Brit and Aarica talk with Ms. Danielle about self-abandonment, medical mistreatment, children with chronic illness, and the journey to self-love and happiness.
Donate to Ms. Danielle's Fundraiser: tinyurl.com/Donate2Della
Our opening Girl Chat is a snippet from Trill Moms Week called "Motherhood & Anti-racism" Moderated by Shavunda Brown featuring: Tatiana Fhree, Alissa Paris, and Ayolanda Mack. The ladies unpack Black parenting patterns and re-imagining child punishments.
This episode features music from @iLLismmusic and @ladymidnight612Listen on All Podcast Platforms or at TrillMomsPodcast.com
Join our private Facebook Group: Trill Moms
Follow us on Instagram @TrillMomsPodcast
Hosts: Brittany L. Wright & Aarica L. Coleman
Guests: Shavunda Brown, Tatianna Fhree, Alissa Paris, and Ayolanda Mack, Danielle Ferrentino
Producers: Brittany L. Wright, Aarica L. Coleman, Essence Jones, Shakeeta Sturden
Season 2 Episode 2 of the Trill Moms Podcast features a conversation about what it’s like to be a mother during a revolution, specifically as mothers within the Twin Cities. We then talk to Andrea Jenkins about being an artist and the first Black openly transgender woman to be elected to the Minneapolis City Council.
“When Black women say we’re tired it doesn’t mean we’re stopping. We are tired of carrying a load by ourselves. We are tired of doing all of the things while you are calling on us to help pacify your pain. We’re tired of that. But we don’t stop. We don’t quit. We don’t give up.” -Aarica Coleman
Visit Trill Moms.com for information about our new members, giveaways, and to join our mailing list.
Listen on all Streaming Podcasts Platforms or TrillMomsPodcast.com
Hosts: DJ Miss Brit & Aarica L. Coleman
Guests: Essence Jones, Kashimana, and Andrea Jenkins
Producers: Brittany L. Wright, Aarica L. Coleman, Essence Jones
@TrillMomsPodcast on FB and IG
Music: "Life" by iLLismmusic
"Cymph1" by Mamadu
“Positive Nation” by Mamadu
Happy Hour Hums” by Kashimana
“Aint Gonna Let Nobody Turn me ‘Round” by Shavunda Brown
"P((o))WR" by Lady Midnight
Episodes manquant?
On S2E1 of the Trill Moms Podcast DJ Miss Brit and Aarica L. Coleman talk with Essence Jones and Shakeeta Sturden about the moment they knew they were Black, and how the current racial climate impacts our children and the way they see themselves. Then we talk to Activist, Entrepreneur, and Author Jason Sole about the Humanize My Hoodie movement, forgiving your imperfect parents, and changing the narrative about Blackness for present and future generations.
Listen on all podcasting platforms and our website TrillMomsPodcast.com
Hosts: Brittany L. Wright & Aarica L. Coleman
Guests: Shakeeta Sturden, Essence Jones, and Jason Sole
Producers: Brittany L. Wright, Aarica L. Coleman, Essence Jones, and Shakeeta Sturden
Editors: Brittany L. Wright, Toki Wright
Music: "Life" by iLLism
"Cymph1" by Mamadu
“Positive Nation” by Mamadu
"P((o))WR" by Lady Midnight
@TrillMomsPodcast on FB and IG
On Episode 12 of the TrillMomsPodcast DJ Miss Brit and Aarica Coleman talk with Essence Jones and Shakeeta Sturden recapping the Jill Scott vs Erykah Badu Versuz battle and how we plan to carry their energy with us the rest of the pandemic. We also uncover what it means to be a Queen, cuz everybody ain't got it.
Then we talk to Dr. Joi Lewis about the importance of a solid morning routine, having joy while you mourn, unapologetic Blackness in professional spaces, radical self-care, Agape love, losing a mother, abortions, shadow work, and choosing not to cuss people out. -
Chasing a paycheck vs your passion, the reality of entrepreneurship, hair maintenance, salon culture, protecting your crown chakra, Black hair myths, parenting yourself, parental guilt, grieving friendship transitions, running away from your calling, and Rona making/breaking relationships
Hosts: @heymissbrit @aarica.coleman
Guests: @protectyourcrown @catwalkfierce @TheJaiBExperience
Producers: @heymissbrit @aarica.coleman @protectyourcrown @catwalkfierce
@TrillMomsPodcast on FB and IGMusic: "Life" by @iLLismmusic
"Cymph1" by @mamadu612
“Positive Nation” by @mamadu612
"Be You" by @AshleyDubose
"PrettyGurl" by @mamadu612"P((o))WR" by @ladymidnight612
Healthy Co-parenting, Loving your Kids vs Liking them, Soap Opera Classics, Bonus Parent Drama, Social Media Shade, Parenting through White Supremacy, Co-Parenting With Grandparents
@TrillMomsPodcast on IG
Hosts: @heymissbrit @aarica.colemanGuests: @protectyourcrown @catwalkfierce @ThePriceDynamic
Producers: @heymissbrit @aarica.coleman @protectyourcrown @catwalkfierce
Music: "Life" by @iLLismmusic
"Cymph1" by @mamadu612
“Positive Nation” by @mamadu612
"P((o))WR" by @ladymidnight612
