It’s no secret that sitting all day is damaging to your body in myriad ways.
It increases insulin resistance, putting you at risk of unhealthy weight gain, Type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
It’s devastating to your muscles, and cervical and lumbar spine mobility.
And it can compromise your job satisfaction, energy levels, and emotional health.But sitting gets a bad wrap.
In this video I explore the pros and cons of sitting and standing, and how to incorporate the right amount of movement into your workday.
00:00 Introduction and key statistics on sitting at work
0:57 How sitting damages our health and focus
1:23 Benefits of standing up at your desk
3:02 Sit and stand
3:56 Walking
5:02 Erogonomic chairs and workstations
5:40 Stretching and mobility at workSTUDIES
1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5618737/#:~:text=Our%20results%20indicated%20that%20long,and%20knees%20of%20office%20workers
2) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28378964/
3) https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/2/4/e000828#:~:text=Results%20The%20estimated%20gains%20in,to%20%3C2%20h%2Fday.
4) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26444941/
5) https://academic.oup.com/biomedgerontology/article/75/1/139/5164279#:~:text=Experimental%20studies%20have%20shown%20that,also%20be%20beneficial%20(17)
6) https://healthcare.utah.edu/publicaffairs/news/2015/04/04-30-15_short_walks_offset_hazards_of_sitting_too_long.php
7) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22889123/PRODUCTS
1) MojoDesk standing desks: https://mojodesk.com?aff=338
2) StandDesk standing desks: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1378876&u=2813498&m=78887&urllink=&afftrack=0
3) Treadmill desk: https://amzn.to/3vBapFr
4) Ergonomic chair: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1162254&u=2813498&m=78887&urllink=&afftrack=
🌐 Find my work at steveglaveski.com, including 100 #PRODUCTIVITY HACKS ebook
🌳 LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/steveglaveski
📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: https://www.timerichbook.com
🎓 My online course: https://www.timerichbook.com/online-c...
🐦My Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/steveglaveski
🇱 My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steveglav...
Corporate workshops: https://www.timerichbook.com/corporat...
The WorkFlow podcast is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski. I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work.My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great #work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop #leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
I run workshops, webinars, give talks, and deliver coaching for teams of all sizes - from startup to large corporate, and have done so for the likes of OzMinerals, OnRunning, Charter Hall, MetLife, Lufthansa, and numerous organizations around the world.
The shift to remote work has left us divided. Some of us want to remain remote forever, others can’t wait to get back to the office, and some are calling for a hybrid model. There are pros and cons of each, but one downside of working from home has consistently been overlooked — morning sunlight.
For millions of people around the world, their daily commute has been reduced to a short stroll from the bedroom to the study (or the kitchen table). While convenient, this can come at a significant cost to our mood, sleep, and focus.
Sunlight has long been vilified for the deleterious effects of over-exposure, and while we must indeed be sun-smart, the WHO found that ultraviolet rays (UVR) account for only 0.1% of the total global burden of disease.
Direct-sunlight exposure (as opposed to indirect sunlight exposure through a window) plays a number of critical and foundational roles when it comes to optimizing our health and mental performance.
In this video, I explore five benefits of sunlight, and how to get more of the sun's vitamin-D boosting goodness into your day.
00:00 Introduction
01:35 Vitamin D deficiency, immunity, and COVID-19 hospitalizations
02:46 How sunlight regulates mood and emotions
3:26 How sunlight improves cognitive function and focus
4:33 How natural light improves job satisfaction
5:27 How sunlight and Vitamin D improve sleepSHOW NOTES
1)Source article: https://glaveski.medium.com/how-direct-sunlight-exposure-improves-your-focus-mood-and-creativity-5380bade0529
2) WHO research: http://who/
3) Vitamin D epidemic: https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/135/11/2739S/4669900#:~:text=Vitamin%20D%20deficiency%20is%20now,for%20both%20children%20and%20adults.
