
  • Episode Summary:

    This week, host Mark Bayer sits down with Ginger Lockhart, Ph.D. founder of Quantfish, to delve into the world of startups and career transitions. Ginger shares her journey from tenured professor to successful entrepreneur, offering valuable insights for PhDs considering similar shifts. Discover how to leverage academic skills for startup success and overcome challenges in non-academic job markets.

    Key Topics Covered:

    Strategies for effectively communicating research to non-scientists Overcoming challenges in academic careers, including debt and work-life balance Transitioning from academia to entrepreneurship: myths vs. reality Recognizing the transferable skills of PhDs in diverse industries Practical advice for navigating career transitions and maximizing potential

    Throughout the conversation, Ginger shares valuable insights into the emotional complexities of transitioning careers, especially for individuals with caregiving responsibilities. She emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and learning to say "no" in order to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

    Despite the challenges, Ginger's entrepreneurial journey has been fueled by her passion for creativity and innovation. She shares her excitement for building Quantfish, an online school dedicated to advanced statistical methodologies for researchers. Through Quantfish, Ginger empowers individuals worldwide with the skills they need to succeed in academia and beyond.

    Join us as Ginger reflects on the joys and struggles of entrepreneurship, offering inspiration for anyone navigating life's transitions.

    Conclusion: Whether you're a PhD considering a career change or an academic looking to enhance your communication skills, this episode provides valuable insights and practical advice from Dr. Ginger Lockhart's personal journey.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Quantfish: Expert statistics training for health and social scientists through on-demand workshops from the world's leading methodologists Ginger Lockhart, Ph.D.

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  • This week's episode features Jordan Cutler. Jordan is the author of the widely popular High Growth Engineer Newsletter, reaching over 50,000 subscribers. He's also a respected course instructor and a senior software engineer, known for his expertise in helping engineers excel in their careers.

    In this episode, Jordan shares his journey of developing both technical and writing skills, highlighting the importance of continuous growth and vulnerability in personal and professional development.

    From overcoming challenges in writing to realizing the value of essential communication and relationship-building skills in engineering, Jordan's insights offer valuable lessons for listeners at all stages of their careers.

    Jordan discusses the intersection of engineering and communication, the power of vulnerability, and the endless opportunities for growth in both technical and non-technical domains.

    Key Takeaways:

    Jordan's journey from struggling with writing to becoming a successful newsletter author. The importance of communication skills and emotional intelligence in the engineering field. Overcoming the fear of vulnerability and embracing personal growth. How writing enhances various skills and opens doors to new opportunities.

    Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

    Subscribe to the High Growth Engineer Newsletter

    Connect with Jordan on LinkedIN

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  • In this episode, I sit down with Tulani André, Vice President, Social Media at National Geographic, to discuss the power of storytelling, brand building, and following your passion in career transitions and professional success.

    [00:00:00] Introduction: Tulani André is an expert in creating successful social media campaigns and brand presences for major organizations. Tulani shares insights from her diverse career spanning National Geographic, Amazon Prime Video, and Fox Corporation.

    [00:01:00] Tulani's Career Journey: Tulani emphasizes the importance of aligning career paths with personal passions rather than specific industries or companies. She shares her experience transitioning between sectors, emphasizing the value of social storytelling and connection.

    [00:02:00] Career Transitions: Tulani offers practical advice on preparing for career transitions, stressing the significance of having an exit plan and cultivating positive relationships within organizations.

    [00:03:00] The Power of Storytelling: Tulani discusses the importance of storytelling in engaging audiences, particularly for scientists and engineers. She highlights the need for authenticity and a clear understanding of the "why" behind one's work.

    [00:04:00] Crafting Impactful Narratives: Tulani advises professionals to take a step back and view their work from a broader perspective, identifying the significance of their contributions within larger ecosystems and societal contexts.

    [00:05:00] Key Takeaways: Tulani underscores the value of following one's passions, developing exit strategies, and building positive relationships within organizations to drive career success.

    00:10:00] Connecting with Others: Tulani emphasizes the importance of adopting a broader perspective, encouraging professionals to elevate themselves above the minutiae of their work to understand its broader impact. By making connections and leveraging social media, individuals can engage audiences and foster curiosity about niche topics.

    [00:11:00] Building Your Personal Brand: Tulani offers practical advice for professionals entering the job market, emphasizing the importance of leveraging writing and speaking opportunities to showcase expertise and thought leadership. By sharing insights and engaging with industry conversations, individuals can amplify their personal brand and attract opportunities.

    [00:12:00] Writing and Speaking Opportunities: Tulani encourages professionals to seek out writing and speaking opportunities to showcase their expertise and perspectives. Whether contributing to publications or participating in conferences, these activities can help individuals establish themselves as thought leaders in their field.

    [00:13:00] Embracing Exposure and Connection: Tulani shares her approach to speaking engagements, emphasizing the value of exposure and connection over monetary compensation. By seizing opportunities to share insights and engage with audiences, individuals can build meaningful connections and enhance their personal brand.

    [00:14:00] Amplifying Industry Conversations: Tulani advises professionals to actively participate in industry discussions by sharing relevant articles and insights on social media. By contributing to ongoing conversations and amplifying important topics, individuals can position themselves as valuable contributors within their field.

    [00:15:00] Buidling Your Brand: As professionals navigate their career journeys, Tulani encourages them to embrace opportunities for self-expression and connection. By leveraging writing, speaking, and social media engagement, individuals can build their personal brand and establish themselves as influential voices within their industry.

    [00:17:00] Making Authentic Connections: Tulani emphasizes the importance of genuine connections in networking and personal branding. She acknowledges the courage it takes to reach out to others and encourages individuals to find common ground and genuine interests when initiating conversations or collaborations.

    [00:18:00] Balancing Reverence and Relevance: Tulani discusses the challenge of maintaining a historic brand's reverence while making it relevant in today's world. She highlights the importance of creating timely and engaging content that resonates with audiences, driving conversations and fostering connections.

