AJ Marks and Megan Sola-Guinto are two American musicians living in England who host a biweekly podcast with a variety of local and international guests to discuss the cultural and linguistic differences between the U.S. and the U.K. From explaining slang to debunking various misconceptions, Americans and Britons alike can tune in to hear fresh perspectives on what the other countries are like. Email your questions, corrections and stereotypes to [email protected] and follow AJ and Megan on social media @ajmarksofficial @iamsolamusic
More than a decade since Michael Jackson’s death, his legacy remains complicated and unresolved. Think Twice: Michael Jackson is an exploration of the King of Pop’s life and impact – and an investigation into why his global influence continues to endure, despite the disturbing allegations against him. In this ten-part series, journalists Leon Neyfakh and Jay Smooth bring you a new perspective on the Michael Jackson story, based on dozens of original interviews with people who watched it unfold from up close.
You can binge every episode of Think Twice: Michael Jackson, ad-free on Amazon Music, Wondery+ or Audible.
Grammy-Nominated Mike TV of Get Set Go explores the triumphs and tribulations of being a fiercely DIY indie-rocker at a point in time where music is growing perpetually less lucrative even as its reach is expanding across the globe. Weaving stories and songs together into a seamless narrative, this groundbreaking one-man-show is as fearless, as vulnerable, as humorous, as defiant and as obstinate as the band's actual music. Featuring five brand-new recordings of hits, new and old, for each episode, this must-listen experience is a raw and often hilarious dive into the heart of independent rock and roll.
Anna Bey is an internationally renowned lifestyle and personal development educator and owner of her finishing school. Anna is delighted to open up about her life, interests, and challenges to her podcast family. When she’s not creating or researching her learning programs, Anna enjoys traveling the world with her partner, keeping a healthy self-care routine and enjoy quiet time on the countryside with her horse.
Sok podcast látott már vendégül hírességeket, de a barátaikat még egy sem. Kovács András Péter minden héten mikrofon elé ülteti valamelyik kedvenc hírességét – és az ő legjobb barátját, hogy aztán a vendégről kizárólag a barátot kérdezze. A vendég életét ezúttal a barát szemszögéből láthatjuk, ez a szemszög pedig gyakran más és meglepő – még a vendég számára is. Közös évtizedek, régi és új félreértések, szembesülések és felismerések olyan beszélgetésekben, melyek előnyére válnak minden barátságnak.
The Reviews Are In is a podcast that features the funniest reviews from around the internet. In each episode, hosts Mike Ferguson and Mike Gibson will talk about reviews that you won't believe someone typed up. Anything that you can leave a review on is fair game; products, movies, restaurants, etc.
Felszínes, pörgős médiazaj helyett, jó minőségű, hasznos és értékes tartalom. Nem elvesszük az idődet, hanem értékesebbé tesszük. Ha szereted a minőségi műsorokat, érdekelnek a társadalmi kérdések, a pszichológia, a tudomány, az üzlet, ez a műsorfolyam tetszeni fog. -
Halálos, de fegyvertelen - A Tangó és Kes nyomon követi a bűnelkövetések sok évtizedes trendjeit, a bűntársadalom mocorgóit és „újításaikat”. Legendás leleplezések, soha el nem kapott elkövetők, eszes és balek tettesek, sorozatgyilkosok és maffiacsaládok, lebukások és lebuktatók itthonról és a világból. Magyar rendszerváltások és azt azokat követő bűntársadalmi, politikai és gazdasági összefonódások.
Former Olympic Gymnast Shawn Johnson and NFL player Andrew East sit down to share their most vulnerable sides and open up like they never have before. Tune in to hear one of the most celebrated couples on social media walk you through some of their most memorable moments together. Get ready to laugh and cry as you hear some of the most embarrassing and raw stories that have never before been shared.
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