You said you were interested in a spiritual journey, a journey into a world of peace and quiet contemplation. The Twilight Histories has sent you to a spiritual world, yes. But unfortunately there will not be peace. Witness the launch of the first Crusade to conquer the holy land from the point of view of a soldier.
Written and Produced by Tristan Verboven
#HistoricalFiction #AudioDrama #FirstCrusade #CrusadesHistory #MedievalStory #EpicTales #HistoricalPodcast #HistoryLovers #MedievalEurope #StorytellingPodcast #KnightsAndKings #HistoryBuff #ReligiousConflict #AudioStorytelling #HistoryDrama #HistoricalEpic #MedievalWars #PodcastsForHistoryLovers #HistoryAndMyth #HistoricalAdventure -
Step into an alternate universe where the Roman Empire battles with towering mech warriors. In this episode, YOU will find myself yourself the heart of a strange version of Caesar’s campaigns, piloting one of the colossal war machines that have reshaped the ancient battlefield.
This is an alternate history story that casts YOU as the hero, in an RPG style adventure tale using music and sound effects.
#RomanMechWarriors #CaesarsWarMechs #LegionsOfSteel #AncientRomeMechs #RomanSciFiBattle #WarMachinesOfRome #CaesarsIronLegions #SciFiRomanEmpire #RomanWarMechs #CaesarsIronArmy #MechsOfRome #RomanEmpireMechSuits #FutureRomanLegions #CaesarsMechWarriors #RomeMechWarfare #RomanLegionInMechs #RomanBattleMechs #SciFiMechLegions #CaesarsMechArmy #RomanWarriorMechs -
Missing episodes?
What if Hannibal Won?
Step into an alternate history where Hannibal triumphs, and Carthaginian soldiers sack the city of Rome. Follow a Roman family as they barricade themselves inside their home, cowering from the invading forces. This immersive audio drama brings the terrifying chaos of the Second Punic War to life with stunning soundscapes and music. Experience history reimagined as you journey through a world where Carthage emerged victorious.
Written and Produced by Jordan Harbour
Music by CO.AG Music
What if Hannibal had marched on Rome? What if Carthage never fell? Find out in this thrilling exploration of an alternate past. -
YOU will experience ancient combat first hand. YOU will hold the spear. You will hear the sounds, smell the fear, feel the adrenaline, and learn what battle was truly like for a foot soldier in the iron age.
This first-hand adventure is set during the military campaigns of Marius during the ancient Roman Republic. You will fight from different perspectives; from the point of view of the Legions and the Celts.
Written and Produced by Tristan Verboven
#AudioDrama #AudioFiction #SienceFiction #scifi #fiction #AlternateHistory #SpeculativeFiction #multiverse #TimeTravel #horror #fantasy #FightingFantasy #chooseyourownadventure #roleplaying #rpg #game #weird #HistoryPodcast #TwilightZone #TwilightHistory #adventure #weirdtales #strangestories #crusades #crete #rome #roman #RomanRepublic #RepublicofRome #SPQR #legions #warfare #army #romanarmy #military #celts #celtic #carnyx #hillfort #gaul #allyouneediskill #edgeoftomorrow #reincarnation #groundhogday -
You will join a band of battle hardened knights fresh from the Crusades and hungry for a little plunder on their way home. You may discover something nightmarish instead.
Written and Produced by Kevin Valbonesi
Listen to the Bonus Show on
#AudioDrama #AudioFiction #SienceFiction #scifi #fiction #AlternateHistory #SpeculativeFiction #multiverse #TimeTravel #horror #fantasy #FightingFantasy #roleplaying #rpg #game #weird #HistoryPodcast #TwilightZone #TwilightHistory #adventure #weirdtales #strangestories #crusades #crete #medieval #middleages #reliquaries #relics #treasure #byzantium #horror #cult -
Look closely enough at a peaceful strip of earth, and you will see the truth. A great war rages in the ground.
Insects, crawlers and microbeasts wage a fierce battle over lands that could fit on the tip of your finger. Sometimes they fight eachother, and sometimes they will fight men. They will send armies against ambitions, plans and projects. They will dash dreams and kill crops. They are the true rulers fo the earth.
Written and Produced by Tristan Verboven
#AudioDrama #AudioFiction #SienceFiction #scifi #fiction #AlternateHistory #SpeculativeFiction #multiverse #TimeTravel #horror #fantasy #FightingFantasy #roleplaying #rpg #game #weird #HistoryPodcast #TwilightZone #TwilightHistory #weirdtales #strangestories #insects #evolution #life -
As a man, Mithradates could stand alonside Hannibal and Gaeseric as one of the great enemies of Rome. In this timeline, assassins are hunting a young Mithradates, and it is up to you to protect him.