    [00:19:00] Segmenting Audiences and Tailoring Messaging: Tulani stresses the significance of understanding diverse audience segments and tailoring messaging to meet their unique preferences and interests. By segmenting audiences and crafting personalized content, brands can effectively engage with their followers and build meaningful connections.

    [00:20:00] Partnerships and Multi-Platform Engagement: Tulani explores the value of strategic partnerships and multi-platform engagement in reaching diverse audiences. By collaborating with other brands and leveraging various channels, brands can expand their reach and create impactful content that resonates with different audience segments.

    [00:21:00] Emotional Connection and Brand Impact: Tulani emphasizes the importance of fostering emotional connections with audiences to drive brand impact. By considering the desired emotional response and crafting authentic messaging, brands can create meaningful experiences that resonate with their followers and drive engagement.

    [00:22:00] Goals for Nat Geo's Social Campaigns: Tulani shares her goals for Nat Geo's social campaigns, focusing on increasing relevance, engagement, and visibility. By creating timely and compelling content, Nat Geo aims to captivate audiences and reinforce its position as a leading source of exploration and discovery.

    [00:23:00] Crafting Relevant and Engaging Content: Tulani discusses the process of crafting relevant and engaging content that resonates with audiences. By aligning content with current events, trends, and audience interests, brands can capture attention and foster meaningful connections with their followers.

    [00:24:00] Reverence Plus Relevance: Tulani highlights the importance of balancing reverence for Nat Geo's legacy with a focus on relevance in today's media landscape. By combining respect for the brand's heritage with innovative approaches to storytelling, Nat Geo aims to captivate audiences and drive meaningful engagement.

    [00:25:00] Providing Accessible and Memorable Content: Tulani discusses the importance of providing accessible and memorable content that resonates with audiences. By making complex topics understandable and engaging, Nat Geo aims to inspire curiosity and empower audiences to explore the world around them.

    [00:26:00] Goals for 2024: Tulani shares her personal goals for 2024, focusing on fitness and creative expression. By pursuing activities like running a half marathon and writing a romance novel, Tulani aims to challenge herself and find joy in new experiences.

    [00:28:00] Wrapping Up: Mark expresses gratitude to Tulani for sharing her insights and highlights the importance of connecting with audiences through authentic storytelling. He commends Nat Geo's efforts to engage with diverse communities and inspire curiosity through compelling content.

    [00:29:00] Impactful Social Engagement: Mark reflects on Nat Geo's ability to create impactful social engagement by providing accessible and engaging content. He praises the brand's commitment to fostering connections and driving meaningful conversations about important topics.

    [00:30:00] Making Science Accessible: Mark acknowledges the role of organizations like Nat Geo in making science accessible and engaging for audiences worldwide. He emphasizes the importance of storytelling in conveying complex scientific concepts and driving positive change in society.

    [00:31:00] Personal Growth and Development: Mark encourages listeners to pursue personal growth and development by setting goals and challenging themselves. He applauds Tulani for her commitment to fitness and creative expression and encourages listeners to find joy in new experiences.

    [00:32:00] Authenticity and Creativity: Mark highlights the importance of authenticity and creativity in personal and professional endeavors. He commends Tulani for her passion and dedication to her goals and encourages listeners to embrace their unique interests and talents.

    [00:33:00] Building Meaningful Connections: Mark underscores the value of building meaningful connections and fostering genuine relationships in both personal and professional settings. He encourages listeners to engage with diverse communities and leverage their passions to make a positive impact in the world.

    [00:34:00] Conclusion: Mark concludes the episode by thanking Tulani for sharing her insights and encouraging listeners to apply the lessons learned to their own lives. He invites listeners to tune in to future episodes of When Science Speaks for more inspiring conversations with leaders in science, technology, and innovation.

  • In this episode, guest, Colin Gray, takes us on a fascinating journey through his unconventional career path, starting with his early passion for astrophysics and membership in the British Astronomical Society at the age of 12.

    We delve into his transition from space exploration to cyberspace, exploring the reasons that led him to discover his passion for creation and making a real-world impact.

    Colin shares insights into his expertise in e-learning, particularly in the nuances of online learning versus in-person education, and the challenges he faced in capturing attention in the digital realm. Discover the key elements he identified for successful online learning, including goal-based approaches, real-world context, and actionable steps.

    Colin recounts his transition from academia to entrepreneurship, offering valuable advice for those considering startups. Learn how he strategically hedged his bets during this shift, utilizing his academic background and a PhD pursuit as safety nets. We discuss the skills he found transferable from academia to entrepreneurship, emphasizing the importance of research, analytical abilities, and effective communication.

    The second part of the episode shines a spotlight on Colin's current ventures, The Podcast Host and Alitu. He shares the origins of The Podcast Host, its evolution into a comprehensive resource for podcasters, and the challenges of content creation and monetization. Additionally, we explore Alitu, a tool designed to simplify podcast editing, recording, and hosting.

    Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a podcast enthusiast, or someone navigating career transitions, this episode offers valuable insights and practical advice from Colin Gray's diverse and impactful journey.

    Resources mentioned in the episode

    The Podcast Host


  • As the podcast enters its fifth season (220 episodes and counting!), I'm incorporating shorter segments with my commentary on key communication topics - like:

    How to make your presentation engaging and memorable The most effective ways to translate complexity so your listeners understand and retain your message Shaping your writing so it's crisp and captures your readers attention

    The show will still include interviews as always.

    Have a topic about writing, presentating, or moving your priorities forward?

    Drop a comment at the show's Youtube channel at WhenScienceSpeaks podcast.

  • On this episode of When Science Speaks, host by Mark Bayer dives into the world of storytelling with guest Chris Hare, exploring the impact and importance of a high-impact storytelling approach Chris has developed and used with his clients called "Atomic Storytelling."

    Episode Highlights:

    The Quest for Effective Storytelling: Mark and Chris kick off the episode discussing the widespread discussion on storytelling and the lack of informed advice. Chris introduces the concept of Atomic Storytelling and its transformative power.

    Chris's Journey with Microsoft: Chris shares a pivotal moment in his career, working on a project for Microsoft and discovering the effectiveness of content derived from successful developers.

