It's a twofer! Denise love of the daily word game, wordle, may have saved her life! Also, we learn about little Paislee and the 2 year search that ended last February!
Mike Dippolito was in a picture perfect marriage, or so he thought. Insert dramatic music haha. This case is dramatic af and sure not to disappoint!
Episodes manquant?
Back with another water story, this time about a group of boys trapped in a cave. You probably saw the headlines, but did you know how ten thousand rescuers came together to save a team and their coach?
Corazon Amurao bravely survived Dick Speck by trusting her gut. She’s strong, brave and fierce and a woman we could all look up to.
We are back in Australia where we meet Claire Ashman who survived not one, but TWO cults. Her constant questioning and listening to her gut helped her raise her family until she was able to find the strength to leave her restrictive upbringing behind.
This week we learn about Enietra Washington’s harrowing survival tale this night she survived her encounter with the grim sleeper.
Between the risk of malaria, packs of lions, hippos and crocodiles, Africa is not for the faint of heart. However, if you are brave enough to trek through the wilds to experience the beauty, be sure to bring Paul along. Trust us on this.
This week we have Kara's survival tale and I promise, Kara really could teach us all a thing or two! Please be sure you leave a review on what ever platform you listen to us on and make sure to subscribe. We really really appreciate it!
The slap happy continues with this weeks episode. If you thought you knew Heavens Gate, you might just be mistaken!
We are so happy to be back, albeit we may be a bit slap happy! Make sure to subscribe and leave a review if possible. Good or bad, it’s 100% appreciated! Here’s Susan survivor story that I am still in awe of!
The ocean….is it really our friend?
Sometimes a normal Craigslist exchange can take a twisted turn.
This week Amber brings another cult. Be ready to laugh, cry and feel all the emotions. Please be sure you subscribe and leave a review on the platform you listen on. We’d love you for it!
Two cautionary tales about attacks on Halloween. First survivor story is about Lisa Mahmoud and her surviving a sword attack. Second is about Tyrone Hanson surviving a party gone way wrong.
Maude Julien grew up with a father who was obsessed with turning her into a superhuman in order to survive the next concentration camp. Sorry for the delay in the episode coming out, we fully blame Mercury being in retrograde. So many technical issues!
Vanessa Bennett was the sole survivor of a brutal attack by the Denver Hammer Killer. 34 years later she got the closure she'd long waited for!
Australia, 60's and LSD makes not the perfect family.
A brief summary of our new podcast!