Welcome to the Working Mumma podcast to support your transition from maternity leave to working mum and beyond so you can feel confident & capable while juggling the demands of motherhood and a career
I’m your host, Carina O’Brien, founder of Working Mumma and fellow working mum with 2 young boys. Join me as I explore life returning to work after maternity leave and as a working mum with a mix of solo episodes, amazing interviews with experts, and women sharing their experiences of juggling life and motherhood. Each episode is focused on supporting women to have the resources, mindset, tools, and confidence to support you in successfully managing the juggle.
As a working mum, I know it can feel lonely and isolating to want to have a career and be a mum. There is a lot of support out there relating to pregnancy and when we first have a baby. The next big phase is returning to work and juggling motherhood and career, but often we feel alone and unsupported in our quest to ‘have it all’. This leads us to doubting ourselves and our decisions. On the Working Mummast podcast, we help give you the tools, support & confidence so you can work, have a career and be a mum – you can have both.
This podcast is bought to you by the Working Mumma Village. -
The podcast for and about mothers and parents who make work, work by two cousins with four children between them.
We publish content all week long via our podcast, Substack, and social channels.
Every Monday, our banter-based podcast Witching Hour with Loz and Lu will land in your ears right here.
Every Wednesday, we publish our flagship interview podcast with Lucinda aka Lu, Ready or Not.
Every Friday, we publish our brand new mini tip-based episode with Ready or Not's agony aunt and advice queen Loz, Ask Ready or Not.
Lucinda also shares deep dive essays on career and motherhood plus bonus content on our Substack channel -
Every other day, you'll also find us talking to our community via @readyornot.pod
我们识于初中,选择了不同的人生轨迹,处于不同的人生阶段,跨越时区和国界,依然能够在三十中段的年纪抱团取暖。播客取名East 10 West 8 东十西八是因为Jane生活在东十区的澳大利亚墨尔本,而Sophie则驻扎于西八区的美国旧金山湾区。
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Listen for coaching on how to care for yourself while mothering. You ARE the right mom for your kids. Motherhood is too important to do alone and too serious to be so serious all the time. You deserve self-care that isn't hygiene every day. You are a world changer. I am so glad you're here on Earth.
The podcast is by Christy Thomas -
In the 25+ years that Janet Lansbury has worked with children and parents, she's learned a lot. She's here to share it with you. Each episode of Unruffled addresses a reader's parenting issue through the lens of Janet's respectful parenting philosophy, consistently offering a perspective shift that ultimately frees parents of the need for scripts, strategies, tricks, and tactics. Janet is a parenting author and consultant whose website ( is visited by millions of readers annually. Her work informs, inspires, and supports caregivers of infants and toddlers across the globe, helping to create authentic relationships of respect, trust, and love. Her best-selling books “No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline without Shame” and "Elevating Child Care: A Guide to Respectful Parenting" are available in all formats at Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, and free at Audible ( with a trial subscription. Episodes of "Sessions," a collection of intimate recorded phone consultations with parents, are available exclusively at in the New Yorker, recommended Best Parenting Podcast by The Washington Post, New York Times, The Bump, Fatherly, Today's Parent, and many, many more. Copyright JLML Press (2022) All Rights Reserved
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Beyond the Bump is a podcast brought to you by Jayde Couldwell and Sophie Pearce. This podcast is targetted at mums, just like you. A place to have real discussions and ask real questions (no matter how hard) with honest and authentic people. The aim is to have you feeling lighter, more supported and more understood after each listen.
Remember all that stuff that they didn’t teach you in school? No? Well, How To Money is here to discuss everything from taxes to first jobs to superannuation. Join Kate as she takes on the task of demystifying the confusing world of money, and kickstart your own financial future.
