Believe it or not. Paul faithfully shares the gospel from house arrest in Rome. Not everyone receives his message.
BIBLE VERSE References: ACTS 28:16-31 | ACTS 19:21 | ACTS 23:11 | 2 CORINTHIANS 5:7 | ROMANS 4:19-21 | 2 THESSALONIANS 3:1 | EPHESIANS 6:18-20 | COLOSSIANS 4:3-4 | GENESIS 3:15 | ZECHARIAH 12:10 | MATTHEW 13:10-14 | MARK 6:5-6 | HEBREWS 4:2 | ISAIAH 6:9-10 | MATTHEW 13:14-15 | MARK 4:12 | LUKE 8:10 | JOHN 12:39-40 | JOEL 2:13 | ROMANS 8:28 | 1 CORINTHIANS 15:8 |
There's no place like home. After being shipwrecked on Malta, the islanders show Paul and the others hospitality. Paul finally completes his long-anticipated journey to Rome where he is greeted by the family of Christians believers.
BIBLE VERSE References: ACTS 28:1-15 | 1 JOHN 4:20 | PSALM 113:5 | ACTS 17:26-27 | JAMES 4:13-15 | 1 PETER 4:9 | HEBREWS 13:2 | MARK 9:41 | MARK 9:35 | 2 CORINTHIANS 5:21 | ROMANS 10:17 | 1 TIMOTHY 3:3-4 | ROMANS 1:9-10 | PROVERBS 20:21 | DEUTERONOMY 4:29 |
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Barely time to catch your breath. The storms of life can be overwhelming, especially when they come in succession. The ship heading to Rome with Paul on board faces unfathomable challenges, stripping away all hope. But God is faithful to bring them through to the other side.
BIBLE VERSE References: ACTS 27:13-44 | JONAH 1:3 | MATTHEW 8:24-25 | PSALM 42:5 | 1 JOHN 4:18 | 2 PETER 1:4 | LUKE 1:5-25 | REVELATION 4:6 | 2 CORINTHIANS 3:16-17 | PSALM 107:23-31
It can't always be smooth sailing. Paul embarks on his journey to Rome. God provides graciously along the way, though trouble is brewing on the horizon. But Paul saw, and we can too, that we can trust God even in the most adverse of circumstances.
BIBLE VERSE References: ACTS 27:1-12 | GENESIS 39:6 | MATTHEW 6:26 | PROVERBS 10:3 | PROVERBS 10:6 | PROVERBS 10:25 | PROVERBS 20:7 | MATTHEW 5:16 | LEVITICUS 23:26-32 | MATTHEW 27:51 | 2 CORINTHIANS 11:25 | MATTHEW 6:24 | MARK 4:19 | ISAIAH 30:1 | ISAIAH 9:6 | ISAIAH 11:2 | NAHUM 1:3
The power of persuasion. Paul is faithful to share his testimony with any who might listen. Not everyone will receive the message of the gospel when we share it, but we can press on and be faithful with the opportunities the Lord may give us to declare His truth.
BIBLE VERSE References: ACTS 26:18-32 | 1 JOHN 5:19 | EPHESIANS 2:1-2 | 1 JOHN 4:4 | EPHESIANS 6:19 | ISAIAH 54:17 | JAMES 4:7 | ROMANS 16:20 | 2 CORINTHIANS 10:4 | JOSHUA 2:1-2 | JOSHUA 6:1-25 | HEBREWS 11:31 | HEBREWS 11:7 | HEBREWS 11:11 | JAMES 5:11 | JOHN 2:1-11 | 1 CORINTHIANS 4:10 |
Always be ready. Paul is happy to have the opportunity to share with King Agrippa his story of meeting Jesus after two years of waiting. His hope in the things that are eternal motivated him to press on.
BIBLE VERSE References: ACTS 26:1-18 | 1 PETER 3:15 | 2 CHRONICLES 16:9 | ROMANS 5:1-15 | HEBREWS 6:19 | PHILIPPIANS 1:9 | EPHESIANS 4:15 | 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17 | ROMANS 6:21-22 | 1 CORINTHIANS 6:11 | JOHN 8:11 | 1 THESSALONIANS 5:23-24 | 1 PETER 1:13 |
Let bygones be bygones. After two years of waiting, Paul has his day in court once again. He has trusted the Lord in the delay rather than holding on to the past.
