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Life can be filled with several transitions …education, career, and relationships to name a few. The transition from where your journey begins to where you are now is a relatable story! This podcast focuses on the mantras and habits of successful everyday people that have and continue to impact through their experiences and life lessons, their “expertise”! On a road to fulfillment the act of giving and receiving is a must, full circle! Join me as I uncover what steps to create and attract for success!
This is the Menifee SportsPaige Podcast where we talk about sports stories in our city and interview the names you need to know. We will share sports updates and inspiring stories from local athletes and coaches. For story ideas or to join our team, please email us at [email protected]
CLNS Media's Boston Celtics Newsfeed delivers instantaneous news and reports all in real time. In this news feed, you will receive quick hit audio reports, updates and instant analysis on the NBA's winningest franchise. CLNS Celtics credentialed insiders Cedric Maxwell, Jeff Goodman, Bob Ryan, Gary Tanguay, A. Sherrod Blakely, Nick Gelso, Bobby Manning, Josue Pavon, John Zannis and Jimmy Toscano provide instantaneous news and analysis all in real time. Can't watch the game? No access to the newsroom? No problem. Subscribe now.
A show where successful horseman and author Cal Middleton interviews guests and discusses different aspects of life, loosely based on the experience of working with horses, continuing to learn about our world, having a love for animals, enjoying each day, thinking logically, and having an open mind for positive change.
微博@从球说起 @阿冷来_ @笛佬斯_Diiii -
身体和心灵都应在路上,1617,不止旅行,不止读书,一本好听的声音杂志,喜欢的小伙伴可以关注我们,还可以关注我们微信订阅号:声行漫步(radio1617),收听更多好听的节目,每晚9点不见不散 !
这个电台是为了那些梦想在日本 或是即将去日本 以及想要了解日本更多知识的人准备的节目 如果你正是这样的目的 那么请来听听看吧!!
ご注目ありがとうございます‼️ -
上一世,苍国丞相之女上官沫,绝美倾城,性子却太过软弱,被孪生妹妹抢尽了所有风头,却在银月国要求联姻之时,被亲人毫不留情地推了出去,只为保住她那个如珠如宝的妹妹。 这一世,云门大小姐云风轻,还有一个身份,上官家家主上官沫,同样不受家人喜爱。 因为小鬼勾错了上一世的魂,这一世的云风轻不得不顶替上一世的上官沫活着,再次睁开眼,那个云淡风轻的女子又将勾走多少人的魂?迷了多少人的眼?又有谁能看透那无欲无求的表象下掩藏的是怎样的本性?他说:“本王有些后悔当初没有阻止父皇了呢!” 他说:“朕许你后位,你还有什么不满意?” 他说:“如果重新来过,就算负尽天下,我也会保护你,而不是充当正义的使者与你为敌!” 他说:“我多么希望我没有那么执着地想要为萱萱报仇,多么希望没有背叛你!” 而他说:“沫儿,即便再来一次,你也只能和我纠缠在一起,即便上天入地,你也...
Travelling abroad with the hope of finding somewhat greater than I know . . .