Audio taken from the live video "The Remarkable 483 Year Prophecy!" - https://youtu.be/bS6pYYdtRqQ
This prophecy found in Daniel chapter 9 is one of the most remarkable in the entirety of the Bible, because it provides undeniable biblical and historic evidence for the authenticity of the Bible for skeptics and unbelievers.
1 - What do the “seventy weeks” mean in Daniel’s prophecy?
2 - How do we know Daniel meant seventy literal years?
3 - Has the 483 years prophecy been fulfilled?
Key Scriptures for today’s teaching: Daniel 9:24-27 KJV
Other Scriptures in this study: Daniel 9:2; Jeremiah 25:11-12
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/ and let him know!
Unless otherwise noted, most Scripture will be read from the New Living Translation (NLT) Bible.
Thank you for listening, and subscribe for new content each week.
Connect with Tiff Shuttlesworth:
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X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffshuttleswor
Learn more about my ministry: https://lostlamb.org/
Learn more about my ministry in Canada: https://www.lostlamb.ca
Audio taken from the live video "Has The Tribulation Begun?"- https://youtu.be/F93DjTh076s
According to biblical prophecy, the tribulation is a seven year period that will begin immediately following the rapture.
This tribulation period will display the greatest display of God’s wrath and judgment in all of human history! Evil without restraint, diseases, natural, disasters, wars, the death of almost half of the world’s population, and more.
Jesus said that if God had not limited this time, (7 years x 360 = 2520 days) no one would survive the horrors and apocalyptic events. In all of that prophesied horror that is coming upon this earth, there is a blessed hope available as we will see in the scriptures today.
1. Does the Bible tell us when the tribulation begins?
2 How can we be sure we are not already in the tribulation?
3 Will believers go through the tribulation?
Key Scriptures for today’s teaching: Daniel 9:24-27
Other Scriptures in this study: Luke 12:47-48, 2 Thessalonians 2:4, Romans 7:18-20, Philippians 2:15, Romans 1:28-32
Unless otherwise noted, most Scripture will be read from the New Living Translation (NLT) Bible.
Thank you for listening, and subscribe for new content each week.
Connect with Tiff Shuttlesworth:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LostLambAssociation/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffshuttlesworth/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffshuttleswor
Learn more about my ministry: https://lostlamb.org/
Learn more about my ministry in Canada: https://www.lostlamb.ca
Episodes manquant?
Audio taken from the live video "Has God Rejected Israel & the Jews?"- https://youtu.be/phw5jdbSNVg
I cannot overemphasize the weight of what I am teaching today. This subject is critical in our mastery of Bible prophecy. If you fail to properly interpret what the Scriptures reveal concerning the future of Israel and the Jewish people, then you corrupt the entire theme of eschatology and risk creating a multitude of Biblical contradictions and inaccuracies.
Here are the three questions we will address today:
1. Is it true that because the Jews rejected Jesus, God rejected the Jews?
2. What is Replacement Theology?
3. What is God's plan for Israel and the Jews in prophecy?
The key Scriptures for this message: Romans 11:1-15
Other Scriptures in this study: 1 Samuel 12:22; Psalm 94:14; Zechariah 12:10; Deuteronomy 30:3-5
Unless otherwise noted, most Scripture will be read from the New Living Translation (NLT) Bible.
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/just-got-saved and let him know!
Thank you for listening, and subscribe for new content each week.
Connect with Tiff Shuttlesworth:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LostLambAssociation/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffshuttlesworth/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffshuttleswor
Learn more about my ministry: https://lostlamb.org/
Learn more about my ministry in Canada: https://www.lostlamb.ca
Audio taken from the live video "2025 Red Heifer Prophecy Update"- https://youtu.be/7vDcIfXYPls
I receive a number of questions each year concerning the significance of the red heifer in final prophecy. There are great numbers of red heifer videos and radical claims that frequently appear on social media and that fuels people's curiosity on the subject.
However, it is a significant prophetic subject found in the Bible, and therefore I try to provide an update once a year for those who ask, and for all our new students who have never heard a proper study on the subject.
Here are the three questions we will address today:
1. What is the significance of the red heifer in final prophecy?
2. Does a flawless red heifer need to be confirmed before the rapture takes place?
3. Is the sacrifice of the red heifer a type of Christ?
The key Scriptures for this message: Numbers 19:1-10
Other Scriptures in this study: Hebrews 9:13-15, 2 Corinthians 5:21
Unless otherwise noted, most Scripture will be read from the New Living Translation (NLT) Bible.
