After being late with two episodes it is time for a proper apology to my listeners and viewers. I am sorry, but work has been holding me back along with trying to get "Masterfool Apparel" relaunched. Thanks again to everyone for all the support these past two months. We're on the road to getting back on track. Here is a whole episode apologizing and explaining the situation! Much love and gains wished upon you homies!
Ways you can support this podcast!:
1.Be sure to listen to the podcast on your favorite platform! The ads generate revenue for this channel!
2.Head over to: https://www.youtube.com/@williamhortonpodcast
We are now doing video podcast!
3. PayPal: @williamhortonpodcast
4. Use this refferal link https://raw.rfrl.co/7zryj and code "MASTERFOOL" for 10% off your Raw nutrition orders.
5. Contact me at [email protected] for inquiries about advertisement! -
Episode 4 of the "William Horton Podcast" is on the main topic of what some small town people consider being controversial. While that is the main topic we are now officialy a Raw Nutrition Ambassador! The new studio is in the works and on the way to being comfy! YAY! Not only that my wife is putting in work at the GYM! This is a great episode for anyone looking for an upper or you feel stuck in a rut. Just stop by and listen UP!
Welcome to the William Horton Podcast! My name is William Horton! I am a husband and father that works in Process Operations. Through the years I have dipped my toes in the waters of the fitness world, but a year ago it got more serious for me. Out of high school I weighed 145 pounds and was in the best shape I had ever been in. I had a pretty regular routine of running and some type of lifting. If I could not get to a weight bench, I would do calisthenics. Just like any teen who finally gets a stroke of freedom, I lost this routine of mine. Between partying and jumping between jobs not being able to keep a steady schedule it got away from me. July 11th, 2022 was the day things changed for me. By then I had dropped out of gunsmithing school, given up on my streaming career, and I had finally realized I let myself go. While, I wasn’t big enough to be on “The Biggest Loser”, it was the second time I had weighed 175 pounds (The first time I was in junior high). I had broken the promise I made to myself after my father passed away. Today, it is not like that. I have furthered my career as a process operator, have a steady gym schedule, and feel the best I ever have. By no means am I the most fit or successful person, but I feel like there is someone in the world going through what I did. If there is a way I can give some advice, or just motivate the next person struggling with their life I will.
William’s Hobbies: Spending time with family, Working Out, Learning about bodybuilding techniques, cooking, video gaming, being creative.
Ways you can support this podcast!:
1.Head over to: https://www.youtube.com/@williamhortonpodcast
We are now doing video podcast!
2. PayPal: @williamhortonpodcast
3. Use this refferal link https://raw.rfrl.co/7zryj and code "MASTERFOOL" for 10% off your Raw nutrition orders.
4. Contact me at [email protected] for inquiries about advertisement! -
Estão a faltar episódios?
Could there be a day where we see Cbum pose off with Sam Sulek? Mr.Olympia vs. one of the fastest growing YouTube fitness influencers? Let's take a dive into some of the reasons why it may or may not be possible!
If you would like to support this podcast be sure to head over to www.masterfoolapparel.com and grab a shirt! Use code "masterfool" to get 10% off your purchase!
Episodes are posted every Friday 12 PM Central time! For business inquiries you can reach William at [email protected]! -
On this episode, William speaks about some of the things that helps him through the day, and what tends to throw him off track. As we all know you can't get everything perfect.
If you would like to support this podcast be sure to head over to www.masterfoolapparel.com and grab a shirt! Use code "masterfool" to get 10% off your purchase!
Episodes are posted every Friday 12 PM Central time! For business inquiries you can reach William at [email protected]! -
The first episode ever on the "William Horton Podcast" is about none other than William himself. 24 year old William Horton is a Father, husband, and fitness enthusiast. This episode gives you the inside dip of what gave him the inspiration to start a podcast and what it will be about!
To support this podcast, head over to www.masterfoolapparel.com and grab you the freshly launched shirts now!