Here’s a simple technique that you can use to give your sales presentations more impact, grab more of the audience’s attention and help them better understand what you are selling so that you close more sales.
Differentiation can be hard, so sometimes how you sell or present, not just what you sell can be the differentiator.
Visit: www.AchieveSuccess.co.uk for more free sales tools and resources to help grow your top line.
90% of the businesses I work with leave the #sales process to their sales reps and end up with a team of individuals all doing their own thing with little consistency or quality control.
Watch this video as I share just a few of the benefits of a formal sales process and how to quickly create one for your business.
Visit: www.AchieveSuccess.co.uk for more free sales tools and resources to help grow your top line.
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Wouldn’t No Competition be nice??
This simple sales tactic could do that, by disarming your competition and making you the only choice for your prospective buyers.
"Competition" is typically nothing more than ‘comparison’, so create a sales proposition that isn’t comparable to anything else on the market and you have no competition.
Visit: https://www.AchieveSuccess.co.uk for more free sales resources.
When people are making purchasing decisions, particularly in B2B, they often use the key metric of ROI, Return on Investment.There's two elements to calculating the Return on Investment, it's basically a comparison between how much they spend and the value, that that investment gives delivers.If you can increase the value side of the equation, you can create a significantly better ROI without having to offer a discount.
This 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗦𝗲𝗹𝗹 video explains the foundational principle for sales success, a principle that is so simple in nature that it often gets overlooked and explains why some people find sales hard.
Visit: https://achievesuccess.co.uk for my FREE "Ultimate Sales Script"
If you 10X the Size of Your Addressable Market, You Could See a 10X Increase in Sales and Revenue!!Most people only focus on a small percentage of their total addressable market WITHOUT even realising it. The good news is…… it’s easy to increase the size of your addressable market by 10X and with that will come a HUGE increase in the potential revenue you can create for your business.
You will close more sales if you can align your selling activity with the customers buying process. This will also give you a HUGE competitive advantage, allowing you to outsell your competition at every turn!
More sales resources at: https://www.AchieveSuccess.co.uk
Here's an easy to make sales questioning mistake (and how to fix it) that could be costing you your next sale.
I bet you say "𝑰 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒅𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕", but I bet your do!
Visit: http://www.AchieveSuccess.co.uk for more FREE sales and marketing resources
Sometimes getting another person's perspective is all it takes to make the sale.
More free sales resources available at www.AchieveSuccess.co.uk
Full video version of this podcast is on Youtube @ https://youtu.be/Rq907C3FcuY
What are top sales achievers doing that you're not doing?That's a question I've been asked many times by some of the tens of thousands of sales people I’ve trained.
What is it that enables some sales people and some businesses to be able to close more sales, to do it quicker and really drive their revenue, building a highly profitable business?
Want to know a SIMPLE tweak that could give you 2-5 x more leads from your marketing and advertising activity, without increasing your ad spend?? I say two to five because that's the sort of results my clients are typically getting. Good Lead generation is the foundation for filling your pipeline with hot prospects and ultimately closing more sales and increasing revenue and profit.
Visit: https://www.AchieveSuccess.co.uk
Discover How 'Offers' Can Help You Create More Sales and Close More Deals.
Here's a worked example to show how to improve an offer and thus improve its ability to close more sales. Offers can be used to create true market differentiation as often nobody else is promoting the 'offer' you have created, so your prospects cannot go elsewhere to get it, which significantly helps close more sales.
For more free resources, visit: https://www.AchieveSuccess.co.uk
There's 3 Things You Can do in a Recession, BUT There's Only ONE THING You Must do.
You can not only survive the impending economic downturn, but you can actually thrive during the recession forecasted to hit late this year and into 2023.
Join my FREE Top Line Transformation Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/toplinetransformation
"I need to speak to my boss (or significant other) first" is a common objection and one that many so called 'gurus' incorrectly advise on how you should deal with it.
This podcast, from my series of short, bite-size selling tips and tricks (FourMinuteFriday) describes a professional way to deal with this common sales objection.
More FREE Sales Resources available at https://www.AchieveSuccess.co.uk
Your business tagline/strap line could actually be LOSING you business, not attracting clients to you.
Your personal description on the social media platform could also be doing the same. You're going against the most basic elements of human psychology and probably don't realise it. Visit: http://www.AchieveSuccess.co.uk
Selling is all about solving problems, but what if you could create the problem? If you can create the problem, you can create demand and if you can create demand, you will create sales. This podcast provides a strategy to do this.
In this podcast, I share 2 tips that will increase the quality of your leads and help you close more sales.
Most sales people and business owners don’t actually understand what a sales lead is! You think you do, but most people don’t.
Because of this, you think that just because your lead didn’t buy from you today, they were a bad quality lead, when this isn’t always the case. This video will show you how to turn any lead into a quality lead.
Frustrated with "marketing agencies", I decided I would stop looking for the Wizard to work their magic on my business, but instead "Become the Marketing Wizard" and take control. Here I explain a simple strategy for filling your sales funnel with new leads. Download this book to help you... https://www.achievesuccess.co.uk/funnel-bait