
  • The Party tries to deal with an unexpected surprise in the kitchen of Castle Altaerein--one they may not be equipped to handle!

    Special Thanks:

    Theme Music - "Together We Rise" by Wind Rose (used with permission)

    Sound Effects and additional music courtesy of Table Top Audio, Ovani Sound and Monument Studios

    Dice for the cast of Wayfinder Legends provided by Esty Way Gaming.

    Wayfinder Legends is a Red Dirt RPG, LLC production.



    Jeremy - Boddy, a Hobgoblin seeking a new purpose

    Hal - Plame, a charismatic and entertaining, young goblin

    Emily - Inara, a confident and hot-headed, young Kellish woman

    Brook - Fawin, an Aiuvarin (half-elven) born into privilege

    Stacy - Pathfinder 2e Gamemaster

  • "The Fourth Action" is a Roundtable discussion for Wayfinder Legends! In this episode, the Cast deep dives into PC descriptions, some background clues, and possible tropes/archetypes that the characters are representing!

    Special Thanks:

    Theme Music - "Together We Rise" by Wind Rose (used with permission)

    Dice for the cast of Wayfinder Legends provided by Esty Way Gaming.

    Wayfinder Legends is a Red Dirt RPG, LLC production.



    Jeremy - Boddy, a Hobgoblin seeking a new purpose

    Hal - Plame, a charismatic and entertaining, young goblin

    Emily - Inara, a confident and hot-headed, young Kellish woman

    Brook - Fawin, an Aiuvarin (half-elven) born into privilege

    Stacy - Pathfinder 2e Gamemaster

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  • Ambushed by a powerful foe (due to Plame's pyromania),  Inara rages against the enemy's deadly grip while Boddy and Fawin unleash untested magic with divergent results.

    Special Thanks:

    Theme Music - "Together We Rise" by Wind Rose (used with permission)

    Sound Effects and additional music courtesy of Table Top Audio, Ovani Sound and Monument Studios

    Dice for the cast of Wayfinder Legends provided by Esty Way Gaming.

    Wayfinder Legends is a Red Dirt RPG, LLC production.



    Jeremy - Boddy, a Hobgoblin seeking a new purpose

    Hal - Plame, a charismatic and entertaining, young goblin

    Emily - Inara, a confident and hot-headed, young Kellish woman

    Brook - Fawin, an Aiuvarin (half-elven) born into privilege

    Stacy - Pathfinder 2e Gamemaster

  • After a less-than-restful night's sleep for some, the characters perform their morning rituals and re-enter the Citadel in search of the Bumblebrasher goblins, but instead find....<dun-dun-dunnnnn!>

    Special Thanks:

    Theme Music - "Together We Rise" by Wind Rose (used with permission)

    Sound Effects and additional music courtesy of Table Top Audio, Ovani Sound, and Monument Studios

    Dice for the cast of Wayfinder Legends provided by Esty Way Gaming.

    Wayfinder Legends is a Red Dirt RPG, LLC production.

    JOIN THE PARTY! @Patreon.Com


    Jeremy - Boddy, a Hobgoblin seeking a new purpose

    Hal - Plame, a charismatic and entertaining, young goblin

    Emily - Inara, a confident and hot-headed, young Kellish woman

    Brook - Fawin, an Aiuvarin (half-elven) born into privilege

    Stacy - Pathfinder 2e Gamemaster

  • After an unexpected campfire dinner, the Party discusses their future plans, as well as some of the past. Meanwhile the Woods are watching...

    Special Thanks:

    Theme Music - "Together We Rise" by Wind Rose (used with permission)

    Sound Effects and additional music courtesy of Table Top Audio, Ovani Sound and Monument Studios

    Dice for the cast of Wayfinder Legends provided by Esty Way Gaming.

    Wayfinder Legends is a Red Dirt RPG, LLC production.



    Jeremy - Boddy, a Hobgoblin seeking a new purpose

    Hal - Plame, a charismatic and entertaining, young goblin

    Emily - Inara, a confident and hot-headed, young Kellish woman

    Brook - Fawin, an Aiuvarin (half-elven) born into privilege

    Stacy - Pathfinder 2e Gamemaster

  • Welcome to the first roundtable discussion known as "The Fourth Action" for Wayfinder Legends!

    Special Thanks:

    Theme Music - "Together We Rise" by Wind Rose (used with permission)

    Sound Effects and additional music courtesy of Table Top Audio, Ovani Sound and Monument Studios

    Dice for the cast of Wayfinder Legends provided by Esty Way Gaming.

    Wayfinder Legends is a Red Dirt RPG, LLC production.



    Jeremy - Boddy, a Hobgoblin seeking a new purpose

    Hal - Plame, a charismatic and entertaining, young goblin

    Emily - Inara, a confident and hot-headed, young Kellish woman

    Brook - Fawin, an Aiuvarin (half-elven) born into privilege

    Stacy - Pathfinder 2e Gamemaster

  • Distracted by discovered treasure and surprised by prisoners long-since forgotten, the Party fights for their survival within a cell block of the abandoned Hellknight stronghold known as Citadel Altaerein.

