
  • In this bite-sized episode I share three very common blocks people encounter when desiring to enhance their nutrition, wellness, and performance in life and career.

    Let me know if you've fallen into any of these. Tag me on Instagram @rebeccalaurelhill

    Website: www.rebeccalaurelhill.com

    Book: It’s Just Food. https://amzn.to/41AA2qb

  • On this episode, the message I want to share with women (especially striving career women and women wanting to feel and perform their best) is that there is a key formula you need to know when it comes to fueling yourself for performance and productivity at work and in your life.

    I discuss four key nutritional categories that make up this formula. The foods and nutrients you need to get everyday, throughout the day, to optimize your mental and physical stamina, performance, and wellbeing.

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  • Are you someone who feels addicted to sugar and worries about bingeing on sugary foods?

    For many women, eating sugar can lead to feelings of guilt and blaming yourself for not having enough willpower to resist cravings.

    It makes sense to feel this way because that's the narrative you've been told to believe... “you just need more willpower.”

    But it's never about willpower.

    Your cravings are always caused by other factors and once these are addressed sugar cravings go away without needing more willpower.

    Listen to the episode to learn some of the most common factors in a person's diet and/or lifestyle that cause this feeling of sugar addiction.

    Follow me on Instagram: @rebeccalaurelhill

    Website: www.rebeccalaurelhill.com

    Book on Amazon: It’s Just Food. https://amzn.to/41AA2qb

  • For many people, weighing themselves can be triggering. It can make or break their day.

    I often tell clients that if the scale causes them anxiety, they should not weigh themselves, because it's not necessary.

    Moreover, it can be a bad habit that sabotages your relationship with your body, your relationship with food, and your weight loss efforts when on a weight loss journey.

    It's most important to look for changes in your behavior and in your thoughts rather than focus on the scale.

    In this episode I share over twenty things to monitor for progress so that you never need to step on the scale.

    These are the things that build and compound and allow you to lose weight without diets or restriction and sustain that weight loss long term with ease.

  • Do you ever get frustrated with yourself when you don't stick to your plan?

    Maybe you go into the weekend feeling really good. You planned the way that you want to eat. You had the best intentions in the world. Your thoughts are good. Your mind is good. You're feeling good.

    But you still get derailed and end up eating "all the things". And you're wondering, why am I like this and why can't I change?

    In this episode I give you a simple 3 step process to try the next time you get frustrated with yourself for how you ate.

    Follow me on Instagram: @rebeccalaurelhill

    Website: www.rebeccalaurelhill.com

    Email: [email protected]

    Free Facebook group - Find Freedom with Food: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findyourfreedomwithfood

    Book on Amazon: It’s Just Food. https://amzn.to/41AA2qb

  • There are 3 things that often get overlooked when people are wanting to lose weight and go on a diet to lose weight.

    They will think “I just want to lose x amount of pounds and stick to my diet and THEN I’ll be balanced.“

    But it doesn’t work that way.

    In Episode 65 I discuss what has to happen first before attempting weight loss so that your efforts are not futile (and you regain the weight).

    Learn what is often overlooked and needs to be addressed so that you achieve TRUE balance and a healthy weight long term.

    I currently have spots available in my Elevate To Vibrancy mentorship. To see if personalized lifestyle nutrition coaching is the right fit for you: Email: [email protected] or message me on Instagram @rebeccalaurelhill

    Follow me on Instagram: @rebeccalaurelhill

    Free Facebook group - Find Freedom with Food: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findyourfreedomwithfood

    Website: www.rebeccalaurelhill.com

    Book: It’s Just Food. https://amzn.to/41AA2qb

  • In this episode we're talking about something I'm so passionate about because it's important for optimal health and living.

    That is, how to become your own food and nutrition expert.

    You don't need a degree in nutrition like I have to be your own nutrition expert.

    This is because your body is your expert.

    Your own body has so much intelligence about the best way for you to eat, the best times for you to eat, the best foods for you to eat, and the best quantities of food for you to eat.