Reclaiming Your Personal Time, Breaking Generational Curses, Old School Vs New School Music, Radical Self Love, Religious Identity Crisis, Normalizing Therapy, Releasing Trauma Bonds, Raising LGBTQ Kids, and Speaking Life
Hosts: @heymissbrit @aarica.colemanGuests: @protectyourcrown @catwalkfierce @MishaGiselle
Producers: @heymissbrit @aarica.coleman @protectyourcrown @catwalkfierce
Music: "Life" by @iLLismmusic
"Cymph1" by @mamadu612
“Positive Nation” by @mamadu612
"Gleam" by Evil Needle
"Worth It" by J'mere
"P((o))WR" by @ladymidnight612
Celebrating International Women’s Day Live on KFAI FM Radio
Mothering When You Don’t Feel Like it, Hiding Snacks, Kids Embarrassing You, Black Maternal Health Disparities, Bullying and Fighting Kids, Keeping a Clean House, and Fighting the Carona
Hosts: @heymissbrit @aarica.colemanGuests: @protectyourcrown @catwalkfierce
Producers: @heymissbrit @aarica.coleman @protectyourcrown @catwalkfierce
Music: "Life" by @iLLismmusic
"Cymph1" by @mamadu612
“Positive Nation” by @mamadu612
"P((o))WR" by @ladymidnight612
Knowing Your Worth, Naming Your Skill Sets, Grieving Child Loss, Mental Health in Relationships, Motherhood on Your Own Terms, Breaking Trauma Cycles, Becoming an Advocating, and Fighting for Accessible Maternity Leave
Hosts: @heymissbrit @aarica.colemanGuests: @protectyourcrown @georgiaforttv
Producers: @protectyourcrown @aarica.coleman @heymissbrit
Music: "Life" by @iLLismmusic
"Cymph1" by @mamadu612
“LizLani” by @mamadu612
"P((o))WR" by @ladymidnight612
Awkward Black Girls, Ridicule from Family Members, Marriage Checks and Balances, Miscarriages and Rainbow Babies, First Date Flusters, Selecting the best Schools, Cervical Insufficiency, Advocating for your Child’s Health, Teaching Black Love, Equity in Education
Hosts: @heymissbrit @aarica.coleman @doubletapdanyGuests: @ @protectyourcrown @catwalkfierce
Producers: @protectyourcrown @catwalkfierce @aarica.coleman @heymissbrit
Music: "Life" by @iLLismmusic
"Cymph1" by @mamadu612
“LizLani” by @mamadu612
"P((o))WR" by @ladymidnight612
Dating Men With Kids, Isolating Work Environments, Sex During Pregnancy, Career Sabotage, Nannies vs Daycare, Having It All, Conscious Parenting, Being Your Full Self, The Girlfriends Guide To Divorce, Breastfeeding Stigmas, VBACs, Geriatric Pregnancies, Birth Control Side Effects, Medical Mistreatment of Black Women, Demanding Your Salary, and Reparations.
Hosts: @heymissbrit @aarica.coleman
Guests: @thahornyhousewife @protectyourcrown @catwalkfierce
Producers: @protectyourcrown @catwalkfierce @aarica.coleman @heymissbrit
Music: "Life" by @iLLismmusic
"Cymph1" by @mamadu612
“LizLani” by @mamadu612
"P((o))WR" by @ladymidnight612
Love and Marriage Huntsville, Closure in Breakups, Domestic Violence, Woman to Woman Conversations, Adoption, Interracial Families, DNA Tests, Colorism, Light Skin Privilege, Race Talks with Kids, Cussin at Kids, Teenage Drama, Unblended Families, Working with Your Spouse, and Responding like Beyoncé
Hosts: @heymissbrit @aarica.coleman
Guests: @immissfancy @protectyourcrown @catwalkfierce
Producers: @protectyourcrown @catwalkfierce @aarica.coleman @heymissbrit
Music: "Life" by @iLLismmusic
“Aint No Fun” by @iLLismmusic
“Bet” by @iLLismmusic
"Cymph1" by @mamadu612
"P((o))WR" by @ladymidnight612
Gender roles, marriage vs. partnership, bonus moms vs. step moms, sexual shame, cock blocking, thyroid disease, slay-at-home-moms, sex talks, and tips for T.I.
Visual version of this episode coming soon to TrillMoms.com
Hosts: @heymissbrit @aarica.coleman
Guests: @ayolalah @protectyourcrown @catwalkfierce
Producers: @protectyourcrown @catwalkfierce @aarica.coleman @heymissbrit
Music: "Life" by @illismmusic
"Cymph1" by @mamadu612
"P((o))WR" by @ladymidnight612
Maternal Mental Health and Intuition, Postpartum Anxiety, Travel Life, Van Life, Breaking/Creating Traditions, Spanking Children, Protecting Innocence, Homeschooling, Enjoyable Pregnancies/Births, and Sisqo Ad-libs.
Hosts: @HeyMissBrit and @Aarica.Coleman
Producers: @ProtectYourCrown @CatWalkFierce @Aarica.Coleman @HeyMissBrit
Guests: @ProtectYourCrown & @Jai_aliana
Music: "Life" by @IllismMusic
"Cymph1" by @Mamadu612
"Weekends" by @TonyFGood
"P((o))WR" by @LadyMidnight612
Hosts: @HeyMissBrit @Aarica.Coleman
Guests: @ProtectYourCrown @HelloMissWilde
Producers: @HeyMissBrit @Aarica.Coleman @ProtectYourCrown @CatWalkFierceFeatured Book: "More Than Enough" by @ElaineWelteroth
Music:"Life" by @IllismMusic
"Cymph1" by @Mamadu612
"Back In The Bag" by @Mamadu612
"Lover" by by @Baesic
"P((o))WR" by @IamLadyMidnight
TrillMomsPodcast.com for more info.
Here's a sneak peak of the first episode of the Trill Moms Podcast featuring Jasmine Wilde (@hellomisswilde).
Trill Moms is a podcast that works to disrupt disparities for Black mothers and children, cultivates community of Trill Ass Mamas, and is actively re-defining motherhood for the 99 and 2000s.