BIBLE VERSE References: ACTS 25:1-27 | GENESIS 41:51-52 | PHILIPPAINS 3:13-14 | EPHESIANS 4:30-32 | ROMANS 14:10 | 2 CORINTHIANS 5:10 | REVELATION 20:11-15 |
Go to whomever He sends you. Paul finds himself in Caesarea with a new audience for sharing the gospel. He speaks the simple and powerful truth of the message of Jesus.
BIBLE VERSE References: ACTS 23:25-24:27 | MARK 16:15 | ACTS 9:15 | PROVERBS 22:29 | 2 CORINTHIANS 6:10 | ROMANS 8:32 | 1 CORINTHIANS 2:4 | 1 CORINTHIANS 1:22-24 | 1 CORINTHIANS 15:17 | JOHN 6:44 | 1 CORINTHIANS 2:14 | JEREMIAH 1:4-9 | 2 PETER 3:9 | HEBREWS 9:27 |
We can plot and plan, but the Lord is ultimately in control. A plot to assassinate Paul is exposed, and God intervenes. How greatly we can trust the Lord to stand beside us through thick and thin.
BIBLE VERSE References: ACTS 23:1-24 | JAMES 3:1 | LUKE 12:48 | MATTHEW 4:4 | DEUTERONOMY 8:3 | GALATIANS 4:15 | GALATIANS 6:11 | REVELATION 3:17-19 | JOHN 14:26 | JOHN 15:26 | JOHN 16:7 | PSALM 139:2 | 2 TIMOTHY 2:22-26 | LUKE 10:1-12 | MATTHEW 10:11-14 | JOSHUA 21:45 | DEUTERONOMY 32:10 | ISAIAH 54:17 |
It's like looking into a mirror. Sometimes we can see so much of ourselves in others. Paul looks into the crowd outside the temple and they remind him of how zealous he once was about keeping the Old Testament law. He desires that they, too, would know the salvation that is only found in Jesus.
BIBLE VERSE References: ACTS 21:37-22:30 | ROMANS 10:1 | ROMANS 9:1-3 | HEBREWS 4:14-16 | MATTHEW 5:17 | MATTHEW 11:30 | MATTHEW 7:1-5 | HABBAKUK 2:2-3 | ROMANS 14:4 | ISAIAH 1:18 | 1 CORINTHIANS 7:23 | PHILIPPIANS 3:20 |
Life is full of surprises. Paul finally arrives in Jerusalem, where he has been warned that trials await. He faithfully fulfills his ministry, trusting that everything must first pass through God's hands.
BIBLE VERSE References: ACTS 21:15-36 | JOB 2:10 | PHILIPIANS 1:12 | PSALM 25:7 | 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17 | PSALM 86:5 | PSALM 103:12 | MARK 5:18-20 | MATTHEW 18:20 | 1 TIMOTHY 1:12 | 2 TIMOTHY 4:5 | JAMES 2:20, 26 | EPHESIANS 2:8 | GALATIANS 5:6 | GALATIANS 6:15 | 1 CORINTHIANS 9:19-20 | ROMANS 12:18 | ROMANS 14:14-17 | ROMANS 10:1-4 | ISAIAH 43:1-2 |
Navigating the Lord's course for our lives can be challenging. When the Spirit warns Paul of upcoming challenges awaiting on the journey, he must discern whether God is calling him to stop or proceed with wisdom and caution.
BIBLE VERSE References: ACTS 21:1-14 | 1 CORINTHIANS 16:1-14 | 2 CORINTHIANS 9:7 | EXODUS 15:1 | MARK 14:38 | EXODUS 17:10-13 | JOHN 16:24 | ACTS 8:1-5 | ACTS 8:26-40 | 3 JOHN 1:4 | 1 CORINTHIANS 14:32 | ACTS 11:27-30 | PSALM 25:4 | PSALM 23:2-3 | PSALM 16:7-11 |
It's not how you start, it's how you finish. Paul meets with the leaders of the Ephesian church as he hurries toward Jerusalem. His parting words emphasize the call to serve humbly, the urgency of guarding the work of the Lord, and the importance of depending on God's grace to cross the finish line for His glory.
