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Rebecca Lane and daughter Zara Lane of The Lane School of Music talk to musical performers, conductors, composers, and kids like you to ask them the questions you've always wondered. Classical music is for everyone (especially kids!) and it's interesting and fun when you ask the right questions.
Discussions sur l’évolution des rôles dans la famille d’aujourd’hui et de demain. Le balado Équipe parentale, animé par Dominique Bernèche, cherche à interroger le mode de vie choisi par les couples avec enfants. On ne prend pas nécessairement position par rapport aux choix de chacun, mais on ouvre des fenêtres sur différentes réalités et on fournit plusieurs informations pertinentes pour que les auditeurs puissent se faire une tête sur le sujet. Ce balado, tel un regard jeté dans le trou d’une serrure pour observer des familles québécoises, se veut une réflexion collective sur les rôles que chacun endosse ainsi que sur les raisons pour lesquelles ces rôles sont ancrés si fort en nous qu’ils sont pour certains difficilement interchangeables. Dans le combat pour l’égalité homme-femme, on oublie parfois de mettre en lumière le chemin parcouru, on insiste souvent sur ce qui reste à accomplir. Bien entendu, nous ne sommes pas encore là où nous souhaitons être. Ce balado se veut un espace commun où hommes et femmes se côtoient pour discuter de la place de chacun au sein de la famille. En matière de parentalité, il importe que nous travaillions main dans la main pour le bien-être de nos enfants. Beaucoup de publications féministes récentes mettent les femmes en lumière, il est temps de placer les hommes et les femmes côte à côte afin qu’ils aient envie de mener ensemble cette révolution, motivés par le désir de voir leur progéniture s’épanouir.Le sujet a d'ailleurs fait l’objet d’un dossier spécial complet dans l’abonnement mensuel Chef de famille. Vous y trouverez des outils afin d’amorcer une réflexion et de vous guider dans la répartition équitable des tâches et de la charge mentale au sein de l’équipe parentale en quatre étapes simples.Pour vous abonner au mensuel Chef de famille et télécharger votre guide pratique Équipe parentale: https://lesbellescombines.com/pages/nouvelle-page-instructionsPour nous suivre sur Facebook et sur Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/lesbellescombines https://www.instagram.com/lesbellescombines/Pour magasiner sur la boutique: https://lesbellescombines.com/Pour suivre Dominique sur son compte professionnel: https://www.facebook.com/DominiqueBernecheEntrepreneure
Welcome to the wonderful world of kindergarten.... kept simple! I’m Mariah, the creator of A Playful Purpose: Learning for Littles Inc. Kindergarten specialist turned curriculum writer. Mom, wannabe baker and lover of early 2000s Disney Channel (hello, Lizzie McGuire and HSM). Enthusiast of ponytails, pancakes and helping Canadian kindergarten teachers stress less by simplifying their planning and re-igniting their love of play-based learning. Here to help you take back your weekends and love teaching on week days. If you are a kindergarten educator spending too much time planning and feeling a little (or a lot) burnt out and you're ready to feel excited about teaching again, and you're looking for French and English play-based resources, simple but engaging activities and ideas, support and real connection and systems and routines that really work....then you're in the right place! Kindergarten Kept Simple is all about helping YOU re-ignite your love for early learning by removing the stress of searching for resources and planning for play-based learning. By implementing simple systems, reliable routines and not re-inventing the wheel, you can leave work at the bell and leave your prep to prep time. Sound too good to be true? I thought so too. But after years feeling burnt out and on the brink of stress leave, I finally realized that teaching didn't have to be like this. Now that you're here, I'll show you the way.Each episode will be an easy listen that will hopefully inspire you and brighten your day. From interviews with people who amaze me to learning about early years education, this podcast is perfect for anyone with littles in their life. And with that it’s time to dive right in! Let’s get this party started. Welcome to Kindergarten Kept Simple.
Balado d'éducation à la sexualité pour les jeunes de 6 à 12 ans. Des professionnelles de la Fondation Marie Vincent échangent avec Lily Thibeault dans le but de répondre aux questions des enfants qui concernent l'anatomie, l'intimité, l'amitié, l'amour, le respect de soi et des autres, l'acceptation de la différence, la diversité, la gestion des émotions, les situations à risque et l'égalité.
Henri Godon dévoile son inspiration pour composer ses chansons. Il a rencontré plusieurs enfants qui lui ont partagé leur connaissance sur plusieurs sujets. Chaque épisode fait aussi découvrir la façon dont on construit la musique. Conçu pour un public de 4 à 9 ans, les balados Henri Godon propose des réflexions d'enfants sur des thèmes ludiques et éducatifs. Bon voyage dans le monde fantastique de la chanson.