4) COVID-19 and vitamin D research: https://www.healthline.com/health-news/new-study-found-80-percent-of-covid-19-patients-were-vitamin-d-deficient
5) UVR and endorphins: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2290997/
6) Light therapy research: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6751071/
7) BDNF and sunlight research: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3487856/
8) Sunlight and alertness research: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3666056/
9) Sunlight and cognitive impairment research: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2728098/
10) Natural elements and job satisfaction research: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4877070/
11) Vitamin D and sleep disorders: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6213953/PRODUCTS
Vitamin D lamp: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=vitamin+d&ref=nb_sb_noss&_encoding=UTF8&tag=glaveski-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=2f9c49394bad861f2a015b9a5820ec7b&camp=1789&creative=9325
Vitamin D supplements: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=vitamin+d&ref=nb_sb_noss&_encoding=UTF8&tag=glaveski-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=2f9c49394bad861f2a015b9a5820ec7b&camp=1789&creative=9325
🌐 Find my work at steveglaveski.com, including 100 #PRODUCTIVITY HACKS ebook
📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: https://www.timerichbook.com🎓 My online course: https://www.timerichbook.com/online-c
🐦My Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/steveglaveski🇱 My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steveglav
Corporate workshops: https://www.timerichbook.com/corporat
➖➖➖The WorkFlow podcast is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski. I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work.
My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great #work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop #leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
I run workshops, webinars, give talks, and deliver coaching for teams of all sizes - from startup to large corporate, and have done so for the like of OzMinerals, OnRunning, Charter Hall, MetLife, Lufthansa, and numerous organizations around the world.
Episodes manquant?
For years now we’ve heard people extol the virtues of getting up at 5am.
Whether it’s books like Hal Elrod’s miracle morning, Robin Sharma’s 5am club, or Dan Luca’s the 5am revolution, or whether it’s influencers like former navy seal Jocko Willink religiously posting a photo of his wristwatch to Instagram when he wakes up at 4:30am each day.
But does the early bird really get the worm?
Or is the game just hacked in their favor?
In this video, I explore how we're all different, how you can determine your preferred sleeping pattern, and set your day up for success.
Don't forget to subscribe if you like what you see.
00:00 Introduction and Famous Early Birds
02:12 Preferred sleeping patterns (chronotypes)
03:40 The Solutions to Zoom Fatigue
05:35 Famous Night Owls
06:40 Determine Your Preferred Sleeping Patterns with the MEQ Test
Download Link: https://steveglaveski.com/downloads
1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti...
2) https://www.cbsnews.com/news/night-ow...
3) https://carolynschur.com/percentage-o...
4) MEQ Test: https://chronotype-self-test.info/ind...
🌐 Find my work at steveglaveski.com, including 100 #PRODUCTIVITY HACKS ebook
📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: https://www.timerichbook.com
🎓 My online course: https://www.timerichbook.com/online-c ...
🐦My Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/steveglaveski
🇱 My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steveglav ...
Corporate workshops: https://www.timerichbook.com/corporat ...
The WorkFlow podcast is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski. I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work.
My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great #work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop #leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
I run workshops, webinars, give talks, and deliver coaching for teams of all sizes - from startup to large corporate, and have done so for the like of OzMinerals, OnRunning, Charter Hall, MetLife, Lufthansa, and numerous organizations around the world.
If you give yourself two weeks to complete a task, it will take you...about two weeks.
But what if you gave yourself two days to complete that same task. How long do you think it would take you to get it done?
This question lies at the heart of Parkinson’s Law, a phenomenon first observed by British naval historian, Cyril Parkinson, in an Economist article back in 1955.
He argued that work expands to fill the time available for completion.
In this video, I’ll explore how Parkinson’s Law helps us get more done in less time, and how to use it without compromising the quality of your work.
00:00 Introduction
2:01 Tight deadlines, the flow state, and Ben Mezrich
03:38 Finishing kicks and Alex Hutchinson
5:20 Balancing speed with quality
6:08 Diminishing returns
6:53 Definition of done
1) Finishing kick study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33300...
2) Future Squared podcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC63t...
3) Parkinsons Law in The Economist: https://www.economist.com/news/1955/1...
🌐 Find my work at steveglaveski.com, including 100 #PRODUCTIVITY HACKS ebook
🌳 LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/steveglaveski
📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: https://www.timerichbook.com
🎓 My online course: https://www.timerichbook.com/online-c...
🐦My Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/steveglaveski
🇱 My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steveglav...
Corporate workshops: https://www.timerichbook.com/corporat...
The WorkFlow podcast is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski. I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work.
My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great #work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop #leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
I run workshops, webinars, give talks, and deliver coaching for teams of all sizes - from startup to large corporate, and have done so for the like of OzMinerals, OnRunning, Charter Hall, MetLife, Lufthansa, and numerous organizations around the world.
#parkinsonslaw #diminishingreturns
More than 50% of people across the world experience workplace stress, and the prevalence of stress is much higher in the United States.
This has been exacerbated by COVID-19 and its related stressors, with a meta-analysis published in Nature finding that there has been a dramatic rise in the prevalence of mental health problems globally.