    The Pitfalls of Manufacturing Stories: The duo explores the common challenge of manufacturing stories and emphasizes the need for genuine, impactful narratives in business contexts.

    Atomic Storytelling in Action: Chris provides a practical example involving a defibrillator company, illustrating how Atomic Storytelling can create a powerful emotional connection.

    Balancing Emotion and Rationality: Mark and Chris discuss the importance of blending emotional and rational elements in storytelling, especially in B2B contexts.

    Overcoming Storytelling Challenges: Chris addresses the common belief that not everyone is a natural storyteller, emphasizing the learnable nature of storytelling skills.

    The Scientist's Strength in Vision: Chris highlights the strength scientists possess in envisioning the future and emphasizes the importance of sequencing and storytelling to bring others along on the journey.

    Brian Janous's Journey at Microsoft: An intriguing anecdote about Brian Janous's mission to make then-Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer understand and appreciate the energy vision at Microsoft, showcasing the persistence required in long-term storytelling.

    Unveiling the Narrative at Amazon: Chris discusses Amazon's narrative of being data-driven and its potential limitations. The story unfolds as he reveals a crucial insight about the third-party seller side and the initial focus on resellers. The pivotal shift occurs when a VP starts meeting with sellers, leading to the discovery that brand owners drive a significant portion of Amazon's business. The Human Connection in Storytelling: Emphasizing the importance of understanding data while maintaining a broader perspective. Chris highlights the role of continuous human connection and the value of not relying solely on data-driven insights. Embracing Imperfections in Stories: Acknowledging the messiness of stories and the common misconception that a story must be perfect. Sharing a personal coaching session experience that emphasized the power of authenticity and imperfection in storytelling. Co-Creation and Feedback: Advocating for involving stakeholders in the storytelling process.
    Encouraging feedback and collaboration to enhance the narrative and ensure internal alignment within organizations. Exploring whether a good story can overcome poor delivery and vice versa.
    Chris shares a personal experience of overcoming a challenging delivery by grounding the presentation in powerful storytelling. The Moth Experience: Recommending listening to storytelling platforms like The Moth and 99 Percent Invisible to understand diverse storytelling styles.

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    Guest Chris Hare's LinkedIn profile

    Chris's podcast, The Storied Future

  • In this enlightening podcast episode, Bill Birchard, a seasoned journalist and business writer, delves into the fascinating world of writing and its impact on the brain. Through extensive research, Bill discovered a treasure trove of information on how language can stimulate various regions of the brain, and in turn, enhance reader experience.

    Episode Highlights:

    The Discovery of a Goldmine: Bill shares how his late-career exploration led him to a wealth of research on how language affects the brain. He stumbled upon decades of behavioral and imaging experiments that uncovered the neurological responses triggered by different types of language.

    Writing with Impact: The discussion centers around Bill's quest to write with more impact, ultimately resulting in his book. He explains how specific words and phrases, when crafted effectively, can fire up the brain and release dopamine, creating what he calls a "brain buzz."

    Embodied Cognition: Bill explores the concept of embodied cognition, where specific words engage not only the language processing circuit but also parts of the brain associated with physical experiences. This, he argues, leads to a more immersive reading experience.

    The Role of Dopamine: Bill breaks down the neurochemical process in the brain, highlighting dopamine's crucial role in the reward circuit. He explains how this neurotransmitter influences desire, pleasure, and, ultimately, the learning process.

    Principles of Great Writing: The conversation unfolds as Bill discusses eight principles of great writing, each backed by research showcasing its impact on different brain regions and the reward circuit.

    Key Takeaways:

    Specificity is Power: Bill emphasizes the neurological underpinnings of the principle that specificity in writing is more powerful than generalities. He explains how our brains engage more deeply when words evoke sensory and motor experiences.

    Abstract Words and Simulation: While specificity reigns supreme, Bill acknowledges that abstract words also play a role in stimulating the brain through associations and simulations.


    Listeners are treated to a thought-provoking exploration of the intersection between language, the brain, and the art of writing. Bill Birchard's insights provide a roadmap for writers looking to tap into the neurological responses that make impactful writing truly unforgettable.

    Resources mentioned in the episode

    Link to purchase BIll's most recent book, Writing for Impact

    Bill's website

  • Introduction

    This week's episode features David Giltner, Ph.D. David is an accomplished figure in the field of technology commercialization, product development, and career design, with over two decades of experience in developing cutting-edge photonics technologies for commercial use.

    In 2017, he founded Turning Science to provide training and support for scientists looking to transition into the private sector. David holds a BSS and PhD in physics and boasts seven patents in laser spectroscopy and optical communications.

    David's books, "Turning Science Into Things People Need" and "It's a Game, not a Formula," have been instrumental in guiding scientists through their career transitions.

    Transitioning from Academia to Industry

    We start by discussing David's early career after earning his PhD. David highlights the challenges he faced when transitioning from academia to industry. He emphasizes the lack of guidance on careers outside academia and how he navigated this transition independently. David's decision to work with lasers, a familiar field from his graduate work, led him to industry, where he contributed to the development of semiconductor laser technology. The presence of a highly educated workforce made the transition smoother, yet David admits he grappled with adapting his working habits from academic research to the corporate environment.

    Preparing for a Career in the Private Sector

    We then cover David's advice for current PhD candidates interested in pursuing careers in the private sector. David stresses two major points: the importance of designing a career path and understanding the industry game. He outlines a five-step approach, highlighting the significance of identifying strengths, defining a target, and emphasizing the art of storytelling. Furthermore, David underscores the necessity of comprehending the industry dynamics to thrive in the corporate world.

    Avoiding Common Mistakes in the Private Sector

    David discusses common missteps scientists make when transitioning to the private sector and how to avoid them. He outlines three prevalent challenges. First, he observes that many PhD scientists enter the workforce feeling the need to prove themselves as the smartest person in the room, a mindset unsuited for teamwork. Second, he notes the tendency to lose sight of company priorities and get engrossed in curiosity-driven projects, contrary to the results-oriented nature of industry. Last, David highlights the struggle scientists face in making decisive recommendations, as academia's emphasis on certainty clashes with the fast-paced decision-making required in the corporate sector.

