
  • This is a personal episode about Amanda's business journey from 2011 through today. You may have noticed a lot of changes in the past year, and now I'm ready to share the behind-the-scenes of what's going on!

    This episode is my personal business journey, where I'll share lessons learned along the way. You might recognize yourself in some of the moments. Long-time listeners will especially enjoy this - the behind-the-scenes of what was happening during some of those years!

    If you're new to the podcast, and you're specifically looking for wellness business marketing advice, I suggest starting with any of our other 200+ episodes especially about that topic!

    I recorded this on the day of release, and didn't want to wait for audio editing so I did it myself (eek), so please forgive any lesser quality than usual :)

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  • “You can’t create a successful group if you’re trying to appeal to everyone. You need to understand who your target and focus are.” Charlie Edge

    This week on the podcast we are talking all that you wanted to know about Facebook groups. Everybody knows they can be a fantastic marketing tool to attract and nurture the audience, and so many new Wellness entrepreneurs use them, but – is it the same for everyone?

    If you’re just starting and wondering if the Facebook group is the right thing for your business, stick around! We got 3 key questions you need to answer before starting a group and opening a new chapter for your Wellness business. Take your audience on the journey to know you, like, and trust you!

    And that’s not all! Here at Wellpreneur, we’re taking a group of new Wellness businesses through our Wellpreneur Marketing Bootcamp program, and you can find all about that in episode links. So, here we go!

    This episode originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast.

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  • “We spend most of our lives swimming upstream, against the current. It’s not meant to be so difficult. Allow yourself to enjoy the moments when you are in the flow!” Gillian McMichael

    In this week’s episode, we have a treat for you! Our guest today is one of the UK’s top coaches – Gillian McMichael, the founder of transformational coaching practice Full Circle Global. Over the past 17 years, Gillian has created programs that helped countless people discover and embrace their purpose.

    Furthermore, Charlie and Gillian discuss a topic that is a big stumbling block for all new wellness entrepreneurs – Imposter Syndrome. If you are just starting your entrepreneurial journey, this can be a real challenge, as it can feel like other people in your field have more experience or content than you. Fortunately, Gillian gave such great advice for all newcomers on how to manage the ups and downs of running your own business.

    Tune in, and get your confidence boost!

    This episode originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast.

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  • “Take care of yourself so you can take care of your Family” Amanda Cook

    This week we’re revisiting one of our most listened to podcast episodes, and discuss one of the hardest target markets to crack: the Moms and their self-care. In this episode, inspired by the former Nail Your Niche challenge, Amanda exposes the threats of targeting new Moms with your Wellness business and gives you some great ideas on how to approach them.

    Precisely, we’re going to explore why this target market is so hard to reach and the huge cultural influences that may be sabotaging wellness entrepreneur sales. If you are developing your niche in this area, this episode is a must-listen.

    Tune in and master how to work with Moms, how to help them overcome the struggles with exhaustion, anxiety, poor sleep, weight problems, and stress, by encouraging them to take time for self-care.

    This episode originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast.

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  • “It’s OK if you don’t nail your niche at the first go. Enjoy the journey.” Samantha Kellgren

    In today’s episode, Charlie chats with Samantha Kellgren, the founder of Simply Well Coaching and a certified health and mindset coach. Sam is an expert in guiding ambitious women to build healthier habits and live with less stress and more energy. More specifically, she helps Type-A women with high expectations of themselves, slow down and stop the guilt trip so they can enjoy a more relaxing life and find balance, joy and confidence.

    You’ll learn how to truly bring your authentic self to your business, and understand your target market better than anyone, from an experienced wellpreneur who has had an own market journey with great success. Samantha is sharing her wisdom with us, in the hope to inspire new Wellness entrepreneurs who are trying to find their niche.

    This episode originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast.

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    Copyright 2012-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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  • “The Riches are in the Niches” Sue B. Zimmerman

    This week on the podcast we are talking – all things Instagram! The popular App has exploded in the last few years for Health & Wellness business. As we all know, IG notifications became an important part of our lives and a key strategic tool in marketing.

    With us today is the Instagram Expert herself – Sue B. Zimmerman experienced business coach and educator, who helped thousands of people navigate the world of IG. Sue B. is the creator of the most comprehensive online Instagram course – Ready Set Gram. Over the past 8 years, Sue has helped entrepreneurs turn this social network into their most effective marketing platform.

    If you want to learn how to attract audiences and turn people into clients – you are in the right place! Tune in and level up your Instagram game.

    This episode originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast.

