6th Adar, #204: Parshas Tetzaveh
Theme: The heart knows it’s all for Hashem’s plan.
Chelek Chof Vov. Pg 191.
Thank you to this week’s Sicha Sponsors!
Faigy Katz, in honor of her upcoming birthday Yud Adar, may this be a shnas bracha & hatzlacha!
Esther Weiner, in the zchus that all the hostages and Jewish soldiers should come home with Moshiach NOW!
Ganesha Chaikin In honor of Levi Yitzchok Chaikins birthday, he should bring his parents, bubby and Zaidy and the Rebbe a lot of nachas!
By a group of friends Liiluy Nishmas our dear friend Sara Goldberg on her third yartzheit
Chaya Sara Malka bas Reuven Yehuda, who lived and loved and breathed chassidus and worked on her bitachon through it all! May her children and family experience much nechama and brocha!
Areas when I think “Why is this happening to me?” “Why did I get myself into this mess?”
Lessons from Rashi & The Bigdei Kehuna
…Everything is there to teach you in avodas hashem, but in this case, Rashi got into a more messy situation! Rashi was in a situation that he wished hadn’t happened!
What do I do with something like this that I can still bring this into my Avodas Hashem?
It takes your heart. Your yechida rests in your heart. No experience in the world can blacken the yechida. Even those things that seem to be opposite of the Torah! To be able to take a negative experience and transform it - this power you get from your heart!
Only with your heart, your yechida, can you go through a situation where you see something or experience something that you really did not want to. And then you can find the powerful light within the darkness - here it gave Rashi understanding of the Kohen’s Clothing, the Eifod!
“Why do i have to have this shmutz in my life?!”
Everything is from Hashem
You have to be bothered by it, it’s healthy!
This experience will push you to a place that brings honor to Hashem!
A moment that feels painful - what’s the purpose of this mess? Everything is for a purpose! Listen to your yechida, and find a space that you can elevate & honor Hashem - and ultimately see the light that comes out from this golus, with Moshiach!
Chelek Chof Vov page 191
Chelek Chof Vov. Pg 175.
A relationship with Hashem so deeply loving where mistakes don’t matter.
Missing episodes?
Building the Mishkan
chelek chof alef, page 156
Chelek lamed Alef pg 135
Chelek tes zayin. Pg 449
If you have a talent, you were given it to use in making a dira btachtonim.Using talents and being sensitive because of how the women weaved on the backs of the goats.
Some notes:
2 Jews are 2 hands in 1 body. Clarity of Eretz Yisrael= True Unity.
Today is 22 Shvat, Rabbi Binyamin Klein received a call from Eretz Yisrael. Urgent. Needed something from the Rebbe. He called the Rebbe personal phone number. Rabbi Klein felt bad for disturbing them. Rebbetzin answer "this is what we are here for"
How do we get out of golus? Learning halacha, take responsibility for your fellow Yid who is in this choking situation, to the extent that it becomes your pleasure
2 partners want to make a wall, as partners. Focus on the UNITY that will be revealed a. For sure between each other, hidden and b. And in our relationship with Hashem
We go into Hashem bank account and pull our the supplies we need to overcome the negativity of the golus
This darkness is so powerful we are choking from it
The halacha is that Hashem can kick in as the guarantor! Place of chessed not place of din.
When we are in golus perspective, it feels not so simple to get Hashem on board. Need to make it happen
But when we learn the yerushalmy - clear light, clear perspective, then we know the partnership of hashem and yidden is clear.
We just need to let Hashem know we are in pain. Let Hashem know about the pain of golus and say to Hashem "ad mosai!"
Just Hashem seeing a Yid in this moment of pain and Ad Mosai - Hashem will take responsibility for his beloved nation.
Hashem will build us the 3rd Beis Hamikdash!
Chelek Chof Vov pg 145
Living a more peaceful life with each other, as is part of the days of Moshiach
Chelek Chof Vov pg 248
The Rebbe gave out a kuntres on Chof Beis Shvat highlighting the power and greatness of women. This Sicha is printed in there, highlighting the avodah of women.
Chelek Chof vov pg 367
Chelek Chof Vov pg 124.
Hashem, I’m all Yours.
Sicha #200!!!
Shabbos Style Bitachon- it’s all Hashem. My only need is to connect to Hashem!
Chelek Chof Vov pg 95.
Sicha *199!* 2 Shvat, Parshas Bo
Sicha Theme: Let’s experience deep rest and magnificent miracles. Chelek Chof Alef pg 68.