    David's Books and Themes

    We then shift the discussion towards David's books, beginning with "Turning Science Into Things People Need." David explains that the book emerged from his desire to provide guidance to scientists seeking rewarding careers outside academia. He then introduces his second book, "It's a Game, not a Formula," which serves as a playbook for succeeding in industry. David's forthcoming third book promises to delve deeper into the diverse career paths scientists can pursue, including roles as employees, entrepreneurs, or collaborators between academia and industry.

    Working Internationally: Cultural Considerations

    We delve into the nuances of working with PhDs in industry, especially when it comes to international collaborations. David acknowledges social and communication customs vary globally, which can impact how scientists present themselves in interviews or collaborations. He emphasizes the power of storytelling as a universal tool to convey accomplishments without feeling like one is bragging. David encourages scientists to share experiences through narratives, allowing potential employers or collaborators to visualize their contributions effectively.

    Upcoming Goals for 2024

    Mark concludes the episode by discussing David's goals for the upcoming year. Besides the release of his third book, David is eager to expand on two new workshops. The first focuses on building a scientific consultancy side gig, offering PhD candidates and postdocs opportunities to leverage their strengths. The second workshop, "Startup Basics for Scientists," aims to demystify entrepreneurship for scientists considering venturing into the world of startups. David emphasizes the importance of understanding both the benefits and challenges of starting a company, highlighting the unique strengths scientists can bring to entrepreneurship.

    Resources mentioned in the episode: David's books

    Turning Science Into Things People Need

    It's a Game, not a Formula

  • Overview:

    This episode of the show features Nicholas Dirks, Ph.D., President and CEO of The New York Academy of Sciences.

    Discussion Highlights:

    The rapid pace of technological change, from AI to gene editing, outpacing policy-making mechanisms. Reflections on historical instances where scientific advancement outpaced understanding and regulation, like the development of nuclear weaponry. Notable scientific advancements: AI, structural biology, gene editing, and the need for regulatory frameworks. Challenges in building and restoring public trust in societal institutions. The importance of incorporating emotion and narrative in science communication to rebuild public trust. The changing role of faith-based organizations in supporting and shaping scientific endeavors. Dr. Dirks' upcoming book, "City of Intellect: The Uses and Abuses of the University," focusing on the need for universities to adapt and change. Dr. Dirks' pride in establishing a pioneering Data Science program at UC Berkeley, offering a multidisciplinary approach to computational literacy. Introduction of the International Science Reserve, a network of scientists preparing for future global crises. The Academy's initiatives in addressing the challenges and ethical considerations surrounding artificial intelligence.

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    The New York Academy of Sciences Books by Nicholas Dirks
  • Introduction: Welcome to the When Science Speaks podcast. In this episode, Mark is joined by Aditya Mahara, a seasoned senior product manager in the health tech industry. Aditya shares his insights on transitioning from Nepal to the US, the importance of discomfort in personal growth, and the significance of clear communication in the biomedical field.

    Aditya's Transition to the US: Aditya reflects on his journey from Nepal to the US, emphasizing the value of discomfort in his growth process. He shares relatable nuggets applicable to various life transitions, including academic and industry shifts.

    The Power of Uncomfortable Moments: Aditya highlights how discomfort has consistently driven his growth, whether adapting to a new country or transitioning between academic and industry environments. He encourages embracing discomfort as a catalyst for personal and professional development.

    Discovering a Passion for Physics: Aditya traces his love for science back to high school, where he defied societal expectations to pursue his passion for physics. He emphasizes the universal nature of physics, transcending cultural boundaries.

    The Influence of Teachers: Mark and Aditya discuss the impact of teachers on their respective journeys. Aditya shares his positive experience with professors at Rollins College, underscoring their role in shaping his academic path.

    Biomedical Engineering and Effective Communication: The conversation shifts to the unique communication skills of biomedical engineers. Aditya suggests that the interdisciplinary nature of the field fosters strong communicators who can bridge the gap between different stakeholders.

    Communication in Academia vs. Industry: Aditya contrasts communication in academia, where expertise tends to be highly specialized, with the business-oriented approach in industry. He emphasizes the need for clear, generalizable communication when multiple disciplines collaborate.

    Aditya's 2023 Reflection and Goals: Aditya reflects on his accomplishments in 2023, touching on family, full-time work, and side projects. He shares his experiences with his growing toddler, professional development as a product manager, and the unexpected success of his industry transition support venture.

    Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

    Connecting with Adidya on LinkedIN

  • Early Academic Journey

    Elena's journey from studying physics and computer science to discovering her passion for life sciences and medicine. Overcoming challenges in academic pursuits and finding her calling in translational research.

    Translating Complex Science for Wider Audiences

    Practical techniques for effective science communication, emphasizing the importance of practice and feedback loops. Building community through volunteering and honing skills in event organization and speaker recruitment.

    The Multilingual Advantage

    Elena's experience as a trilingual communicator (Hebrew, English, Russian) and the benefits of immersing oneself in a language for effective communication. Overcoming initial translation challenges by thinking and generating content directly in the target language.

    mAcademia Podcast: Bridging Industry and Academia

    Exploring the journey from basic research to practical applications, and understanding career trajectories for scientists. Insights into the collaborative nature of academia and the importance of interdisciplinary ventures.

    Pursuing a PhD in genetics to becoming a passionate advocate for science communication and entrepreneurship.

    Emphasizing the importance of building communities and seeking out opportunities, especially for foreign students and scientists. Discussing her role as a board member of Science Abroad, a nonprofit organization that supports Israeli scientists living abroad. Highlighting the impact of community-building and mutual support in overcoming the challenges faced by international students.

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    Nest Catalyst, an entrepreneurship program she co-founded to empower Israeli scientists in building companies based on research and science.

    mAcademia, a podcast exploring the bridge between the industry and academia to understand how basic scientific findings take shape into products and strategies and following the career paths of researchers who are in academia or outside of it

    ScienceAbroad, an Israel-based nonprofit organization that harnesses the power of senior Israeli scientists living abroad. Through its wide-reaching professional and social network

  • This week's episode features Amber Mace, Ph.D., CEO of the California Council on Science & Technology (CCST).