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    Copyright 2012-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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  • “Go back to the roots (…) and have more time for things that are important!” Camille Freeman

    In this week’s episode, Charlie and her guest Camille discuss something almost out of time – how to market your business, but without Social Media. Sounds impossible? Well, it isn’t!

    Camille has been in reproductive health since 2003 and has seen massive changes in how we market ourselves in the wellness space. A few years ago she decided to quit social media for her business - and in her life.

    Find out how she continued her journey by taking it back to the basics of what marketing is. You can grow and thrive even without Social, so – tune in and learn how!

    This episode originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast.

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    Copyright 2012-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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  • “Making health easy and accessible to consumers.” Riley Rees

    In today’s episode, Charlie discusses with Riley Rees, the founder of the Sofia Health platform, how wellness entrepreneurs can go about finding clients.

    More specifically, you’ll hear how Sofia Health helps people overcome their struggles when it comes to finding the right kind wellness solution for them.

    You'll find out about Riley’s background and how she designed an online & wellness marketplace that connects clients and health coaches. And you will learn who to trust when it comes to your health, how the holistic approach replaces shuffling between doctors, and how the Sofia platform has made health easy and accessible to consumers.


    For all the listeners of Wellpreneur, there is a gift! Tune in and learn how to get 3 months of Sofia Health for FREE!


    This episode originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast.

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    Copyright 2012-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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  • “We are here now, We are present, and We are living it!“ Amanda Cook

    In this week’s episode, Amanda shows a glimpse of what ALIGNMENT is, by teaching us to be present, integrated, and on a right track in life and work… With EASE and FLOW!

    Furthermore, our host shares a personal journey, during which she found a system of 5 strategies that will help you shift into Alignment. More precisely, you’ll find out how: to feel grounded and centered, to create spaces of mindfulness, to connect with the cycle of nature, to hear the nudges from your inner voice, and learn to give meaning to your everyday routines.

    Last but not least, you can take action right after the show and sign up for a new 5-day guided experience called (RE)ALIGN – it’s FREE to join!

    This episode originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast.

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    Copyright 2012-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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  • If you've got a start-up and want to build a relationship with potential clients while coming up first in search results, you are in the right place! In this week’s episode, Amanda discovers many "how-to’s" on this topic and shares strategies that will make content writing easier.

    Furthermore, you’ll find out how to play to your strengths and how to save hours and hours throughout the coming months and years by – making a plan. You will also learn how to create an editorial calendar, choose your core content pillars, and decide the frequency you’ll release the content.

    Are you ready?

    After the show, you’ll know. And that’s not all! Amanda has a ton of tips on how to make your writing feel more personal! Specifically, what's the quickest way to finish your first draft and how to develop your voice and ease with writing over time. Keep going, and tune in!

    This episode originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast.

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    Copyright 2012-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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  • In today’s episode, we are joined by Charlie Edge, Head of Growth here at Wellpreneur. This week Charlie is sharing the 5 types of content every wellness business should be creating..

    Listen to learn about the tools, tips, and tricks to create excellent wellness business content. Find out where you should start, what you need to keep in mind, and how to introduce yourself to the audience & build trust. You will learn how to overcome the fear of being judged and improve your organizational skills!

    This episode originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast.

    Get the full show notes with links:


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    Copyright 2012-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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  • In today's episode, our host, once again, is Charlie Edge, the Head of Growth here at Wellpreneur!

    This month, we are talking all about CONTENT! That said, today's guest is a perfect interlocutor for the topic, as Charlie introduces us to Angela Sealy, the founder of Good Karma Works, a wellness website agency.

    Lend an ear and let Angela guide you through the process of website creation, from inspiration to a launch! More specifically, you will learn to establish what type of website you need, write better copy, and generate leads while keeping your services relevant.

    As Angela says, the website is a living & breathing piece of content! The expertise that she shares with us will be beneficial for everyone who either has a website or is about to create one! Therefore, tune into today's episode! The class is about to start!

    This episode originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast.

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    Copyright 2012-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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  • This week on the Wellpreneur podcast we are joined once again by the Head of Growth at Wellpreneur, Charlie.

    This time, Charlie doesn't have a guest. Instead, she will share some of her expertise with us on the subject that is so important to new wellness businesses when they are just starting out – AUDIENCE GROWTH. More specifically, you will learn how to maximize your online presence, how to create relatable and engaging content relevant for your target audience, where to find your audience, and how to position yourself as an expert!

    This episode originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast.

