As Uncle Ben Parker from SpiderMan said, "With great power comes great responsibility." But the problem in most people is that they love the power, freedom, and all other perks but hate responsibility and accountability. And it's extremely unfortunate how some would be so willing to give up the power and control they have over their lives just to get rid of being accountable to something.
The only time you will be truly free is when you take personal accountability of everything that you do and all that you say.
When you're not afraid to face the consequences of your decisions, no one can threaten you. Nobody can make you feel small or afraid. This is what freedom looks like.
If you're looking for a mindset coach to unfuck your mindset, this is the perfect podcast for you!
This week Brayand is joined by Nasar Elarabi to share his story which shows the power of a great mindset. Being from the hood and growing up in a tough community didn't stop him from having a life of no limitations and success. Now, he is a real estate investor, author, coach, and more and shares what mindsets allowed him to create this live of abundance.
Tune in to learn how successful people think, and how to get the right mindset for success.
Social Media - @realestatedoru
Facebook Group - Wholesaling with the doru
His Book – Flip Houses like Burgers
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What did he learn for 40 years of success in his real estate journey? Today we are joined by Russel to share his inspirational entrepreneurial journey. Being in real estate since 1978, he shares how he changed his mindset and became more successful as time goes by! One of his keys for success is that on any goal that you want to achieve, you have to look in the direction you want to go and not at why you can’t do it. The attitude you go into business with has a huge impact on the result, and he shares the attitude that changed the game for him!
In this episode, Brayand is joined by Steve Trang to talk about his journey and how he got to where he is now. Steve is a real estate broker, and currently runs a podcast named Real Estate Disruptors which is one of the most popular real estate investing podcasts.He shares he most impactful tips for the industry.
One huge takeaway is that our mindset is the first thing we need in achieving success and as far as the mindset goes, you can’t care what your friends have to say and in a lot of ways what your family has to say. You got to do what you believe is right.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steve.trang/
Podcast - Real Estate Disruptors
Website - https://www.disruptors.com
In this episode, Brayand is joined by Mark Warlick to talk about the power of manifestation and how it changed both of their lives. Mark is a real estate entrepreneur and long time friend of Brayand. He shares a story of how manifesting allowed him to successfully increase his income by 50%, and how you can use start manifesting today!
Throughout the episode you'll get many tips on how to manifest your goals and dream life to reality. If you're looking to learn how to manifest, how to raise your frequency, align your energy for what you want in life, and learn more in your spiritual journey, this is a perfect episode for you!
What are the most important life lessons? In this episode we're joined by Brayand's mentor of over 10 years, Jeff Fagin and he shares his most important life lessons with the listeners. Jeff is a powerful mentor who teaches people how to achieve their full potential!
Important lessons on financial freedom, commitment, and what true success it are all explained in this episode!Everybody needs a mentor, someone who can see ahead of you. However, it is also important to find the one that resonates with you and is the one that you want to be.
Email address - jeff.fagin@gmail.com
Social Media – Jeff Fagin
In this episode, Brayand talks about how he always know that he would be successful, he always knew he would be a millionaire and love his life. You can do it too, if you truly believe you can, if you KNOW you can. This is the power of your mind!
He explains that the physical world is nothing more than a printout of your spiritual, mental, and your emotional states. Everything in life starts with your thoughts, so when you learn to unf*ck your mindset, you learn to unf*ck your whole life and live a happy life you love!
If you’re looking to level up and change your mindset, get mindset tips from millionaires and entrepreneurs, and advice for being truly happy and abundant, this is the podcast for you!
How disciplined are you? How to build discipline? In this episode, Brayand talks about the power of building discipline. He shares his own struggle with discipline as well as overcoming it.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Especially in the beginning, you tend to lose more than you win. However, if you stay disciplined and if you stay the course, slowly but surely that scale is going to tilt.
If you’re looking to level up your life, change your mindset for the better, or get some mindset tips as an entrepreneur, this is the perfect podcast for you!
