in 12 days, and even all the way to February. We also take a look at the Christmas bann of 1660s, and how Christmas would be celebrated again when the Stuarts returned to the throne of England. All this, and much more THIS WEEK on "Well That Aged Well", with "Erlend Hedegart.
Links to find Andrea Zuvich can be found here:
Profesor Zuvichs website:
Instagram: @17thCenturyLady
Twitter/X: @17ThCenturyLady
Tiktok: @17thCenturyLady
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THIS WEEK! We are joined by Nicholas Morton, and we discuss his recent book "The Mongol Storm". How did the Mongols help reshape geopolitical area of the 13th Century middle east? How did empires such as the Ayubids, The Seljuk Turks, or the once mighty Abbasid Caliphate fall so easilly to the Mongol storm? And how did the Mongols deal with their recently conquered areas of the middle east? Find out This week on "Well That Aged Well".
You can find professor Morton on social media here:
Twitter/X: @NicholasMorto11
Instagram: @nicholasmorton123
Bluesky: @NicholasMorto11
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THIS WEEK! We go back to the Korean War, and take a look at the infamous Mobile Army Surgical Hospital known as MASH. We take a look at medical history from both WWI, and WWII, and how the Mash Unit were developed. What was it like going into a Mash unit as a field army surgeon? what was the hours like? was there any medical advancement made during MASHs time in Korea? And of course how accurate is the Mash Movie/TV show? Find out this week on "Well That Aged Well", with "Erlend Hedegart".
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THIS WEEK! We take a look at France under the Vichy goverment of 1940-1944. We begin with a look at the Third Republic, and The Inter War Years, to the Vichy takeover by Marshal Philippe Petain. And what was life like in Vichy France? How did people resist Vichy? and did the Vichy really stand up against the Germans? Find out more this week on "Well That Aged Well", With "Erlend Hedegart".
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THIS WEEK! We have Aidan Dodson back on the podcast, And we discuss the 25th Dynasty of Egypt, better known as "The Nubian Pharaos". How did they rise to power in Egypt? And how did Egypt change under the Nubian Pharaos? And how have they been viewed by later historians? Find out This week on "Well That Aged Well", with "Erlend Hedegart".
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THIS WEEK! We do another misconception episode, and this time it is the Knights Templars turn. How did we get so many misconeptions about The Knight Templars? Did they worship the devil? Were all celibate? And did they guard the holy grail? FInd out this week on "Well That Aged Well", with "Erlend Hedegart".
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THIS WEEK! We are discussing The first month of the First World War. From the tension that lured in Europe, to the alliances, and the shot of Sarajevo that would be the casus beli for The First World War. All this, and more this week on "Well That Aged Well. With "Erlend Hedegart".
Find Dr. Kempshall on social media here:
Twitter/X: @ chriskepmshall
Instagram: @ Chriskempshal
About Dr. Chris Kempshall
About Dr. CHris Kempshall:
Dr Chris Kempshall is a public historian and author who specialises both in transnational experiences of warfare and modern media representations of history; predominantly computer games and the Star Wars franchise. He is currently the President for the International Society for First World War Studies and a Senior Research Fellow for the Centre for Army Leadership, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He is also a series editor for the De Gruyter academic book series ‘Video Games and the Humanities‘. He has acted as an academic advisor and consultant to institutions such as the Imperial War Museum, 14-18 Notre-Dame-de-Lorette Memorial and the musée Guerre et Paix en Ardennes as well as providing historical expertise to various computer game developersTHIS WEEK! We are discussing The first month of the First World War. From the tension that lured in Europe, to the alliances, and the shot of Sarajevo that would be the casus beli for The First World War. All this, and more this week on "Well That Aged Well. With "Erlend Hedegart".
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IN THIS YEARS HALLOWEEN SPECIAL! We discuss the famous work of Dante Alighieris "The Divine Comedy". From a brief history of Dante, to how he enters hell. We discuss some levels of Hell such as limbo, and the circle of Lust. And what is the influence of Dantes "Divine Comedy?" Find out this week on "Well That Aged Well", With "Erlend Hedegart
Don`t forget our livestream tonight, (October 31st), which you can view here. It starts 9pm CEST, and 8pm UK time: (if you listen to this episode after the 31st October you can still enjoy the livestream):
Links to Dr. Francis Young can be found here:
Purchase the book "Paganism Persisting", here:
Dr. Francis Youngs website:
Dr. Francis Youngs Twitter/X here:
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THIS WEEK! We continue our two parter on Hitlers People. We begin with Himler, and go through Faces such as Alfred Rosenberg, Heinrich Heydrich, Adolf Eichman, and much more. THIS WEEK! On "Well That Aged Well". With "Erlend Hedegart". .