    We discuss Amber's early career in science policy, her upcoming transition from CCST to the California Academy of Sciences, and the institution's ambitious mission, with a focus on Amber's approach to building strategic partnerships and her enthusiasm for learning and collaboration in her new role.

    [00:01:30] Amber's Early Career

    Amber reflects on her early career, which began with teaching scuba diving and water safety at Berkeley. Her deep connection to the ocean and interest in marine ecology laid the foundation for her journey into science policy.

    [00:06:00] Environmental Policy and Marine Ecology

    We explore the common thread in Amber's career: a focus on environmental policy and marine ecology. We discuss the pivotal experiences that shaped her passion for bridging the gap between science and policy.

    [00:10:15] Transition to Science Policy

    Amber shares insights into her transition from an academic background to science policy. She emphasizes the importance of understanding the disconnect between science and policy, and how this inspired her to advocate for better communication.

    [00:15:30] Mission and Vision at the California Academy of Sciences

    Amber discusses her upcoming transition in late September from her position as CCST's CEO after a decade of innovative and strategic leadership. CCST Deputy Director Sarah Brady, Ph.D. has been appointed by the Board of Directors as Interim CEO. Amber discusses her new role at the California Academy of Sciences and the Academy's bold mission to reverse biodiversity decline. She emphasizes the critical role of strategic partnerships in achieving this vision.

    [00:20:45] Building Strategic Partnerships

    Amber outlines her approach to building strategic partnerships, emphasizing the need for collaboration across sectors. She highlights the importance of galvanizing support from philanthropy, policy, and the private sector.

    [00:25:20] Learning and Collaboration

    Amber expresses her excitement about the learning opportunities and collaborations that await her at the California Academy of Sciences. She looks forward to combining her background in policy with her passion for ecology and conservation.

    [00:30:00] Conclusion

    Mark congratulates Amber on her upcoming role and looks forward to future discussions on conservation, biodiversity, and the Academy's mission to regenerate the natural world.

    Resources mentioned in the episode

    California Council on Science & Technology (CCST)

    California Academy of Sciences

  • In this episode, we delve into the remarkable journey of Alaina G. Levine, who defied conventional boundaries and nurtured a diverse tapestry of interests.

    From STEM to performing arts, business to communications, Alaina's life is a testament to the power of weaving different threads into a vibrant career. Let's explore her captivating journey and the influences that shaped her unique path.

    Episode Highlights:

    Early Curiosity and Multidimensional Interests: Alaina reminisces about her childhood characterized by an insatiable curiosity for a multitude of subjects. Her fascination spanned across science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), performing arts, business, and communications. From early interactions with mathematical puzzles to her community theater experiences, Alaina's interests were diverse and unquenchable.

    Threads of Passion: Throughout her life, four essential threads interwove Alaina's experiences—STEM, performing arts, business, and communications. These passions guided her choices and led to unique opportunities that nurtured her multifaceted interests.

    Influential Figures: Alaina credits her mother, a writer, for igniting her love for literature, books, and writing. Growing up in a family of science, engineering, and mathematics enthusiasts, Alaina inherited a passion for these disciplines. Her mother's support and belief in her zest for life allowed Alaina to explore her interests unabated.

    Nurturing Multiple Passions: Alaina's mother advocated for her to engage in activities that fostered her diverse interests. This support allowed Alaina to immerse herself in performing arts, business ventures, and writing. Her experiences in high school, such as excelling in magazine sales and performing on stage, exemplify her ability to blend different interests.

    Art and Science Convergence: The conversation turns to the intriguing intersection of art and science. This convergence is emblematic of the creativity and innovation inherent in scientific endeavors.

    Academic Choices: Alaina discusses her academic journey, which led her to major in both mathematics and anthropology at the University of Arizona. Her initial aspirations for theoretical astrophysics shifted toward mathematics due to her passion for numbers and equations. Additionally, she saw a meaningful correlation between anthropology and mathematics, exploring how these seemingly disparate fields could intertwine.

    Innovation through Interdisciplinarity: Alaina underscores the significance of interdisciplinary studies and how they foster innovation. By connecting diverse subjects like math and anthropology, individuals can approach complex challenges with a fresh perspective. This approach, Alaina believes, is crucial for addressing grand challenges like climate change and other global issues.

    True Innovation Defined: The episode discusses true innovation, where Alaina outlines the concept of solving problems by interconnecting diverse domains. This approach, akin to systems thinking, allows individuals to navigate uncharted territories and make groundbreaking discoveries.

    Embrace Your Authenticity: Alaina and Mark discuss the importance of embracing authenticity and individuality in STEM careers, allowing joy to be a guiding force. Connecting with Emotions: Alaina emphasizes the significance of sharing personal experiences and emotions to foster a sense of community and solve challenges collectively. Joy and Humor in STEM: The conversation explores the misconception that STEM fields are overly serious and highlights the importance of finding joy and humor in scientific pursuits. Overcoming Practical Pressures: Alaina discusses the increasing pressure on college students to choose practical career paths due to financial considerations and offers insights into balancing passion and practicality. Building Your Unicorn Career: Alaina outlines her upcoming book, "Create Your Unicorn Career," guiding listeners through a step-by-step process to build a personalized, fulfilling, and successful STEM career. Recognizing Value: Alaina encourages STEM professionals to recognize their value and skill set, enabling them to confidently explore new opportunities and career paths. Shifting Mindsets: Alaina shares strategies to shift mindsets, overcome fear, and navigate transitions while staying true to oneself and embracing change. Upcoming Webinars: Alaina announces upcoming webinars aimed at helping STEM professionals develop successful career strategies, job search tactics, and unicorn career creation techniques.

    Tune in to this inspiring episode of the When Science Speaks podcast to learn how to create your own unicorn career in STEM and find joy, meaning, and financial success. Stay updated on upcoming webinars and connect with Alaina G. Levine to unlock valuable insights and strategies for your STEM journey.

