
  • "Remember, in that interview process you may want the job, but they want to hire you."

    Notable Moments

    01:32 Creating clarity in the interview process

    03:31 Identify who is going to be in the room

    04:13 Know their objectives

    05:27 Understand your objectives

    07:52 Desired next steps

    11:11 Managing risk in new situations

    Effective communication can set you apart in any interview process. Best Culture Solutions was started with a vision of helping leaders create winning cultures and helping job seekers land roles they love. Along the way, I have had the opportunity to collaborate with a number of industry experts including Mike Simmons of Catalyst Sales. Mike's insights on using communication tools during interviews have been game-changing for so many clients.

    Mike has a fantastic tool for interview prep that he shared on our recent podcast episode. Read more about it here in our blog.

    Connect with Mike


    Twitter - https://twitter.com/simmons_m

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikesimmons/

    Catalyst Sale - Link Tree - https://linktr.ee/catalystsale

    GAME Plan - https://catalystsale.com/game

    Catalyst Sale - https://catalystsale.com/

    Catalyst Sale Courses - https://catalystsale.mykajabi.com/store

    Catalyst Sale Podcast - https://catalystsale.libsyn.com/

    Initial Clarity Call - https://calendly.com/simmons_catalystsale/25min-initial

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/simmons_m

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikesimmons/

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

  • "Go out and do the work on your own to figure your stuff out. Don't expect somebody else to figure your stuff out for you."

    If you're feeling stuck in your job search, don't give up. Get clarity. Navigating your career path can sometimes feel like an endless maze with no exit in sight. It's that overwhelming moment when you think, "I need a change, but where do I even start?"

    That's where clarity comes in. Read more on our blog here.

    Connect with Mike


    Twitter - https://twitter.com/simmons_m

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikesimmons/

    Catalyst Sale - Link Tree - https://linktr.ee/catalystsale

    GAME Plan - https://catalystsale.com/game

    Catalyst Sale - https://catalystsale.com/

    Catalyst Sale Courses - https://catalystsale.mykajabi.com/store

    Catalyst Sale Podcast - https://catalystsale.libsyn.com/

    Initial Clarity Call - https://calendly.com/simmons_catalystsale/25min-initial

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/simmons_m

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikesimmons/

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

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  • "Hiring people right is probably the most important thing that you do. The next most important thing that you do is training people right."

    Key Moments

    00:57 Hiring and training are crucial for success.

    05:28 Effective organizations have purpose beyond rules.

    07:56 Employees need context and understanding for engagement.

    11:20 Sell peace of mind beyond the product.

    17:36 Online learning needs heart and personal engagement.

    18:41 Suggest reaching out to Best Culture Solutions.

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

    An onboarding process plays a vital role in creating a winning organizational culture. In this episode Katie and I discuss strategies to ensure a new hire's success right from day one.

    Here are three key takeaways from our discussion:

    First Impressions Matter: Your onboarding process is the best opportunity to make a lasting impression. It's not just about the rules; it's about conveying your company’s mission, values, and why you do what you do. This sets the tone for how new employees perceive their role and the organization.

    Engage Hearts and Minds: Onboarding isn't just about ticking boxes. It should involve storytelling and personal connections to engage new hires emotionally and intellectually. Avoid the temptation to make everything an online click-through process. Human connection matters.

    Ongoing Training: Onboarding shouldn't be a one-and-done event. Build in regular refreshers for all employees, old and new. This ensures everyone stays aligned with the company's evolving mission and practices, fostering a cohesive and engaged team.

    Make sure to take a listen to the full episode for more insights and actionable advice for onboarding. If you’re looking to enhance your onboarding process, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Best Culture Solutions. We're here to help!

  • "While I know that the experience will be different, I also know a little bit about what I can expect from the company and what their values are and what they're striving towards, and those are things that I am interested in."

    Key Moments

    01:17 Changes between organizations are not uncommon.

    05:50 Familiarity with industry, connections, and leadership changes can help transition.

    09:27 Be cautious about idolizing the past experience.

    12:59 Consistent pay, aligning work with passion. Podcast.

    15:25 Consider moves to a job that align with personal interests and use desired skills.

