the nature of the soil” – Xenophon, 400 B.C. More recently, Leonardo Di Vinci is attributed as saying “We know more about the movement of celestial bodies than about the soil underfoot”.
Want to get in touch with Lorna? She can be contacted at SAC Consulting Stranraer on
01776 702 649 or via email at [email protected].uk.
FAS Related Materials
THRILL OF THE HILL | A Damming Conclusion: Part II with Davy McCracken
Thrill of the Hill returns for season 5, with an exciting line-up on new and returning guest speakers and specialists in their fields and on their hills.
Beavers and their presence in Scotland continues to divide the agricultural community, for some they generate hope for a more nature-rich Scotland and more dynamic landscape, for others they cause damage and threaten the viability of various farm enterprises. Last year we heard a passionate take on the issue from Euan Walker-Munro who articulated the frustration felt by many in the industry. In this episode we hear from Professor Davy McCracken and cover the positives around beaver reintroduction, the ecology of the species and the opportunities brought by them. We also discuss what to do if the challenges caused by beavers are too much, what his experience was with getting a license and the need for collaboration and knowledge transfer on the issues faced.
Want to get in touch with Davy, he can be contacted at SRUC on 01292 525 299 or via email at [email protected].uk. Those with questions for NatureScot can make contact via [email protected].
Related FAS Resources
Related External Resources
THRILL OF THE HILL | Farm Business Survey: Part II with Sascha Grierson
Thrill of the Hill returns for season 5, with an exciting line-up on new and returning guest speakers and specialists in their fields and on their hills.
With change on the horizon, being on sure footing can be the difference between having a successful business and not. The Farm Business Survey is Scotland's way of establishing the state of our farming communities, benchmarking business performance and generating the data that drives decision-making at the policy level. It is a free service, not costing anything other than time and provides a participant with a set of management accounts, providing valuable insights into your business, it can also be a useful way of collecting the data for those increasingly important carbon audits! It's a win, win, win for those serious about data and keen to progress their business in an informed, measured way.
For those interested in participating in the survey, or if you have any questions for Sascha and the team, you can get them on 07557 661316 or alternatively you can email [email protected].uk.
Related FAS Resources
Thrill of the Hill - The Farm Business Survey | Information helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)
Whole farm benchmarks | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)
THRILL OF THE HILL | An iconic Scottish species and of high conservation interest, the mountain hare has a lot going for it. Years of hard work to create the managed uplands we know have also contributed to the betterment of the species and a combination of predator control and careful heather management means that it has found a home in our hill expanses. In this episode of the podcast we are joined by Robert Raynor from NatureScot and Scott Newey from the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust for a discussion on the species, its place in the uplands, conservation initiatives and the outlook for the uplands in general.
Related Resources
Protected species: hares | NatureScot
Mountain hares - Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (gwct.org.uk)
THRILL OF THE HILL | Fire can be an effective management tool in the Scottish uplands, and if controlled and utilised responsibly, can be helpful in rejuvenating our upland heaths. However, fire can also be devastating for many rural businesses and with a number of factors at play, including, climate change, water scarcity, public access and total accidents, wildfires can and do happen, with ever greater intensity. In this episode of the podcast we are joined by Bruce Farquharson from Scottish Fire and Rescue and discuss prevention of wildfires, the role of muirburning and the benefits of having a fire action plan should the worst happen!
Related FAS Materials
Preventing Wildfires on Agricultural Land | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)
THRILL OF THE HILL | In a year two weather extremes the water environment has shot up the agenda for many, drought conditions put a lot of pressure on farmers and nature in the summer and heavy rains push many farmers and riverbanks to breaking point this autumn. While Scotland's rivers generally end up at the sea, they start in the uplands and catchment management with appropriate sensitivity to watercourses and riparian habitats can have huge impacts downstream and across the landscape. With recent developments, it makes sense to bring back some former contributors for a broad discussion on the challenging circumstances some species find themselves and reasons to be optimistic.