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/just-got-saved and let him know!
Thank you for listening, and subscribe for new content each week.
Connect with Tiff Shuttlesworth:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LostLambAssociation/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffshuttlesworth/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffshuttleswor
Learn more about my ministry: https://lostlamb.org/
Learn more about my ministry in Canada: https://www.lostlamb.ca
Audio taken from the live video "The Exact Date of Christ's Return!" https://youtu.be/_M7OEAERgJg
Did you know that 1 out of every 25 verses in the New Testament address the return of the Lord Jesus? Many students of Bible prophecy are not aware that the Old Testament contains more than 500 prophecies pointing to the second coming of the promised Messiah - and I'm sure eyebrows raise when I mention the EXACT day of The Lord's return!
1. Which Return?
2. Can We Know the Exact Date of the Rapture?
3. Can We Know the Date of the Second Coming?
The key Scriptures for this message: 2 Peter 3:8-15 NLT
Other Scriptures in this study: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Revelation 19:11-16, Matthew 24:36, Daniel 9:27, Revelation 19:20-21
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/ and let him know! Be sure to watch the curated playlist “New Beginnings” - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsX8E19Azl58_FjxELPxjnsL8CAtmama4&si=jstfTsq6mGpFr-ez
Thank you for watching, and subscribe for new content each week.
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/just-got-saved and let him know!
Thank you for listening, and subscribe for new content each week.
Connect with Tiff Shuttlesworth:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LostLambAssociation/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffshuttlesworth/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffshuttleswor
Learn more about my ministry: https://lostlamb.org/
Audio taken from the live video "Rumors of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated!" - https://youtu.be/kIWvyhu2qHs
On Dec 15, 2024, Evangelist Tiff Shuttlesworth was rushed into emergency surgery. In this episode, Tiff gives his testimony and then has a special prayer for anyone seeking healing for The Lord.
The key Scriptures for this message: Psalm 30
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/ and let him know! Be sure to watch the curated playlist “New Beginnings” - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsX8E19Azl58_FjxELPxjnsL8CAtmama4&si=jstfTsq6mGpFr-ez
Thank you for watching, and subscribe for new content each week.
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/just-got-saved and let him know!
Thank you for listening, and subscribe for new content each week.
Connect with Tiff Shuttlesworth:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LostLambAssociation/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffshuttlesworth/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffshuttleswor
Learn more about my ministry: https://lostlamb.org/
Learn more about my ministry in Canada: https://www.lostlamb.ca
Audio taken from the live video "What Can I Expect from Fasting and Prayer Part 2" - https://youtu.be/PkC8pOESbnU
In part 2 of this study, Tiff continues his teachings on Biblical fasting and prayer. In this segment, Tiff further goes over what we can personally expect when we Biblically fast and pray.
Starting with "When Should We Fast?"
1. When you need special help
2. When you're struggling with a recognized weakness
3. When making important decisions
The key Scriptures for this message: James 4:8-10
Other Scriptures in this study: Matthew 17:14-20, Joel 2:12-13, Psalm 16:9, 1 Kings 19:2, Matthew 6:6, Psalm 63:1, Isaiah 58:8, Ephesians 6:12, 2 John 2, Daniel 10, Galatians 2:20
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/ and let him know! Be sure to watch the curated playlist “New Beginnings” - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsX8E19Azl58_FjxELPxjnsL8CAtmama4&si=jstfTsq6mGpFr-ez
Thank you for watching, and subscribe for new content each week.
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/just-got-saved and let him know!
Thank you for listening, and subscribe for new content each week.
Connect with Tiff Shuttlesworth:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LostLambAssociation/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffshuttlesworth/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffshuttleswor
Learn more about my ministry: https://lostlamb.org/
Learn more about my ministry in Canada: https://www.lostlamb.ca
Audio taken from the live video "What Can I Expect from Fasting and Prayer Part 1" - https://youtu.be/DTz_ohNP77Y
Today on Understanding Bible Prophecy, Tiff continues his teachings on Biblical fasting and prayer. In this segment, Tiff goes over what we can personally expect when we Biblically fast and pray. Starting with the passage in the Bible where Jesus casts out a demon from a child, Tiff answers:
What is the difference between demonic possession and demonic oppression?
Can a Christian be demon possessed?
What will fasting and prayer do in my spiritual life?
When should I fast?