The report finds that almost 1 in 3 adults are suffering from depression and 1 in 4 from anxiety.
This can create all sorts of problems in our lives, not least our ability to focus at work.
In this video, I explore how breathing helps to quickly allay us of state anxiety, free up attentional resources, and help us get stuff done.
I'll explore research from Andrew Huberman and his team at Stanford's Huberman Lab - part of the Stanford School of Medicine.
00:00 The state of workplace #stress
01:47 How stress compromises our focus
03:19 How breathing counters #anxiety and stress
4:32 #AndrewHuberman's physiological sigh
DOWNLOAD 100 Productivity Hacks ebook: https://www.steveglaveski.com/downloads
COMPANION ARTICLE https://www.steveglaveski.com/blog/how-to-beat-state-anxiety-in-20-seconds-and-get-focused
1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6137615/
2) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-89700-8
🌐 Find my work at steveglaveski.com, including 100 #productivity HACKS ebook 📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: https://www.timerichbook.com
🎓 My online course: https://www.timerichbook.com/online-c ...
🐦My Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/steveglaveski
🇱 My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steveglav ...
Corporate workshops: https://www.timerichbook.com/corporat ...
WorkFlow is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski. I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work.
My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great #work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop #leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
I run workshops, webinars, give talks, and deliver coaching for teams of all sizes - from startup to large corporate, and have done so for the like of OzMinerals, OnRunning, Charter Hall, MetLife, Lufthansa, and numerous organizations around the world.
We waste so much time, energy, and money pursuing the wrong things, and over-analyzing.
In this video, you'll learn how to beat jumping to conclusions and analysis paralysis, and spend more time and money on things that work.
00:00 Intro
01:50 Jumping to Conclusions
02:05 Analysis Paralysis
03:57 Define Assumptions
5:36 Test Assumptions
COMPANION ARTICLE https://www.steveglaveski.com/blog/the-optimism-bias-dont-let-it-kill-you
🌐 Find my work at steveglaveski.com, including 100 PRODUCTIVITY HACKS ebook
📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: https://www.timerichbook.com
🎓 My online course: https://www.timerichbook.com/online-c ...
🐦My Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/steveglaveski
🇱 My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steveglav ...
Corporate workshops: https://www.timerichbook.com/corporat ...
The WorkFlow podcast is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski. I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work.
My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
I run workshops, webinars, give talks, and deliver coaching for teams of all sizes - from startup to large corporate, and have done so for the likes of OzMinerals, OnRunning, Charter Hall, MetLife, Lufthansa, and numerous organizations around the world.
#analysisparalysis #jumpingtoconclusions #testyouridea
You’ve been there before.
You head out for lunch and against your better judgment, you order the burger with a side of fries, or the big bowl of pasta, or the pizza. You feel great in the moment, but it doesn’t take long for the food coma and lethargy to set in.
You get back to your desk, and quickly resign yourself to an afternoon of ‘nothing done’.
Sure, your body is present, but your brain has checked out for the day.
In this video, I talk through how you can have your cake AND eat it too! ;)
00:00 Intro
00:44 Why Carbs Cause us to Crash
01:57 Physical Activity
4:00 Lemon Juice
5:03 Slow Carbs
6:20 Eat Less
STUDIES 1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti...
2) https://www.jamda.com/article/S1525-8...
3) https://link.springer.com/article/10....
VO2 CALCULATOR https://www.omnicalculator.com/sports...
🌐 Find my work at steveglaveski.com, including 100 #PRODUCTIVITY HACKS ebook
📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: https://www.timerichbook.com
🎓 My online course: https://www.timerichbook.com/online-c ...
🐦My Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/steveglaveski
🇱 My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steveglav ...
Corporate workshops: https://www.timerichbook.com/corporat ...
The WorkFlow podcast is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski. I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work.
My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great #work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop #leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
I run workshops, webinars, give talks, and deliver coaching for teams of all sizes - from startup to large corporate, and have done so for the like of OzMinerals, OnRunning, Charter Hall, MetLife, Lufthansa, and numerous organizations around the world.
Zoom fatigue is real.
According to researchers at the Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab, all that time you’re spending on Zoom or video calls is wearing you out at a much quicker rate than traditional face-to-face meetings.
Jeremy Bailenson and his team of researchers found four key reasons for Zoom fatigue.
In this video, I unpack all of them, and dive into five solutions to Zoom fatigue. In this video, I talk through the five levels of #remotework.