    Resources mentioned in the episode

    Free career consult with Alaina: Anyone is welcome to book a free career consultation with Alaina to answer any questions about how to Create Your Unicorn Career: https://calendly.com/alaina-levine/15min

    Website: www.alainalevine.com Socials: X, LI, IG: @AlainaGLevine
  • Main Topic Time Stamps:

    [00:02:28] Music and science connection.

    [00:04:23] Journey to PhD. [00:09:49]

    Lyme disease treatment exploration. [00:12:38]

    Modeling neurologic Lyme disease.

    [00:14:06] Lyme disease and animal studies.

    [00:19:09] Mountains and their significance.

    [00:20:51] Overcoming obstacles and pivoting.


    In this episode featuring Ali Divan, Ph.D., Ali talks about his career journey and why he decided to pursue a Ph.D.

    Now the founder and principal of his own firm, Trulitica, Ali specializes in providing technical due diligence services to investors in the life science industry. His aim is to ensure that investors allocate their funds to companies with genuine technology and a significant impact on human health. By carefully examining the milestones and claims made by startups, Ali speaker assesses their technical feasibility and truthfulness. Through his comprehensive technical due diligence, Ali strives to empower investors to make informed decisions and avoid investing in companies solely focused on generating hype and seeking acquisition, rather than creating meaningful contributions to human health.

    Ali's ultimate goal is to collaborate with strong founders and innovative technology to make a lasting impact and contribute to successful product launches that foster camaraderie and teamwork within the team.

    He expresses his desire to be involved in several product launches where he witnesses the creation of meaningful products for the market. Ali firmly believes that by working alongside determined founders and leveraging cutting-edge technology, he can achieve this objective.

    Furthermore, he highlights how successful product launches can cultivate a sense of camaraderie and teamwork among the individuals involved. Overall, Ali's aspiration is to contribute to the success of product launches and cultivate a positive work environment.

    Resources mentioned in the episode


  • This episode of When Science Speaks features Dr. Katelyn Jetelina, Ph.D., an epidemiologist data scientist and senior scientific consultant at a nonpartisan health policy think tank. Dr. Jetelina is also the creator of the influential newsletter, Your Local Epidemiologist, which aims to translate evolving public health science for evidence-based decision making.

    Dr. Jetelina shares her surprising experiences working with policymakers during the pandemic, especially in a challenging landscape where epidemiology and politics intersected.

    She expresses her astonishment at how policymakers in Texas, despite the political climate, were receptive to listening to scientists and implementing innovative policies. She also highlights the significant impact of policy interventions in real-time, such as the use of Uber to deliver vaccines and reduce disparities.

    Moving on to the role of scientists in advisory positions, Dr. Jetelina acknowledges the challenges of effectively communicating with policymakers. She emphasizes the importance of speaking in plain language and providing the bottom line upfront. Policymakers prefer concise policy briefs that focus on the essential scientific evidence, allowing them to make informed decisions efficiently. Dr. Jetelina also discusses the need for scientists to better understand policymakers' needs and align their communication accordingly.

    Regarding science communication in general, Dr. Jetelina shares several go-to principles and tactics she employs. She emphasizes the significance of listening to communities and stakeholders to address their needs effectively. By maintaining a bidirectional relationship with the audience, whether policymakers or the general public, scientists can better insert science and evidence into decision-making processes. Dr. Jetelina further stresses the importance of providing meaningful context, reducing cognitive burden, incorporating storytelling, and offering actionable solutions in scientific communication.

    The conversation then delves into the challenges of combating misinformation, which has become increasingly prevalent in the modern information ecosystem. Dr. Jetelina suggests two key approaches: combatting misinformation reactively and proactively. While debunking individual rumors can be time-consuming, teaching the public how to recognize and critically evaluate misinformation is a more effective long-term strategy. She also highlights the need for proactive communication, which involves anticipating public needs and providing timely information. Dr. Jetelina emphasizes the urgency of integrating both reactive and proactive approaches into public health and science communication.

    The discussion concludes with a focus on trust and the disturbing trend of harassment faced by scientists communicating evidence-based information. Dr. Jetelina attributes this behavior to the politicization of science and the growing fear among individuals. She emphasizes the importance of addressing emotion and building trust through relatability and transparency.

    The episode offers valuable insights for listeners interested in science communication and science policy. Dr. Jetelina encourages individuals to take the leap and start communicating, whether through personal efforts or by finding suitable mouthpieces to convey important scientific findings to the public. She emphasizes the power of practice and the importance of having a proactive approach to science communication during emergencies.

    Don't miss this engaging conversation with Dr. Caitlyn Jetelina, as she shares her experiences, challenges, and strategies in navigating the intersection of science, policy, and public health communication.

    Resources mentioned in the epidsode

    How to subscribe to the Your Local Epidemiologist newsletter

  • Introduction

    In this episode of When Science Speaks, host Mark Bayer is joined by Dr. Gertrude Nonterah, founder of the Bold PhD..

    Gertrude helps PhD students and academics transition into non-academic careers. She shares her expertise on career development, non-academic paths in the biomedical sciences, personal development, and medical communications.

    This episode is sponsored by the One for the Week newsletter, which provides valuable resources for boosting effectiveness in various professional settings.

    Guest Background

    Dr. Gertrude Nonterah is an expert in microbiology and immunology, having earned her PhD from Temple University. She also holds a BS in biology from Penn West Edinboro University and a BS in registered nursing from Virginia Commonwealth University.

    The Importance of Curiosity in Choosing a Scientific Path

    Mark begins the conversation by asking Gertrude about her journey into science. Gertrude explains that while she excelled in various subjects during her school years, her father, a retired scientist, encouraged her to pursue science due to her exceptional language skills and overall competence. Growing up in Ghana, Gertrude's natural curiosity and love for reading further fueled her interest in understanding how things work, which eventually solidified her decision to choose the science track in high school.

    Transitioning from Biology to Nursing to a Ph.D.