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    Copyright 2012-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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  • For today’s episode, the team behind Wellpreneur has prepared a little surprise for its listeners! Charlie Edge, a Head of Growth that we have met two episodes ago, interviews Amanda Cook, a well-known voice of Wellprenur Podcast!

    Among other things, Amanda is a mentor and motivator who helps newbies entrepreneurs to build their business while keeping it aligned with their inner self. That said, today, we have an opportunity to listen to Amanda’s beginnings! Stay tuned as you will hear Amanda’s story of ambition, dedication, and inspiration. Moreover, you will find out how to successfully switch careers, where you can look for your first clients, and why it is important to let yourself be a beginner!

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  • As Amanda promised earlier, she pays a great deal of attention to the Wellpreneur podcast's listeners and their feedback! Therefore, today she addresses the subject that most of you asked for in Wellpreneur Community Group - TIME MANAGEMENT! Specifically, you will learn how to focus and make the most out of the time you have. How to be smart & strategic, how to set your expectations while avoiding burnout, why you should make a list of your tasks, and much more!

    Furthermore, you will find out how to join Wellpreneur Community Group, a place filled with people who know how to get the best out of their time to build the businesses they want!

    This episode originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast.

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    Copyright 2012-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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  • In today's episode, Amanda introduces us to one of the key persons inside her team! Please, welcome Charlie Edge, a Wellpreneur's Head of Growth and a Marketing Expert! Charlie gives a sneak peek into the Wellprenur's crew, shares some fresh gossip, and more importantly, shares 5 tips to start and grow your wellness business in 2021! That said, you will learn how to position your business on social media, how to grow your fan base, how to create content that aligns with your mission, and much more! Lend an ear to it and remind yourself about some of the core marketing principles!

    Furthermore, you will find out how to join Alchemy and Action community, a place where great careers start.

    This episode originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast.

    Get the full show notes with links:


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    Copyright 2012-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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  • In today's episode, Amanda introduces us to Kathy Robinson, an ex-corporate executive on Wall Street who was brave enough to ask herself what she really wants. After one transformative birthday party, she decided to retire from the only career she knew up to the date, and to embrace a journey of uncertainty and creativity that led her to who she is today! Nowadays, Kathy is a meditation teacher, a founder of Athena Wellness, and a published author. Lend an ear to this inspiring conversation that will come in handy for everyone in a place that has no idea what to do next, who is full of doubts about their self-worth, who is on a brick of fundamental change in their life and business!

    Furthermore, you will find out how to join Alchemy and Action community, a place filled with wellpreneurs who are inspiringly working towards their dreams!

    This episode originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast.

    Get the full show notes with links:


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    Copyright 2012-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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  • In today's episode, Amanda reminds us of her interview with sales expert Matthew Kimberley. Sales are an essential part of every business, but still, many business owners are hesitant when it comes to offering their products. Therefore, Matthew's expertise will help us get over this fear of selling. Tune in and hear Matthew's refreshing approach to sales. Find out how to detect interest in your product, why to adjust the language to your target audience, and how to start a conversation that will lead to a sale. Listen to all pieces of advice that will make THE SALE SOUND SIMPLE so you can position your business for maximum results!

    Also, you will find out how to join Alchemy and Action community, a place filled with people offering engaging products!

    This episode originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast.

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    Copyright 2012-2021 Wellpreneur Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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  • In today's episode, Amanda introduces us to Bernadette Thomas, a founder of The Wellbeing Games and Amanda's former client. Lend an ear to it and find out what an IDEA needs to go through before it becomes a product that can be placed on the market. Learn from Bernadette's story how devotion and belief in your IDEA can get you to the result, even when you are not familiar with the market and resources. Moreover, inspire yourself to keep going, all the way to the role of a CEO!

    Besides, you will find out how to join Alchemy and Action community, a place filled with people eager to make a big impact!

    This episode originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast.

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  • In today's episode, Amanda reminds us of her conversation with Alexx Stuart, a friendly chat about life coaching, cooking, and having an online business! Alexx is an energetic, optimistic activist and a successful entrepreneur, specifically a founder of Low Tox Life. Lend an ear to it and find out how to create your first e-course, how to distinguish yourself online, and how to listen to your audience in order to grow your business! Learn the facts that will inspire and help you make your small first steps towards YOUR BIG DREAMS!

    Furthermore, you will find out how to join the Alchemy and Action community, a place filled with energetic activists who are at the beginning of their beautiful entrepreneurial story.

    This episode originally aired on The Wellpreneur Podcast.

    Get the full show notes with links:


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