00:00 Zoom Boom
01:00 The Reasons for Zoom Fatigue
03:40 The Solutions to Zoom Fatigue
Download Link: https://steveglaveski.com/downloads
1)Zoom Fatigue article: https://www.steveglaveski.com/blog/how-to-beat-zoom-fatigue
2) Stanford research: https://news.stanford.edu/2021/02/23/four-causes-zoom-fatigue-solutions/
🌐 Find my work at steveglaveski.com, including 100 #PRODUCTIVITY HACKS ebook
📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: https://www.timerichbook.com
🎓 My online course: https://www.timerichbook.com/online-c...
🐦My Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/steveglaveski
🇱 My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steveglav...
Corporate workshops: https://www.timerichbook.com/corporat...
The WorkFlow podcast is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski. I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work.
My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great #work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop #leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
COVID-19 has forced us into a global remote working experiment.
Companies were quick to download Zoom and Slack, but tools are only as good as how you use them.
When it comes to remote work, few companies do it better than Automattic—the company behind Wordpress, which powers 35 per cent of all websites on the internet.
Automattic has 1,170 employees across more 75 countries and is worth US$3 billion. And here’s the kicker: the company does not have an office; its employees collaborate almost exclusively online.
Automattic’s founder Matt Mullenweg (hence the double-t in the company’s name), sees five levels of sophistication when it comes to remote teams.
In this video, I talk through the five levels of #remotework.
00:00 Remote work in 2021
01:05 The five levels of remote work
01:20 Automattic and Matt Mullenweg
03:18 Level 0
04:04 Level 1
04:39 Level 2
06:48 Level 3
10:20 Meeting protocol
14:47 Level 4
16:11 Earlybirds v night owls
19:45 Level 5
Download Link: https://upscri.be/g29t6z
1) ‘5 levels of remote work' article: https://medium.com/swlh/the-five-leve...
2) Matt Mullenweg on Sam Harris’ Making Sense podcast: https://samharris.org/podcasts/194-ne...
3) Matt Mullenweg's 5 levels of autonomy: https://ma.tt/2020/04/five-levels-of-...
🌐 Find my work at steveglaveski.com, including 100 #PRODUCTIVITY HACKS ebook
📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: https://www.timerichbook.com
🎓 My online course: https://www.timerichbook.com/online-c...
🐦My Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/steveglaveski
🇱 My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steveglav...
Corporate workshops: https://www.timerichbook.com/corporat...
The WorkFlow podcast is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski. I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work. I'm an entrepreneur, writer, and productivity coach, on a mission is to unlock the potential of companies, teams, and people to create more impact for the world, and lead more fulfilling lives.
My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great #work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop #leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
In this episode, I respond to Dr Rhonda Patrick's appearance on a recent Joe Rogan Experience episode (#1701 - 26 August 2021), in which she noted how #fasting makes her way more focused.
Was she right, and what does science say?
00:00 Was she right?
01:45 The BRO science
2:53 What the actual science says
Article: How Fasting Elevates Your Focus: https://www.steveglaveski.com/blog/ho... 100 Productivity Hacks ebook: https://steveglaveski.com/downloads
🌐 Find my work at steveglaveski.com, including 100 PRODUCTIVITY HACKS ebook 📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: https://www.timerichbook.com
🎓 My online course: https://www.timerichbook.com/online-c...
🐦My Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/steveglaveski
🇱 My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steveglav...
Corporate workshops: https://www.timerichbook.com/corporat...
The WorkFlow podcast is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski. I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work. I'm an entrepreneur, writer, and productivity coach, on a mission is to unlock the potential of companies, teams, and people to create more impact for the world, and lead more fulfilling lives.
My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
I outsource about 30 hours of weekly effort that I previously performed myself, without any noticeable decrease in quality (and sometimes an improvement!) — that’s almost a standard workweek worth of tasks.
But the real saving is exponentially greater.
By outsourcing rudimentary tasks, it frees you up to invest my time on high-value tasks that align with your strengths.
This creates a lot more value than repeatable process-oriented tasks because it means better results that feedback into your motivation to invest your time, and so the cycle goes on.
But if you find yourself doing all manner of monotonous tasks on top of your value-adding tasks, then you’re likely to find it much harder to keep going and stay enthusiastic about your work — because it feels like, well, work.
Process-oriented tasks that can’t be automated can definitely be delegated or outsourced.
In this video, I explain the whys and hows of #outsourcing.
Fiverr: https://track.fiverr.com/visit/?bta=2...