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

    It is not uncommon for professionals to consider returning to a previous employer. It is also not always the same experience we try to convince ourselves it once was. During this conversation Katie and I share our own experineces with this, including the complexities, benefits, and strategies for making a comeback at a former workplace.

    Here are three key takeaways from our discussion:

    Avoid Assumptions: Things might have changed since you left. Avoid assuming that everything is the same and approach the situation as a fresh experience. Some aspects may have improved, while others might be different from how you remember. Know Your Why: Reflect deeply on why you are considering a return. Ensure your motivations align with your career goals and personal values, not just past fond memories. Treat this as a new chapter rather than a continuation of the old one. Leave the Past Behind: Whether your previous experience was positive or negative, don’t let it cloud your new journey. Embrace this opportunity as a distinct experience and stay focused on doing your best work.

    Returning to a former employer can indeed be a powerful career move if navigated thoughtfully. If you need help making that transition, feel free to reach out to our team at Best Culture Solutions. Contact me at [email protected] or visit our website bestculturesolutions.ca.

    Make sure this listen to episode 87, to learn how to successfully reintegrate into a familiar job environment and reignite your career!

  • "Highlight transferable skills on your resume instead of just focusing on titles. Sometimes, the right fit comes from skills, not a matching job title."

    Key Moments

    00:37 Importance of Job Titles

    01:27 Creative Job Titles in Modern Businesses

    04:18 The Challenge of Matching Job Roles

    07:41 Acknowledging Scarcity Mindset

    12:14 Advocating for your Professional Identity

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

    The responsibilities that come with the title 'Director' at one company may not be the same responsibilities at another. In fact, the same title can mean vastly different roles depending on the company's size, scope, and structure. This can cause people to overlook potentially good roles based on their preconceived understanding of a title. For job seekers, understanding the true scope of a job post is crucial. There are ways to read between the lines and discern if a role is genuinely a good fit for your experience and aspirations.

    Some of the ways to navigate the hierarchy of job titles are:

    Understand Your Scope: Titles like "Director" or "Manager" can mean vastly different things across different organizations. Always dig deeper into the specific responsibilities and scope of work associated with a title, rather than taking it at face value. Experience Over Titles: Don’t get too hung up on exact titles when considering candidates or applying for roles. Focus on the skills and experiences that align with the responsibilities of the position. Sometimes a lateral move in title can offer just the challenge an individual might need to grow. Advocate Rightly: If you find yourself in a role that doesn't reflect your responsibilities or the perception you need to project, don’t hesitate to have an open conversation with your leaders. Make sure the reasons behind your request are genuine and are in the best interest of both your career growth and the company’s branding.

    Make sure to listen to the entire discussion about how to decode job titles in episode 86. Reach out to the team at Best Culture Solutions if you would like help creating winning cultures and fulfilling careers together.

  • "People are more and more aware of the the need to take care of mental health. And yet they're still intensely afraid and fearful of actually taking those actions."

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

    Change is inevitable, yet it can often bring about feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. In our latest episode of the World at Work podcast, Katie Currens and I dive into strategies to handle these transitions effectively, ensuring both personal and professional growth.

    Believe it or not, periods of change are good times to consider new healthy habits. Take time to reflect on what you are - or are not - doing for your own well being. Maybe it's incorporating exercise into your routine or connecting with a hobby you once loved or have been interested in. Identifying activities that provide mental and physical relief is crucial. For me, high-intensity workouts do wonders for maintaining mental clarity and resilience.

    While it may feel easier to retreat into isolation, it is important to connect with others. Reach out to friends, colleagues, or even professional therapists. Sharing your journey with someone can provide new perspectives and alleviate the burden you're carrying. Remember, it's okay to seek professional help for mental well-being. Change can be easier to process when you have the positive guidance of others.

    If change is looming make sure you take action. The longer you wait the heavier the mental burden will become. Break down overwhelming tasks into manageable steps. Making consistent progress, no matter how small, is better than stagnation. Plan your actions, execute them, and focus on the process rather than the immediate results.

    Change may be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can navigate through it successfully. If you're facing significant changes and need guidance, feel free to reach out to myself and our team at Best Culture Solutions. We are here to help you find the best path forward.