    This is why everything that I do with clients is personalized and based on your body’s own intelligence.

    We also look at your unique needs as a person and lifestyle, which means results feel easier to create and last long term.

    If you desire to:

    Feel better in your body but are sick and tired of restrictive or unrealistic diets.

    Lose weight that's crept on from your busy life and keep it off for good.

    Stop guessing and learn exactly where to start so that you can take confident action towards results that last because everything your are doing is designed for you...

    This episode is for you.

    I currently have spots available in my Elevate To Vibrancy mentorship:

    High level 1:1 support. I'm your expert nutrition guide & relationship with food mentor.Personalized, lifestyle nutrition coaching - based on your unique needs and fits into your lifestyle.Learn how to lose weight for the last time by tapping into your own body's unique intelligence for nutrition.Weekly calls on Zoom.Daily access to me on the free Telegram app where we can coach in-the-moment. No waiting for the next coaching call to receive support so that you can make progress faster.

    To see if personalized lifestyle nutrition coaching is the right fit for you:

    Email: [email protected] or message me on Instagram @rebeccalaurelhill

    To get $100 off my 90-mintue Body Bliss Breakthrough jumpstart session ($333): Leave a 5 star review of the podcast and why you like it, screenshot and share on Instagram or Facebook and tag me.

    Instagram: @rebeccalaurelhill

    Free Facebook group - Find Freedom with Food: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findyourfreedomwithfood

    Website: www.rebeccalaurelhill.com

    Book on Amazon: It’s Just Food. https://amzn.to/41AA2qb

  • How do you stress less about food?

    How do you lose weight sustainably while enjoying your life?

    How do you get results that last without giving up your favorite foods or fun lifestyle?

    How do you eat what you love, feel in control, and have the body confidence you want?

    How do you build habits that make you feel good physically and proud of yourself?

    In this episode, I talk about the first most important step to experiencing all of those things.

    You get to feel empowered and excited about weight loss instead of overwhelmed or discouraged.

    For more information on my 90-minute Body Bliss Breakthrough or Elevate Vibrancy private mentorship, message me on Instagram @rebeccalaurelhill or email [email protected]

    *Get special pricing on a Body Bliss Breakthrough Session ($222). Leave a 5 star review of the podcast, how it’s impacting you, then share a screenshot on either Instagram or FB and tag me.

    Follow me on Instagram: @rebeccalaurelhill

    Free Facebook group - Find Freedom with Food: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findyourfreedomwithfood

    Website: www.rebeccalaurelhill.com

    Book on Amazon: It’s Just Food. https://amzn.to/41AA2qb

  • In this episode I discuss one of the biggest barriers keeping women from easily losing the extra 10 or 20 lbs and keep it off.

    You'll learn what you believe is holding you back, is not actually the thing holding you back from the results your desire.

    It's not your cravings, your lack of willpower around food or exercise, or your life stress keeping you from that body you want.

    The reason those things are even coming up for you is because of what I talk about in this episode.

    When you resolve the core issue I talk about in the episode, all those things you feel like you're butting up against stopping you from eating right, exercising, and taking care of yourself will naturally resolve.

    If you want more information on my 90-minute Body Bliss Breakthrough Session or Elevate To Vibrancy private mentorship, message me on Instagram @rebeccalaurelhill or email [email protected]

    **Get a FREE Body Bliss Breakthrough Session ($333 value) as my thank you for your listenership and love. Leave a 5 star review of the podcast and write how it’s impacting you, then share your review on either Instagram or FB and tag me.

    Follow me on Instagram: @rebeccalaurelhill

    Free Facebook group - Find Freedom with Food: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findyourfreedomwithfood

    Website: www.rebeccalaurelhill.com

    Book on Amazon: It’s Just Food. https://amzn.to/41AA2qb

  • Your body holds critical intelligence & wisdom you need to hear in order to live a healthy, vibrant, energized life.

    When you are connected to your body, you are able to release weight and feel great without following food rules, restrictive diets, or tiring workouts that only bring short term results.