Upwork: www.upwork.com
Freelancer: www.freelancer.com
🌐 Find my work at steveglaveski.com, including 100 #PRODUCTIVITY HACKS ebook
📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: https://www.timerichbook.com
🎓 My online course: https://www.timerichbook.com/online-c...
🐦My Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/steveglaveski
🇱 My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steveglav...
Corporate workshops: https://www.timerichbook.com/corporat...
The WorkFlow podcast is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski. I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work. I'm an entrepreneur, writer, and productivity coach, on a mission is to unlock the potential of companies, teams, and people to create more impact for the world, and lead more fulfilling lives.
My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great #work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop #leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
In this episode, I explore automation, and why and how investing a little time today in automating rudimentary, process-oriented tasks, can create a TON of time tomorrow. We also look at tools like Zapier, AirTable, and more.
🌐 Find my work at steveglaveski.com, including 100 PRODUCTIVITY HACKS ebook 📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: https://www.timerichbook.com
🎓 My online course: https://www.timerichbook.com/online-c...
🐦My Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/steveglaveski
🇱 My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steveglav...
Corporate workshops: https://www.timerichbook.com/corporat...
The WorkFlow podcast is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski. I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work. I'm an entrepreneur, writer, and productivity coach, on a mission is to unlock the potential of companies, teams, and people to create more impact for the world, and lead more fulfilling lives.
My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
In this episode, I explore time-blocking to support your long-term goals, and get the most out of each and every day. --- FIND ME ONLINE 🌐 Find my work at steveglaveski.com, including 100 PRODUCTIVITY HACKS ebook 📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: https://www.timerichbook.com 🎓 My online course: https://www.timerichbook.com/online-c... 🐦My Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/steveglaveski 🇱 My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steveglav... ➖➖➖ The WorkFlow podcast is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski. I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work. I'm an entrepreneur, writer, and productivity coach, on a mission is to unlock the potential of companies, teams, and people to create more impact for the world, and lead more fulfilling lives. My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
In this episode, I explore the Pareto Principle, otherwise known as the 80/20 principle, and why an understanding of this principle is key to helping us get closer to our goals in a much shorter timeframe. --- FIND ME ONLINE 🌐 Find my work at steveglaveski.com, including 100 PRODUCTIVITY HACKS ebook 📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: https://www.timerichbook.com 🎓 My online course: https://www.timerichbook.com/online-c... 🐦My Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/steveglaveski 🇱 My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steveglav... ➖➖➖ The WorkFlow podcast is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski. I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work. I'm an entrepreneur, writer, and productivity coach, on a mission is to unlock the potential of companies, teams, and people to create more impact for the world, and lead more fulfilling lives. My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
In this episode, I explore the myriad shallow work, or insecurity work traps, that permeates and plague the modern workday, and modern worker's productivity and output.
🌐 Find my work at steveglaveski.com, including 100 PRODUCTIVITY HACKS ebook 📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: https://www.timerichbook.com
🎓 My online course: https://www.timerichbook.com/online-course
🐦My Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/steveglaveski
🇱 My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steveglaveski
The WorkFlow podcast is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski. I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work. I'm an entrepreneur, writer, and productivity coach, on a mission is to unlock the potential of companies, teams, and people to create more impact for the world, and lead more fulfilling lives.
My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
What’s the number one thing holding your productivity back?
It turns out that people switch screens once every 40 seconds in a typical workday. But when we switch screens, we suffer a cognitive switching penalty. It takes us out of flow — where we do our best work — and it takes us about 23 minutes to get back into the zone afterward.
Not only that but switching all day can leave us utterly exhausted with very little to show for it.
But before you start blaming big tech for hijacking your attention, it’s important that we first look in the mirror.
90 percent of the time, when we reach for our phones or switch screens, it’s not because of push notifications. Rather, it is because of our own internal distractions and discomfort. It's a biological desire to conserve energy and take the path of least effort.
So how can we become better at overcoming this internal distraction, and free ourselves up for extended periods of focus?
In this episodes, I explore the power of Isaac Newton's momentum.
SHOW NOTES Links to resources mentioned:
1) MY ORIGINAL ARTICLE ON THIS EPISODE TOPIC: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-re...
🌐 Find my work at steveglaveski.com, including 100 PRODUCTIVITY HACKS ebook
📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: timerichbook.com
🎓 My online course: timerichbook.com/online-course
🐦My Twitter: twitter.com/steveglaveski
🇱 My LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/steveglaveski
The WorkFlow podcast is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski. I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work. I'm an entrepreneur, writer, and productivity coach, on a mission is to unlock the potential of companies, teams, and people to create more impact for the world, and lead more fulfilling lives.
