O BANGCAST é o podcast da Revista BANG!, onde falamos de tudo o que é fantástico: livros, tv, cinema, gaming, jogos de tabuleiro, cosplay e tudo o que seja cultura pop.
Are you a fan of classic literature and romantic comedies? Look no further than Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey! This delightful novel offers a witty and charming look at love, friendship, and self-discovery. With its relatable characters and engaging plot, Northanger Abbey is a must-listen for fans of Austen and anyone looking for a heartwarming and enjoyable audiobook experience. Don't miss out on this chance to lose yourself in the world of Northanger Abbey – start listening today! - Check our our Streaming Service for our full collection of audiobooks, short stories, & 10 hour sounds for sleep at our website -
A nineteenth-century boy from a Mississippi River town recounts his adventures as he travels down the river with a runaway slave, encountering a family involved in a feud, two scoundrels pretending to be royalty, and Tom Sawyer's aunt who mistakes him for Tom.
Sanni Metelerkamp was a South African playwright and author born in 1867. She is well known for her biography of her great-grandfather, George Rex, the British born entrepreneur who founded the town of Knysna and was rumoured to have been an illegitimate son of King George III. Possibly her greatest legacy however is the publication of a collection of folk tales which in her own words "… are the common property of every country child in South Africa." By the time she published "Outa Karel’s Stories: South African Folk-Lore Tales" in 1914, South Africa had come through a time of great turmoil. There had been years of conflict between the Boer settlers, the Zulus and the British. The arrival of peoples from all over the world seeking gold and diamonds together with the advent of the railroads, was opening up the country and changing society. Sanni was afraid that many of the old traditions and stories would be lost and so set down these few for posterity. She also stated " I greatly regret that (the stories) appear here in what is, to them, a foreign tongue. No one who has not heard them in the Taal - that quaint, expressive language of the people - can have any idea of what they lose through translation, but, having been written in the first instance for English publications, the original medium was out of the question." However, even The Taal (which in South Africa refers to Afrikaans) would not have been the language from whence these tales originated. They came from the oral traditions of the indigenous peoples of South Africa . The storyteller is Outa Karel, an old family retainer and though they are told here in English, there are several words and expressions in the "Taal". There is however an excellent Glossary at the beginning of the book which is read as a separate file for reference.
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This is a Librivox Recording. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain. -
Journalist and book reviewer Suzanne Perez reviews the latest books and such for KMUW on air and right here. Discover new reviews on Mondays.
Welcome to Too Little / Too Hard, a podcast hosted by Livia Franchini and Lucy Mercer that interviews leading contemporary writers on the intersections of work, time and value in relation to creative practice and literature. The podcast accompanies the online publication TL / TH.
We are grateful to our funders: the Royal Society of Literature and the Department of English at the University of Exeter.
Can home be a place you’ve never been, a place no one has ever been?
The White Cloud is the most audacious experiment the human species has ever undertaken—to search for a new Earth. The ship and its crew exist for a solitary purpose—to reach a distant planet and establish a colony. However, the vast majority of people undertaking this journey will not live to see its result, nor were they part of the decision-making process to leave.
A novel-in-stories, following the many generations who make the journey, The Voyage of the White Cloud asks how you can find meaning as a slave to destiny, a mere stepping-stone in history.
These are the stories of the most ordinary people on a most extraordinary journey. -
Podcast com narrações de contos e livros inéditos de autoria de Kleiton Ferreira.
Entre no site e confira todos os livros nas versões e formatos digitais e físicos. -
The Artistry and Meaning of J. K. Rowling and Other Greats -
A black comedy of manners about vast wealth and a woman who can define herself only through the perceptions of others. The beautiful Lily Bart lives among the nouveaux riches of New York City - people whose millions were made in railroads, shipping, land speculation and banking. In this morally and aesthetically bankrupt world, Lily, age twenty-nine, seeks a husband who can satisfy her cravings for endless admiration and all the trappings of wealth. But her quest comes to a scandalous end when she is accused of being the mistress of a wealthy man. Exiled from her familiar world of artificial conventions, Lily finds life impossible.
- - 500+ audiobooks, all ad free
Nine Gothic Horror Tales by Bram Stoker, the author of Dracula. -
Embark on an exciting journey as we unravel the mysteries hidden within the pages of Uncanny X-Men.
Each week our host Lodro Rinzler is in conversation with a special guest to discuss the X-Men issue that aligns with a significant month and year from their life and what that issue reveals about their future.
It is not just a horoscope; it is your mutant destiny decoded! -
Magda Cruz convida quem escreve, quem edita e quem lê livros. Escritores e editores, jornalistas e especialistas, estudantes e amantes de livros falam de livros e do impacto deles na vida.
Os ouvidos podem ler? Neste podcast, é possível.
Quinzenalmente às quartas-feiras. -
Award-winning journalist and writer Francesca Steele talks to authors about their experiences of rejection, from self-doubt to books not selling, and how they get past it.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
روخوانی کتاب های فارسی با صدای ناصر زراعتی, تقدیمی از کتاب صوتی
Perseguindo a ideia de Lawrence Ferlinghetti - "a poesia é a distância mais curta entre duas pessoas" - esperamos, através das escolhas poéticas dos nossos convidados, ficar mais perto deles e conhecê-los melhor. Usamos o verso de Luiza Neto Jorge “O Poema Ensina a Cair” para dar título a este podcast sobre os poemas da vida dos nossos convidados.
Um projecto da autoria de Raquel Marinho.
"Melhor podcast de Arte e Cultura" pelo Podes 2021 - Festival de Podcasts. -
O título do podcast tem uma asneira no título, porque os autores são muito modernos. Duas pessoas analisam livros de que não gostam. Ou melhor, que acham de que não gostam. E depois, vai-se a ver, e não gostam mesmo. Ou não. Os heróis deste podcast sacrificam-se e lêem e analisam bestsellers ou livros perdidos em alfarrabistas.
Shelf Love is about romance novels and how they reflect, explore, challenge, and shape desire. Host Andrea Martucci invites experts from a variety of perspectives to critically engaging with romance novels. Listen for discussions of individual books, genre discourse, and scholarly topics.
Fruto de uma parceria entre o Instituto Camões em Brasília e a Associação Oceanos, o podcast “Cruzamentos literários” mostra como importantes escritores pensam o mundo, a literatura e o universo da língua portuguesa. Episódios sempre às quintas-feiras, uma vez por mês.
Produção de áudio: Compasso Coolab