The key Scriptures for this message: Matthew 17:14-20
Other Scriptures in this study: Matthew 6:88, 1 Corinthians 6:19, Galatians 3:13, Matthew 17:21, Joel 2:12-13
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/ and let him know! Be sure to watch the curated playlist “New Beginnings” - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsX8E19Azl58_FjxELPxjnsL8CAtmama4&si=jstfTsq6mGpFr-ez
Thank you for watching, and subscribe for new content each week.
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/just-got-saved and let him know!
Thank you for listening, and subscribe for new content each week.
Connect with Tiff Shuttlesworth:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LostLambAssociation/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffshuttlesworth/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffshuttleswor
Learn more about my ministry: https://lostlamb.org/
Learn more about my ministry in Canada: https://www.lostlamb.ca
Audio taken from the live video "10 Biblical Purposes for Fasting & Prayer" - https://youtu.be/JFdfBFyi2aA
What is the purpose of fasting and praying? According to Scripture, does God expect and require His children to fast?
In this study, we'll go over common questions about fasting such as:
1. Is fasting and praying commanded in the Bible?
2. Are there people who should not fast?
3. What is the purpose of fasting and praying?
Followed by 10 primary purposes for fasting and praying according to the Bible that apply to our lives today.
Key Scriptures for today’s teaching: Isaiah 58:3-14
Other Scriptures in this study: Ezra 8:22-23, Acts 13:2-3, 1 Samuel 31:11-13, 2 Chronicles 20:3-4, 1 Samuel 7:5-6, 1 Kings 21:27-29, Nehemiah 1:3-4, Isaiah 58:3-8, Matthew:1-11, Luke 2: 36-37, 1 Kings 19:12
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/ and let him know! Be sure to watch the curated playlist “New Beginnings” - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsX8E19Azl58_FjxELPxjnsL8CAtmama4&si=jstfTsq6mGpFr-ez
Thank you for watching, and subscribe for new content each week.
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/just-got-saved and let him know!
Thank you for listening, and subscribe for new content each week.
Connect with Tiff Shuttlesworth:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LostLambAssociation/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffshuttlesworth/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffshuttleswor
Learn more about my ministry: https://lostlamb.org/
Learn more about my ministry in Canada: https://www.lostlamb.ca
Audio taken from the live video "Christmas and Bible Prophecy" - https://youtu.be/4YJJELH4LV0
The Christmas story and Bible prophecy are inextricably linked! Although the reading of the classic passage from Luke this time of year may bring around cozy thoughts of families by the fireside and hot chocolate, the true weight of these Scriptures will echo not only past Christmastime, but throughout eternity.
Key Scriptures for today’s teaching: Luke 2:1-20
Other Scriptures in this study: Micah 5:2-5, Isaiah 9:6
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/ and let him know! Be sure to watch the curated playlist “New Beginnings” - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsX8E19Azl58_FjxELPxjnsL8CAtmama4&si=jstfTsq6mGpFr-ez
Thank you for watching, and subscribe for new content each week.
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/just-got-saved and let him know!
Thank you for listening, and subscribe for new content each week.
Connect with Tiff Shuttlesworth:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LostLambAssociation/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffshuttlesworth/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffshuttleswor
Learn more about my ministry: https://lostlamb.org/
Learn more about my ministry in Canada: https://www.lostlamb.ca
Audio taken from the live video "The Greatest Gift of All Time!" - https://youtu.be/2WklUE5yzDI
This is the perfect time to year to recognize the ultimate gift ever given. In this study, we will go over 4 incredible things about God's gift to us:
1. It is surprising!
2. It came to us in the humblest of wrappings
3. We do not deserve this gift
4. The gift speaks to us about The Giver
Key Scriptures for today’s teaching: Matthew 1:18-23
Other Scriptures in this study: Romans 5:8, Revelation 13:8
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/ and let him know! Be sure to watch the curated playlist “New Beginnings” - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsX8E19Azl58_FjxELPxjnsL8CAtmama4&si=jstfTsq6mGpFr-ez
Thank you for watching, and subscribe for new content each week.
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/just-got-saved and let him know!
Thank you for listening, and subscribe for new content each week.
Connect with Tiff Shuttlesworth:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LostLambAssociation/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffshuttlesworth/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffshuttleswor
Learn more about my ministry: https://lostlamb.org/
Learn more about my ministry in Canada: https://www.lostlamb.ca
Taken from the live teaching of "Sin, Scandal, & Secrets."
Audio taken from the live video "Putin Threatens the United States with Nuclear War!" - https://youtu.be/oPH3NQ_o6YI
Never before in my lifetime have I witnessed the state of end-time prophecy being set up so quickly for God's final chapter! Notable prophecy scholars are beginning to wonder if Vladimir Putin is the aggressive prince prophesied by Ezekiel that will lead the invasion against Israel.