If you are wondering how to build mental discipline or why it’s important, this episode with our host, Brayand, shares the importance of building mental discipline. Through his experience of doing a 7-day fast, he learned so much and shares it all.
A lot of the stuff he does is based on instinct and energy, which is fine but if you are not disciplined you can only go so far. Your mind is powerful, it controls everything. If you can control your mind and build discipline, it will take you so far. If you can train your mind, you can train your body. Your lack of discipline shows your limitations.
Listen to the full episode and others to get tips for building mental discipline, tips for mental strength, how to have a good mindset, mindset tips for entrepreneurs, advice for learning new things, and everything that has to unf*cking your mindset!
The Karate Kid movie portrays many great life lessons, Brayand is here in this episode to explain what life lessons he believes the movie portrays.
First, he gives a general breakdown of Karate Kid movie, then shares the lessons. A few of the lessons are: It's not going to work out the way you want it to or the way you thought it will, a bad teacher creates bad students, doing what you are told not to do, the power of commitment, why meditation is important, and more!
If you are looking for life lessons to improve your life, mindset tips for entrepreneurs, mindset hacks, ways to strengthen your mental health and mindset, and more, then this is a great podcast for you!
"Usually the people who don't have shit think they know everything." - BP
During this motivational Monday, Brayand explains how most won't admit that it's not the lack of information available but the fact that were not teachable. It is now time to admit it, uncomfortable or not, owning it so you can change it is a MUST.
Our competition within should be being the most willing to learn. The goal is to become a learn It all and not a know it all. The willingness to own that we don't know what we don't know.
Most people think if they "heard" something that means they know it, however, Brayand reminds us that we don't know something until we're doing it. Before looking for change, you must know that you know nothing and ask yourself, "how teachable am I?" before starting this journey.
10 Secrets To UnFuck Your Mindset
How to stop caring about what other people think! In this episode, BP talks about how we should not care about what other people think and continue to be ourselves. Be who you are because those that mind don't matter and those that matter, don't mind.
This episode brings you great tips for developing a good mindset for life, success, entrepreneurship, and more! A strong mindset is very important and with knowledge from the host, Brayand, you can massively grow your mindset!
In this episode, BP talks about how we actually create our own reality. The situations and feelings that we have right now is all created by us.
We have to un-learn the things that we were taught growing up. Stop playing the victim and trying to justify the bad things you are experiencing.
Stop playing victim, stop settling for a job that you can't stand, stop creating a negative reality. Start working on a positive mental attitude, work on being financially free, and work hard for your goals in life. It depends on your imagination and how far you can take it. You have the ability to choose what's going on in your life right now
In this episode, BP talks about how we must let things go in order to have a peaceful mind. Through his own experiences, he learned that anger and resentment doesn’t good us any good. We deserve a peace of mind, so we should let go of things that hold us back from it.
A lot of people are holding onto resentment. When you go for something because of resentment, even if you succeed, you will never be happy. You don’t understand the damage you do to yourself until it’s too late. One huge takeaway for this episode is that you’re holding back your personal growth because you’re not letting go of the past.
In This episode, BP talks about remaining calm during the storm.
Growing up in the inner city of Los Angeles, one of the things that are shoved right in front of your face from a very young age is racism. He has experience racism many times in his life. He remembers thinking to himself as a kid that he wishes he was born white.
The main reason why people can’t have a civilized discussion about what’s going on is that nobody can remove their emotion from what is going on. If you don’t control your emotions, your emotions will control you. It is important to remain calm.
Racism is still alive in this country. Understand that this too shall pass. Process your emotions and then carefully choose your words. This is way bigger than racism.
Every single morning you wake up, before doing anything else, take some time for yourself and just quiet your mind as much as possible. We as humans tend to choose deep rooted emotions. Try to understand from the other side.
In this episode BP talks about being selfish. Think about yourself and absolutely nobody else. Put yourself first. You can only give from what you overflow.
We’ve all heard from our parents, our teachers and the society that the most selfless people are the best people in society. If you’re a parent who are your kids going to depend on if you’re not well? How are you going to take care of your kids when you are struggling financially or mentally or emotionally yourself, when all you do is give and give?
