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Therapy can be life-changing and wonderful— and it can also be… frankly, not all that helpful. As a therapist for over 12 years who now runs a whole team of amazing clinicians, I am far from anti-therapy. But I also became a certified coach, because I didn’t wanna be limited in the kind of work I do, and who I can support. TBH, a lot of therapy training is rigid and outdated, and your therapist might not work in a way that actually CHALLENGES you. Without compassionate challenging, your growth will be limited.
In my podcast, "Sh*t Your Therapist Won't Tell You," we explore wellbeing and high performance in ways that will make an even bigger impact in your life. Let’s f*ckin’ GO! -
Download our Free Award Winning App for More Happiness, More Meaning, and Living Your Life Purpose.
The Meaning of Life Experiment is a Free App to help you discover more Happiness, more Meaning and your Life Purpose, based on the Science of Happiness. Each day you can access a powerful 10 or 20 min Meditation, a Video, and some Reflection Questions on your app, or on the website timeline.
Our Vision is: Transform Yourself, Transform Your Community, Transform the World!
To uplift Humanity’s narrative to one where we live inspired lives through the joyful expression of our shared human values. We do this be empowering ourselves to increase our awareness of limiting thoughts, emotions or behaviours through Meditation, Self-knowledge & Service, so that we may fulfil our potential.
We also believe in empowering people to make a difference in the world. By helping people discover their Life Purpose, we can create a world where people are living their potential, and enriching their communities. Through this, we can create a Conscious Change Family to support the creation of a more Conscious Society. -
*The Official Podcast for Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers*
Good Humored talk about Maternal Narcissism while highlighting how to cope and sharing experiences that foster growth. Not only did maternal narcissism abuse effect us as children but it effects us as Women too. It's time for us to experience personal freedom and happiness. This form of abuse is not discussed enough, there are so many of us daughters that are living in bondage and I want to sound the alarm and bring global awareness to Maternal Narcissistic Abuse, while providing hope and creating solutions for freedom.
Understanding Maternal Narcissism, gathering the tools to "vanquisHER" and heal from the damage done.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vanqpod/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanqpod
Website: www.vanqpod.com -
Our mission is to provide listeners with interesting, informative, thought-provoking interviews featuring individuals involved in myriad realms of mysticism, spirituality and magical theory and practice: authors, sorcerers, academics, entertainers. We’ll be looking into everything except inter and intra organizational politics as that’s ground very thoroughly tilled by other programs.
(Opinions expressed on this program by interviewees and interviewers are theirs alone and do not necessarily represent those of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O), Ordo Templi Orientis U.S.A. (O.T.O.-U.S.A.), or any of their officers or directors.) -
Hi. I’m Jen Gotch and this is my podcast. It’s kinda weird, and original, and funny and honest just like me. Each week I’m gonna get in your ear, tell you about my fears, my pain, my triumphs and hopefully in the process help you become more self aware, build your own emotional intelligence and more than anything else FEEL LESS ALONE. Please subscribe and leave a nice review with all the stars; my parents are checking them every day and I really don’t want to let them down.
What is truth? This has become the defining question of our time. But while everyone has an opinion, truth, it seems, is getting harder and harder to find. Join New York Times best-selling author Lisa Bevere as she engages with leaders who will help you become adamant in pursuit of truth. For more information visit IAmAdamant.com.
Note: The views expressed by guests in this podcast are theirs and do not necessarily reflect the views of Lisa Bevere or Messenger International. -
The Jewcurious Show is a podcast for people who are curious about Judaism and the Jewish people, whether you are Jewish, converting to Judaism, seeking the Jewish roots of a different faith, or just plain curious. We feature weekly interviews with rabbis, Jewish authors and artists, and other experts who can satisfy your curiosity and help you live a life a greater meaning, joy, human connection, and personal growth. Learn more at http://jewcurious.show today.
Your channel for higher frequency! This new age podcast covers yoga, meditation, spiritual expansion, and living a soul fuelled life. Hosted by Rachel Hunter and Emma Mildon.
Think, interviews with soul. Conscious conversations about creativity, purpose, lifestyle, and spirituality. The show invites world leaders and gurus to dish the truth behind what they think adds magic to life. Spirituality, yoga, mindfulness, energy, and healing. We go there.
Because, let's be honest, we can all add a touch of magic to our day.
Stay tuned, 11:11 is a whole new frequency. -
70 tot 90 procent van de patiënten met onverklaarde klachten zijn vrouwen. Waarom krijgen vrouwelijke patiënten minder vaak een (juiste) diagnose? Wat is de impact hiervan op hun leven? Hoe kan dit in de toekomst anders en beter? In de podcast Geen kleine man nemen AudioCollectief SCHIK en journalist Sofie Peeters deze problematiek onder de loep.