    Your body's intelligence is what allows you to fit back into your favorite dress that has become too tight, go confidently into bathing suit season, and avoid extra belly fat that can show up especially during menopause, without needing more willpower.

    One of the biggest obstacles to your connection with your body is inner mental chatter - your busy mind!

    I give you a very simple strategy to get more connected to your body so that you can tap into its intelligence and feel great in your body now and long term.

    Sign up for the Body Bliss Masterclass Saturday March 9th. https://rebeccalaurelhill.myflodesk.com/e3xqghqzlb

    If you want more information on my 90 minute Body Bliss Breakthrough Session or 3 or 6 month Elevate To Vibrancy private mentorship, message me on Instagram @rebeccalaurelhill or email [email protected]

    Follow me on Instagram: @rebeccalaurelhill

    Free Facebook group - Find Freedom with Food: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findyourfreedomwithfood

    Website: www.rebeccalaurelhill.com

    Book on Amazon: It’s Just Food. https://amzn.to/41AA2qb

  • As a dietitian, one of the most common things I find with 95% of clients is nighttime cravings and snacking.

    The most widespread misconceptions is people think they don't have enough willpower to conquer their cravings and control their eating.

    The truth is, you have a perfect amount of willpower. It’s never about willpower.

    There’s always some other underlying issue happening that is causing you to seek out food in the evening.

    In this episode I give a rundown of what I find to be the 6 most common reasons people crave at night, plus solutions.

    To book a 90 minute Body Bliss Breakthrough Session ($333) where I'll help you make the right shifts for your situation to get on the fastest path to feeling great in your body, email [email protected] or message me on Instagram @rebeccalaurelhill.

    I also have spots in my 3 or 6 month private mentorship - Elevate To Vibrancy - I walk side by side with you to guide you on what shifts to make so that you can feel vibrant, healthy and fabulous in your body now and long term.

    Follow me on Instagram: @rebeccalaurelhill

    Email: [email protected]

    Free Facebook group - Find Freedom with Food: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findyourfreedomwithfood

    Website: www.rebeccalaurelhill.com

    Book on Amazon: It’s Just Food. https://amzn.to/41AA2qb

  • In this episode I cover KEY shifts that allow you to lose weight naturally & sustainably without It feeling like trying and efforting.

    If you've gained weight over time...

    If you've lost weight but then regained it...

    If you feel like you're always in the situation of being "on track" with food and exercise and then falling "off track"….

    This episode explains why.

    And how you can begin to feel healthy and vibrant in your body (and fit into those favorite jeans for life!) without it feeling hard work or needing more willpower.

    f you want more information on the 90 minute Body Bliss Breakthrough Session or Elevate To Vibrancy private mentorship, message me on Instagram @rebeccalaurelhill or email [email protected]

    Follow me on Instagram: @rebeccalaurelhill

    Free Facebook group - Find Freedom with Food: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findyourfreedomwithfood

    Website: www.rebeccalaurelhill.com

    Book on Amazon: It’s Just Food. https://amzn.to/41AA2qb

  • On this week's episode, I talk about ways that tapping into your body intelligence will help you lose weight or sustain a body you feel very happy in with ease and freedom.

    There is no restriction, willpower, or hard effort required to have a body you love once you master connection to your body's intelligence.

    This is how I easily and effortlessly manage my weight.

    I'm now 47 and have the same body I had 20 year's ago because I'm very connected to my body and tapped into it's intelligence.

    This is how that friend you have, who never diets or worries about food and feels great in her body does it!

    You can have this skill too.

    If you want more information on the 90 minute Body Bliss Breakthrough Session or 3 or 6 month Elevate To Vibrancy private mentorship, message me on Instagram @rebeccalaurelhill or email [email protected]

    Follow me on Instagram: @rebeccalaurelhill

    Free Facebook group - Find Freedom with Food: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findyourfreedomwithfood

    Website: www.rebeccalaurelhill.com

    Book on Amazon: It’s Just Food. https://amzn.to/41AA2qb

    Email: [email protected]

  • If you're on an up and down journey with your body, such as trying diets and workout plans that are hard to stay consistent with.