  • " It's important to say it. It's also important to tell the story behind it."

    Key Moments

    01:32 Leverage Achievements When Job Searching

    03:50 Emphasize Recognition and Volunteering on your Resume

    05:48 The Power of Storytelling in Job Applications

    10:20 The Impact of Early Achievements

    11:35 Sharing Achievements Without Bragging

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

    How to Communicate Recognitions

    There is value in celebrating and communicating recognitions in both professional and personal settings. Too many people overlook their achievements or feel uncomfortable sharing them. However, recognizing your own value is crucial for growth and opportunity. Especially if you are looking for your next career opportunity. During this episode, Katie and I discuss how to communicate recognitions in a way that feels genuine and empowering.

    Some highlights from our conversation include:

    Own Your Success but Stay Humble: When sharing your recognitions, be sure to maintain humility. It’s not about bragging; it’s about demonstrating how your accomplishments add value. Use phrases like "I was recognized for..." instead of "I won..." Incorporate Recognition into Your Resume: Don’t hesitate to include a section for recognitions on your resume. Clearly outline what you were recognized for and how it reflects your skills and contributions. This not only highlights your achievements but also tells a compelling story about your professional journey. Storytelling is Powerful: When discussing your recognitions in interviews or networking conversations, frame them within a story that demonstrates the value you provided to others. This context makes your achievements more relatable and impactful.

    Make sure to the full episode to gain more insights and tips on how to effectively communicate your recognitions so you are best positioned for the career you desire. If you're struggling to effectively communicate your recognitions or need help enhancing your resume, reach out at bestculturesolutions.ca or email me at [email protected]. We can craft messages that portray your strengths and achievements in the best possible light.

  • "Block out things in your calendar now to get to the life you want, instead of just waiting for it to come to you or waiting to see what it's going to be."

    Key Moments

    00:00 Forced pause allows reflection on work-life balance

    03:25 Establishing processes in new business takes time

    09:01 Overcommitting leds to losing focus and control

    10:31 Challenges transitioning from entrepreneurship to employee

    15:29 Prioritize and block out time in calendar

    18:10 Saying no is important for time management

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

    How to Not Lose Yourself in Your Work

    It is easy to let work consume us, especially when the line between personal an professional life blurs. Katie and I are no strangers to losing ourselves in our work over the years. During our conversation we look at our own personal experiences to share professional advice on navigating the challenges of staying present and avoiding burnout.

    A few of the quick takeaways we discuss include:

    Stay Focused on Your Core Duties: Keep a clear vision of your primary responsibilities and be wary of tasks that don't align with your mission. Guard Your Time: Use techniques like "Yes, if..." to manage additional requests without sacrificing your well-being. Prioritize Personal Time: Block out time in your calendar for activities that rejuvenate you, and stick to it!

    This episode is packed with valuable tips to help you better manage your workload, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and avoid the dreaded scope creep. Take a listen and then let us know how you manage to stay balanced and focused in your work. You can email me at [email protected].

    If you're feeling lost in work or need guidance on your career path, feel free to connect with me. I am ready to help get you back on track. Remember, balance is not something you find; it’s something you create.

  • "Successful people aren't afraid to share their credit."

    Key Moments

    01:40 LinkedIn Perspectives on High Performing Employees

    :38 Employee and Leadership Perspectives on Side Hustles

    08:44 Focusing on Outcomes over KPI's

    11:23 Email Misuse and the Impact on Communication

    14:02 Balancing Humility with Sharing Accomplishments

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

    Signs of a High Performing Employee

    If you're aiming to identify top talent or elevate your own career then you will be really interested in an LinkedIn post Jody recently came across. It outlines 14 signs of a high performing employees. While lists like this seem to have a lot of common signs, this one had a few that were a bit unconventional. From embracing side hustles to focusing on outcomes over KPIs, we break down what truly sets top performers apart.

    .A few examples of the signs of a high performing employee:

    Side Hustles Indicate Commitment - Employees with side hustles often showcase high levels of accountability and self-motivation. They're balancing workloads and pursuing passions, which translates to high performance in their primary roles. Rebellion Against Micromanagement = Self-Motivation - Top performers resist micromanagement because they value autonomy. They’re self-driven and just want to get the job done without unnecessary oversight. Trust them, and you'll see great results! Humility Enhances Trust and Success - While confidence is crucial, humility helps build trust within a team. High performers are often humble, sharing credit and recognizing others’ contributions, which strengthens team dynamics and drives success.