Vanaf haar zeventiende wordt Sofie (35) geteisterd door angstaanvallen. Eerst eentje. Vreemd. Dan nog één. Wat is dit? Tot ze dagelijks naar adem snakt in de aula, de trein, de concertzaal... Sofie zoekt hulp: bij haar huisarts, de fysiotherapeut, de psychotherapeut. Maar ze staan voor een raadsel. Tien jaar lang probeert Sofie te leven met de angst. Tot die zo plots verdwijnt als hij gekomen is… wanneer ze stopt met haar anticonceptiepil. Waarom heeft tien jaar lang geen enkele medisch geschoolde professional de link gelegd tussen haar hormonale anticonceptiemiddel en de angst? Waarom heeft zijzelf, noch iemand uit haar omgeving hieraan gedacht?
Geen kleine man bestaat uit een verhalende audiodocumentaire en vijf bonusafleveringen, die elk dieper ingaan op een onderwerp dat even aan bod kwam in de documentaire. Zo kan je luisteren naar een diepte-interview met gynaecoloog Wim Decleer en osteopaat Colette Peeters over endometriose, androloog-endocrynoloog Guy T’Sjoen over onderbelichte problemen bij mannen, onderzoeker, verloskundige en docent Bahareh Goodarzi over racisme en discriminatie in de geboortezorg, psychiater Sandra Kooij en klinisch psycholoog Els Blijd-Hoogewys over ADHD en autisme bij vrouwen en hoogleraar Hester den Ruijter over hart- en vaataandoeningen bij vrouwen.
Geen kleine man is een podcast van productiehuis Slowpony in coproductie met VPRO/NPO Radio 1. De serie is tot stand gekomen met steun van deBuren, Vlaams-Nederlands Huis voor cultuur en debat, VRT en Fonds Pascal Decroos. -
Dr. Deborah Adamy has conversations with everyday people who inspire, uplift and who are living their lives with vitality and joy. She admires people who can weather adversity and hardship without becoming cynical and bitter; who actually choose to learn, grow and find meaning and purpose in what they have experienced.
There are countless ordinary people living pretty extraordinary lives and Deborah wants to shine light on them! Enlighten: Uplift and Inspire includes conversations with a wide variety of people: activists, musicians, shiatsu therapists, circus arts performers, playwrights, directors, psychotherapists, dancers, film makers, yoga teachers, educators, actors and photographers, just to name a few. May you feel inspired and uplifted listening to this podcast. Visit www.enlighten.nyc for more. Enjoy!! -
We all need healing, whether from a broken heart or a chronic health condition. Join self-help obsessed writer and founder of BeautyBets.com, Elizabeth Kendig, on a weekly spirit journey with the teachers and gurus who are transforming lives in unconventional ways. From the colonic therapist to the shaman priestess, these modern-day healers will change the way you view the universe--and your ability to heal yourself. ABOUT ELIZABETH: A lifestyle editor by trade and a storyteller at heart, Elizabeth has spent more than a decade creating compelling content for Target, Nordstrom, Mpls, St. Paul Magazine, ClementineDaily.com and an award-winning skincare collaboration with One Love Organics. A hippie disguised in J.Crew, Elizabeth is also a crystal-carrying, amateur tarot-card reading, certified Reiki healer.
Espiritu - Cuerpo - Alma - Consejos de Ivy Morales para vivir en nuevos niveles de vida.
Tired of trying hard without results? Take control of your life and break destructive patterns by replacing ineffective beliefs with empowering beliefs that are based on a heart connection with God. Join Drs. Bob and Audrey Meisner with guest Dr. Jim Richards as they help you develop a biblically-based sense of self-worth by experiencing God and implementing the strategy of effortless transformation.
In deze podcast gaan Bedrock's Rosa & Lisanne in gesprek met experts op het gebied van bewust, duurzaam en gelukkig leven. De podcast is een onderdeel van het platform Bedrock.nl, een online magazine voor een bewuste en gezonde levensstijl.
De pijlers zijn simpel: mind, body en better world. Op Bedrock.nl vind je dagelijks informatie en inspiratie die je verder helpen in jouw persoonlijke ontwikkeling. We bieden tools in de vorm van praktische tips, tricks en how to’s. Zo helpen we je niet alleen bewust te worden over zaken als (mentale) gezondheid, meditatie en welzijn, maar ook om in actie te komen.
Bedrock is voor iedereen die gelooft dat je als mens nooit af bent, maar altijd in beweging en ontwikkeling. Perfectie bestaat niet, en dat is ok. Maar de beste versie worden van jezelf, voor jezelf en de wereld waarin je leeft, is het mooiste wat er is.
Volg ons op Instagram @bedrockmagazine of check www.bedrock.nl. -
The Molly Larkin Show is the podcast version of Molly's popular blog: Ancient Wisdom for Balanced Living.
Best selling author and popular blogger Molly Larkin shares ancient wisdom which can lead to a life of contribution, balance, abundance and spiritual inspiration. Health, prayer, money, diet, nature, human potential, breathing, communication skills, meditation . . . Think they’re not all connected? Listen to her podcast and find out how they are. -
A podcast about relationship and consciousness: exploring wisdom in relating with ourselves, each other and our greater world. Listen to conversations and musings on spirituality, intimacy, ecology and pathways to becoming more connected and fulfilled.
Hosted by Olivia Clementine