    Gertrude discusses her educational journey, which initially involved pursuing a pre-med major in biology. However, the high cost of medical school led her to explore other options. After a friend recommended an accelerated nursing program, Gertrude decided to pursue nursing as it still allowed her to work in the medical field. Subsequently, she pursued a Ph.D. in microbiology and immunology, followed by a postdoctoral research position at the University of California, San Diego.

    Embracing a Career in Science Writing

    After completing her postdoc, Gertrude realized that the academic path was not for her. She began exploring different avenues and started a freelance writing business. Focusing on healthcare and scientific topics, Gertrude honed her skills and built a portfolio that eventually led her to secure a science writing position at a marketing agency. She emphasizes the importance of simplicity in explaining complex scientific concepts, drawing from her experience as a teacher and her entrepreneurial mindset.

    Daily Life as a Medical Communicator

    Gertrude shares insights into her daily routine as a medical communicator. Her work involves attending meetings with various stakeholders, such as research and development teams, marketing teams, and product teams. She collaborates with these teams to understand research results, create content assets, and support marketing strategies. Gertrude's role also entails content creation, including writing blog posts, designing posters, and developing PowerPoint presentations. She emphasizes the significance of creating engaging content that appeals to a broad audience and communicates complex topics simply.

    Different Approaches to Video and Written Content Creation

    Gertrude discusses the similarities and differences in her creative process when developing video content versus written content. She emphasizes the importance of hooking the audience in the first few seconds of a video to maintain their attention. By employing relatable visuals and asking thought-provoking questions, she ensures that viewers are captivated. Gertrude also encourages scientists interested in creating video content to make it accessible, engaging, and relatable to their target audience.

    The Evolving Landscape of Science Communication

    Gertrude highlights the increasing interest in scientific and medical information among the general public, particularly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. She notes that people are seeking accurate and simplified explanations of scientific concepts, especially with the proliferation of misinformation. Gertrude emphasizes the need for medical communicators to address public concerns, build trust, and present information in a way that resonates with different audiences. Additionally, she discusses the importance of scientists taking an active role in public engagement, sharing their research in understandable terms, and fostering thought leadership.


    Dr. Gertrude Nonterah's journey from academia to science writing provides valuable insights into science communication. Her emphasis on simplicity, relatability, and engagement in content creation resonates with the evolving landscape of science communication. By effectively communicating complex scientific concepts to the public, medical communicators can bridge the gap between experts and general audiences, fostering trust and understanding.

    Resources Mentioned in the Episode

    Gertrude's LinkedIn profile

    The Bold Ph.D. YouTube channel The Bold Career newsletter
  • In this episode of the show, Mark interviews Linnea Fletcher, Ph.D., Biotechnology Department Chair, & Director, InnovATEBIO National Biotechnology Education Center at Austin Community College.

    Dr. Fletcher shares her journey into science, her perspective on the evolving life sciences industry, and the importance of public understanding of biotechnology.

    Dr. Fletcher emphasizes the need for early engagement in science education and highlights the increasing complexity and diverse applications of biotech in various industries. She also discusses the importance of cross-disciplinary knowledge and the challenges of communicating accurate information to the general public.

    Major topics discussed in the episode:

    Linnea's Background and Early Interest in Science: Linnea shares her early fascination with science and her determination to pursue a career in the field. She recounts her experiences working in different labs and attending lectures during her college years.

    Evolution of the Life Sciences Industry:

    Linnea discusses how the biotech industry has become increasingly complex and diversified over the years. She highlights the exponential growth of biotech applications, including healthcare and bioindustrial products. The conversation touches on the emergence of sustainable bioproducts and the exploration of life in various environments.

    Attributes for Success in Life Sciences:

    Linnea emphasizes the importance of public understanding of biological sciences and biotech, not only for healthcare but also for environmental impact. She encourages continuous learning and interdisciplinary engagement to keep up with advancements in the field.

    Communication Challenges and Misinformation:

    Linnea acknowledges the communication challenges between industry leaders and the general public in accurately conveying the impact and safety of biotech advancements. She discusses the difficulty of evaluating the relative risks and benefits of certain technologies and emphasizes the need for an informed population.

    Envisioning the Bioscience Workforce Summit:

    Linnea shares details about the upcoming summit in Washington DC [which occurred in June 2023], where industry, educators, and government representatives discussed emerging technologies and the need to collaborate to create a bioscience workforce for the future. The summit aimed to address the current gaps in the bioscience workforce and the increasing demand for skilled professionals.

    Austin Community College's Role in Biotech Education:

    Linnea explains how Austin Community College has evolved over the years to become a major force in economic development and workforce education. She highlights the collaboration with industry professionals, the state-of-the-art equipment, and the focus on meeting the needs of local industries. Linnea also mentions the dual credit high school programs and advanced technical certificates offered by the college.

    Resources mentioned in the episode

    Austin Community College

  • In this special episode, I'm going to share valuable insights on crafting impactful stories that captivate listeners and achieve the results you're seeking.

    Sponsor Message: This episode of When Science Speaks is sponsored by OneSkin, a company led by PhD scientists committed to revolutionizing skin aging. OneSkin has patented the first peptide (protein building block) that reverses skin aging at the molecular level. Listeners can get a special 15% discount on any OneSkin product. Simply visit oneskin.co, use promo code Science15 at checkout, and take advantage of this exclusive offer.

    Episode Highlights:

    Importance of Storytelling in Science Communication:

    Craft compelling stories to evoke emotions and engage listeners. Relatable stories can effectively communicate complex topics.

    Keys to Telling an Impactful Story

    Shift the spotlight from yourself to the needs and interests of your audience. Identify what matters most to your listeners and address their priorities. Capture their attention by delivering information that impacts their lives.

    b) Utilize "The Motown Method":

    Hook your audience in the first 10 seconds with something intriguing or surprising. Don't wait to deliver the key message; engage listeners from the start.

    c) Reward Your Reader:

    Understand the brain's desire for new and helpful information. Trigger the reward circuit in the brain by delivering valuable content. Engage readers through curiosity and the release of dopamine.

    Avoid the Unsung Hero Trap:

    Remember that the hero of your story is the listener or reader. Keep the focus on what matters to them and their priorities. Identify the overlap between your initiatives and the audience's interests.