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THIS WEEK! We give you anoher 2 parter. And this time we take a look at Hitlers henchemen. In Part 1 we look at how Hitler rose to power, to the life Herman Göring, Goebels, and Rom. All this, and more, this week on "Well That Aged Well". With "Erlend Hedegart".
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THIS WEEK! We talk about The Rise, and fall of the Anglo Saxon Kingdom known as Mercia. From its first leader Penda, to the christianisation of Mercia, Offa The Great, and the Viking attack on Lindesfarne, and much, much more. This week on "Well That Aged Well". With "Erlend Hedegart".
Links to find Professor Whitehead can be found here:
Annie WHiteheads website:
Twitter/X: @AnnieWHistory
Instagram: @Anniewhiteheadauthor
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THIS WEEK! We FINALLY! Reached the 200th Episode! And we are celebrating with a party. We are drinking, and having fun discussing history. From Alcohol Compsumption in the Middle Ages to how women werre treated, to the Angevin dynasty. And much, much more. This week on "Well That Aged Well". With "Erlend Hedegart".
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THIS WEEK! We have returning guest Anthony Kaldellis back, and we discuss his recent book "The New Roman Empire". In this introduction episode to Eastern Roman History. We discuss the conversion to Christianity, to the emperor Julian, the last Pagan Emperor. To Justinians conquest, Iconoclasm, and much more. This week on "Well That Aged Well". With "Erlend Hedegart".
Professor Kaldellis links can be found here:
Link to Byzantium And Friends:
Link to Kaldellis publications:
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THIS WEEK! We take a look at The Video Game "Red Dead Redemption 2", by Rockstar Games. How well do the game represent The American West in the decade of the 1890s? How many gangs such as The "Vanderline Gang", were left by this time. And what of the railroad tycoons? And racism in the late 19th Century America? Find out all this, and more, on "Well That Aged Well", With "Erlend Hedegart".
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THIS WEEK! We are discussing the 16th Century that kicked off the Spice trade. From the start of exploration to east Asia, to relations between Spanish, and Portugese. And how did the 16th Century Spice trade change the modern world? Find Out This Week on "Well That Aged Well". With "Erlend Hedegart".
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THIS WEEK! We cover The Ancient Near East. From The Third Dynasty of Ur. To how we know so much about early civilization, to the women of The Ancient Near East, To Assyria, and Babylon, and much, much more. This week on "Well That Aged Well". With "Erlend Hedegart".
Find Professor Podany here:
Social Media:
Instagram: @Ahpodany
Twitter/X: @ahpod
Link to Professor Podanys academia:
Links to find Professor Podanys work can be found here:
You can purchase her book "Weavers, Scribes, And Kings", here:
Purchase "The Ancient Near East. A Very Short Introduction", here:
Purchase "Brotherhood Of Kings. How international relations shaped The Ancient Near East". Here:
Professor Podanys Great Courses lecture On The Ancient Near East, can be found here:
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THIS WEEK! We continue our mini series on our history Of Afghanistan. From the inter war years, to the second World War, and the modernization programe of Afghanistan, until today. All this, and Much, Much More on "Well That Aged Well". With "Erlend Hedegart".
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THIS WEEK! We take a look at the history of Afghanistan, in Two parts. In Part 1 we begin with the Rise of The Afghan Empire founded by Ahmad Shah Durrani , to the entry of the British, and the Russians. From the Anglo Afghan War, and the reign of Habibullah Khan. All this, And More on "Well That Aged Well". With "Erlend Hedegart".
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THIS WEEK! We take a look at Edward I. The English Monarch most famously known from Braveheart. From his upbringing to the family affairs. To how Edward went on a crusade, and The real Scottish Rebellion by William Wallace. We take a look at the Life of Edward I, this week on "Well That Aged Well", with "Erlend Hedegart".
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THIS WEEK! We take a look at the Roman General known as Belisarius, and his wife Antonina. We take a look at their early life to their campaign, and how Belisarius would rise to become a general, and reconquer the Roman Empire. and eventually fall from grace. All this, and more on "Well That Aged Well". With "Erlend Hedegart"
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