We talk with Anne from NB Lung about Cannabis usage, harm reduction and climate change in NB. We look at the impacts not only to your health by the environment as a result of the increased usage of cannabis in NB.
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In the second episode of this limited-run series – we are talking about Chemicals and how they are managed in Canada. Today we talk with Bill Jeffery, LLB, Executive Director Centre for Health Science and Law (CHSL)
We dive into all the ways Chemicals are impacting our lives and some of the legal standings around Chemicals and how they are managed in Canada
To learn more about Bill's work follow the link below.
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In the our first episode of this limited-run series – we are talking about Chemicals and how they are managed in Canada. Today we talk with Meg Sears PhD and Chair of, Prevent Cancer Now
To learn more about Meg's work follow the link below.
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In the final podcast of season 1 of the Why Climate Podcast, we talk with Rebekka Schnitter from the Public Health Agency of Canada about what adaptation and Health System Resilience looks like going forward.
Changes in climate are affecting the health of Canadians and their health systems. Recent floods, wildfires, extreme heat events, and severe storms have had impacts on health facilities and disrupted care for those in need. Adaptation measures such as assessments of risks and vulnerabilities, integrated surveillance and warning systems, health professional training, and public education can help prepare Canadians and build the climate resilience of health systems. Well-designed efforts to adapt to climate change impacts and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within and outside of the health sector can result in very large and near-term co-benefits to health. Many health authorities in Canada are increasing adaptation efforts. However, disparities in efforts exist across the country and adaptation needs to be rapidly scaled up to protect health as Canada continues to warm.
To learn more about her work click here
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Today we chat with Angelina Heer, the director of Nutsihpiluwewicik. Nutsihpiluwewicik began its journey in 2008 when the Faculty of Nursing established the Aboriginal Nursing Initiative (ANI) at the University of New Brunswick. ANI strives to provide culturally appropriate support and experiences that would assist Indigenous students on their academic journey. Since its establishment, we have increased the number of Indigenous nursing graduates in the nursing program. In 2017, Wolastoqiyik Elder Imelda Perley gifted ANI with the name Nutsihpiluwewicik, which is a Wolastoqiyik word for healing clan or clan of healers.
We chat with Ang about climate change and the role Indigenous people can play in helping to mitagate the effects of climate change
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Director, Urban and Community Studies Institute
Rob Moir joined UNB Saint John in 1996 and is currently serving as Associate Dean (Research and Special Projects) and Associate Professor of Economics within the Faculty of Business. He received a BArts&Science (Honours in Economics) from McMaster, an MA from Queen's, and a PhD from McMaster.
He has been a visiting research scholar at the University of Arizona in Tucson, and the Cognitive and Experimental Economics Laboratory at the University of Trento in Trento, Italy. He has also been a visiting professor at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, China.
In May 2018, Rob Moir was named a John Dobson Enactus Fellow by the John Dobson Foundation. This national award honours those who have demonstrated a commitment to shaping generations of entrepreneurial leaders.
Dr Moir's key research topic is the role of cooperation in the economy. Specifically, he used research methods identified in the fields of game theory, and experimental and behavioral economics to determine what drives cooperation and how mechanisms might be designed to facilitate cooperation when cooperation is beneficial to an economy. This has led him to inquiries into environmental issues, market structure, governance, strategy framing, public good provision, gambling, economic measurement, happiness, and community economic development. Dr. Moir also currently holds two research grants for research on the economic impact of tourism in New Brunswick.
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Dr. Larry Barzelai is a long-time Vancouver family physician. He has a special interest in geriatrics, and has been extensively involved in educating the next generation of family medicine residents in nursing home medicine.
He initiated CAPE BC, which was the first of many CAPE regional committees.
Two main themes have motivated his work with CAPE. The first is a love of nature, and the awareness of the integral part that nature plays in our well-being. The second is working to ensure that his grandchildren will grow up in a healthier world.
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On Episode 4 of the Why Climate Podcast we are talking to Dr. Michael Mehta.
Dr. Mehta is a Professor of Environment, Culture, and Society at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops.
He is an environmental social scientist who specializes in science, technology and society with a focus on environmental and health risk issues, and he focuses on air pollution and solar energy.
Dr. Mehta was Dean of the Faculty of Arts at Thompson Rivers University, Principal of Richardson College for the Environment at the University of Winnipeg, Executive Director of the Population Research Laboratory at the University of Alberta, and Chair of a program on the social, ethical, political and legal impacts of biotechnology at the University of Saskatchewan.
He set up Canada's first Purple Air network of PM2.5 monitors with more than 50 across British Columbia, and has decades of experience in renewable energy and nuclear safety. He led development of Canada's first solar sidewalk system called the Solar Compass, and owned a solar energy company and started a solar non-profit that completed 100+ solar arrays in the province.
He sat on the Board of Directors of SaskPower, SaskPower International, NorthPoint Energy Solutions, and the national Board of Canadian Blood Services.
He has published more than 60 articles, five books, and has received numerous awards including Health Canada's Chief Scientist Distinguished Lecturer and the Saskatchewan Centennial Medal to name a couple.
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Drive Electric is a project of the New Brunswick Lung Association and has received funding from The NB Environmental Trust Fund and the ZEVAI funding from the Department of Natural Resources.
The New Brunswick Lung Association (NBLA) has been engaged in electric vehicle education and advocacy since 2014 with the inception of the Electric Vehicle Advisory Group in NB, which NBLA chairs.
Replacing a conventional vehicle with an electric vehicle reduces air pollutants such as NO2, SO2, particulate matter and VOCs. These reductions in air pollutants are measurable and are necessary to improve respiratory health. The Lung Association is invested in lowering the number of conventional vehicles on the road in order to improve lung health, and electric vehicles are a key aspect of that work.
To learn more go to https://www.driveelectricatlantic.ca/ or follow them on Twitter or Facebook
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In our first full-length episode, we sit down and chat with Dr. Lem from the BC Parks Foundation and PaRX.
Dr. Melissa Lem is a Vancouver family physician and Director of PaRx, Canada’s national nature prescription program powered by the BC Parks Foundation. Also President-Elect of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, she is an internationally recognized expert on the nature-health connection. A widely published writer, she was the resident medical expert on CBC TV’s hit lifestyle show Steven and Chris for four seasons and continues to appear on air as a regular contributor to CBC Radio and CTV News. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia.
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We will have more news to come when we launch our full season in early September 2022, we are excited to bring you this first podcast and we would love everyone to subscribe to the podcast for all the updates.