Peter Moss joins me to talk Ukulele festival and his 50 year journey to overnight success.
James Hill is on the Mount Rushmore of influential Ukulele faces in the internet age. If a kid learns Uke in school; they probably learn the 'James Hill Method'. We catch up with James and establish who, what, why and where is JAMES HILL
Episodi mancanti?
Sammy 'aka' 4STRINGBOY is one of the worlds top Ukulele players with mainstay influential names like James Hill and Peter Moss both championing him as one to watch in the future. With his album coming in the summer, I caught up with Sammy to talk Ukuleles and Jaffa Cakes.
Jiggy With Viggy is the baby faced, New York native, hilarious Ukulele Teacher/Performer that has taken Instagram/Tiktok by storm the past couple of years... Seemingly coming out of nowhere, I was keen to get Viggy on the Podcast because dozens of customers had mentioned her in recent months as their favourite online Ukulele teacher.
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Jiggys interview with Alex - https://youtu.be/xHTL8rZSthc
Jiggy With Viggy Links Youtube Channel @jiggywithviggy
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jiggywithviggy/
Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@jiggywithviggy
Links including buy me a coffee - https://linkfly.to/jiggywithviggy
Alex Links Email - [email protected] Ukes Website - https://ukeswith.com Music Website - https://alexbeds.co.uk Merch Store - https://ukeswith.bigcartel.com Patreon - https://patreon.com/ukeswithalex Paypal Tip Jar - https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ukeswithalex Youtube Channel - https://youtube.com/ukeswithalex
You all know Barry Maz? GOTAUKULELE man and Ukulele personality... We had a great chat during the pandemic and decided to catch up again.
Bernadette (known as @plazi on social media) is one of the worlds most well known Ukulele teachers and entrepreneurs responsible for hundreds of thousands of Ukulele players worldwide... but how did she become the online personality we all know and love? Find out here :)
Phil was one of the first people I ever approached for the podcast but scheduling issues held us back. We caught up and discussed the history of the Ukulele and Phils introduction into the world 15+ years back.
Phil may not be a conventional face in the Ukulele world like many of my previous guests but his know how, experiences and enthusiasm for the Ukulele, how they are made and what can be done with them comes across in any conversation he has... We really enjoyed sitting down for an hour after work and just recapping our joint experiences.
I have no idea if it makes for a good listen but I love hearing what Phil has to say and I hope you do too. What a guy!
Joe is one of the most respected and succesful instrument builders in the world. He began Kanile'a with his wife in 1998 and now more than 20 years later they are considered the most forward thinking of 'the 3 K brands'. Joe and Kristen have recently handed some of the mantle over to Kaimana, Iokepa and Kahiau; their 3 sons and the future of Kanile'a. Listen in to find out what its like to create inspiring things in paradise!
Paul and I have an incredibly deep and rich history... He did sound for me at my first gig at 15, later got me my job at Southern Ukulele Store, his band played at my wedding and the most crazy thing is that I took on his role as manager of the Southern Ukulele Store nearly 7 years ago. To say we are linked is an understatement... Paul took some time out of his schedule to talk about the Mother Ukers, Pete Howlett Ukuleles, his favourite ukes, memories of the Southern Ukulele Stores formative years and more. You can find Pauls various projects the links below;
Paul offers lessons - [email protected]
If you want to support my channel; please consider signing up for a month of Patreon. There are tabs, exclusive performances and lessons as well as general Ukulele chit chat.
Marc is an up and coming Ukulele soloist who can be seen collaborating with all of your favourite names. He is definitely worth further research if this is your first introduction to him at www.marcgallaghermusic.com
Craig and Sarah are the happiest people in the world; period.
Got a Ukulele is currently the worlds leading independant resource for Ukulele reviews and information. I've long been in communication with Baz Maz supplying him with instruments for review and information as and when but this was the first time we spoke. What a lovely guy who definitely didn't deserve to be called miserable the moment I met him...
Kaimana is one of my favourite people in the music industry. He was born into one of the most important families in the Ukulele world today as son of Kristen and Joe Souza at Kanile'a and he has quietly inspired me since I first met him as a teenager how he has taken on more and more of the lead roles at Kanile'a and is guiding it forward side by side with his brothers. It's such an inspiring story and his enthusiasm for music business is something I have always found impressive.
Matt Warnes is the owner of World of Ukes - a Ukulele shop in Carlisle, England that specialises in boutique Ukuleles. Matt is currently responsible for bringing many brands to the attention of Europes Ukulele players including Uluru, AnueNue, and most recently Millar.
Juliana is an impressive person to work with. In the 11 months I have known her and worked with her on Flight Ukuleles; the company has successfuly launched 3 new product lines that have all been massively popular and a fantastic addition to the ukulele world in their own individual way. It was fun getting to know her history and what led to Flight Ukuleles as we know it today.
Pete Howlett has had one of the most interesting careers in Luthiery that you could imagine... It really was a pleasure to sit down and discuss his career and influences in depth.