    Special Thanks:

    Theme Music - "Together We Rise" by Wind Rose (used with permission)

    Sound Effects and additional music courtesy of Table Top Audio, Ovani Sound and Monument Studios

    Dice for the cast of Wayfinder Legends provided by Esty Way Gaming.

    Wayfinder Legends is a Red Dirt RPG, LLC production.



    Jeremy - Boddy, a Hobgoblin seeking a new purpose

    Hal - Plame, a charismatic and entertaining, young goblin

    Emily - Inara, a confident and hot-headed, young Kellish woman

    Brook - Fawin, an Aiuvarin (half-elven) born into privilege

    Stacy - Pathfinder 2e Gamemaster

  • The Party continues to explore the citadel as Boddy's magical abilities uncover several treasures, and Plame revisits "his circus days" while Inara wonders "why is everything in here trying to kill us?" Fawin agrees that that Citadel Altaerein "isn't a safe place to live at all!"


    Special Thanks:

    Theme Music - "Together We Rise" by Wind Rose (used with permission)

    Sound Effects and additional music courtesy of Table Top Audio, Ovani Sound and Monument Studios

    Dice for the cast of Wayfinder Legends provided by Esty Way Gaming.

    Wayfinder Legends is a Red Dirt RPG, LLC production.



    Jeremy - Boddy, a Hobgoblin seeking a new purpose

    Hal - Plame, a charismatic and entertaining, young goblin

    Emily - Inara, a confident and hot-headed, young Kellish woman

    Brook - Fawin, an Aiuvarin (half-elven) born into privilege

    Stacy - Pathfinder 2e Gamemaster

  • The Party's conflict with the deadly "bird-fish" (GraveShell Turtle) reaches a surprising conclusion -- and Plame remembers some important information!

    Special Thanks:

    Theme Music - "Together We Rise" by Wind Rose (used with permission)

    Sound Effects and additional music courtesy of Table Top Audio, Ovani Sound and Monument Studios

    Dice for the cast of Wayfinder Legends provided by Esty Way Gaming.

    Wayfinder Legends is a Red Dirt RPG, LLC production.



    Jeremy - Boddy, a Hobgoblin seeking a new purpose

    Hal - Plame, a charismatic and entertaining, young goblin

    Emily - Inara, a confident and hot-headed, young Kellish woman

    Brook - Fawin, an Aiuvarin (half-elven) born into privilege

    Stacy - Pathfinder 2e Gamemaster

  • Their curiosity for the dead hobgoblins pulls the party into a dangerous encounter...

    Special Thanks:

    Theme Music - "Together We Rise" by Wind Rose (used with permission)

    Sound Effects and additional music courtesy of Table Top Audio, Ovani Sound and Monument Studios

    Dice for the cast of Wayfinder Legends provided by Esty Way Gaming.

    Wayfinder Legends is a Red Dirt RPG, LLC production.



    Jeremy - Boddy, a Hobgoblin seeking a new purpose

    Hal - Plame, a charismatic and entertaining, young goblin

    Emily - Inara, a confident and hot-headed, young Kellish woman

    Brook - Fawin, an Aiuvarin (half-elven) born into privilege

    Stacy - Pathfinder 2e Gamemaster

  • Inara's decision to care for a lost pup COMBINED WITH Boddy's ancestry put the Party in a dire situation inside Castle Altaerein.

    Special Thanks:

    Theme Music - "Together We Rise" by Wind Rose (used with permission)

    Sound Effects and additional music courtesy of Table Top Audio, Ovani Sound and Monument Studios

    Dice for the cast of Wayfinder Legends provided by Esty Way Gaming.

    Wayfinder Legends is a Red Dirt RPG, LLC production.



    Jeremy - Boddy, a Hobgoblin seeking a new purpose

    Hal - Plame, a charismatic and entertaining, young goblin

    Emily - Inara, a confident and hot-headed, young Kellish woman

    Brook - Fawin, an Aiuvarin (half-elven) born into privilege

    Stacy - Pathfinder 2e Gamemaster

  • Plame the Goblin leads the party into the twisting hallways of the castle; Boddy and Fawin discover some magic; and Inara finds a "treasure" that might bring death to the entire party!

    Special Thanks:

    Theme Music - "Together We Rise" by Wind Rose (used with permission)

    Sound Effects and additional music courtesy of Table Top Audio, Ovani Sound and Monument Studios

    Dice for the cast of Wayfinder Legends provided by Esty Way Gaming.

    Wayfinder Legends is a Red Dirt RPG, LLC production.



    Jeremy - Boddy, a Hobgoblin seeking a new purpose

    Hal - Plame, a charismatic and entertaining, young goblin

    Emily - Inara, a confident and hot-headed, young Kellish woman

    Brook - Fawin, an Aiuvarin (half-elven) born into privilege

    Stacy - Pathfinder 2e Gamemaster

  • After Plame scouts the perimeter of the Castle, the Party storms through the front doors and finds unexpected guards, thus prompting Inara and Boddy to reveal talents that put each of them on the path to being heroes!