    Whether you're a leader looking to supercharge your team or an employee aiming to stand out, you don't want to miss this episode. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review. Your feedback helps us improve and reach more listeners like you. And while you're at it, make sure to subscribe to the podcast so you never miss future episodes.

  • "The number one indicator of whether or not somebody is going to be a high achiever in any role is whether or not they are motivated for that role."

    Key Moments

    02:13 Hockey team GM selection highlights passion over management experience.

    04:39 Inexperience doesn't predict success; motivation does.

    06:33 High achievers have skills, attitude, and passion.

    10:00 Why clear communication is vital; ignore baseless negative feedback.

    13:16 Value of transparent communication about hiring process and improvement.

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

    Experience Does Not Equal Performance

    Recently the St. Louis Blues appointed former player Alexander Steen as their new general manager, despite his lack of management experience. While it may come off as a surprise to some hockey fans, it is a great example of an organization embracing the idea that experience does not equal performance. For many leaders, they know that hiring for experience alone isn't the golden ticket to success. It is more about succession planning, looking at motivation, and understanding the broader implications for hiring practices.

    Jody and I take the time to explore a few lessons from this current event. Some of the key takeaways include:

    Experience vs. Skills: We discuss why having a specific skill set is often more critical than lengthy experience on a resume. Skills like negotiation, analytical thinking, and leadership are transferable and can be built outside traditional roles. Motivation Matters: Understand why internal motivation is the biggest predictor of high performance. Even the most experienced individuals can falter if they lack the drive and enthusiasm for their roles. Passion and Fit: Learn how passion for the organization and role can make an unconventional hire the perfect fit. It's not just about what looks good on paper; it's about who will go the extra mile out of love for the job and the team.

    Make sure to listen to Episode 81 "Experience Does Not Equal Performance" to uncover why hiring based on motivation rather than just experience can lead to extraordinary results.

    Also, if you enjoy this episode, please leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform. Your support helps us continue to bring you top-notch content to help you excel in the world of work.

  • “Using a brand script before you approach the person then get very clear about how this is going to help them, how it's going to help the business, and how it will help your relationship."

    Key Moments

    01:37 The need for courage and vulnerability when facing difficult conversations.

    05:21 Importance of asking questions for clarity.

    08:42 Reflect before addressing perceived conflicts and take responsibility when necessary.

    11:12 Effective communication shows willingness to engage proactively.

    13:59 Acknowledging a lack of genuine apology; reflect on ways improve workplace relationships.

    17:02 Seeking guidance for help navigating a change in workplace environment.

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

    How to Prepare for Challenging Conversations

    There are tough conversations that we all dread but inevitably encounter in both our personal and professional lives. Challenging conversations are unavoidable. Whether it’s with a colleague, a boss, or even a client, sooner or later, you’ll face that uncomfortable moment. But why do we struggle so much with it? It’s because we don’t acknowledge enough the courage and vulnerability needed to have these tough convos.

    It’s easy to postpone, but delaying means things will likely spiral out of control. The key is to address it as soon as you reasonably can. Timing is everything. It is also important to never assume ill intent. Sometimes the conflict might be brewing in your head while the other person is clueless. Communication is key, both as an employee and a leader. Ask more questions to get clarity before jumping to conclusions.

    If you think there’s never a “perfect” time to have hard conversations, you’re right. Bad news never had good timing. The best approach? Do it ASAP after identifying the need. Rip that Band-Aid off. Don’t go in emotionally charged. Is it about making YOU feel better or genuinely solving a problem? Emotions matter, but they should guide, not dictate the conversation.

    There are a few different ways to approach your next difficult conversation. One is by using the StoryBrand model to script your conversation. Focus on how the issue impacts the business, the team, and the individual. Clarity is power. The other is summed up in a quick: LAST. Listen, Apologize (for the situation, not blame), Solve, and Think. Simple yet powerful steps to navigate those muddy waters of workplace conflict.

