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Walking in sexual purity.
Pastor Jim Anderson discusses the impact of the sexual revolution and how we can respond as Christians to an unhealthy sexual culture.
Pastor Jim Anderson discusses cultural perception of male and female identity and how this conflicts with God’s original design for men and women. Whether you are a man or woman, know that God has designed you exactly the way you are for a beautiful reason.
A Father’s Day message from Pastor Jim Anderson that addresses a generational cycle of pain and disunity between fathers and their children. No matter how your earthly father treated you, know that you have a heavenly Father who loves you and wants to speak to you.
Pastor Jim Anderson, founder of SexualityUnmasked, shares about the destiny and dreams of God, and how you can be set free from shame. Our heavenly Father wants to remind you of your destiny, but the enemy wants to bring shame and condemnation, especially in the area of our sexuality. The Father is never saying, “I hate you.” Instead, He is bringing you out of darkness and into the light.
Angeline and Jeremy Sims are a recently married couple who are expecting their first baby this July. The Unmasked message has had a profound affect on their identities and sexuality, and they share some of their story and answer your questions in this special episode of the Unmasked Podcast.
“For me the glory of God is that my kids are growing up differently than I did. If there is nothing else we do but raise up another generation that loves God, what else do we want? Meetings are great and worship times are awesome, but day in and day out expression of the love of God through family life and commitment is what the kingdom is all about.” Jim shares a powerful word about family and sexuality at [k]ing’s Church in New York City.
Pastor Jim Anderson shares on the power of fatherhood at [k]ings' church in New York City. While the importance of loving and intentional earthly fathers cannot be overstated, in a world where fathers are hard to come by, our heavenly Father can bring healing in a way that is real, deep, and lasting.
Bryan Pue explains how our battle against pornography and for purity is not just about us, but is for the generations to come behind us that we will influence. Jesus is the way of escape that will allow us to overcome temptation with power.
In a world where children are devalued and rejected, God considers them one of life's greatest blessings. Listen in as Lisa Anderson shares about the blessing that having eight children has been to her life.
"Purity is more than the history of your body. Purity is what your heart wants." Pastor Jim Anderson shares about the importance of sexuality and the gift of sex in the right context.
Jelane shares her testimony about coming out of an abusive four-year relationship and how God ministered much forgiveness and freedom to her at one of our first Unmasked conferences. God makes all things new.
Bonnie shares about the need we all have to emotionally process our pain, sorrows, and disappointments—including those related to our sexual pasts. In doing so we keep our hearts soft and responsive to the Holy Spirit. Though it may not always be enjoyable to come out from hiddenness and be vulnerable, it is the only way to fight off lust and find freedom.
Pastor Jim Anderson shares about the importance of leadership being honest about their sexual pasts. In doing so, we can bring healing in the name of Jesus to a generation that has been overcome by shame.