Denying Control Refusing to Control Diversifying Control Controlling Control A POSSIBLE SAFEGUARD AGAINST DESPOTISM WHO WILL CONTROL THE FATE OF THE INDIVIDUAL
footnote: Harvard Educational Review, Fall 1948, page 212
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Read by Debbie Jacobs with permission by the Skinner Foundation
For more resources visit fearfuldogs.com and https://fearfuldogs.thinkific.com/courses/ABAforpets
VALUE JUDGEMENTS THE SURVIVAL OF A CULTURE CAN WE ESTIMATE SURVIVAL VALUE--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/debbie-jacobs/support -
Пропущенные эпизоды?
MANNERS AND CUSTOMS THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT AS CULTURE THE EFFECT OF CULTURE UPON BEHAVIOR Work level Motivation Emotional dispositions Repertoire Self-control Self-knowledge Neurotic behavior CULTURAL CHARACTER
Mentioned: Theory of the Leisure Class by Thorstein Veblen
MUSIC: Pacific Sun Nicolai Heidlas Music
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Skinner, B. F. (1951). How to teach animals. Scientific American, 185(6), 26–29.
Online PDF version
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28:58 Music: We Are One by Vexento EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL AGENCIES AND THEIR TECHNIQUES OF CONTROL The educational institution EDUCATIONAL REINFORCEMENT THE BEHAVIOR RESULTING FROM EDUCATIONAL CONTROL Knowledge COUNTERCONTROL--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/debbie-jacobs/support
PRIVATE EVENTS IN A NATURAL SCIENCE The World Within One’s Skin Verbal Responses To Private Events Varieties Of Private Stimulation Responses To One’s Own Discriminative Behavior Conditioned Seeing The practical importance of conditioned seeing Operant Seeing Traditional Treatment Of The Problem Objections to the traditional view Other Proposed Solutions Studying one’s own private world The physiology of sensation Operational definitions of sensation and image The private made public--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/debbie-jacobs/support
THE BEHAVIOR OF MAKING DECISIONS ORIGIN AND MAINTENANCE OF THE BEHAVIOR OF DECIDING THE BEHAVIOR OF RECALL PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS "HAVING AN IDEA" ORIGINALITY IN IDEAS Music: Pacific Sun, Nicolai Heidlas Music Narration: Debbie Jacobs CPDT, RBT--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/debbie-jacobs/support
SELF CONTROL The "Self-Determination" Of Conduct "Self-Control" Techniques of Control Physical restraint and physical aid. Changing the stimulus. Depriving and satiating. Manipulating emotional conditions. Using aversive stimulation. Drugs. Operant conditioning. Punishment. "Doing something else." THE ULTIMATE SOUCE OF CONTROL Music: Pacific Sun by Nicolai Heidlas Music--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/debbie-jacobs/support
Oversimplification Multiple Effects Of A Single Variable Multiple Causes The Practical Use Of Multiple Causation Projection And Identification Multiple Variables In Perception Variable With Incompatible Effects Algebraic Summation Prepotency To Do Or Not To Do Chaining Music: Pacific Sun by Nicolai Heidlas--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/debbie-jacobs/support
Enrichment and Wellness with Dr. Lindsay Mehrkam
Dr. Mehrkam at Monmouth University
October 15, 16, & 17, 2021
Brattleboro VT 05301
Applied Animal Behavior Analysis SIG Facebook Group
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Sound sensitivities and phobias are challenging problems to address. Not identifying and addressing them can lead to unnecessary suffering for dogs and owners, and delay the resolution of behavior issues. This topic is of special interest to Eileen and she is an innovator in the treatment of sound phobias. You can visit her website Sound Sensitive Dogs.
Eileen is also the co-author of a recently released book on Puppy Socialization and Remember Me a guide for helping owners care for their dogs with canine cognitive dysfunction. Her Eileen and Dogs Blog is a valuable resource for evidence-based discussions on training.
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Thanks for listening and please subscribe and give this podcast 5 starts to encourage others to consider that listening to Skinner is worth their time! A Questionable Technique Does Punishment Work? The Effects of Punishment A First Effect of Punishment A Second Effect of Punishment The Third Effect of Punishment Some Unfortunate By-Products of Punishment Alternatives To Punishment--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/debbie-jacobs/support
The Importance of the Environment The Analysis of Stimuli Induction Discrimination Abstraction Some Traditional Problems in Stimulus Control; Cross-modal induction, Responding to a relation, The "interpreted" stimulus--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/debbie-jacobs/support
In time for World Behavior Analysis Day! March 20, 2021 Operant Discrimination Voluntary and Involuntary Behavior Discriminative Repertoires Drawing from Copy Playing by Ear Imitation Attention Temporal Relations Between Stimulus, Response, and Reinforcement--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/debbie-jacobs/support
Zoo enrichment with Sara Matters of
Sara and I visited the Zoo in Forest Park in Springfield MA.
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