Emma and Xavier are 11 year old twins who wanted to create a podcast for kids, by kids. They thought podcasting would give them the chance to explore their interests in a different way. On Curious Conversations Emma and Xavier are excited to have conversations with adults and kids from all walks of life to learn about their passions and what inspires them.What qualifies them to host a podcast? Well first, Emma and Xavier love to ask questions! They also have over a decade of experience being kids and having a point of view on many topics. Emma and Xavier hope you will join them on their journey. They know it will be interesting because hearing people’s stories and passions is never boring, and they know it will be fun because they are going to work hard to make it that way.
Join us on this journey of the imagination! The Story Planet Podcast is an auditory adventure made by kids for kids (and the adults who love them). Come along as we share stories, songs, poems, interviews, and the unpredictable travel antics of our 11-year-old co-captains, Arthika and Ali. Will they ever make it to Story Planet? What stories will they gather along the way?
Got curious kids? Are you looking for safe, fun, agenda-free content to share as a family on the way to school or in your homeschool? Then the Wonder World podcast was made for you!
Join Pam, Olivia, and Thomas Barnhill as they take you and your kids on a journey of discovery every Monday. You'll learn about little know celebrations, this day in history, a weekly vocabulary word, poems, stories, and so much more. -
Little stories, BIG impact! Listen while Marcus and Ashley share stories and songs, that will knock your socks off! These original stories are jam-packed with catchy tunes, life lessons and positive messages. Ashley, is an Early Childhood Music Educator and songwriter, dedicated to providing quality music and stories, that encourage kindness, inclusion, cooperation and imagination. Tune in every other Monday, for a new Episode! A podcast for children Ages 2-8 years old. You might also enjoy our Little Big Meditation series!
Storypillar is a podcast for kids and their grownups. Together with Sneak, Bean, and Meg, we’ll tackle the sticky situations kids face as they grow and change. To guide us, we’ll explore stories from all over the world and pick up advice from our listeners along the way. If you're interested in...
Stories and using your imagination,
Learning about new places and perspectives,
Laughing and being silly,
Having a space to process big feelings and social emotional challenges,
Getting advice from real, live (and very smart) kids
...then Storypillar is for you! We can't wait to say "Hey!" and find our way together.
Website: www.storypillar.com
Instagram: @storypillar
Support us on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/storypillar
Contact: [email protected]
Created, Written, and Produced by: Meg Lewis
Welcome to The LODOWN: A Podcast brought to you by the Students of Lillian Osborne High School. Tune in for interviews with Staff, Students and Community members and get the LODOWN on everything LOHS.
Le Petit Garçon Magique est un podcast destiné aux enfants qui aiment les contes et les histoires. Vous pourrez suivre chaque semaine les aventures extraordinaires d'un petit garçon.
Quand la vie est trop difficile, le petit garçon se réfugie dans une forêt enchantée, peuplée d'êtres merveilleux. La forêt est également la demeure de la terrible sorcière Kaka.
Des petits contes qui illustrent la grande odyssée de l'enfance, avec ses thèmes incontournables tels que la soif de liberté, l'imaginaire, l'école, la confiance, l'estime de soi, la jalousie, l'amitié, la solitude, l'aventure, le courage d'affronter ses peurs et de grandir, ...
Des histoires originales écrites et interprétées par Marie Corseri - une production du studio Jean-Grizzly.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
Access2Education podcasts is a series of episodes focusing on Special Education and the needs of those students. Topics from Dyslexia, Autism, Processing Disorders and how to support. From everyday parents to expert guests you'll be able to find connections and insight. If you are feeling overwhelmed and alone with your own journey or that of your child this is your place.
你喜歡喝茶嗎? 泡茶不只是一門學問,也與我們的生活緊密結合。在茶香之中不僅有美學,更蘊含深刻的教養哲學!
小學建築x 兒童茶會 x 公益慈善
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Feeling Good About Me is an early intervention podcast for families and educators who have the responsibility of teaching and caring for children with special needs. The podcast is a series of episodes that explores each learning developmental domain of learning including cognitive language/communication , fine motor, gross motor as well as self help skills and incorporates the phenomenon of playing with purpose to help with addressing children’s IEP goals ameliorating or improving their strengths while mitigating or lessening their weakness
Brother and Sister Bear get another lesson on managing money.
Messages to teenagers regarding their challenges in today's world
Join kindergartener, Teddy, as he talks about all of the cool things about nature!