    If the conversation doesn’t go as planned and you're still uneasy, it may be a sign to seek new opportunities. Don’t hesitate to get professional guidance. The team at Best Culture Solutions can help you navigate through it. Remember, uncomfortable conversations are stepping stones toward a more cohesive, understanding workplace. The payoff is worth the discomfort.

  • "We got 4 or 5 days worth of work done in one meeting that would've had to be spread across several virtual meetings."

    Key Moments

    01:02 In-person collaboration holds valuable advantages post-pandemic.

    03:55 In-person meetings foster productivity and quality.

    07:26 In-person connections deepen engagement and quality.

    11:27 In-person meetings are crucial for complex plans.

    16:25 Remote support enhances productivity during in-person sessions.

    18:04 Understanding body language to enhance collaboration.

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

    The Power of Meeting in Person

    During Jody's recent visit we decided to record while driving between Calgary and Edmonton, Thanks to technology for we were able to safely use time the time to talk about something inspired by our highly productive in-person meeting. There are a number of advantages of face-to-face collaboration in an era where virtual meetings have become the norm. In fact, there are some some tasks that thrive on personal interaction. Amidst our travel adventures to Jasper and Banff National Parks, we share some of the significant advantages of in-person collaboration, especially in today's digital age. Some highlights include:

    Enhanced Productivity: Our in-person meeting achieved in one day what would have otherwise taken several virtual sessions. Dedicated time and focused environment make it possible to get through a complex agenda efficiently. Deeper Connections: Meeting face-to-face allows for real human connections that virtual meetings can't fully replicate. The ability to read body language, engage in small talk, and build rapport drastically improves team dynamics and collaboration. Effective Strategic Planning: For complex projects that require detailed planning and input, in-person meetings are invaluable. We tackled an intricate project and the diverse ideas and real-time feedback contributed to more robust solutions.

    If your team has shifted to a fully remote or hybrid model, it’s worth revisiting the value of occasional in-person sessions. The right balance between virtual and face-to-face collaboration can propel your team's productivity and innovation. To hear more about our discussion and how to leverage in-person meetings for your projects, make sure to listen to this full episode of World at Work.

  • "If you're in the moment of crisis, this is the one time where people are going to be looking to you to take charge and provide direction."

    Key Moments

    00:00 Threatened by wildfire prompts conversation on crisis management

    06:26 Tabletop exercises simulate and improve emergency responses.

    09:35 Involving people in decision-making is important for effective action and crisis readiness.

    12:04 Plan ahead and assess immediate safety during crisis.

    15:10 Provide clear, factual, and regular updates to your team.

    19:07 Planning for crises, supporting mental health, flexibility.

    20:54 In crisis, take charge with clear direction and manners.

    24:31 Guidelines and crisis plan improve organizational culture.

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

    How to Lead a Team During a Crisis

    At some point in their career, leaders will find themselves in the challenging but crucial task of leading a team during a crisis. Whether it’s a wildfire, a pandemic, or any other unforeseen disruptor, being prepared and having a strong leadership strategy can make all the difference. After my experience navigating a wildfire I learned a number of lessons on how to lead a team during a crisis. Unfortunately some I never knew before I went through it. That is why now I like to help other leaders prepare the best they can.

    First and foremost, you must prepare for a crisis beforehand. It may sound strange planning for unexpected crisis, but having at least a framework is essential. Taking the time to train your team on crisis protocols ahead of time will help give a sense of control in otherwise uncontrollable situations.

    Conduct regular "tabletop exercises" to simulate scenarios and gather input from all team members. These exercises help get input from vairious perspectives within the organization to make sure all bases are covered. Once a plan is established, communicate clear steps and roles to ensure everyone knows what to do when the unexpected happens.

    When a crisis occurs you need to ensure immediate safety of everyone. In any crisis, the first priority is to assess and ensure the safety of your team. Establish clear lines of communication to keep everyone informed and updated. Address any immediate physical dangers and provide support for personal well-being before assessing work capabilities.

    One of the challenging situations to work through in the midst and after a crisis are managing expectations and needs. Quickly identify and address the immediate needs of your clients and stakeholders. Maintain regular, factual communication to keep everyone in the loop. Be decisive and flexible in your approach, adapting as necessary to meet the evolving situation.

