Hola! We're back with a new episode! Mame and Omi catch up with each other and Mame has a rant about a new establishment in Accra that disappointed her for a myriad of reasons.
After that their guest Astrid, a long-time listener of the podcast and a super fan joined them to discuss childhood memories of places in Accra, living in America and navigating the food spaces as a Ghanaian.
Make sure to follow the podcast on IG: @whatsurflavor_ and Twitter: whatsyourflava
If you want to get in touch with Mame and Omi then follow them on their socials: @mamestastes @omithehomie on all platforms. -
It's a brand new month and with that comes a brand new episode with a brand new guest!! In this episode Naa Shome Burgesson aka Shorshor joins the duo to talk about Sample gate, why giving samples at ice cream joints is a necessity, her venture into food blogging during the pandemic time and more.
Get some ice cream or a sample of it and dig into this episode.
Make sure to follow the podcast on IG: @whatsurflavor_ and Twitter: whatsyourflava
If you want to get in touch with Mame and Omi then follow them on their socials: @mamestastes @omithehomie on all platforms. -
Brand new episode before the month of May Ends! After a long long time and so many moving parts coming together, Podak Purple finally came on as guests on WYF giving you the crossover you truly deserve and need!
Pokua and Helen of Podak Purple talk about Accra's food and restaurant scene, places they have tried out recently, what they liked and more. Helen also went on a 1 minute rant about Kenkey and Gobe. Have fun listening!
Make sure to follow the podcast on IG: @whatsurflavor_ and twitter: @whatsyourflava
If you want to get in touch with Mame and Omi then follow them on their socials: @mamestastes @omithehomie on all platforms
And we're back with a brand new sizzling episode. On this Episode Mame and Omi talk about how there's no creativity within the Accra restaurant scene, Omi talks about how Nairobi restaurants take the cake and are doing much better than their Accra counterparts. Abdallah Smith a co-director of Ghana Food Movement joined the duo to talk about what Ghana Food Movement does, their mission and how they want Ghana to have its own food supply and not rely on importation.
Make sure to follow the podcast on IG: @whatsurflavor_ and twitter: @whatsyourflava
If you want to get in touch with Mame and Omi then follow them on their socials: @mamestastes @omithehomie on all platforms
Omi and Mame are back for another episode! On this episode they have Bouvy on as a guest. Bouvy is a trained culinary Chef, she talks about her experiences of going to culinary school in Canada, working side by side while schooling to pay for the fees and moving back to Ghana. She talks about the differences between the two countries and people's attitude to their work. Bouvy and Mame also spoke about being on a panel about Ghanaians and Diasporans in Ghana.
Make sure to follow the podcast on IG: @whatsurflavor_ and twitter: @whatsyourflava
If you want to get in touch with Mame and Omi then follow them on their socials: @mamestastes @omithehomie on all platforms
Mame and Omi are back with a brand new episode! And they got a favourite of the show: Opeyemi Famakin! For those who know him, he's a food critic from Nigeria. The three of them had a lengthy discussion about food, music and doing naughty activities in Port Harcourt. Have fun listening!
Make sure to follow the podcast on IG: @whatsurflavor_ and twitter: @whatsyourflava
If you want to get in touch with Mame and Omi then follow them on their socials: @mamestastes @omithehomie on all platforms
It's a brand-new season!!! They are back like they never left. Mame and Omi catch up with each other after their long-ish break. They talk about what they were up to during the December holidays, what events they attended, what they're looking forward to this year and they also debuted a new segment for the podcast.
Make sure to follow the podcast on IG: @whatsurflavor_ and twitter: @whatsyourflava
If you want to get in touch with Mame and Omi then follow them on their socials: @mamestastes @omithehomie on all platforms
Another wonderful season comes to a close and we wanted to say a proper goodbye and thank you for listening to this season. We're going on a break and then we'll be back next season with fresh new content for all of you! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in Advance!
It's been a while, but we are back with a brand-new episode. Mame and Omi catch up with each other after what seems like a long time. They talk about what they have been up to and Mame's foray into the world of video reviews on her Instagram page. Omi then spoke about his trip to Kenya, all the experiences he had and the amazing food he had and how Accra needs to up it's restaurant game to match the standards of Kenya.
Enjoy listening to the episode! If you like it then share it on your socials!
