You may wonder how to get an increase in pay, how to negotiate for a higher salary, and how to increase your worth by believing you can ask for more.
No matter if you're working for an employer still or you are an entrepreneur working for yourself, you are always creating an exchange of value for your time.
A lot of times we get what we ask for and a lot of times we just aren't asking.
We don't believe it's possible.
After all, that's the going rate.
But if you don't advocate for you, who else will?
Today I'm excited to bring on our guest, Vanessa Blasic. She's an expert at helping people negotiate for more.
Is marketing on Pinterest a real thing or is it just for pinning recipes and home decor? I wondered the same thing but learned to fully appreciate Pinterest for business when it quickly became my highest traffic source to my website. Pinterest expert, Rachel Ngom shares her story with us today.
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You might wonder how to brand yourself, how to start, and what does it even mean to brand yourself? This interview covers exactly that...
All entrepreneurs have probably heard the question "what is your why?" And the answer to this is the exact reason that you get out of bed everyday...
Wonder how to get what you want in life? Most people use what they don't want as motivation to change or move towards a goal. What if you used what was true in your way of being as your compass?
In this very first episode we cover subconscious vs conscious thinking. And actually I reference the subconscious as unconscious thinking.