    The better preparation that you do, the more effective you will be and the more protected and healthy and happy and safe the people who are relying on you will be. An imperfect decision is better than no decision. In times of crisis, you must move. Make sure to listen to this episode for more on how to lead a team during a crisis.

  • "The reality is that if you're not feeling imposter syndrome, then you might actually be doing something wrong."

    Key Moments

    03:27 Value of embracing unconventional career shifts

    06:23 Understanding imposter syndrome and unlocking potential

    09:29 Healthy discomfort with imposter syndrome

    12:14 Others may see your potential before you do

    14:52 Overcoming self-doubt

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

    Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in Unconventional Career Paths

    Once you understand how to navigate unconventional career paths, you will feel more confident taking on unexpected opportunities. The first step is overcoming imposter syndrome and allowing those unforeseen shifts to lead you toward incredible growth. Feeling like an imposter isn't your enemy. It's a signal that you're pushing beyond your comfort zones and challenging yourself to achieve more. There are a few ways you can embrace those moments of doubt and start to see them as signs of potential growth.

    There are several key takeaways from this episode:

    **Embrace Unconventional Opportunities:** Life’s zigzag paths often lead to unexpected and fulfilling destinations. What seems off-track might just be your gateway to exciting new doors.

    **Normalize Imposter Syndrome:** Feeling like an imposter is not only common but could indicate you’re pushing your limits and growing. It’s a sign to lean in, not step back.

    **Seek Growth, Challenge Comfort:** Constant comfort is a comfort zone’s trap. If you’re never feeling out of place, you might not be challenging yourself enough to grow.

    Ready to tackle your own imposter feelings and step up your career game? Make sure to listen to Episode 77 of World at Work Podcast. And if you need someone to help you understand your full potential reach out to us at Best Culture Solutions. We are ready to help you conquer imposter syndrome and turn challenges into stepping stones for success.

  • If termination occurs consider it as your opportunity to dig into what it is you loved about that role, what you loved about the organization, and then move forward taking a chance on something new."

    Key Moments

    01:07 Changing perceptions about termination and its impact.

    03:58 Good leadership prevents surprise, but the reality is still shocking.

    06:40 Accept the situation with grace, while calling for support.

    09:43 Seek union advice or get a lawyer to review fairness and options.

    15:30 Review and create a detailed personal finance plan "runway".

    17:25 Get clarity on your options and make your next career move.

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

    How to Navigate Termination

    Life throws us curveballs, and sometimes that means facing termination from a job. While the thought of termination can be daunting, there are ways to navigate the transition with grace and strategy. The fear and uncertainty that come with termination can be paralyzing. If you find yourself in a situation like this, remember that you have options and support. There are some key steps to take that will help you from feeling stuck or lost.

    Stay Gracious: Responding with grace during a termination can protect your professional reputation and leave the door open for future networking opportunities.

    Safety First: If you're not in the right headspace to drive after receiving shocking news, don’t hesitate to ask for a cab or call someone you trust for a ride.

    Legal and Financial Consultation: Reach out to a lawyer or union representation to ensure fair treatment and help you explore possibilities such as severance packages. Also, immediately plan your finances to establish how much "runway" you have.

    Find Your Next Step: Once you've processed the initial shock, it's time to consider which roles will energize you moving forward.

    If you haven’t been terminated, but you suspect termination is on the horizon, you may want to consider resignation. There are times that it may be appropriate to take matters into your own hands.

    This episode is a must listen for anyone navigating termination or feels it coming. In addition, Best Culture Solutions offers advice and resources for those finding their next steps. Remember, you're not alone, and sometimes an ending can lead to a new and fulfilling beginning.

  • "Your employment relationship is a two way economic transaction, and so you need to demonstrate to them what value you bring them in order for them to bring value to you in return."

    Key Moments

    01:20 Dealing with conflict constructively and demonstrating value.

    05:20 Understand market value and quantify your impact.

    06:37 Challenges of valuing your worth in salary.

    10:25 Calculate time saved, demonstrate value, show future impact.

    12:50 Ensure strength before engaging, offer compensation analysis.

