We talk to the folks of Twin Magi Games about their Zine Quest Venture Here is the Kickstarter:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/twinmagigames/goblins-0?ref=1fa2bg
Their website is here: https://twinmagigames.wixsite.com/home
Here is their Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/people/Twin-Magi-Games/61555146164437/
You can Back it Here: https://www.kickstarter.com/profile/brookletgames
In Beetle Knight, you play as arthropod Knights designated by the Iridescent Order as protectors of the realm of Litterfall. You are thus duty-bound to travel the world, helping those in need.
Unexplained phenomena and deep history permeate the world of Beetle Knight. Arthropod characters with diverse cultures based on every bug imaginable populate the cracks and hollows of Litterfall.
Litterfall is a patchwork of territories. Every centimeter of the ever-changing land is spoken for and each has several ancestral claimants. As a member of the Iridescent Order of Knights you are driven by honor to investigate the mysteries of the realm.
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We are joined by returning guests Chris Koger and Wes Ascolese to talk about their upcoming Zine Quest project No Nazis in Vahala.
Check out the kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/spooky-bell-games/no-nazis-in-valhalla
We are joined today by Caleb Wimble to talk about Let us Build A Tower: A Mythic Bronze Agew Adventure in Babel. You can back it here: https://www.letusbuildatower.com/kickstarter
You can find Caleb online here:
This one-of-a-kind OSR dungeon crawl takes players back thousands of years to a temple-city in the throes of apocalypse. There they ascend the ever-changing Tower to Heaven, braving the curse of chaos in hopes of reaching the ultimate reward at the Tower’s heights.120+ illustrated hardcover pages reveal shifting chambers, angelic horrors, and more than 80 creatures of Mesopotamian myth and biblical tales amidst this ancient temple-city of wonders. A Tower Generator web app helps bring this unique world seamlessly to life, allowing referees to run entire adventures with a few easy taps or clicks. Thanks to the curse of chaos, no two delves are ever the same. There’s always something new, strange, and surprising to encounter for players and referees alike.
Evlyn Moreau and Sofia Ramos join us to talk about their Troika! adventure that is crowdfunding on Kickstarter, Goblin Mail.
Find Sofia Ramos Itch.io: https://sofia-r.itch.io
Discord, Mastodon (dice.camp), Bluesky: @hojesofiaTwitter: @killthesun_https://sofia-r.itch.io/Find Evlyn Moreau online here:https://evlyn.itch.iohttp://chaudronchromatique.blogspot.comhttps://bsky.app/profile/evlynmoreau.bsky.social
Max Moon joins us to talk about Abyss of Hallucinations now funding on Kickstarter, you can back it here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/exaltedfuneral/abyss-of-hallucinations-collected-edition?ref=profile_saved_projects_live
As you expected we talk about games and drift into the church and the occult and rationality? I had a great time recording this episode. -
Check out our sponsor Ratti Incantati here: https://rattiincantati.com/
Today's guest Brian Colin joins us to talk about The Mold for Mork Borg. Beneath the surface of the planet an intense heat has been boiling and bubbling, waiting to erupt. For centuries, the denizens of the Kör have awaited the widening of a crack large enough for the Molt to commence. And now, in Grift, one such rupture has torn a gash through the human realm. How long will it take for the transformation of the Molt to complete? The Molt is a self-contained, rules-light RPG based on and compatible with Mörk Borg. You can back it here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/creaturecuration/the-molt-for-mork-borg-evil-lies-at-the-planets-core?ref=dfp3u5
First off, check out our link tree here: https://linktr.ee/hoboscollective
Today we talk about some cool zines we recently got and we give s brief update on the collective and some of the progress we have made in getting the print shop co-cop up and running. The first zine we look at is from our sponsor Brooklet Games, Worldlings Tales of Tiny Gods. Listen to the episode where we talked about it here:
Next we talk about I Fucking Earned My Stripes by Dot of the Hobo's Collective.