    Just know that having a body you love living in is easier than you've been told.

    You are not destined to “live with” feeling bloated, or tired, or like your clothes are getting tight.

    You don't have to live dreaming about the body you perhaps had 20 years ago.

    There is a way to have a body you are happy in that does not require you to willpower your way through another restrictive food plan or exhausting exercise regimen.

    In this podcast episode I share what is required to have a body you love living in at EVERY age without it feeling hard.

    At 47, this is how I sustain a body I am very happy in. A body that is similar to my 18-year-old self's body.

    It feels as easy and natural as breathing to me. No willpower required.

    This is available to you too through practicing the things I share in this episode.

    If you want my mentorship to get back in tune with your body, so that you can have a body you feel happy in that is easy to sustain, I have three private coaching spaces open in February.

    Message me on Instagram or email [email protected].

    We will get on a free call to see if it's the best fit for you.

    Free Facebook group - Find Freedom with Food: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findyourfreedomwithfood

    Website: www.rebeccalaurelhill.com

    Book on Amazon: It’s Just Food. https://amzn.to/41AA2qb

    Instagram: @rebeccalaurelhill

    Email: [email protected]

  • Do you want a body you feel happy and confident in?

    Maybe you've gained a few pounds.

    Maybe when you look in the mirror all you do is focus on what's not toned.

    You've probably tried many things like food plans, diets, exercise routines.

    But nothing is working for you long term.

    You might think you haven't found the "right thing" yet.

    But that is the problem.

    Going outside of yourself to look for a diet, food plan, tracking app, or fitness routine that's going to be the solution.

    In this podcast episode I share why going outside of yourself and your body for answers keeps your stuck not having a body you love living in.

    Learn why "the friend" who has never dieted and never thinks about food, naturally seems to eat healthy and effortlessly maintain her body.

    It's not because she's so rare, or better, or has some secret no one else knows. It's simply because she's tapped into her body's intelligence.

    Listen to the episode to learn how to tap into your body's intelligence so that you can have a body you feel happy in that's easy to sustain.

    I have 3 private coaching spaces to begin in February if you want to live free of rollercoaster dieting. Free of workout routines that don't feel like “you” and are not sustainable.

    Leave behind wondering if you're ever going to love how you look by tapping into your body's intelligence. Email me [email protected] or message me here @rebeccalaurelhill

    Free Facebook group - Find Freedom with Food: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findyourfreedomwithfood

    Free Email Course: www.rebeccalaurelhill.com

    Book on Amazon: It’s Just Food. https://amzn.to/41AA2qb

    Follow me on Instagram: @rebeccalaurelhill

    Email: [email protected]

  • Do you want 2024 to be the year that your relationship with food becomes easy, peaceful, balanced, and truly nourishing?

    -Without needing to count or measure anything.

    -Without needing to omit foods you enjoy.

    -Without needing to find more willpower.

    In this episode I share key principles about how to do that.

    Plus barriers that need to be removed so that you can:

    *Have more energy.

    *Feel good in your body.

    *Feel vibrant.

    *Trust you are taking the best care of yourself.

    *Leave restrictive eating & dieting behind.

    *Master intuitive eating in your life.

    *End emotional eating or bingeing.

    *Reclaim your power with food, and by doing so, feel more empowered in your life.

  • Emotional triggers can be a drain in our life.

    They can also cause you to react to life in ways that do not serve you, which leads to regret later on.

    Emotional eating is one of the reactions many people fall into.

    In this episode I discuss:

    What emotional triggers are.How you know when you are triggered and what to do.A four step process to heal your emotional wounds and remove triggers.

    Listen to the episode to liberate yourself from the drain of your triggers.

    So that things like emotional eating and negative coping are no longer your default reaction.

    Healing emotional wounds is foundational work every woman must do to feel Truly Nourished with inner peace and ease.

