Welcome to the Content That Grows podcast by Ten Speed, where we discuss the strategies and tactics that make the top content marketing programs successful. Here you’ll find interviews with our experienced team members and various in-house content leaders aimed at providing you with the most relevant advice in marketing, today.
Welcome to Neuro-Hive! Join the Hidden Falls Media team as we take weekly deep dives into neuro-marketing, business development, and entrepreneurship. Our team took a big risk putting this information out for you, and creating this content. We need your support to help beat the big tech and media overlords who just want to keep you addicted to mediocrity. They are making billions of dollars and ripping the United States apart, all for the sake of keeping us dumb, numb, and glued to our phones. You are what they fear the most. Self-reliant & independent thinkers!
"Growth Gears: Accelerating Revenue Team Success" is the only podcast that seamlessly bridges the gap between marketing, sales, customer experience, and other teams involved in revenue generation. Our holistic approach to revenue growth transcends traditional organizational silos and areas of specialization, which delivers highest-quality results.
By integrating insights across multiple domains, we equip revenue teams with a unified strategy and constant upskilling, ensuring a cohesive and comprehensive path to success.
Our unique focus on the interconnectedness of these areas makes Growth -
Your go-to podcast for candid conversations with successful entrepreneurs who are willing to talk about what it really looks like to take the “road less traveled.”
Rise and Climb will feed your soul, raise your vibration, and shift your mindset, so that you can stop feeling overwhelmed and distracted, finally face your fears, reignite your dreams, and live that wild and wonderful, regret-free, extraordinary life you were born for.
We explore how to make the shift from living an ordinary life to living an extraordinary one — from just getting by to really thriving.
We get vulnerable about life and love and health and business — the things that really matter — and talk candidly about all the things that tend to get in the way of you truly living your best life, a life by design instead of by default.
If you’ve ever looked at your life and thought, “I was made for more than this,” then the "Rise and Climb" podcast is for you.
This podcast speaks to entrepreneurs, artists, and creatives — world-changers, impact-makers, culture-shapers, and risk-takers — who want practical strategies and actionable advice for growing their business, expanding their reach, and attracting their tribe.
Your host is Lori Lynn, also known as Her Royal Excitedness, "Two Comma Club Editor," book midwife, freelance actress and voice-over artist, copywriter, marketing enthusiast, educator, and lover of impromptu dance parties, karaoke, and green tea.
Her favorite karaoke songs are L.L. Cool J's "I Need Love" and Bette Midler's "Otto Titsling" from the movie *Beaches*.
If you want to become instant friends, you need only quote *The Princess Bride*. -
Sem Maja Gorec, marketinška mentorica podjetnicam in podjetnikom, svetovalka in predavateljica.
O čem bomo torej govorili vsak četrtek ob 10h? Predvsem sem hotela svoje nasvete posneti tudi v avdio obliki, ker vem, da ste zelo zaposleni, podkast pa si zlahka zavrtite v avtu, ko čakate na otroka ali pa med rutinskim delom.
Govora bo o temah, okoli katerih se vsak teden vrtimo tudi na mojih profilih na družbenih omrežjih, pa tudi o primerih iz prakse - o vprašanjih in težavah mojih mentorirancev, za katere smatram, da bi koristili širši publiki, občasno pa bom odgovorila tudi na vaša vprašanja, ki mi jih dnevno zastavljate na Instagramu.
Svetujem, da posledite moj Instagram profil @mojmarketingmentor, tam sem daleč najbolj dejavna in ažurna, najdete pa me tudi na TikToku, Facebooku in YouTubu.
Epizode bodo razmeroma kratke in zelo koristne, občasno pa bom v za mikrofon povabila tudi zanimive goste. Se poslušamo?
Naročite se na moje vsebine, se slišimo ob četrtkih! -
Ideja ni nič vredna, če …
… je nekdo ne realizira. Tako je nastala tudi Gravitacija. Iz ideje o podcastu, ki bi bil namenjenem idejam. Pa ne samo idejam, ampak vsemu kar sledi, da ideja ne ostane ničvredna.
V epizodah podcasta Gravitacija, Miha Goršin in Aleš Ugovšek gostita gostje in goste iz Slovenije (kdaj tudi iz tujine), ki s svojimi idejami in njihovo realizacijo spreminjajo naš in vaš svet. -
7-figure idea // sl. 7-mestna ideja
"Poslovna ideja, ki ti ob dobri realizaciji lahko prinese 7 (ali več) mestne prihodke."
Ideja naredi razliko v tem ali bo nek biznis uspešen ali ne. Kako jo prepoznat in kaj jo naredi uspešno? Na tem podcastu se pogovarjamo o resničnih biznisih, v čem so drugačni od drugih in kaj so naredili, da so postali uspešni. Govorimo tudi o izzivih, napakah in padcih. Istočasno pa delimo tudi nove ideje katerih bi se lotili, če bi danes štartali iz nule. Ja, tukaj lahko najdeš naslednjo veliko idejo in jo uresničiš ravno ti!
Midva sva Stella in Anže. -
Živjo, preklopili ste na Marketinško frekvenco, podcast ki ga za vas ustvarjamo člani Študentske Sekcije Društva za Marketing Slovenije. Pogovarjamo se o najnovejših trendih v marketingu,z vami delimo dragocene nasvete in gostimo najbolj zanimive in uspešne goste iz sveta marketinga & biznisa. V ospredje postavljamo predvsem posameznike, ki s svojimi zgodbami navdušujejo in nam dajejo možnost, da se učimo iz njihovih pristopov. Namen podcasta je, da mladim predstavimo, kako marketing zgleda na različnih področjih delovanja, ali je to šport, glasba, e-commerce, you name it, we got it!
Breakout Business English is all about improving your confidence, vocabulary, grammar and fluency in Business English. If you're not a native English speaker and you use English as a 2nd language to communicate at work then this podcast is definitely for you! You’ll find tips, strategies, and tools to grow your professional communication skills, as well as vocabulary episodes aimed at giving you new, advanced, professional vocabulary around workplace themes. We explore how you can express yourself better and build better professional relationships with your colleagues, customers, and clients. If you’re interested in becoming a better professional tomorrow than you are today, then you're in the right place and I'm excited to have you on the team. Let's get started!
Dobrodošla oz. dobrodošel v Teoriji uspeha, podkastu za transformativne vpoglede in pogovore o življenju, osebni rasti in coachingu.
Kot life coach se osredotočam na pomoč uspešnim posameznikom pri premagovanju ovir ter iskanju svoje avtentičnosti, globljega smisla in svobode. V Teoriji uspeha pa sem predan deljenju dragocenih vsebin, ki so namenjene bogatenju tvojega življenja in spodbujanju nenehne rasti.
Kaj lahko pričakuješ?
Solo epizode, kjer raziskujem coaching pristope, delim zgodbe in nudim vpoglede, ki temeljijo na mojih izkušnjah.
Odprte, pristne razprave o uspehu, življenju, osebni rasti in coachingu.
Epizode namenjene coachem, kjer z intervjuji s strokovnjaki in s praktičnimi nasveti ponujamo vsebine, ki lahko izboljšajo tvojo coaching prakso.
Poslanstvo podcasta je objavljati uporabne in praktične vsebine, ki spodbujajo osebno in profesionalno rast. Ne glede na to, ali si želiš napredovati na poti tvoje osebne rasti ali razvijati ali raziskovati coaching storitve, ti Teorija uspeha lahko ponudi nekaj dragocenega.