In today's study, we will answer 3 questions:
1. Will Putin's nuclear threat increase United States military involvement in the Ukraine conflict?
2. Does the Bible prophesy a nuclear war?
3. Is the Russia and Ukraine war the beginning of the Gog and Magog War?
Key Scriptures for today’s teaching: Ezekiel 38:1-9
Other Scriptures in this study: Isaiah 24:1, Revelation 3:10, Matthew 24:21-22, 1 Thessalonians 5:3, Revelation 6:16, Ezekiel 28 & 29, Ezekiel 38:11
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/just-got-saved and let him know!
Thank you for listening, and subscribe for new content each week.
Connect with Tiff Shuttlesworth:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LostLambAssociation/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffshuttlesworth/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffshuttleswor
Learn more about my ministry: https://lostlamb.org/
Learn more about my ministry in Canada: https://www.lostlamb.ca
Audio taken from the live video "Created for Growth" - https://youtu.be/CyT_2aAmsHU
Recorded live at Only Believe Church in Botkins, Ohio - https://onlybelieve.church/
There was no one created by accident; every person was created in the image of God and created to walk in the favor, blessing and advancement of God's covenant.
the Bible tells us that:
1. God created growth
2. God commanded growth
3. God commended growth
Key Scriptures for today’s teaching: Luke 13:6-9
Other Scriptures in this study: Genesis 1:11 & 12, Genesis 1:28, 2 Peter 3:18, John 15:16, Matthew 25:29
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/just-got-saved and let him know!
Thank you for listening, and subscribe for new content each week.
Connect with Tiff Shuttlesworth:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LostLambAssociation/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffshuttlesworth/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffshuttleswor
Learn more about my ministry: https://lostlamb.org/
Learn more about my ministry in Canada: https://www.lostlamb.ca
Audio taken from the live video "How Should Christians Navigate Political Division?"- https://youtu.be/sPNc9t7O4QQ
Here in the US, we've gone through the most divisive election process in American history. Sadly, America seems to be torn asunder and the political angst seems to be escalating with every passing cycle. How, as Christians should we navigate this political division?
Today we will address 3 questions in our Bible study:
1. Are all the presidents and national leaders appointed by God?
2. Are there times when Christians should not submit to gate government and elected leaders?
3. How should Christians navigate political division with those who strongly disagree with our views?
Key Scriptures for today’s teaching: Romans 13:1-7
Other Scriptures in this study: Daniel 6:13, Acts 5:27-29, 1 Timothy 2:1-4, Philippians 3:20
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/just-got-saved and let him know!
Thank you for listening, and subscribe for new content each week.
Connect with Tiff Shuttlesworth:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LostLambAssociation/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffshuttlesworth/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffshuttleswor
Learn more about my ministry: https://lostlamb.org/
Learn more about my ministry in Canada: https://www.lostlamb.ca
Audio taken from the live video "The Next Prophetic War!"- https://youtu.be/wlJKD_Ak3MI
In light of the evolving war in Israel and the growing volatility of the Middle East, I am constantly being asked questions about Bible Prophecy and end-time wars.
Is the prophetic end-time war described in Psalm 83 the next great prophetic war?
Today we will address 3 questions in our Bible study:
1. What is the Psalm 83 Prophetic War?
2. Who are the modern members of the Psalm 83 coalition?
3. When will the War of Psalm 83 be fulfilled?
Key Scriptures for today’s teaching: Psalm 83:1-18
Other Scriptures in this study: Revelation 16:16, Jeremiah 17:10, Ezekiel 38 & 39
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/just-got-saved and let him know!
Thank you for listening, and subscribe for new content each week.
Connect with Tiff Shuttlesworth:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LostLambAssociation/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffshuttlesworth/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffshuttleswor
Learn more about my ministry: https://lostlamb.org/
Learn more about my ministry in Canada: https://www.lostlamb.ca
Audio taken from the live video "What Does 'Maranatha' Really Mean?"- https://youtu.be/SbUWnDVTqTs
In this recorded chapel service from Northpoint Bible College and Seminary on October 24, 2024 during the 100th Homecoming of the college, Tiff shows his heart for evangelism and his dedication to the training of students of the Bible.
Many people are anxious about the seriousness of what is happening in the Middle East. Because of this, people are looking to the Bible for answers. As Christians, we need to have those answers.
In this segment of his teaching, Tiff explains what the word "Maranatha" means, the origins and the correct use of it today.