Huge thank you to our incredible sponsors:
1. Yehudeet & Avvi Shabat in honor of the 18th birthday, on Vov Shvat, of their daughter Rina Gittel bas Yehudeet! May you have a shnas hatzlacha, bracha, gezunt & simcha!
2. Elana Lavi in honor of her daughter's 17th birthday tonight, on gimmul shvat. Rivka, Mazal tov on your 17th birthday May you have a Shnas hatzlacha, success in everything that you do, happiness, revealed good and lots of health!
3. Musia Dalfin for a Refuah Sheleima for her grandmother, Dvoira bas Miriam! May she have a complete and total refuah!
4. Goldie Baumgarten in gratitude for these tremendous classes and enabling us to connect to the Rebbe in such a tremendous way.
5. A listener, In honor of “my birthday and my appreciation to Mrs Schapiro, my big sister for over 30 years”
Together, b’zchus all of our amazing sponsors and women's chassidus learning community, let’s deep dive into the Sicha! Your partnership helps enable these sichos to keep going & growing!
Hashem loves us through and through, we are called Hashem's children: Bni Bechori Yisrael
Chelek Chof Alef page 20
Sicha #196: Parshas Vayechi, Chelek Chof pg 243.
Commitment to Education of generations of children beyond my basic responsibilities- it’s worth it!
Yosef raising his great-grandchildren and what we can learn from it!
Thank you to 2 Sponsors of this week's sicha learning!
Rivky brikman, Chabad of SeaGate/ Coney Island in honor of 5 teves. May we see our complete didan notzach and may we always bring The Rebbe Nachas ruach!
Thank you to a listener, Esty, who co-sponsored in honor of her upcoming birthday this Sunday! It should be a shnas bracha & hatzlacha!!
Shabbos Chanukah, Likkutei Sichos Chelek Chof page 207
Theme: My Light is Enough. When its for the mitzvah, whatever I've got counts!
Today's Sicha is sponsored by Henna Shomer: Empowering Frum Women Through Movement
Henna's Restore Your Core and Prenatal classes offer a proven approach, grounded in a deep understanding of women’s unique needs, to help you rebuild strength, prevent pain, and feel confident in your body—at every stage of motherhood and beyond.
Mrs. Schapiro and I both highly recommend!!
hennashomer.com 310.279.3315
Gut Yom Tov! Yud Tes Kislev, Parshas Vayeishev Chelek Chof pg 185
Theme: Loving my brothers through thick and thin
This sicha was graciously sponsored by Chanie Diskin in honor of her Yom Holedes.Thank you for enabling us to access the Rebbe's Toira in such an accessible form! May all that are involved in this holy project be gebentched with Hatzlocha in all of their endeavors!
גוט יום טוב !
שנה טובה בלימוד החסידות ובדרכי החסידות תכתבו ותחתמו!
Theme: Crushed and confused. The place between one step of growth and another.
This week's Sicha is sponsored by Shaina Zirkind in honor of her birthday.
"Thank you to Etty for arranging this learning weekly and to Mrs. Schapiro for teaching it!!"
This one really hits. That place going from one level to another can be confusing and totally untethered. The nasi asks on all of our behalf that even though right now we look like katonti, a place of confusion, we don't know where to stand on firm ground, Hashem's promise should be fulfilled "Haitiv Eitiv Imach! Hsahem is going to do amazing good things for us!
Likkutei Sichos, Parshas Vayishlach: Chelek Chof pg 166
Hey Kislev, Parshas Vayeitzei
This sicha is sponsored by Mushka Heidingsfeld with lots of thanks to Mrs. Schapiro in honor of her Shabbos Kallah and upcoming Chasunah! Mazal Tov! Bshaa Tova Umitzlachas Binyan Adei Ad!
Chelek Chof page 129
Its Easy for Eretz Yisroel to be ours, access the Yechida Power!
chelek Gimmul page 787
Chelek Chof pg 108.
Esav at his best. Don’t run away from the world. Guide it with Yakov’s Torah. -
Was Eisav good or bad? He married a good woman, but didn't leave the bad ones...Yitzchak was intent on the good side of Eisav wanting to bless him, how do we navigate the mixture of good and bad and sometimes the hypocrisy in it? What about when I think something is good but perhaps its actually not?
Learn the Sicha and hear what the Rebbe has to say :)
Chelek Lamed Hay, page 131 - Show more