Written and Produced by Josh Hutchins
#AudioDrama #AudioFiction #SienceFiction #scifi #fiction #AlternateHistory #SpeculativeFiction #multiverse #TimeTravel #horror #fantasy #FightingFantasy #roleplaying #rpg #game #weird #HistoryPodcast #TwilightZone #TwilightHistory #weirdtales #strangestories #Rome #Greece #PoisonKing #Adventure #Rebellion #Revolution -
Are you curious how the other side lives? Have you ever wanted to be a fly on the wall in the cut-throat world of royal politics? Spend your hard earned vacation days with the Twilight Histories in the 15th century!
Written and Produced by Aaron Lund
#AudioDrama #AudioFiction #SienceFiction #scifi #fiction #AlternateHistory #SpeculativeFiction #multiverse #TimeTravel #horror #fantasy #FightingFantasy #roleplaying #rpg #game #weird #HistoryPodcast #TwilightZone #TwilightHistory #weirdtales #strangestories #Burgundy #15thCentury #1600s #France #fairytale #weirdcore #goblincore #midgets #littlepeople #cannibalism -
“That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.”
-H.P. Lovecraft
You have requested to visit ancient Uruk. Our tourists who make such requests often with to visit the ancient Sumerians, wander the cradle of civilization and climb the great ziggerats. But you have a curiosity with the more esoteric aspects of the deep past. We have a little explored world just for you...
Written and Produced by Kevin Valbonesi
#AudioDrama #AudioFiction #SienceFiction #scifi #fiction #AlternateHistory #SpeculativeFiction #multiverse #TimeTravel #horror #fantasy #FightingFantasy #roleplaying #rpg #game #weird #HistoryPodcast #TwilightZone #TwilightHistory #bronzeage #summer #iraq #tigris #euphrates #babylon #uruk -
Join the crew of the Argo, and go on a road trip through the Bronze Age. Find out what Jason and his merry band of heroes really got up to on their epic quest for the Golden Fleece. Adventure, peril, buffoonery and a surprise hero to save the day.
Written and Produced by Tristan Verboven
#AudioDrama #AudioFiction #SienceFiction #scifi #fiction #AlternateHistory #SpeculativeFiction #multiverse #TimeTravel #horror #fantasy #FightingFantasy #roleplaying #rpg #game #weird #HistoryPodcast #TwilightZone #TwilightHistory #bronzeage #greekmyth #myth #ancientgreeks #comedy #funny -
You will journey to the island of Sicily at the end of the Bronze Age. In this world, it is called Shakalesh, and is home to one of the tribes collectively known as the Sea Peoples who raided Egypt before being lost to time.
Written and Produced by Josh Hutchins
#AudioDrama #AudioFiction #SienceFiction #scifi #fiction #AlternateHistory #SpeculativeFiction #multiverse #TimeTravel #horror #fantasy #FightingFantasy #roleplaying #rpg #game #weird #HistoryPodcast #TwilightZone #TwilightHistory #bronzeage #collapse #sicily #seapeoples -
YOU are Broham the Barbarian. You've tamed the massive Spike bird. You've conquered an ancient city. What's next? You still need to get your gaming company content, or else what good are you? It's time for your next adventure!
Written and Produced by Aaron Lund
#AudioDrama #AudioFiction #SienceFiction #scifi #fiction #AlternateHistory #SpeculativeFiction #multiverse #TimeTravel #horror #fantasy #FightingFantasy #roleplaying #rpg #game #weird #HistoryPodcast #TwilightZone #TwilightHistory #mesopotamian #mesopotamia #videogame #spitebird #hercules #heracles #labours #labors -
Broham the Barbarian is entirely unique to our regular catalog of shows as it’s inspired by classic video games. It has an 8-bit feel to it, and an edgy quirkiness that’s become Aaron Lund’s signature. Aaron is a great writer who sneaks in sparks of genius seemingly out of nowhere. Please enjoy Aaron Lund’s first big show for the Twilight Histories. This is Broham the Barbarian, part 1 by Aaron Lund.
Written and Produced by Aaron Lund
#AudioDrama #AudioFiction #SienceFiction #scifi #fiction #AlternateHistory #SpeculativeFiction #multiverse #TimeTravel #horror #fantasy #FightingFantasy #roleplaying #rpg #game #weird #HistoryPodcast #TwilightZone #TwilightHistory #mesopotamian #mesopotamia #videogame #spitebird #hercules #heracles #labours #labors -
You are about to journey to Greenland in the late 21st century. Now under the rule of a united Britain and Scandinavia, the colonists on the island are worked to death to extract resources for their imperial overlords. When a major energy project ends in catastrophe, you are sent to investigate. You discover something far worse than any natural disaster.