Most people are out there looking out for themselves. We’re all tuned in on the exact same frequency, “What’s in it for me?” Everybody in this world, regardless of how selfless you think they are every single person is tuned in to the exact same frequency. We shouldn’t feel bad about it. We were brought up to feel bad about being selfish when in reality was ingrained in our DNA, its called survival.
Everything that you do right now is for a selfish purpose. Stop feeling bad about it. Start embracing it. Be selfish in order to be selfless. You need to take of yourself first before you take care of others. If your priority is others you must work on yourself that much more. The more you focus on yourself the more you’ll be able to help people.
What do you focus on? In this episode BP talks about how the things we focus on expand.
Fear runs most people‘s lives. Nothing causes more fear than uncertainty. Uncertainty makes us focus on fear. What you focus on expands. Where focus goes energy flows and results shows. He encourages the listeners to think about what you focus on. What our mind goes to in any situation and how long you stay there.
Problems lead to opportunity, opportunity leads to wealth. Don't focus on the problem. Think how you can be creative. Focusing on fear will just bring you more things that give you fear. You have the choice as to what expands. You have a choice to see this as an opportunity. You have the option to choose what to focus on.
Focus on being grateful and you will end up attracting a lot more things that will make you feel grateful.The reason why most of us do not get what we want is because we do not focus on what it is that we want. We focus on what it is that we don’t want to happen. Focus on what you want.
In this episode of Unf*ck your Mindset, BP talks about knowing yourself.
Today’s topic is the 100% basis of Unf*ck Your Mindset. Your worst enemy is you. Your mind is not your friend. That chattering voice you hear over and over, constantly pointing out everything that is wrong, constantly helping you avoid situations and problems.
He loves and finds inspiration from the book Art of War, the book’s author‘s philosophy is: “If you know thy self and if you know the enemy, you have nothing to fear in a hundred battles.”
You are the cure but you are also the cancer. You are your worst enemy. Your mind knows you better than you know yourself. Most people don’t know themselves. Understand yourself. Understand your strengths and weaknesses. When you know yourself, you know what you are likely to fall for.
Get to know yourself, find out who you are and what makes you happy. When people start to know who they are they can start embracing who they are.
In this episode of Unf*ck Your Mindset, BP touches on last week’s topic about affirmation and declaration and that doing this is also doing what he calls intention and counter intention.
The reason why affirmations don’t work on most people is because it allows doubt to creep in to your mind. Most people don’t have the mental capacity to actually believe the affirmation and if you don’t believe, not only are you not going to get it but you’re actually going to attract more doubt.
As you allow more doubt, that’s like keeping your foot on the brake.
Like attracts like, what you put out into the universe is what you’re going to get.
For most people their negative ball of energy is bigger than their positive ball of energy.
Your mind knows you more than you know yourself.
Your intention for your affirmation is to achieve a certain goal. However, your counter intention which is all the doubt and negativity, especially if it goes on and you’re not getting closer to your goal.
This resembles pressing down on the brake and pressing down on the gas at the same time and it makes you feel like you’re going somewhere but it doesn’t really get you anywhere. At the same time you’re continuing to feed your negative ball of energy.
A lot of problems can come by setting that intention and counter intention and having them go at the same time. It's very important that when you're setting an intention, you remove the counter intention. If it’s bringing you that much negative counter intention, stop doing it and get your mind right then go back.
“Know thy self and know thy enemy”, and knowing thy enemy is understanding counter intention.
In this week's episode of UnF*ck Your Mindset, the host, BP, talks about affirmations.
He shares that affirmations are making up things that haven’t happened and pretending that it happened already, and thinks it’s a waste of time and energy that creates doubt.
Affirmations and vision boards are not for everyone, they only work on certain people. It sounds nice and makes you feel good at the moment but it doesn’t accomplish anything.
BP explains that there is a difference between an affirmation and a declaration, and how to properly attract what it is you want in your life.
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