In this episode we welcome back Struan Candlish, two years since the Ayrshire Rivers Trust were on the podcast. We discuss the plight of species like Atlantic salmon, get an update on the Wellwood Project and other nature restoration work in Ayrshire.
Hosted by Alexander Pirie, Edited by Malcom MacDonald, Produced by Beth Errington, Executive Producer Kerry Hammond, in association with The Scottish Government.
Related FAS Resources
Thrill of The Hill - Spawning Success | Information helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)
Protecting Atlantic Salmon | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)
Water Margins | Helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)
Other Resources
Ayrshire Rivers Trust | working to improve and preserve our rivers
THRILL OF THE HILL | Carbon and benchmarking carbon are here to stay, firmly embedded in the best practice for the farming community. With COP28 happening now, the need to decarbonise farming has never been clearer but how to do that in a sustainable manner remains a big question for many. Carbon calculators are designed to identify carbon emissions in a business, where they are happening, to provide insights for positive actions. Agrecalc has been one of Scotland's leading calculators and has seen widescale uptake since the days of the Beef Efficiency Scheme, but as the carbon story becomes more important, the ability to get reliable, detailed information on a farm's carbon footprint has never been more important and crucially, having confidence in the data to take steps to improve is hugely important. So regardless of which carbon calculator you are using, the time to count carbon is now.
In this episode, Scott Davies, CEO of Agrecalc discusses the uptake of carbon auditing, the need for a scientific consensus of emissions and how they are calculated, the move to the cloud and the increased functionality that will allow, better, more accurate interpretation of farm results and a clearer pathway forward.
Hosted by Alexander Pirie, Edited by Malcolm MacDonald, Produced by Beth Errington, Executive Producer Kerry Hammond, in association with The Scottish Government.
Related FAS Resources
THRILL OF THE HILL | For years now Scotland has sought to address climate change and habitat fragmentation with increased rates of tree planting, but often the end product, timber, is overlooked. Woodlands cover almost 19% of the landscape in Scotland and while not all of them are part of a productive timber rotation a significant chunk is. Timber production enriches our economy from the local to the national level, promotes employment and produces a sustainable, renewable end product. But timber processing can be detached for farming and a broader understanding of what goes on, when it does and how farmers can engage with the process can present opportunities for benefits on all sides.
Hosted by Alexander Pirie, Edited by Malcom MacDonald, Produced by Beth Errington, Executive Producer Kerry Hammond, in association with The Scottish Government.
Related Resources
Technical Note (TN695): Pruning to Improve Timber Quality
Thrill of the Hill - Talking Timber | Information helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)
THRILL OF THE HILL | Farmland covers the Scottish landscape, between 70% and 80% of it, but farmers are not the only stakeholders in the countryside. Increasingly, the general public is interacting with farming and land management, encouraged by the prospects of adventure, points of interest, leisure, health, and well-being. The Scottish Outdoor Access Code (SOAC) makes provisions for responsible access to land and by and large that is achieved. In this episode, Bridget Jones, NatureScot, joins the podcast to discuss promoting sustainable, responsible access to the countryside, we discuss hidden gems, where people go and what they do when they get there, and mediating conflicts where they arise.
Hosted by Alexander Pirie, Edited by Malcolm MacDonald, Produced by Beth Errington, Executive Producer Kerry Hammond, in association with The Scottish Government.
Related FAS Materials
THRILL OF THE HILL | When people think of Scotland, at some point visions of a red deer ranging across an open hill must enter the mind. Deer have become synonymous with the farmed upland environment in Scotland, bringing huge interest and benefits, but these are not without their challenges. In Scotland's pursuit of a green, low carbon, high nature value future, deer have proven themselves obstacles to be overcome and without active management, the uplands cannot flourish. In this episode, Michael Skelly, Highland Habitats takes us through the considerations when determining if you have a deer problem and the appropriate actions required to promote a sustainable upland environment.
Hosted by Alexander Pirie, Edited by Malcom MacDonald, Produced by Beth Errington, Executive Producer Kerry Hammond, in association with The Scottish Government.
