Livy is here! She is our super special guest for this episode. Catch up with our 3rd, Oliva, as we check in with her! She is an entrepreneur, a teenager going into grade 12, and she is absolutely phenomenal!
Picture it...it's March 2004 and Todd is in Florida. Well, we all are but Todd is at the golf course in Florida getting ready to play a round with my dad. He walks around the car to get his golf clubs and steps on something! Listen to hear what it was and was happened to it!
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We are back for season 2 of We've Been Reynoldsed! Have you missed us?? May and June are exhausting for us! Is it the same for you and your family? It is never ending for 2 months straight... add in some tornado warnings and we are just about at the end of the proverbial rope! Let us know how May and June are going for you!
Todd and I have been teachers for decades and we have seen it all! We've seen the trends and the cliques and the exhaustion and we have noticed some changes in this generation of teens. Have you noticed them too??
Todd's gift giving history is pretty epic...Toddles, a giant bear, an even more giant metal outdoor wall hanging. There are a lot of memories wrapped up in the gifts Todd has given me over the years and I'll cherish the memories but the actual gifts?
Is your spouse a great gift giver? -
We don't drive the fanciest cars and Todd loves a good minivan but wow did we get Reynoldsed with our 'good car" the other day! Car problems drive me crazy but they happen sometimes but of course this happened right before we really needed our good car to function properly!
We try so hard not to project our fears and our opinions onto our kids! It can be hard sometimes...catching ourselves before we say something and realizing that what we might have said could've forced a fear onto them or changed their opinion of something or someone. Do you avoid projecting fears and opinions onto your kids?
Going to Florida is a huge trip for us that we love! We have been driving to Florida yearly for so long and we have flown (or tried to fly) a couple times. We love this trip! We have so many incredible memories from these trips and so many things have happened to us during these travels and trips! Scary things, hilarious things, things that maybe weren't hilarious until after we got home...listen along to all the fun and excitement!
Oh my goodness! Kids parties and friends parties are the best! We absolutely love hosting parties with our friends, with our kids and our kid's friends! Whether it's at a super awesome venue or in our own backyard, we tend to go all out but with an eye on the bottom line too so our parties don't get too expensive! Don't love birthday cake? Listen to hear my favourite celebration food hack!
If there is one thing we are really used to- it's the newborn stage! Man, that part of parenthood can be exhilarating and exhausting and there is one thing that worked so well for us. Eat, play, sleep!
Our amazing hometown is like our own slice of Stars Hallow! We're sittin' & spittin' about our beloved town of Penetanguishene. Winterama. World Famous Dock Lunch. The waterfront. The people. Oh my gosh, I am obsessed!
Did you watch the Super Bowl? Everyone is talking about it in some way or another. We never usually tune into the Super Bowl like we did this year but we're seeing lots of opinions and controversy and wanted to add in some of our own.
Do you know what petrifies me? The smells. The sounds. It's awful. We are chatting about our fears (some irrational, some not) and phobias. Listen to my out of body experience and how it ties into my biggest fear! What are your fears? Your biggest phobia? Send us a message on our Instagram page!
https://www.instagram.com/wevebeenreynoldsedpodcast?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw== -
We traveled to Portugal! All 6 of us headed overseas. We had an amazing time! Listen as we chat about our phenomenal trip and share some hilarious stories!
Todd and I love each other endlessly and with that love and a long marriage comes little things that make us laugh and cringe and maybe bicker a little. We know we aren't the only couple!
Spencer has been dancing his whole life! He has been met with incredible support but also some assumptions and unkindness. However, nothing stops Spencer from exploring his passion for dance!
If there is one thing we have learned over 21 years of raising kids and a combined 50+ years of teaching kids, it's to not sweat the little things. To let go of stuff that isn't actually that important. It wasn't easy sometimes but it made our lives a little easier!
Christmas is a Reynolds holiday favourite! We have so many traditions surrounding the holidays and we cannot wait to share some of them with you!
From our family to yours, have a safe, happy and health holiday season! -
Spencer is home from his first semester at university and we can't wait to hear all about what he has been up to! First year is hard! So many new things to explore; new struggles and triumphs. First time being an independent adult! Did he do his dishes? His laundry? Go to class?!? Listen along as we chat about 1st semester with Spence!
Why did our phone albums sync?
How many notifications does Melissa have on her phone?
Why does Mad Todd make an appearance?
Our latest episode might be one of the most hilarious so listen along for chance to laugh with us! - Показать больше