    Non-linear Storytelling:

    Start with the punchline or key message to pique curiosity. Create open loops that keep listeners engaged and wanting more. Share additional details and context as the story unfolds.

    Understanding Stakeholder Assessment:

    Consider how your stakeholder is evaluated by their own stakeholders. Research what matters to decision makers in your professional sphere. Tailor your storytelling to align with their expectations and goals.

    Conclusion: Crafting impactful stories requires a deep understanding of your audience, their interests, and the art of storytelling itself. By focusing on the story listener, utilizing The Motown Method, rewarding your readers, avoiding The Unsung Hero trap, and adopting non-linear storytelling, you can captivate your audience and achieve your desired impact. Tune in to future episodes of When Science Speaks for more insights and inspiration.

    Resources mentioned in the episode

    Special 15% off discount on your OneSkin purchase for When Science Speaks listeners. Visit oneskin.co and use the promo code Science15 at checkout to take advantage of this exclusive offer.

  • In this episode of the When Science Speaks podcast, Mark welcomes back Dr. Amelia Burke Garcia, an award-winning digital health communicator and researcher with 20 years of experience.

    Amelia is a program director at NORC at the University of Chicago, where she worked on the CDC's Covid-19 response and directed the award-winning "How Right Now/Que Hacer Ahora" campaign. She is also the author of the newly released book, "Communicating through a Pandemic: A Chronicle of Experiences, Lessons Learned, and a Vision for the Future."

    In this interview, Amelia shares the major themes of her book and provides insights into effective communication during a pandemic.

    Key Themes:

    Recognizing the Emergence of Pandemics: Amelia emphasizes that the Covid-19 pandemic is not an isolated event but follows a long line of previous pandemics. She highlights the importance of understanding outbreak, epidemic, and pandemic response as an active part of the public health system. It is crucial to be prepared for future pandemics to effectively manage and mitigate their impact.

    Individualized Experiences and Context: While the pandemic affected the world as a whole, Amelia acknowledges that each individual's experience was unique. Factors such as location, occupation, socioeconomic status, race, access to information, and trusted sources influenced people's experiences. Understanding these contextual differences is crucial for effective communication and addressing health disparities.

    Lessons Learned and the Need for Improvement: Amelia believes the pandemic has provided valuable lessons. It has shed light on health disparities and communication challenges. Moving forward, there is a need to invest in public health infrastructure, improve communication strategies, and prioritize health equity. The goal is to address the issues highlighted during the pandemic and better prepare for future crises.

    Insights on Communication during the Pandemic:

    Challenges of Messaging: Amelia explores the evolution of messaging throughout the pandemic, highlighting the challenges faced in communicating effectively. She discusses the example of mask-wearing recommendations, which shifted based on factors such as supply shortages, vaccine availability, and emerging variants. The rapid changes in recommendations posed challenges in conveying consistent messages to the public.

    Importance of Expectations Management: The podcast delves into the lack of expectations management during the pandemic. Mark suggests that transparency regarding the rapidly evolving nature of the virus and the corresponding changes in guidelines would have been beneficial. Addressing uncertainties and openly acknowledging the need for adjustments in recommendations could have helped manage public expectations.

    Transparency and Scientific Learning: Amelia emphasizes the importance of transparent communication, especially when scientific knowledge evolves rapidly. In a pandemic, where the virus spreads quickly, messaging should adapt to new evidence and discoveries. Communicators should be transparent about the changing nature of information, acknowledging that adjustments may be necessary based on emerging scientific knowledge.

    Combating Misinformation: The discussion touches upon the challenge of combating misinformation and disinformation during the pandemic. Amelia acknowledges the presence of misleading information and the need for trusted experts to debunk false claims. In an environment with abundant misinformation, effective communication becomes even more critical to ensure accurate and reliable information reaches the public.

    Resourcres mentioned in the episode

    Special discount for When Science Speaks listeners:

    OneSkin, led by PhD scientists dedicated to helping people age in a healthy, vibrant way, patented the first protein building block scientifically proven to reverse skin aging at the molecular level.

    Listeners of When Science Speaks receive a special 15% discount off an entire OneSkin order (any products, no minimum purchase). And if you haven’t yet experienced OneSkin products and decide to subscribe, you’ll get a first time subscriber discount plus an additional 15% off your subscription with the special SCIENCE15 code.

    Just go to OneSkin.co and use the promo code Science15 a checkout.

    Dr. Amelia Burke Garcia's book, "Communicating through a Pandemic: A Chronicle of Experiences, Lessons Learned, and a Vision for the Future"

  • This week's episode features Maria James, Ph.D., founder of Pocket of Money LLC and creator of the W.I.S.E. Financial Fitness program.

    Dr. James shares her journey from studying biology and public health to becoming "The Money Scientist" and empowering individuals to take control of their finances. With over 14 years of experience in building and managing business and personal finance systems, Maria provides valuable insights and practical tips for increasing financial literacy, saving money, and optimizing cash flow.

    She also discusses her signature program, Wise Financial Fitness, which simplifies finance and guides individuals step-by-step toward their financial goals.

    Dr. James emphasizes the importance of budgeting, overcoming common money mistakes, and diversifying income streams. Tune in to learn how to achieve financial success and live a world-class lifestyle.

    Resources mentioned in the episode

    OneSkin - powered by the first peptide scientifically proven to reverse skin aging at the molecular level. See what the science of OneSkin can do for you: promo code for special 15% discount on OneSkin products for When Science Speaks listeners. Save and Earn More Money Challenge from Maria James, Ph.D., The Money Doctor: ➡️ Elevate your income, savings, and wealth with the free 4-day Save and Earn More Money Challenge May 22nd - 25th. ➡️ Freeing up money in your budget by cutting expenses is necessary. However, there reaches a point where you truly can’t and don’t want to cut anything else. You’re trying to live your best life, which is not all about slashing expenses.

    ➡️ You should also be focused on earning more money. Both will be part of the free Save and Earn More Money Challenge

    Pocket of Money, LLC.

    Free tools to help you save money and reach your lifestyle goals