You can pick up copies of Unnatural Beasts both issues 1 & 2 as well as Ronnie and Tim on J.A. Cartoonz shop.You can check out Jacob Fleming's site, the author of Scourge of the Northlands right here: https://gelatinouscubism.wordpress.com/ He has some nice posts there about the art and process of making this zine on there, and links to find it as well.
You can find copies of Night Yeast #1 and Night Yeast #2 if they are still in stock.
You can follow T Edward Bak on their link tree, and pick up a copy of Remote Viewer #1 here.
Looking a bit into Zine history we take a look at the Anarchist Black Dragon. We look briefly at counter culture and subculture surrounding zines.
All surviving past issues of the Anarchist Black Dragon from the Anarchist Black Dragon Collective (ABDC) can be found online at this time here: https://anarchistblackdragon.noblogs.org/
You can learn more about the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC) on their website right here: https://incarceratedworkers.org
And, you can download past issues of the Incarcerated Worker, their newsletter/zine right here: https://incarceratedworkers.org/resource-types/incarcerated-worker-newsletter
You can read about the Murder of Carl Harp and the ABDC on Prison Abolition Behind Prison Walls Here: https://daily.jstor.org/prison-abolition-from-behind-prison-walls/
Harsha Walia of No One Is Illegal (Mentioned in the episode) wrote the following article: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/apr/07/us-border-immigration-harsha-walia
Check out our sponsor Ratti Incantatti: https://rattiincantati.com/
You can find the Sour Collective here: https://thesourcollective.square.site/
You can check out Coin Operated Press and Dungeons & Dragons: https://coinoperatedpress.bigcartel.com/product/dungeons-dragons
You can visit the Peakrill Press Etsy Shop here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/peakrillpress/You can back King Arthur vs Devil Kitty funding now on kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dansumption/king-arthur-vs-devil-kitteh
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ecarabanoSettlers of a Dead God free intro PDF: https://www.exaltedfuneral.com/products/settlers-of-a-dead-god-fastplayDead God's official website: thedeadgod.com -
Seth joins us to talk about Spectacle coming to kickstarter soon. A Jack Kirby inspired module for Troika! the RPG.
Our Sponsor Brooklet Games: https://brookletgames.com/
Spectacle will be popping up here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/spectacleeye/spectacle-0https://seth-ian.itch.io/
Check out what Seth has out here: https://seth-ian.itch.io/
The new pamphlet adventure red eye at 4000 feet here: https://seth-ian.itch.io/red-eye-at-40000-feet
Check out the post with the OSE Sailor Class here: https://oracular-somnambulist.blogspot.com/2023/09/the-sailor.html?m=1
Principles of Thinking Adventures by Luke Gearing: https://lukegearing.blot.im/the-principles-of-thinking-adventures
Author, Actor, Audience from Less Than Three Games: https://www.lessthanthreegames.com/blog/2020/05/04/author-actor-audience/
Go check out our sponsor Ratti Incantati and get some cool games and zines here: https://rattiincantati.com/
You can check out Sine Nomine Publishing who put out Cities Without Number and Stars Without Number right here: https://sine-nomine-publishing.myshopify.com/
Help support the Poopsheet Foundation here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-me-build-the-comic-zine-database an effort to catalogue classic zines & self published comics. Check out all they have right here: https://www.poopsheetfoundation.com/
Fro more zines you can check out the following zine databases online:
The Neighborhood Anarchist Collective has a lot of zines on DIY topics, organizing how to and introduction to various political ideologies. Check out the zines they have right here: https://neighborhoodanarchists.org/zines
Sprout Distro is an anarchist zine distro and publisher based in the United States. Find their online archive here: https://www.sproutdistro.com/
The Anchor Archive Zine Library is a collectively-run, non-profit library with a collection of over 7000 zines from the local area and around the world. It has been providing access to independent media, art, and local zine history and culture since 2005 through operating the library and offering tools, resources, and programming for making zines. check it out here: https://anchorarchive.org/
The Anarchist Zine Library is an attempt to recover the work of the site zinelibrary.info available now only on the way back machine.