BIBLE VERSE References: ACTS 20:17-38 | PHILIPPIANS 1:6 | JAMES 4:6 | 1 PETER 5: 5 | PSALM 84:10 | 1 CORINTHIANS 15:9-10 | ISAIAH 64:6 | ROMANS 8:28 | NEHEMIAH 6:11 | GALATIANS 2:20 | JOHN 12:25 | MATTHEW 10:25 | 1 CORINTHIANS 6:20 | EPHESIANS 2:8-9 | 2 TIMOTHY 2:1 | EPHESIANS 3:20 |
The reality is that we are all on a journey with Jesus. Paul presses on to complete his third missionary journey. While accompanied by others for some stages of the journey, he knows he walks with Jesus above all else.
BIBLE VERSE References: ACTS 20:1-16 | JOHN 1:20 | 2 CORINTHIANS 11:13-15 | 2 CORINTHIANS 11:23-28 | PHILIPPIANS 4:6 | 1 PETER 5:7 | ROMANS 16:1 | ROMANS 15:23-26 | ROMANS 3:23 | ROMANS 6:23 | ROMANS 5:8 | ROMANS 10:9-10 | ROMANS 10:15 | PSALM 119:105 | JOSHUA 5:2 | GENESIS 5:24 | GENESIS 6:9 |
People can get pretty passionate about things that are important to them. Paul faces another challenge in Ephesus when a complaint arises that the gospel is threatening the idol worship for which the city is known. Following Christ will lead us to live in the world much differently.
BIBLE VERSE References: ACTS 19:21-41 | HEBREWS 4:12 | JOHN 17:17 | ROMANS 12:2 | 3 JOHN 1:3-4 | JOHN 14:6 | MATTHEW 7:13-14 | 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17 | GALATIANS 6:15 | PROVERBS 15:1 | PROVERBS 17:14 | MARK 4:39 | HEBREWS 11:38
Houston, we have a problem. Paul observes some of the disciples in Ephesus and notices they seem to lack an authentic move of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Truly living for Jesus cannot be done apart from the Spirit.
BIBLE VERSE References: ACTS 19:1-20 | 1 CORINTHIANS 1:12 | 1 CORINTHIANS 3:4-5 | LUKE 24:49 | JOHN 14:16 | JOHN 14:26 | JOHN 14:18 | JOHN 1:29 | MATTHEW 3:16 | MARK 1:8 | LUKE 11:13 | 1 CORINTHIANS 2:14 | ZECHARIAH 4:6 | HEBREWS 11:6 | MATTHEW 7:21-23 | GALATIANS 4:6 | ROMANS 8:14 | ISAIAH 30:21 |
Fervent faith boils over. The critics in Corinth set out to bring Paul before the authorities, but God is faithful in his promise to deliver Paul in that city. God uses the fervent in spirit to proclaim Jesus' message.
BIBLE VERSE References: ACTS 18:11-28 | PSALM 119:25, 107, 154 | EXODUS 14:14 | ROMANS 1:16,17 | MATTHEW 26:51 | 2 CORINTHIANS 2:14-16 | 1 CORINTHIANS 1:1 | LUKE 9:23 | JAMES 4:8 | MARK 1:37-38 | PROVERBS 15:5 | DANIEL 5:1-29 | ISAIAH 64:6 | ISAIAH 55:1-7 | COLOSSIANS 2:9-10
In the second part of this message, we see that we can lose heart when we feel like we are not seeing any results in life. We can also lose heart when we are depending on our own resources or when we lose sight that God has a plan. Turning our eyes toward Jesus can restore our hearts.
You don't know what you have until it's gone. Keeping our heart as believers is key to our Christian faith. In Part 1 of losing heart, we see that we can lose heart if we forget the promise that the Lord will return.
There's nothing to fear. The Lord speaks to Paul in the wicked city of Corinth and exhorts him to stick close and press through the fear.
BIBLE VERSE References: ACTS 18:1-11 | GENESIS 3:10 | 1 CORINTHIANS 4:19 | JAMES 4:13-15 | 1 CORINTHIANS 7:23 | ROMANS 1:1 | TITUS 1:1 | 2 TIMOTHY 1:7 | MATTHEW 6:25-26 | 1 CORINTHIANS 16:19 | ROMANS 16:3 | 1 CORINTHIANS 1:12-15 | 1 CORINTHIANS 2:3-5 | PSALM 34:4 | JOHN 14:25-27 | ISAIAH 41:10 | JAMES 4:7-8 | 1 JOHN 4:17-19 | PROVERBS 10:9
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