Связанные с
Три технических менеджера Купера — Дима, Олег и Семён — вместе с гостями обсуждают больные темы из мира IT.
Ведущие спорят о найме, думают о развитии личного бренда и рассказывают, как научиться делегировать, чтобы наконец-то уйти в отпуск.
«Для tech и этих» — совместный проект tech-команды Купера и студии «Терменвокс». Подкаст выходит каждые две недели по средам.
«Для tech и этих» на YouTube — https://clck.ru/367ihr
Для связи — [email protected] и [email protected] -
Ventas, productividad, industria 4.0… Podcast dedicado a tod@s l@s profesionales de la industria, quizás más enfocado a vendedores técnicos y consultores. Tratamos de explicar de un modo sencillo los conocimientos que creemos necesarios para que te conviertas en un auténtico profesional. Si los escuchas podrás estar formado y preparado para conseguir todos tus retos. ¡ARRANCAMOS MOTORES!
Everything about Cloud Economics, Enterprise Software Licensing and Service Provider License Management.
Big changes began in 2020 and many were surprised. The internet became a place where not just entertainment and information was found and enjoyed but many people found they needed it to get stuff done. What I was not able to achieve in the last 10 years, a virus did in 4 weeks: moving experiences into the digital world. I search out people who and ask them questions like:
- What is innovation for you?
- How do you and your company adapt to new ways of working?
- Are you trying new ways to communicate with colleagues and customers?
- What works and what doesn't work?
- How do you create great digital experiences over and over again?
This podcast covers these topics and brings together interesting experts from around the world to share their experiences, thoughts and insights.
Join me! / Andrew -
NEXT is a podcast about business, technology, and the future of various industries that TransPerfect services.
Here at Boardroom Sessions we meet Southern California's Best and Brightest Technology Leaders and Executives. We learn about their backgrounds, business models, challenges and goals. Take a listen, join the discussion and enjoy!
About the host Mike Miller
When not in the Boardroom of one of his clients, consulting on Digital Transformation and Platform Architecture, Mike can be found at the beach. He lives in Huntington Beach California with his wife and 3 children. His true passions are Surfing, Stand Up Paddle Boarding, Trail Running and Triathlon. He is a seeker of information and a self-admitted Podcast junkie. -
If you are an Integrated or Modular ATPL Student , if you are about to commence the APS MCC or MPL Phases of your training, then this is the podcast for you. Equally useful for qualified fATPL and ATPL holders whatever your experience level, High Performance Pilot seeks to maximise your effectiveness as a pilot by discussing the behaviours contained within the Core Competency Matrix. Each week, one behaviour from one of the competencies, building to provide a pathway to your success. Feedback and contributions welcome at [email protected]
Show website https://shows.acast.com/high-performance-pilot
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Join us on the Art & Science of Complex Sales podcast by Membrain where we invite various experts from the industry to discuss about different topics in the world of complex sales
Welcome to ’TPM Trails,’ your go-to podcast for everything related to technical program management! Join host Doron Katz as he explores the ins and outs of TPM best practices and dives deep into the world of effective program management. Each episode features insightful interviews with leading industry experts, offering unique perspectives and actionable advice to enhance your management skills. Whether you’re a seasoned TPM or just starting out, ’TPM Trails’ will guide you through the complexities of technical program management and help you achieve excellence in your projects.
Toptal invites business trailblazers to share their insights on information security, artificial intelligence, cloud services, marketing, management consulting, innovation, and more.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Un podcast en el que unos inconscientes nos jugamos la poca reputación que tenemos opinando alegremente. Porque la vida sin arriesgar es mucho más aburrida
La psicología del dinero
The Writing Corner es el podcast de Javi Pastor (www.javipastor.com), copywriter y especialista en convertir las palabras en algo más que una sucesión de caracteres.
Este es el único podcast en español sobre copywriting, redacción y escritura persuasiva. En este podcast aprenderás a escribir mejor y convertir con tus palabras de la mano de expertos del marketing online que han triunfado gracias a su don para la palabra. -
Descubre cómo obtener trafico calificado en tu web y generar conversiones.
Podcast sobre gestión de negocios y marketing digital con WordPress
Conversamos con expertos y aliados de Shopify de diferentes partes del mundo hispanohablante en este ciclo de podcasts. ¡Descubre los secretos del comercio electrónico de la mano de los Masters del ecommerce!
Invirtiendo a largo plazo es un podcast de Cobas Asset Management, gestora independiente de fondos de inversión, cuyo objetivo es compartir la filosofía de la inversión en valor con todos sus oyentes.
Cybersicherheit auf die Ohren - mit CYBERSNACS, dem Podcast der Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit.
Regelmäßig stellen unsere Hosts Themen rund um Digitalisierung und Cyber-Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft vor. Dazu sprechen wir mit Expertinnen und Experten aus der Wirtschaft und dem IT-Bereich und geben im CYBERSNACS-Radar einen Ausblick auf aktuelle Entwicklungen.
Wir nehmen uns die Zeit, Themen aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln zu beleuchten. Dabei klären wir nicht nur die technischen Grundlagen, sondern nehmen Euch mit auf einen Deep Dive in die unterschiedlichsten Winkel der Cybersicherheit. -
República Web es un programa dedicado a todas las personas que se ganan la vida con internet y la tecnología. En el programa se hablará de desarrollo web, herramientas y tecnologías de internet. En definitiva la vida digital que nos ha tocado vivir en la república de la web. Colaboran Javier Archeni, Andros Fenollosa y David Vaquero. Visita la web del programa https://republicaweb.es
Un podcast de la red AVPodcast.net