In the week(s) leading up to our period we often feel irritated, overly emotional, have sore boobs and can’t seem to reason with anyone.
We call this PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome). But, do we actually truly understand what is happening to our bodies? What our hormones are up to? What PMS actually truly means and how it impacts our cycle and overall lifestyle? How we can better prepare for the devil within us to come out pre out Aunt Flo arriving? The term PMS gets thrown around pretty loosely and sometimes with very little context.
This Womb Talks episode with Founder Dr Amanda Waaldyk & CEO Teresa Truda discusses PMS, really simply & understanding what happens to your hormones during your cycle. -
Okay menstruators, we are back - talking all things Endometriosis (Endo). Endo affects 1 in 10 women & menstruators globally (and 1 in 9 in Australia) - this stat shows how important it is for us to be educated on Endo, understand what it is, the symptoms. We all need to be informed to make better health decisions. Hear Founder, Dr Amanda Waaldyk and CEO Teresa Truda discuss all things Endometriosis and share some of their personal journey with Endo & Adeno. From a misunderstood to misdiagnosed condition; hear more about Endo & some tips to make sure you become your own health advocate.
Our final episode of our Womb Talks 4 part Cycle Awareness series in September saw Dr. Amanda Waaldyk and Teresa Truda talk through understanding all things contraception. For years we have often just hastily ‘gone on the pill’, ‘had the mirena inserted’, without necessarily knowing the impacts and potential side effects on our body. There is so much more to be educated on with the topic of contraception; from tracking your cycle naturally, to choosing the right form of contraception specifically for your body, and understanding how contraception can effect any conditions such as PCOS, Endometriosis and Adenomyosis. Dr. Amanda discusses all types of contraception, their uses, impact on our bodies and helps us understand how important it is to make choices for our own individual body and circumstance. Listen now to help you make better informed health decisions.
Alright menstruators, it’s time to debunk all those cycle myths we have been led to believe about periods, contraception and our pain. Our menstrual cycle has many incredible functions and it’s important to be able to differentiate what’s ’normal’ as opposed to what should be investigated. Trust your intuition. Hear Dr Amanda Waaldyk interviewed by Teresa Truda discussing all things cycle myths and what’s ’normal’.
Since birth, our repoductive system is ever evolving to prepare us to fertilise our eggs to then carry a baby, and then give birth. The female body is truly incredible and it’s a shame that our educational system doesn’t give us enough information to understand every organ or body parts function down there. Get ready to deep dive into an incredible conversation that details the female reproductive system. Hear Dr Amanda Waaldyk interviewed by Teresa Truda chatting all things getting to know your reproductive cycle and anatomy.
Since our formative years, we are taught about our cycles in a very basic way. We sometimes go through our lives not truly understanding our menstrual cycle and all that contributes to the balanced function of our 5th Vital Sign. Take the plunge to learn about how as cyclical beings we can best take care of ourselves through the changing seasons. Know more about your cycle, deeply. Hear Dr Amanda Waaldyk interviewed by Teresa Truda to better understand and unpack your cycle so you can better understand your period, hormones and make better informed health decisions.
Alright, let’s talk periods, ladies. And be real about it. Most of us have grown up thinking that our periods are normal. No matter what we’re served monthly when our Aunt Flo Flo rears its head. We’ve been conditioned on what we accept as normal when it comes to our periods. To accept the pain, the mood swings, the erratic irrational mind, heavy bleeding, clots... the list goes on. But actually, what if we look at what a 'normal' period looks and feels like? Hear Dr Amanda Waaldyk interviewed by Teresa Truda to better understand our periods and what's normal.