Today's episode was sponsored by Brooklet games, give them a visit: https://brookletgames.com/
We get to talk with JA Cartoons today, a comic artist publishing some of his own comics including Unnatural Beasts.
You can follow JA Cartoons on instagram or facebook:
You can pick up copies of comics right here: https://mentaldenstudios.myshopify.com -
Logar and Blue talk about how skills from holding a regular table top role playing game can translate into skills for so much more.
Today we talk to the Merry Mushmen! Their new adventure Nightmare Over Ragged Hollow is wrapping up on Kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/896102915/nightmare-over-ragged-hollow
Eric Nieudan joins us with Joe Lewis, the author of Nightmare over Ragged Hollow. You can find his fiction here: https://www.josephrlewis.com/ and his game books here: http://dungeonage.com/ check them both out.
As promised, here is a link to the Book of the New Sun Wikipedia page to learn more about the book series and author: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Book_of_the_New_Sun
Check out the post for this weeks episode with all the links to what we talked about today: https://hoboscollective.com/2023/07/19/prismatic-wasteland-psycho-headcheese/
Our sponsor is having a sale this week from July 21 -23rd so check that out here: https://rattiincantati.com/
Prismatic Wasteland is up for an Ennie and you can vote on that right here: https://www.prismaticwasteland.com/vote-for-barkeep
You can find Psycho Headcheese at the following places online:
You can pick up copies of his games here:
Follow along the Neon Lords of the Toxic Wastelands on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NeonLordRPG/
Find more about the episode on our blog: https://hoboscollective.com/2023/07/12/episode-04-geologists-primer-eco-mofos/
We are joined by Daniel Locke about Eco Mofos and Anna Urbanek, Anna is the author of the herbalists primer and the Geologists primer which is currently funding on Kickstarter.
Eco Mofos Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/daniellocke/eco-mofos
Geologists Primer Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/huntersbooks/geologists-primer-by-double-proficiency
Our sponsor this week is Ratti Incantatti you can check out Against the Grey here: https://rattiincantati.com/products/against-the-grey
So this weeks episode I am a huge fan of our guests as they have been working on a project that has been thriving for many years by community support without the incentive of profit or cash. Basic Fantasy RPG is a role playing game in the creative commons created by community members contributions and headed by Chris Gonnerman. You can visit the BFRPG site and get involved or just download the full game and all that is available for it at: https://www.basicfantasy.org
Support us on Patreon here:https://www.patreon.com/LogarHailCromhttps://www.patreon.com/LogarHailCrom
Check out our sponsor Brooklet Games here: https://brookletgames.com/ Back on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/brookletgames/posts
We talk with Crab Domion about Memory for Motherhsip, you can check out the video and back the Kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/crabdominion/memory-a-mothership-adventure
We also get a chance to talk to Jason Vey about Wasted Lands the Dreaming Role Playing Game is here on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jasonvey/wasted-lands-the-dreaming-age-role-playing-game
Read all about today's episode on our website here:https://hoboscollective.com/2023/06/21/how-about-some-superhero-or-sci-fi-rpgs/
Our first episode is here! And on today’s episode we look at a Superhero RPG that is currently crowdfunding on Kickstarter and a Scifi Game currently funding on kickstarter as well. You can listen to the episode early on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/LogarHailCrom
We are joined by Christian Kessler, creator of Longshot City being published by Melsonian Arts Council and Wyatt the Creator of Stillfleet.
You can back Longshot City here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/melsonia/longshot-city
You can back Qadida: A Spy-Filled Stillfleet Gazetteer here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/wythe/qadida-a-spy-filled-stillfleet-gazetteer
Visit the Stillfleet site here: https://stillfleet.com
Check out Christian Kessler’s blog here: http://popularenchanting.blogspot.com
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