How can I root out my feelings of unworthiness and my need for validation and sympathy, so that I can genuinely practice Bhakti? / How to apologize and how to forgive in a genuine way? / When I set boundaries, I feel guilt. Is this my codependent nature creeping in?
Dhanya Rico holds a Master’s degree in Counselor Education, and holds a Specialist’s degree in Couples and Family therapy.
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hearing from our people in Lebanon / we’re all shifting positions / Bhakti is taking our listeners beyond the ignorance of nationalism / laying out the universal staffs / our universe is like a tiny mustard sed in a huge bag of seeds / zooming out to see the Universal rulers as insignificant (and Krishna beyond them) / God comes as a Tortoise!?! / good Karma can ruin your life / Indra in the Vedas vs Indra in the Bhagavatam
SB 8.5.1-16
Check out Thomas Essig's movie Something Divine at
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Episodes manquant?
Thomas Merton on the greatest need of our time / our ritual morning trance is being set by algorithms / today’s news editors are algorithms, focused on increasing user engagement by exploiting our weakness to click on hate, greed and fear / choose healthy algorithms for your mind / re-engaging the senses in something positive and uplifting / fill your head with beautiful thoughts / the only important thing in existence is the connection between self and God and the love exchanged there / when connected to Krishna, all the details become relevant, valuable, powerful, beautiful, purifying and satisfying
SB 8.4.13-26
Check out Thomas Essig's movie Something Divine at
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zooming out to get the past-life background stories / the nature of Krishna is that all he does is bless / fear is just the inability to see Krishna’s hand in everything / as different as we are, we all go through the same things / the crocodile is revealed as a former Gandharva / the elephant is revealed as King Indradyumna / King Indradyumna renounces the kingdom to live as a yogi / King Indradyumna receives the sages curse as a blessing
SB 8.4.1-12
Check out Thomas Essig's movie Something Divine at
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“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.” - The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. / “I'm for truth, no matter who tells it.” - Malcolm X / spiritual knowledge is the only panacea / only those free of materialistic strategies have the bandwidth to absorb their minds in God within their hearts / home, relatives, friends, money, etc. will fail as a strategy for happiness / Tolstoy’s Father Sergius finds true spirituality in a simple housewife
SB 8.3.17-33
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I’ve been a bit concerned about the both side-ism you have maintained regarding U.S. politics. Why don’t you take a clear political stance on your podcast? / How can I root out my need for validation and sympathy, so that I can genuinely practice Bhakti?
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“Nature has her own logic, her own laws, she has no effect without cause nor invention without necessity.” / nothing makes senses until we understand that there are 2 types of energy, material and spiritual / life (consciousness) doesn’t operate according to material laws / huge atheistic speculations grounded on tiny bits of scientific research / there is a fascinating, philosophical, poetic manual to the universe and what’s beyond / a rhyming, talking, celestial elephant reveals the mystery of the universe / Vishnu as the cause of all causes - beyond time and space / material theories can never reach the origin / Vishnu reveals the spiritual realm to Brahma / reality is seen in relation to Vishnu / reality is reveal in the pure mind / losing faith in material joy
SB 8.3.15-18
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the purifying feeling of satsang / learning spirituality through studying the relationships of Vaishnavas / who am I emulating (among the characters of Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita)? / accepting criticism and correction / “The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection.” - Michelangelo / a false presumption among atheists - that God is attached to our worship / Why doesn’t God write “Accept Me” across the sky? / the Bhagavad-gita’s more nuanced idea of God / Krishna says “You do you” - we say “Don’t call me” / A result gives one a glimpse of its cause / what was there before the beginning of time?
SB 8.3.14
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Vishnu can not be known by the mind and senses / Vishnu is know through devotion, pure of material desire / the nondual Supreme Absolute Truth manifests as the avatars, the material energy and as the impersonal, attritubeless brahman / even our own body is not our own / the false presumption that for something to be accepted as real it must be perceivable empirically
SB 8.3.10-13
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we lock our hearts in caskets of selfishness / for the sake of love God becomes vulnerable / to practice Bhakti we need to understand who we are, who Krishna is, and the nature of the relationship / Krishna is the Purusha - the primeval, personal, animating principle / Krishna is the earth, the potter, the potter's wheel and the pot / qualifications to see the truth - vimukta-saṅgāḥ - disinfected of material conditions, bhūta-ātma-bhūtāḥ - equal to all living entities; / suhṛdaḥ - friends to everyone, aloka-vratam avraṇaṁ - flawless in carrying out spiritual vows / the foundation of spiritual knowledge / we’re just little sparks switching seats
SB 8.3.2-10
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At every crossroads on the path that leads to spiritual consciousness, the mind has placed 10,000 thoughts to guard material consciousness / confronting our comforts, pleasures and fears / don’t medicate- meditate / don’t DEflect - REflect / seeing behind the minds of others / karmic reactions, manifest and unmanifest / Gajendra fixed his mind in his heart with perfect intelligence / the revival of divine consciousness from the previous life / capsules of spiritual awareness in the subconscious mind / harmonizing the mind with the devotional nature of the self is called yoga / Raghunath chooses mangala arati
SB 8.2.32 - 8.3.1
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Raghunath and Jiva G discuss hitting rock bottom, finding your higher power, uprooting anarthas, and the importance of a 12 step program. Check out Jiva's Bhakti Recovery podcast.
