Direct Download the Podcast Episode Memoirs by pre-19th century women are exceedingly rare. This memoir by a late 17th to early18th-century Jewish business woman is completely unique. Gluckel’s financial dealings, her piety and personal conduct, and the family and community events she describes bring us into a world we rarely glimpse. She uses Jewish folk […]
Chaim Grade — My Quarrel With Hersh Rasseyner In Chaim Grade’s classic story, two Holocaust survivors meet in post-war Paris: one has cast aside God, while the other has become only more fanatical. Is there any common ground, or can one convince the other? There is a fury at the heart of this actionless, philosophical […]
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Yiddish Book Club audio Show notes: https://yiddishstage.org/10-things-you-need-to-know-about-god-of-vengeance https://yiddishstage.org/brothel-intrigue-with-a-modern-twist-got-fun-nekome-at-the-new-yiddish-rep https://yiddishstage.org/an-open-letter-by-sholom-asch-author-of-got-fun-nekome http://www.yiddishbookcenter.org/collections/yiddish-books/spb-nybc203692/asch-sholem-der-got-fun-nekome-a-drame-in-dray-akten https://archive.org/stream/godofvengeancedrx00asch/godofvengeancedrx00asch_djvu.txt https://books.google.ca/books?id=Jlb6CAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=god+of+vengeance+asch&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjHxtTE48XRAhXJylQKHabUB30Q6AEIJTAA#v=onepage&q=god%20of%20vengeance%20asch&f=false
Shane Baker is playing the central character, Yankl on stage in the Yiddish language play “God of Vengeance,” originally written by Sholem Asch in 1907. In the next episode of the Yiddish Book Club podcast we are going to talk about the text of the play with fellow Yiddish experts Michael Wex and Faith Jones. […]
Part two of our discussion of I.B. Singer’s short story “Yentl the Yeshiva Boy.” Please be sure to listen to part one unless you are a rebel who likes doing things backwards, who am I to tell you how to listen to a podcast if you don’t care about understanding things. download the audio
We read I.B. Singer’s short story about a Jewish girl who dressed as a boy, because she wanted to study. This is part one of a two hour discussion. download the audio Show Notes: Proof that Singer hated the movie.