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

    How to Negotiate a Pay Raise

    Are you considering taking the leap to a new job for better pay, or wondering if your current employer might match your worth? During this conversation, we bring you some powerful insights on asking for that pay raise.

    Three key takeaways to unlock a successful negotiation:

    **Know Your Value in Numbers**: Don't just highlight your good work; quantify your contribution in dollars and cents. How have your projects boosted profits or efficiency?

    **Market Value is Gold**: Understand the market value for your role. Research payscales considering factors like company size, industry, and your job specifics.

    **Alternative Compensation**: If the pay scale is rigid, consider negotiating for supplemental compensation for extra projects or responsibilities you're willing to take on.

    Negotiation can be a win-win when done right. For more strategies and Tim’s insider tips, make sure to listen to this episode in full. Your bank account might thank you!

  • "If you know that you need to make that change and you're thinking about reaching out to a recruiter, don't waste any time. But don’t just say, ‘hey, can you get me a job?’ Demonstrate your value to them and how you can help an organization." Key Moments

    02:23 Reaching Out to Recruiters When It’s Time for Change

    05:48 Exploring Career Options with Specific Recruiters

    09:32 Demonstrate Value Over Need

    10:17 Effective and Proactive Networking

    13:36 Confidentiality and Ethics in Recruitment

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

    When to Reach Out to a Recruiter

    There is no reason to hesitate to reach out to recruiters when you are considering a job change. They are there to help job seekers navigate the complexities of job searching and career transitions with a proactive mindset. During this conversation, Katie and I talk about the value of moving away from the conventional job search approach by becoming more strategic and timely in decision-making. We dive into what to do when you recognize that it's time for a professional change, how to effectively connect with recruiters, and the nuances of both internal corporate recruiters and third-party agencies.

    Understanding when to initiate contact with a recruiter is crucial, particularly when experiencing unease about job security or pondering a career shift. Acting swiftly is key. There is no sense in taking time once you feel like you need to pivot. Put feelers out early so that you can start exploring options before reaching a state of urgency. This ensures ample time for the industry's recruiting processes.

    Once you connect with a recruiter consider how you will work with them. Building a connection with recruiters involves more than just asking for a job; it's about demonstrating value and expressing how one can contribute meaningfully to potential employers. It is essential for candidates to be forthright, detailing their expertise and desired field. This helps ensure recruiters are pairing them with suitable opportunities. Candidates should openly share their professional intentions and seek positions aligning with their skills.

    The distinction between corporate and third-party recruiters is a nuanced aspect of the job search. While both types prioritize confidentiality and client success, third-party recruiters are more often driven by placements. That means they may act with more immediacy on behalf of candidates. Using platforms like LinkedIn enables candidates to research and connect with industry-specific recruiters or those associated with desired companies. This is never a bad way of expanding your job search network.

    Make sure to listen to this episode in full if you are a business professional considering a career move or feeling the onset of change. We dive into when to reach out to a recruiter and how they can help craft your strategic career pathway.

  • Key Moments

    03:10 Offer career transition help to terminated employees.

    07:15 Collecting company items.

    09:56 Delegate transition security measures.

    14:23 Be clear and concise when announcing departures.

    17:23 Proper planning leads to successful career transitions

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

    More Essentials for Terminating an Employee

    There are enough complexities when it comes to terminating employees that it was worth another conversation. Jody and I continue to explore strategies and best practices for handling this side of managing a business.

    Setting up career transition help as a crucial part of the termination process. While it’s not legally required, providing assistance to terminated employees in finding their next job reflects positively on the company’s reputation and can even offer legal protection in case of litigation. Offering career coaching and help with resume preparation can ease the transition for the departing employee. It also demonstrate the organization's commitment to supporting their workforce even during difficult times.

    A crucial consideration is the implementation of a security plan when terminating an employee. Business owners and managers should stay vigilant about potential security threats post-termination. There are times when it may be necessary to coordinate with security personnel and, if necessary, utilize a private investigator to keep an eye on the individual. It safeguard the company against potential risks and ensure the safety of the workplace and its employees.

    Additionally, make sure to promptly cancel the employee’s IT account and securing access to their emails and files. This proactive measure prevents data breaches and misuse of confidential information. It also allows for a smooth transition in roles and responsibilities, safeguarding the organization’s intellectual property and operational continuity.