Learn more at https://www.bhaktirecoverygroup.com
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As someone is not as a formal devotee, I struggle when asked to explain my spirituality. Could you offer any suggestions on how I might describe my spiritual stance to others? / If we can always pick up our spiritual life again in the next life, then what is the urgency of practicing in this lifetime? / Can you explain who is addressed as a maharaj vs a prabhu? What is a bramacari, or a sannyasi? What are the various levels of priests at the temple? Who is allowed to go on the altar?
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All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players. - William Shakespeare / infant, school boy, lover, soldier, justice, old man & infant again / we’re destined to perform a karmic role for a few days / spiritual knowledge helps one to pass through stages of life gracefully / Same substance, but More depth / appreciation sets the mind for knowledge absorption / in our battle with illusion, we need to be in a position which maintains our strength and enthusiasm / Gajendra contemplation: “It’s all coming to an end! I need to seek the real shelter”
SB 8.2.28-31
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examining surrender in various contexts: military, romantic, artistic, spiritual / surrendering the ego / Kaustubha concedes that Raghu is more of a “wood guy” - but they both have to let this identity go / actively choosing to accept our fate / Krishna lets us run til we’re materially exhausted / our real bio: I’m a tiny spirit soul here for a few days, to love / the elephant Gajendra’s alpha existence is about to turn on a dime
SB 8.2.9-27
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Manu and the Devas are the universal staff in service of Vishnu / Manu is preserving the sad-dharma over the course of his age / the 8th canto illustrates what surrender looks like through 3 narrations (Gajendra, the churning of the ocean of milk & Bali Maharaja) / lets not redefine Bhakti in order to sound inclusive / we don’t object to a person's inclination towards the non-personal energy of Krishna (brahman), but when they deny Krishna Himself, and devotion to Him - that’s when we object / a description of the heavenly planets
SB 8.1.17-8.2.8
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“Wisdom is not knowledge, it is a realization of the scheme and of one's own part in it.” - Algernon Blackwood / THE UNIVERSAL SCHEME: you are designed to enjoy divine love (but you're not ready for it until you're free of all selfishness) / we’re doing the material world wrong / the faith of Richard Dawkins / the most fantastic creation myth is that everything came from nothing / the universe is the energy, body, and property of Krishna - work in harmony with that and you never get entangled by karma / great sages get us started by working for good karma in order to connect us with the sacred texts / the same source of knowledge gives different instructions according to our level of evolution
SB 8.1.14-16
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Is it possible that both the Jnana and Bhakti paths are correct in their understanding of “enlightenment“? That some people are naturally inclined towards devotion and due to conditioning and past samskaras some are naturally inclined to the jnana path? And after the dissolution of ego some would experience universal, impersonal, infinite consciousness, and others would experience the bliss of devotion to a personal form of God?
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“Asceticism is to remain pure amidst impurities.” - Guru Nanak / the yogi’s practice of austerity is like a way of establishing controlled laboratory conditions / the Bhagavad-gita on who is a true renunciate and a true mystic (Bg. 6.1) / the Bhagavad-gita on who is a poser (Bg. 3.6) / more on spiritual communism / Krishna embodies apparently contradictory attributes / as the virtual reality programer remains beyond the encoded laws of the VR, so Krishna lies beyond the laws of the world / 2 prototypes of aging, the Sage and the Karen (sorry, people named Karen)
SB 8.1.10-13
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Has my pursuit of comfort and pleasure clouded my perception of truth? / Why should a yogi stand on one foot? / Patanjali’s Kriya-yoga = austerity + study of the self + surrender to God / “With asceticism, wisdom bears fruit.” - Ali ibn Abi Talib / yogic regulations key in on the animalistic basics of sleeping, eating and sex / Manu’s contemplation - there is a conscious intelligence behind everything, and everything is His property / spiritual communism can’t be legislated, it has to be inspired
SB 8.1.9-10
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