My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
High performers stop when great work has been delivered.
Bust most people stop long after great work has been delivered, spending a disproportionate amount of time on residual work, and effectively wasting time.
Think spending four hours preparing a client proposal, and another four hours tweaking and playing around with the formatting.
In this episode I tackle the topic of residual work and diminishing returns.
1) MY ORIGINAL ARTICLE ON THIS EPISODE TOPIC https://www.nofilter.media/posts/how-...
🌐 Find my work at https://steveglaveski.com , including 100 PRODUCTIVITY HACKS ebook
📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: https://timerichbook.com
🎓 My online course: https://timerichbook.com/online-course
🐦My Twitter: https://twitter.com/steveglaveski
🇱 My LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/steveglaveski
The WorkFlow podcast is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski. I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work. I'm an entrepreneur, writer, and productivity coach, on a mission is to unlock the potential of companies, teams, and people to create more impact for the world, and lead more fulfilling lives.
My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
Beware of the sage on the stage.
I recently attended a business networking event, which reiterated why I normally don’t do such things.
I had the misfortune of witnessing a ‘sage on the stage’ (a random local entrepreneur with modest levels of success, likely earned through timing, sheer persistence, and luck as opposed to deliberate practice), spewed forth the following verbal diarrhea.
“Say yes to everything”.
In this episode, I explore why you should say "no" to almost everything, and how.
1) MY ORIGINAL ARTICLE ON THIS EPISODE TOPIC https://medium.com/swlh/why-you-shoul...
🌐 Find my work at https://steveglaveski.com, including 100 PRODUCTIVITY HACKS ebook
📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: https://timerichbook.com
🎓 My online course: https://timerichbook.com/online-course
🐦My Twitter: https://twitter.com/steveglaveski
🇱 My LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/steveglaveski
The WorkFlow podcast is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski. I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work. I'm an entrepreneur, writer, and productivity coach, on a mission is to unlock the potential of companies, teams, and people to create more impact for the world, and lead more fulfilling lives.
My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
What’s the number one thing holding your productivity back? ……You. It turns out that people switch screens once every 40 seconds in a typical workday. But when we switch screens, we suffer a cognitive switching penalty.
It takes us out of flow — where we do our best work — and it takes us about 23 minutes to get back into the zone afterward. In this video, I explore how task switching ruins your focus, and WHAT you can do to get on top of it. ➖➖➖
1) MY ORIGINAL ARTICLE ON THIS EPISODE TOPIC https://glaveski.medium.com/the-numbe...
🌐 Find my work at https://steveglaveski.com
📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: https://timerichbook.com
🎓 My online course: https://timerichbook.com/online-course
🐦My Twitter: https://twitter.com/steveglaveski
🇱 My LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/steveglaveski
The WorkFlow podcast is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski.
I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work.
I'm an entrepreneur, writer, and productivity coach, on a mission is to unlock the potential of companies, teams, and people to create more impact for the world, and lead more fulfilling lives.
My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
Flow has been defined as a mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus.
The term was first coined by Hungarian psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in 1975 and is often referred to as ‘the zone’, however few people truly appreciate that ‘the zone’ is actually a physiological state.
In this video, I explore the flow state, and how you can trigger it to do your best work.
1) MY ORIGINAL ARTICLE ON THIS EPISODE TOPIC https://medium.com/steveglaveski/how-...
2) THE RISE OF SUPERMAN BOOK: https://amzn.to/2PJpm9p
3) FLOW BOOK: https://amzn.to/3vCiObT
🌐 Find my work at https://steveglaveski.com
📚 My book and FREE CHAPTER: https://timerichbook.com
🎓 My online course: https://timerichbook.com/online-course
🐦My Twitter: https://twitter.com/steveglaveski
🇱 My LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/steveglaveski
The WorkFlow podcast is hosted by me, Steve Glaveski.
I'm the founder of innovation accelerator, Collective Campus, the author of several books and numerous Harvard Business Review articles on all things productivity, effectiveness, and high-performance at work.
I'm an entrepreneur, writer, and productivity coach, on a mission is to unlock the potential of companies, teams, and people to create more impact for the world, and lead more fulfilling lives.
My mission is to help you unlock your potential to do more great work in far less time, whether you’re working as part of a team or flying solo, and to set you up for a richer life. You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop leadership skills in business and in your personal life.
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