Recommended if You Like: longform conversation with musicians, cartoonists, writers and other creative types.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Die besten aktuellen Platten, Features über alles zum Thema Musik, Interviews und eine Playlist mit den besten neuen Songs on top. Christopher Hunold spricht in den Reviews mit Melanie Loeper und in den Features mit Gäst*innen über das, was auf den Plattenteller gehört oder was die Musikwelt oder uns gerade bewegt. Denn: Wer ist in den Stunden der größten Niederlagen dabei? Wer hört zu, wenn sonst niemand da ist? Wer sorgt für die großen wie kleinen Momente? Eben. Nur Musik. Und genau darüber muss gesprochen werden. In Track17 treffen wir uns regelmäßig, um als helfende Hand im Release-Dschungel Empfehlungen zu geben, präsentieren Interviews oder sprechen mit Gäst*innen in Features über alles, was die Musikwelt hergibt. Auf der Playlist "Track17 - Playlist zum Podcast" gibt's die 17 Songs des Monats direkt zum Nachhören dazu. Ob Labelliebling, Outsider-Zeug, zufällige Plattenladen-Eroberung oder König des YouTube-Algorithmus. Track 17 – der Musik-Podcast
Regelmäßig ergänzte Spotify-Playlist mit Songs aus den Folgen: -
Heavy Metal History is a weekly podcast, created by Dustin “Wildcard” Koetsch, who takes you on and audible journey about the history of the Heavy Metal genre. With in depth research into how the bands made the records or by having guests from bands to discuss various influences, histories and the behind the scenes stories, struggles and triumphs of how their records were written and recorded. The ONLY podcast that goes through the chronological history of the Heavy Metal genre on a month by month album by album basis to see how it evolved and changed. His aim is to bring you one of the most comprehensive and in depth podcasts about the entire history of the genre.
A few years ago my best friend gifted me a big red book. "The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time". I made a plan to listen to every single one of them and learn more about who made them and how. This podcast helps me do that, as I will run down the 500 Albums, that were selected by a panel of music journalists, critics and musicians who have shaped the popular music industry since the 1950s. Every week I will tell you about a new album, the artist and the story behind it. Are you in for the ride? Then give it a spin!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Olá, o meu nome é Sofia Couto, sejam bem-vindos aos Melómanos. Este podcast é dirigido a toda a comunidade de pessoas que não conseguem viver sem música, em jeito de banda sonora da sua vida! Para todos os que acordam a trautear uma canção, também para todos aqueles que ouvem uma música e recordam-se na espinha, onde, com quem e o que sentiram enquanto a ouviam. Uma espécie de bibliotecários emocionais ancorados à parte melódica da vida. Vai ser um prazer entrar nesta aventura convosco.
Hattie Butterworth and Rebecca Toal host a podcast of insight and change in the classical music and arts professions. Delving into the often stigmatised worlds of mental health, injury, discrimination and productivity, classical music issues are spoken and revived. Join Hattie, Rebecca and guests for important conversations, inspiring moments of wisdom and poignant vulnerability.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Between the two of them, they've sold almost 100 million records... Listen to mega-hit songwriter/producer, Kevin Kadish (Meghan Trainor, Morgan Wallen, Jason Mraz, Miley Cyrus, etc.) and 3x Grammy winning super producer and hit songwriter Nathan Chapman (Taylor Swift, Keith Urban, Michael Buble', Avicii, etc.) interview the biggest songwriters in music to find out their favorite songs that you've never heard! Hear inspiring stories, amazing songs, and hilarious anecdotes, in this music lovers paradise of a podcast! Will they uncover any uncut gems??? Listen in and decide for yourself!
It’s the “Biggest Playa From The Himalayas” on that Big Playa sh*t! Come kick it & politic with me at “Playa’s Lounge Late Night Talk Show!” We diving all the way into what the entertainment industry entails, ranging from music discussions, live interviews, providing artist & creators promo, as well as LIVE criticism! We ain’t sugar coating NOTHING over here in the Playa Lounge, so If you can’t take the HEAT...stay out of the kitchen! Be sure to follow all our socials to stay up to date with us!
Join us as we dive deep into the vibrant electronic music scene, exploring the latest trends, techniques, and insider secret to success. Unlock your DJ/producer potential as we bring you expert interviews, cutting-edge tips, and in-depth discussions within the electronic music world. Whether you're an aspiring talent or a seasoned Dj/producer, our podcast will provide valuable insights to enhance your skills, knowledge, career growth with a whole load of banter.
O "1 Cover, 1 Copo" nasceu para promover momentos musicais e conversas informais que dão a conhecer o mundo da música em Portugal. Todos os covers são gravados no próprio dia, live, sem ensaios prévios, e as entrevistas são descontraídas e simples.
Se tens interesse em saber mais sobre música, este podcast é para ti!
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Melissa (Stoner Witch Radio) interviews industry experts, label heads, musical artists, and super fans from around the world! Stoner Witch Sessions is a space for creatives to share all the things we love about the doom/stoner/occult community. This show is dedicated to the underground.
Time Out is a weekly podcast about conversations with music-related subjects about their workings in music. Hosted by Music Editor of SWGRUS, Chelsea Hernandez. SWGRUS Podcasts would love for you to share, rate, comment and subscribe to our podcast! Support this podcast: