And the Italians, when we told them that we have lots of wineries here in Oregon, they looked shocked. In fact, they said, really? You, you grow wine in the grapes in Oregon, you make wine.
we learned that cervical cancer was the number one cause of death of women in Mexico
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Interested in providing the gift of literacy to a poor Village in Africa?
Why did you join Rotary, why do you stay and when did you become a Rotarian?
The reason it worked was because we're all volunteer and because everybody in the community got excited it became an instant tradition.
One of the most dramatic places I think that I went to a several times on trips was Cusco Peru.
A podcast by Emily Francona Emily, “Chuck, service of some kind has been a long lived dedication for you. Please tell us more about your many years of different service to your profession, your community and Rotary.” Chuck, “My dad was was very active in our community, when I was growing up. He had a […]
Listen to this compelling interview with the global Polio Plus team.
What would you like to say to Jennifer Jones the new Rotary International President?
A podcast by Emily Francona Like any other human endeavor, our present and future are both built on the hard work and dedication of those who have gone before us. The Service Above Self podcast series is how we honor Rotarian’s who have dedicated their lives to helping people and building this great organization. From […]