Linked FAS Resources
Alternative Livestock Factsheet
Stock Talk: Deer Farming – what you need to know | Information helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)
Podcast: The Thrill of The Hill - Deer Farming & Management | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)
Linked Other Resources
Practical land management for the future - Highland HabitatsHighland Habitats | Practical land management for the future
Scotland’s wild venison sector launches ‘statement of intent’ on greenhouse gas emissions in response to climate emergency | Scottish Venison (scottish-venison.info)
scottish-biodiversity-strategy-2045-tackling-nature-emergency-scotland.pdf (www.gov.scot)
THRILL OF THE HILL | Agroforestry is an increasingly popular prospect for many in Scotland and across the UK, allowing farmers and crofters the opportunity to increase carbon sequestration, nature value and allowing for the continuation and enhancement of productive activity. In this episode, Ben Raskin, Head of Horticulture and Agroforestry for the @Soil Association joins us for a broad discussion on the benefits of agroforestry, insights from their own trial farm and to promote the upcoming Agroforestry Show, the UK's first agroforestry show taking place this upcoming September.
Hosted by Alexander Pirie, Edited by Cameron Waugh, Produced by Beth Errington, Executive Producer Kerry Hammond, in association with The Scottish Government.
Related FAS Materials
Related External Materials
Home | Agroforestry show
Agroforestry On Your Farm (soilassociation.org)
THRILL OF THE HILL | An invasive species and a cause for concern among farmers and policymakers, bracken is a hot topic in the farmed upland environment. While the species has some habitat value and its presence can be indicative of land suitable for woodland regeneration, the plant can quickly spread, taking over areas of upland grass pasture and heather, cutting the area of land that can be utilised for farming. In this episode, Simon Thorp, coordinator for the Bracken Control Group shares his opinion on Scottish Government's recent decision on the use of Asulam, as well as discussing what he thinks the impact of a total ban will be and the alternatives to chemical control of bracken.
The Scottish Government notes that the Health and Safety Executive advice to all four nations of the UK was not to authorise the emergency use of Asulox because of the risk it poses human, animal and environmental health. Independent advice from the SG Chief Scientific Adviser for Environment and Rural Affairs, and the Expert Committee on Pesticides supported this conclusion, and Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland consented to the HSE recommendation. The Scottish Government is committed to science based decision making, and have followed the same, well established and evidence based process we always follow for the authorisation of pesticides. The following link contains the Scottish Government Press Release on the decision, a Q&A document, an evidence review of the implications of not controlling bracken with asulam in Scotland commissioned by the SG, the advice from the SG CSA ENRA and from the ECP, and the HSE letter sent to the applicant outlining the reasons for refusal of the application. Use of Asulox for bracken control in Scotland in 2023 | SASA (Science & Advice for Scottish Agriculture)
Hosted by Alexander Pirie, Edited by Malcolm MacDonald, Produced by Beth Errington, Executive Producer Kerry Hammond, in association with The Scottish Government.
Related Materials
Use of Asulox for bracken control in Scotland in 2023 | SASA (Science & Advice for Scottish Agriculture)
For more information, visit www.FAS.scot
Twitter: @FASScot
Facebook: @FASScot
National Advice Hub
Phone: 0300 323 0161
Email: [email protected]
THRILL OF THE HILL | Sheep are synonymous with the farmed upland environment in Scotland but in times of change and with external and policy pressures now on it, the sector cannot sit idle. Last season we discussed what the cow of the future looks like and now sheep get their time in the spotlight as we try and unpick some of the complexities in improving flock performance with help from returning guest speaker and SAC Consulting sheep specialist Kirsten Williams as we talk maximising productivity, cutting waste, a place for wool and advocate for grazing livestock in Scotland's changing landscape.
Hosted by Alexander Pirie, Edited by Malcom MacDonald, Produced by Beth Errington, Executive Producer Kerry Hammond, in association with The Scottish Government.
Related FAS Links
Podcast: Thrill of The Hill - Flock Resilience | Information helping farmers in Scotland | Farm Advisory Service (fas.scot)
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