    This episode is full of insights offering guidance for business professionals navigating the process of employee termination. Make sure to listen for more about strategies for terminating employees and understanding the best practices when faced with this situation.

  • "In order to terminate effectively, you can not be so focused on being liked. You need to be respected and understood."

    Key Moments

    00:00 Terminate with Intention to Ensure Continued Team Success.

    03:54 Handling Employee Departures

    07:37 Effective Termination Practices

    09:52 Understanding Severance in Employment Termination

    11:29 Best Practices for Employee Termination

    14:16 Getting the Message Across During Tough Conversations

    16:56 Keep Communication Aligned; Offer help, be clear, stay respectful.

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

    How to Terminate an Employee

    Learning how to terminate an employee is a challenging yet essential aspect of building a winning culture in business.

    Terminating an employee is a tough task. It's crucial to focus on delivering the news effectively and offering support. Remember, it's about the employee, not you. Whether for economic reasons or for performance issues, there needs to be a structured plan. By preplaning, you will be able to determine what is owed to the employee, prepare necessary documentation, and choose an appropriate date for the termination.

    Firing someone should involves empathy and decisiveness. Preparing tailored messages for each situation is crucial. When dealing with terminations due to economic reasons, leaders must communicate the decision clearly, express gratitude for the employee's contributions, and offer support for the ensuing transition. Conversely, for performance-related terminations, the focus remains on addressing the issue sincerely, thanking the employee for their service, and extending a helping hand for their next steps. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for effective communication during employee terminations.

    The conversation around termination should be quick and to the point. It's about delivering the necessary information and providing support during the transition. Focus on empathy and clarity, while avoiding emotional entanglements. Being succinct and direct with the message ensures that the person being terminated receives the necessary information and support. Provide clarity and help the affected individual navigate the transition, rather than seeking validation or understanding from the terminated employee. Practicing empathy and maintaining professionalism during these challenging discussions is crucial for fostering a respectful and supportive work environment.

    Navigating employee terminations can be complex. Make sure to listen to this episode for more on how to cultivate a compassionate approach to employee terminations. If this is something you would like more support with, Best Culture Solutions is ready to lend their expertise in managing this process with compassion and efficiency. Reach out to our team for additional guidance on handling terminations or facilitating employee transitions.

  • "Understanding what is happening in your community is vital to [career advancement] because the best way to get considered for new opportunities, new situations is simply by being able to provide value to people."

    Key Moments

    03:57 Organizational Culture and Community Engagement

    06:03 Understanding Community Needs

    08:24 Building Authentic Relationships

    10:13 Navigating Opportunities as a New Hire

    12:06 Building Trust in Leadership

    14:59 Community Engagement and Career Growth

    Connect with Tim and his team:

    Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

    LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

    Instagram: @best.culture.solutions

    Email: [email protected]

    Being aware of the social and business dynamics within a community can benefit employees and job seekers. Engage in the community to gain insight into the needs, strengths, and developments of the people and area you serve. Being present and building relationships can give you a competitive advantage. By understanding the community needs, social conditions, and local happenings, you can position yourself to provide value to them and a business.

    Grasping a community's dynamics presents a number of opportunities for growth. Take the time to identify needs that may otherwise not be seen. By showcasing your ability to fulfill those needs you can create a path to career advancement. It's about about leveraging your strengths to address opportunities and gaps.

    As you learn about the community, remember the value of authentic connections. Whether you're a new hire or a seasoned pro, building relationships and learning about your surroundings fosters trust and respect. Curiosity paves the way for meaningful contributions.

    The best way to know the community you serve is to get involved and acquainted with the people. Attend local events, strike up conversations with neighbors, and particiate in causes close to home. A well-rounded understanding is the cornerstone of impactful action.

    When it comes to career progression, understanding your community spells growth and influence. It can be a delicate balance of absorbing new information about the community and integrating it into your role. It's essential to approach these relationships with respect and curiosity. Seeking to better understand how you can contribute to positive change while also recognizing existing organizational directions.

    Make sure to listen to this episode for more on understanding where your value is needed in the community you serve. Success thrives on connection, awareness, and meaningful contributions.