The How To Money podcast is hosted by Kate Campbell. Kate is passionate about helping young Australians kickstart their personal finance journey, by giving them the tools and resources they need to take control of their financial future. Connect with Kate at or on Insta @HowToMoneyAUS. -
Being a parent is tough. Social media is bombarding us with opinions — on our kids screen time, on their education, on their friendships, on their behaviour — and somehow, we are always doing it wrong!
Don’t you just wish you could turn it all off and listen to some good old-fashion, sensible advice?
Parental As Anything is the podcast that gives you practical, supportive, advice from two real-world parenting experts. Beloved Australian parenting author and educator Maggie Dent and teen-parenting whisperer Bec Sparrow share wisdom and experience that comes from years of working with parents, kids and teens. With seven seasons of practical advice and helpful tips, Parental As Anything is here to help find solutions to the challenges that parents face everyday. No trends. No judgement. -
First Time Parents is an unedited, unfiltered podcast about us, a newly married couple (Heidi Anderson ex-breakfast radio host now Stay At Home Mum & Sparky James "Griffo" Griffiths from Perth, Western Australia) as we tackle parenthood for the very first time, in all it's shitty & glorious moments.
The # 1 grass roots podcast for Selling cars Today and how to prepare for tomorrow. All about life in the car business for salespeople and managers from the Desk of a Sales Manager. Tune in and learn how to excel and become a pro in the most lucrative career in the world! If you want to get better, then subscribe to this podcast and watch your sales sky rocket.
Become a supporter of this podcast: -
A Podcast of Mothers' stories of childbirth. Weekly interviews with mothers giving their first hand accounts of child birth in Australia. Designed to help educate and inform first time pregnant women, parents wanting to have better subsequent births and birth enthusiasts who love to hear and tell birth stories. An entertaining and heartfelt resource for pregnancy, labour and delivery and postpartum.
The truth is we are all surviving parenting one day at a time. Add child anxiety or childhood OCD and it can be overwhelming! On The AT Parenting Survival Podcast your host Natasha Daniels will ride the Parental roller coaster with you. She will teach you parenting approaches to help child anxiety and OCD, she’ll give you a new perspective on common parenting problems and will re-invigorate your sparkle for parenting.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Craig Cobb hosts The Trader Cobb Crypto Podcast unpacking his 13 years plus experience in traditional stock markets, FX, commodities and bonds (as well as over 6 years as a mentor to tens of thousands of traders), TraderCobb has worked with some of the biggest names in trading. Featured across network TV shows in Australia, presenting his knowledge to traders, TraderCobb and his team are dedicated to bringing a new standard of education to the cryptocurrency marketplace.
NOTE: This is not financial advice, Craig Cobb is not a financial advisor and NEVER provides tips on what to buy, sell or hold EVER. This podcast is to give his views and share a fun environment to have a chat about all things crypto and beyond. If you wish to invest in anything make sure you seek advice from your financial advisor first.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
DadPod is a weekly podcast documenting the new Dad adventures of Charlie Clausen and Osher Günsberg.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to The Autism ADHD Podcast, your go-to podcast for neurodiversity-affirming, insightful, and practical support. We discuss mental health, emotional regulation, social interaction, academics, independence, and more! Whether you're a parent, therapist, or educator, you'll find knowledge, evidence-based tips, and real-life stories to empower Autistic and ADHD children and teens to live a life they love.
Sincerely, Holly Blanc Moses - The Mom/Neurodivergent Therapist -
Hosted by Stephanie Trethewey. Motherland shares real, raw, and unbelievable stories of motherhood told by women on the land. Each week, a rural mum from somewhere in Australia shares her motherhood journey. You'll hear stories of true grit, resilience, grief, and pure joy. Motherhood is the most life changing and transformative journey a woman can go through, and it's not always easy. No matter where you live or what you do, we're in this together and you're not alone.
Funny Mummies features conversations with some of the funniest mummies around; Comedians, entertainers, and regular women with two things in common: they are funny, and they are mummies. Hosted by award winning Australian comedian Jenny Wynter.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.