    This is the LAST WEEK to join this round of the PEACE PROCESS on pre-sale.

    The price will go up to early bird after Saturday the 20th.

    And increase to regular price the last week of January.

    Payment plans are available.

    To join The Peace Process, send me a DM on Instagram @rebeccalaurelhill or email me [email protected]

    My private high level coaching & mentorship: ELEVATE TO VIBRANCY - message me for details

    Free Facebook group - Find Freedom with Food: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findyourfreedomwithfood

    Free Email Course: www.rebeccalaurelhill.com

    Book on Amazon: It’s Just Food. https://amzn.to/41AA2qb

    Follow me on Instagram: @rebeccalaurelhill

    Email: [email protected]

  • In this week’s episode I share a Q&A session where a group member asked some very specific questions about a triggering situation around her body image.

    This situation brought up old emotional wounds from high school that led to several weeks of emotional eating.

    It was a fabulous question that allowed me to riff on topics such as:

    Feeling more at home and empowered in your body.Understanding & processing emotions.Accessing more personal power & resiliency with triggers so that emotional eating does not happen.Getting aligned to your true hungers and nourishing them so that you stop feeding false hungers,

    I share lots of juicy teachings that are super important for finding peace with your body and food.

    If you are someone who gets triggered emotionally and eats, this will be a great listen for you.

    This is the last week to join the PEACE PROCESS on pre-sale.

    The price will be going up to early bird next week.

    Payment plans are available.

    If you want more information on The Peace Process, send me a DM on Instagram @rebeccalaurelhill or email me [email protected]

    High level support private coaching: ELEVATE TO VIBRANCY - spots available - message me for details.

    Free Facebook group - Find Freedom with Food: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findyourfreedomwithfood

    Free Email Course: www.rebeccalaurelhill.com

    Book on Amazon: It’s Just Food. https://amzn.to/41AA2qb

    Follow me on Instagram: @rebeccalaurelhill

    Email: [email protected]

  • On this week's episode, we celebrate one of my clients.

    She openly talks about the challenges in her relationship with food.

    How those challenges had much to do with her relationship with herself.

    Being greatly influenced by things that happened in childhood around her body image.

    How she resorted to dieting to try to remedy a negative body image…

    ...like many women do…

    and the negative impacts that had on her.

    Then, we celebrate the work we did together.

    She started to reclaim her personal power in life and become more of her TRUE self.

    By releasing diet mentality and getting over the fear of food.

    By realizing that her wellbeing and honoring herself matters more than other people’s opinions.

    And finally deciding that she is, in fact, important too.

    We talk about how working on mind nourishment quieted mental chatter & anxiety that ran her life before.

    How now she can experience feelings of inner peace and joy that she's rarely ever experienced prior.

    It’s so rewarding for me when clients see that the outward changes they are desiring are a ripple effect of doing the internal work, and we talk about that in this episode.

    Thanks for listening and enjoy the conversation.

  • For years I deprived myself of the things I really wanted in life.

    In this episode, I share how that impacted me and the discoveries I made about how I needed to nourished my whole being - body, mind, soul - to step into feeling like a Truly Nourished woman.

    Tune in to the episode to learn:

    What happens when our mind convinces us to strive harder to achieve our goals.What decisions you need to make when you start to feel chronically stressed or depleted in your life.The incredible benefits of understanding what your false hungers vs. your true hungers are in life.How to become the vibrant, healthy, nourished, fit woman you desire through the Peace Process.Where I'm off to celebrate 2023 and envision 2024.

    If you want more information on my program The Peace Process, send me a DM @rebeccalaurelhill or email [email protected]

    My high level private mentorship: Elevate To Vibrancy - message me for details

    Free Facebook group - Find Freedom with Food: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findyourfreedomwithfood

    Free Email Course: www.rebeccalaurelhill.com

    Book on Amazon: It’s Just Food. https://amzn.to/41AA2qb

    Follow me on Instagram: @rebeccalaurelhill

    Email: [email protected]