Key Scriptures for today’s teaching: 1 Corinthians 1:4-9
Other Scriptures in this study: 1 Corinthians 16:22-24, 1 Thessalonians 1:10, Matthew 16:8
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/ and let him know! Be sure to watch the curated playlist “New Beginnings” - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsX8E19Azl58_FjxELPxjnsL8CAtmama4&si=jstfTsq6mGpFr-ez
If you want to learn more about Northpoint Bible College & Seminary, visit - https://northpoint.edu/
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/just-got-saved and let him know!
Thank you for listening, and subscribe for new content each week.
Connect with Tiff Shuttlesworth:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LostLambAssociation/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffshuttlesworth/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffshuttleswor
Learn more about my ministry: https://lostlamb.org/
Learn more about my ministry in Canada: https://www.lostlamb.ca
Audio taken from the live teaching "What Will Happen To Those Who Have Never Heard the Gospel" - https://youtu.be/eR79lDfZLD8
What happens to those who have never heard of the gospel? This is a very difficult question that has been asked by almost every thinking Christian at some point in their journey through the Scriptures. There are three popular views on what will happen to those who have never heard the gospel:
1. Christian Pluralism
2. Christian Inclusivism
3. Christian Exclusivism
I will conclude by sharing why I believe only one of these views rests securely in the proper understanding of Scripture
Key Scriptures for today’s teaching: Romans 1:18-32
Other Scriptures in this study: John 3:16-18, John 14:6, Romans 10:13-18, Acts 4:12, Ecclesiastes 11:3O
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/just-got-saved and let him know!
Thank you for listening, and subscribe for new content each week.
Connect with Tiff Shuttlesworth:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LostLambAssociation/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffshuttlesworth/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffshuttleswor
Learn more about my ministry: https://lostlamb.org/
Learn more about my ministry in Canada: https://www.lostlamb.ca
Audio taken from the live teaching "Could Jesus Return This Year?" - https://youtu.be/t2CB2YBQuLo
As you have often heard me teach through the years, there is debate among Christians concerning the timing of the return of the Lord and the doctrine of the Rapture. In recent months we have seen the possibility of a regional war escalating in the Middle East, threats of the use of nuclear weapons, unprecedented floods, back-to-back hurricanes, predictions of another, possibly greater, pandemic, and calls for a one-world government and monetary system. These are the "signs of the times" that tell us that the rapture of the church is imminent.
In today's Bible study, I will cover these 3 questions of great consequence:
1. What does "imminency" mean?
2. What does "Maranatha" mean?
3. Could Jesus return this year?
Key Scriptures for today’s teaching: 1 Corinthians 1:4-9
Other Scriptures in this study: 1 Thessalonians 1:10, James 5:7-9, 1 Corinthians 16:22-24
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/just-got-saved and let him know!
Thank you for listening, and subscribe for new content each week.
Connect with Tiff Shuttlesworth:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LostLambAssociation/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffshuttlesworth/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffshuttleswor
Learn more about my ministry: https://lostlamb.org/
Learn more about my ministry in Canada: https://www.lostlamb.ca
Audio taken from the live teaching "Iran's Missile Attack & Israel's Prophetic Miracle!" - https://youtu.be/f_PHb3HkMSE
As we continue to watch the desalting retaliations in the Israel-Iran war, the disinformation presented on social media, biased news outlets, along with antisemitic narratives on college campuses, and sadly the uneducated dialogue of many Christians fall short of a proper Biblical view.
It is important for all students of the Bible to be able to understand this war against Israel through the tense of Bible Prophecy. I want to address the ongoing developments and prove a prophetic map that reveals to us exactly where we are headed
I will cover three questions:
1. What is the timeline of the current war we are watching in the Middle East?
2. Where is Iran in Bible Prophecy?
3. What is Iran's role in Final Bible Prophecy?
Key Scriptures for today’s teaching: Ezekiel 39:1-7
Other Scriptures in this study: Ezekiel 38 & 39, Deuteronomy 33:29, Psalm 121:4-5 & 7, Isaiah 46:6b, Zechariah 9:16
If you prayed with Tiff, click here https://lostlamb.org/just-got-saved and let him know!
Thank you for listening, and subscribe for new content each week.
Connect with Tiff Shuttlesworth:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LostLambAssociation/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiffshuttlesworth/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiffshuttleswor
Learn more about my ministry: https://lostlamb.org/
Learn more about my ministry in Canada: https://www.lostlamb.ca
- Montre plus