It's a crossover! The crew from Pod Takes came on as guests on this episode. Pod Takes is a pop culture podcast and so naturally the topic discussed was food in pop culture. Movies such as The Good Burger, The Menu, Hunger and more were discussed, as well as shows like Hannibal and The Bear. Lots of good recommendations in the episode. Happy Listening!
It's a brand new episode! Mame and Omi start of by talking about the new places they've been to since they last recorded and what they thought about the places. They were then joined by Torikubu who is a food blogger and content creator. They spoke to her about her work, the places she documents and what some of her favourite places are for food.
Welcome back to another episode of What’s Your Flavor! The crew is back with another episode, ft. friend to the podcast, Aya! They talk about Aya’s initiation into the food business, similarities between Ghanaian & Nigerian food, as well as the insane food choices that Nigerians make [sometimes].
It's a brand new episode! Mame and Omi catch up with each other and talk about what they've been up to. Omi talks about attending the second edition of Food N Hiphop by Chef Keeks and team and what he enjoyed about it. They're then joined by their guest Eva. Eva is from the UK and is a regular listener of What's Your Flavor. She talks about the food culture in London/UK, the many varieties that there and places to visit. She also talks about the difference when it comes to the food business here in Ghana and the UK and more. Get some bangers and mash and listen to this episode!
We're back with a new episode! On this episode we had a return of one of our guests. It's none other than Mona! Mona spoke to the duo about owning Elm Cafe a new food space that opened in December 2022 and Soul Kitchen and their new space in East Legon. She talked about how there's so much work being a business owner in the food and hospitality industry, how you're always kept on your toes because of customer feedback and also the trio touched upon the world of food influencing.
On this episode we had a surprise guest in the form of Opeyemi Famakin. Opeyemi is a food critic/blogger/influencer from Nigeria and in his words has been a fan of the show since 2020/2021. He was in Ghana for a 2 week trip and we managed to get him on as a guest. The duo talked to him about his time here in Ghana, his takes on the Ghanaian cuisine, what he liked and didn't like. How his video of him trying Ghanaian Okro Soup went viral and the reactions to it and more and how there are still many places he has to visit in Accra/Ghana the next time he comes to visit.
We're back with a brand new episode! On this episode Baaba, owner of ProEats Foods joined us to talk about her business. She talked about how she started in 2019 by selling granola before pivoting into making breakfast boxes in 2020 in the thick of the pandemic and how she managed the business but eventually had to stop due to the inflation in 2022. It was a informative episode and we hope that ProEats comes back in the near future.
We're back ladies and gentlemen!!! It's been while but Mame and Omi are back for an all new season of What's Your Flavor. Mame and Omi talk about what they've been up to during the break. Mame tells us about her exercise routine and how she's been consistent with it and the results she's gotten out of it so far. Omi spoke about his trip to India and Vietnam, all the amazing food he got to have, the experiences he had and more.
It's going to be Taco Tuesday szn soon! On this episode the duo have Chef Keeks join them as a guest (at this point he's family to the podcast) to discuss about his new upcoming business venture that he's starting. The challenges he's faced trying to start a new place, how this is a dream he's wanted to accomplish and what we as consumers can look forward to when he opens his new venture. Get some tacos, a beer and enjoy this episode!
It's time to visit the East End of Accra and Bloom into the beautiful being that you are! On this episode the duo have Edem as a guest. Edem is one of the owners of Bloombar and the restaurant East End Bistro. He spoke about how Bloombar came into being, what his role is in the corporate side of things. He also told the duo about the circumstances that led to the creation of arguably Bloom's famous drink Fast Track. Edem spoke about why they decided to open a restaurant once they had established Bloom Bar as one Accra's main nightlife spots and what the future holds for Bloombar and East End Bistro.
Take out your hiking boots, go for a trek and listen to this episode! The duo are back with a new episode. Mame and Omi talk about what they've been up to and what they got up to for Valentine's Day. Akosua Shirley a food, travel and lifestyle blogger joined them as a guest to discuss food, travel and tourism in Ghana and outside Ghana. Akosua spoke to them about backpacking alone across Ghana, the challenges she faced and her overall experience with it. She spoke about what motivates her to travel and how she's looking to spread more information about solo travel in Ghana especially for women.
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