Written and Produced by Kevin Valbonesi
#AudioDrama #AudioFiction #SienceFiction #scifi #fiction #AlternateHistory #SpeculativeFiction #multiverse #TimeTravel #horror #fantasy #FightingFantasy #roleplaying #rpg #game #weird #HistoryPodcast #TwilightZone #TwilightHistory #cthulhu #lovecraft #horror #greenland #arctic #winter -
The greatest trick ever performed is said to be cursed.
You are about to embark on a journey through time to 19th century Paris. You are a magician in search of a great master of the dark art. What you discover may cause you to question the boundary between illusion and… magic.
Written and Produced by Tristan Verboven
#AudioDrama #AudioFiction #SienceFiction #scifi #fiction #AlternateHistory #SpeculativeFiction #multiverse #TimeTravel #horror #fantasy #FightingFantasy #roleplaying #rpg #game #weird #HistoryPodcast #TwilightZone #TwilightHistory #paris #france #19thcentury #1800s #bohemian #moulinrouge #gildedage #magic -
In this final installment of Ojibwe Miners, you will have to fight for your life in the American tunnels. Can you destroy the partical accelerator and seal off the Ojibwe world for good? Or will you die in a hail of bullets?
Written and produced by Jordan Harbour
#AudioDrama #AudioFiction #SienceFiction #scifi #fiction #AlternateHistory #SpeculativeFiction #multiverse #TimeTravel #horror #fantasy #FightingFantasy #roleplaying #rpg #game #weird #HistoryPodcast #TwilightZone #TwilightHistory #ojibwe #FirstNations #Canada #saskatchewan #mines #underground -
You step into the mines under the destroyed city and into a dark world filled with violence, terror and perhaps strangely... hope.
Written and produced by Jordan Harbour
#AudioDrama #AudioFiction #SienceFiction #scifi #fiction #AlternateHistory #SpeculativeFiction #multiverse #TimeTravel #horror #fantasy #FightingFantasy #roleplaying #rpg #game #weird #HistoryPodcast #TwilightZone #TwilightHistory #ojibwe #FirstNations #Canada #saskatchewan #mines #underground -
You believe you have arrived in the wrong world and things are not right. All electronics seem to be malfunctioning. Thereʻs a snow storm and a destroyed city. You must get out of the cold to survive!
Written and produced by Jordan Harbour
#audiodrama #audiofiction #siencefiction #scifi #fiction #alternatehistory #speculativefiction #multiverse #timetravel #horror #fantasy #fightingfantasy #roleplaying #rpg #game #weird #historypodcast #twilightzone #ojibwe #firstnations #canada #saskatchewan #china #chinesesciencefiction -
You are part of a mercenary group called Black Knight Contracting in Urumqi, China. Your team has been dispatched on a mission out into the mountains. All you know about your mission is that it's at a placed called the Twilight Histories and it should only take 24 hours.
You quickly learn this is not a simple flushing mission. You're about to be sent to a different world in the multiverse, one where the only civilization that rose was the Ojibwe in Northern Canada. And the man who has hired you wants to conquer them.
Created by Jordan Harbour
#audiodrama #audiofiction #siencefiction #scifi #fiction #alternatehistory #speculativefiction #multiverse #timetravel #horror #fantasy #fightingfantasy #roleplaying #rpg #game #weird #historypodcast #twilightzone #ojibwe #firstnations #canada #saskatchewan #china #chinesesciencefiction -
You will travel through space and time to the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico in its deep prehistoric past, some 12,000 years ago near the end of the Ice Age. In this universe, an ancient civilization unknown to our history has risen from the jungles.
But there is no time for you to explore this curiosity. World splitters from some hostile universe have invaded this land, killing the inhabitants as they drill for oil. You have decided to assist the ancient ancestors of the Olmec, Inca and Maya. Let’s find out if you survive.
Written and Produced by Kevin Valbonesi
#audiodrama #audiofiction #siencefiction #scifi #fiction #alternatehistory #speculativefiction #multiverse #timetravel #horror #fantasy #fightingfantasy #roleplaying #rpg #game #weird #historypodcast #twilightzone #cathulhu #hplovecraft #maya #antideluvian #grahamhancock #olmec #fingerprintsofthegods - Show more