    (Have you been wondering about the PC's classes? TWO of them are revealed within this episode! Take our Quiz here: https://www.patreon.com/collection/629967?view=expanded )

    Special Thanks:

    Theme Music - "Together We Rise" by Wind Rose (used with permission)

    Sound Effects and additional music courtesy of Table Top Audio, Ovani Sound and Monument Studios

    Dice for the cast of Wayfinder Legends provided by Esty Way Gaming.

    Wayfinder Legends is a Red Dirt RPG, LLC production.



    Jeremy - Boddy, a Hobgoblin seeking a new purpose

    Hal - Plame, a charismatic and entertaining, young goblin

    Emily - Inara, a confident and hot-headed, young Kellish woman

    Brook - Fawin, an Aiuvarin (half-elven) born into privilege

    Stacy - Pathfinder 2e Gamemaster

  • Having been brought together in a literal "trial by fire", the group of newcomers accepts The Call to track an arson suspect toward Castle Altaerein and also check on the welfare of Ambassador Warbal's people. Although, someone really needs to keep tabs on Inara....

    Special Thanks:

    Theme Music - "Together We Rise" by Wind Rose (used with permission)

    Sound Effects and additional music courtesy of Table Top Audio, Ovani Sound and Monument Studios

    Dice for the cast of Wayfinder Legends provided by Esty Way Gaming.

    Wayfinder Legends is a Red Dirt RPG, LLC production.



    Jeremy - Boddy, a Hobgoblin seeking a new purpose

    Hal - Plame, a charismatic and entertaining, young goblin

    Emily - Inara, a confident and hot-headed, young Kellish woman

    Brook - Fawin, an Aiuvarin (half-elven) born into privilege

    Stacy - Pathfinder 2e Gamemaster

  • The new characters in town strive to save the townsfolk from a sudden fire at the City Council!

    Special Thanks:

    Theme Music - "Together We Rise" by Wind Rose (used with permission)

    Sound Effects and additional music courtesy Table Top Audio, Ovani Sound,  and Monument Studios.

    Dice for the cast of Wayfinder Legends provided by Esty Way Gaming.

    Wayfinder Legends is a Red Dirt RPG, LLC production.



    Jeremy - Boddy, a Hobgoblin seeking a new purpose.

    Hal - Plame, a charismatic, Goblin entertainer.

    Emily - Inara, a confident and hot-headed, young Kellish woman.

    Brook - Fawin, an Aiuvarin (half-elven) born into privilege.

    Stacy - Pathfinder 2e Gamemaster

    Paizo Community Use Copyright Posting: Paizo Inc., Paizo, the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, the Pathfinder logo, Pathfinder Society, Starfinder, the Starfinder logo, GameMastery, and Planet Stories are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc. The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Pathfinder Campaign Setting, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Pathfinder Player Companion, Pathfinder Modules, Pathfinder Tales, Pathfinder Battles, Pathfinder Legends, Pathfinder Online, Starfinder Adventure Path, PaizoCon, RPG Superstar, The Golem's Got It, Titanic Games, the Titanic logo, and the Planet Stories planet logo are trademarks of Paizo Inc. Dungeons & Dragons, Dragon, Dungeon, and Polyhedron are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and have been used by Paizo Inc. under license. Most product names are trademarks owned or used under license by the companies that publish those products; use of such names without mention of trademark status should not be construed as a challenge to such status.

  • A group of unlikely heroes.....(wait for it)..... meet in a Tavern as they are drawn to a small town of Breachill in the country of Isger on the Pathfinder world of Golarion to answer "The Call of Heroes."

    "And until those Heroes show-up, these guys are gonna have to do."

    Special Thanks:

    Theme Music - "Together We Rise" by Wind Rose (used with permission)

    Sound Effects and additional music courtesy Table Top Audio, Ovani Sound,  and Monument Studios.

    Dice for the cast of Wayfinder Legends provided by Esty Way Gaming.

    Wayfinder Legends is a Red Dirt RPG, LLC production.



    Jeremy - Boddy, a Hobgoblin seeking a new purpose.

    Hal - Plame, a charismatic, Goblin entertainer.

    Emily - Inara, a confident and hot-headed, young Kellish woman

    Brook - Fawin, an Aiuvarin (half-elven) born into privilege.

    Stacy - Pathfinder 2e Gamemaster

    Paizo Community Use Copyright Posting: Paizo Inc., Paizo, the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, the Pathfinder logo, Pathfinder Society, Starfinder, the Starfinder logo, GameMastery, and Planet Stories are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc. The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Pathfinder Campaign Setting, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Pathfinder Player Companion, Pathfinder Modules, Pathfinder Tales, Pathfinder Battles, Pathfinder Legends, Pathfinder Online, Starfinder Adventure Path, PaizoCon, RPG Superstar, The Golem's Got It, Titanic Games, the Titanic logo, and the Planet Stories planet logo are trademarks of Paizo Inc. Dungeons & Dragons, Dragon, Dungeon, and Polyhedron are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and have been used by Paizo Inc. under license. Most product names are trademarks owned or used under license by the companies that publish those products; use of such names without mention of trademark status should not be construed as a challenge to such status.