A show about US immigration - and all things related - national identity, culture, family, and borders. And since the US is a country of immigrants: it’s you and I, us and them, telling our stories. Hosted by storytellers Nestor Gomez and Angel Ling, this is a podcast where we share stories, conversations, and commentary, to examine the historical and contemporary ideas, policies, and events that have forged national identity, community, and belonging in America.
Immigration Stories with Nestor Gomez is a production of 80 Minutes Around the World Immigration Stories. -
Elmondatott szavak és útkeresések egy tinédzser világából.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Felszínes, pörgős médiazaj helyett, jó minőségű, hasznos és értékes tartalom. Nem elvesszük az idődet, hanem értékesebbé tesszük. Ha szereted a minőségi műsorokat, érdekelnek a társadalmi kérdések, a pszichológia, a tudomány, az üzlet, ez a műsorfolyam tetszeni fog. -
A Buksó, a podcast sorozata könyvekről, írókról, olvasókról és olvasásról, Nyáry Krisztián vezetésvel, a Líra könyvek támogatásával.
A once-in-a-century storm hits the remote Scottish island of Toll Mòr. As the isolated community take shelter, a barbaric crime sets off a chain of events which heralds the rise of an ancient evil and threatens to change the course of history.
Starring Golden Globe winner Joanne Froggatt (Downton Abbey) as Police Sergeant Jackie O'Hara and Rege Jean-Page (Roots, Bridgerton), this 8-part supernatural thriller is created by acclaimed writer and director Mark Healy and produced by Storyglass.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Sorozatunkban a kortárs irodalom értékteremtő szerzőit, s rajtuk keresztül műveiket kívánjuk bemutatni a szélesebb közönség számára. Programunk célja, hogy megismertessük az embereket a hazai (lehetőség szerint határon túli) magyar szépirodalom kortárs gyöngyszemeivel, és minél szélesebb kört inspiráljunk a szépirodalmi művek olvasására, a magyar irodalom megismerésére. Műsorainkban a magyar irodalom képviselői – írók, költők, színházi szakemberek, szerkesztők, irodalmárok fordulnak meg – elismert alkotók, illetve sok esetben olyan fiatalok, akik még csak szárnyaikat bontogatják.
A Civil Rádió kiemelt célja, hogy minél szélesebb kört csábítson vissza az olvasás élményéhez, a fiatalabb korosztályokat közelebb hozza az irodalomhoz felkeltve a szépirodalmi művek iránti érdeklődésüket, az olvasást „belecsempészve” mindennapjaikba.
Műsorsorozatunkat és a kortárs irodalmi programot a Magyar Művészeti Akadémia támogatta. -
A legizgalmasabb hazai történetek podcastje
You Had Me at Black is where Black Millennials tell the true-life stories you won't see on TV.
Kultajánló podcast havonta új résszel. Egy pohár irodalom, színházi fröccs, zenei feles, kulturális koktél kultúrszomjasaknak.
Tippek, tanácsok kórusod hatékony menedzseléséhez, és érdekességek, különlegességek az amatőr kórusmozgalom színes világából!
Crack open a drink with us where ever you are and learn about the best vacation destinations around the world. Get in #VacationMode with us! As owners of Penyak Travel Company (and avid travelers ourselves) we dive deep into how to get the most out of your vacation, planning, and all the tips & tricks of the industry.
We cover everything from the hottest property reviews, destinations, cruises, Europe, domestic travel (who doesn't like Vegas?) and much more!
So grab a cocktail, wine, or a cold beer and enjoy the show with us! -
Three disparate men converge for a strange discussion of pop culture and politics. Our hosts include a psychonaut therapist with an aim to explore the healing benefits of drugs, an anarchist philosophy professor equally influenced by Marx and prison, and an English teacher terrified by the universe but energized by marginalized literature and media alike. Topics will cover the range from popular to degraded culture.
Based in the Sultanate of Oman, True Story Tent brings people together to connect through their personal stories. Without the aid of notes, every storyteller faces the audience and shares a piece of their journey.
In this podcast, we share some of our favorites and we speak to some of these storytellers to get a deeper insight into their stories. -
Between audio books? Curious about the writers themselves? Listen to full-length sessions from the Bay Area Book Festival, where readers and writers meet each year in Berkeley, CA, to engage with their favorite authors, including Pulitzer Prize winners, chefs, and activists, to discuss writing, race, love, mystery, and more.
Post Play is a deep-dive companion podcast series from Netflix. Each season listen to your favorite actors, directors, writers and show runners in discussion about the series you love, revealing secrets from the set and the cutting room floor.
Unabridged philosophy audiobooks including writing by Plato (Parmenides), Aristotle (Economics) and Cicero (On Moral Duties). Topics discussed include ethics, justice, law, logic, metaphysics, God, happiness, love and beauty. Each book has been streamlined by merging separate LibriVox recordings into a single seamless whole with no interruptions. Painting: La Perle et la vague by Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry.
Gondolatébresztő beszélgetések a Klasszik Rádió 92.1 KLASSZIK REGGELI című kulturális napindító műsorában.
We all have different perspectives and experiences surrounding food, but it's not that often that we have opportunities to truly understand other people's relationship with it. On this podcast Claire hosts conversations about life, eating, and the culture around food. From gluten free diets, to veganism, to eating in foreign countries, listen to get a window into diets that are similar or different to your own. Claire is 18 and has been gluten free and dairy free since age 13, and went vegetarian a year later. She recently committed to a fully vegan diet and has been learning a lot along the way. This podcast is for the foodie in all of us to explore the unfamiliar. This podcast comes out on Mondays about twice a month. To learn more about Claire and visit or @clairecancook on Instagram.