Join RichardClarke and Dr Mark Daniels for the final episode (for now at least) of You Me& The GP. Mark and Richard answer the questions you have been sending intothe show in as much detail as possible
The questionsanswered on this week’s special episode include; I’ve been suffering fromstomach pain and nausea in the middle of the nights after being put on medicationfor a poor functioning thyroid, what can I do? (3:55) How would I get a CRPcheck is that something my GP would do? (9:35) Can you do blood tests for serumsodium levels and is it practical and beneficial to use for ultra running?(15:30) is it possible to alkalize your body and change your Ph level throughdetox? also can the liver detox without quality food? (17:55)
Otherquestions which were asked on this busy episode include; How to get back intothe gym after having time off for Christmas? (25:02) what kind of foods aregood to eat when training for a marathon? (28:39) I am a male who is avegetarian and am struggling to lose weight, what is the best way of doingthis? (30:30) an interesting question from a lady who needs help buildingherself up physically as well as mentally (39:05) plus Richard and Mark talkabout a man who suffers from high blood pressure and wants to avoid going onmedication (48:16)
Show Notes
For freeadvice on nutrition, health, exercise and much more you can sign up toRichard’s blog on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
If there areany GPS out there who want to have a chat with Richard about appearing on theshow please email [email protected]
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
Join RichardClarke and Dr Mark Daniels for this episode of You Me & The GP. Mark andRichard answer the questions you have been sending into the show.
The questionson this week’s episode include; what foods can help fight a cold during thewinter? (1:55) are there any exercises or stretches you would recommend to helpa man suffering badly with neck and shoulder pain due to a congenital fusionbetween C1-2 and a partial fusion between C2-3? (8:21) what exercises can youdo when you get a cold? (16:40) and lastly a lady who wanted to discuss hertest results after going to her doctor, she was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia andwanted some advice. (19:51)
Remember ifyou have a question that you want answered by Richard and Mark then email theaddress in the show notes below.
Show Notes
If you wantto have your questions answered on the show then you can email Richard in asmuch detail as possible at:
[email protected] orcontact Dr Daniels via [email protected],you can also contact Richard on twitter or Facebook with your question.
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
The productDr Daniels recommended to help prevent a cold is called Fermented Cod Liver Oiland you can find this on the Amazon website.
For a greatresource on Fibromyalgia look up Canadian Fibromyalgia
If you wantto get certain aspects of your health tested like food allergies, adrenallevels, cholesterol or any others with Dr Mark Daniels you can go to www.revolutionaryhealth.co.ukor email [email protected]
Missing episodes?
RichardClarke and Dr Mark Daniels answer as many of the questions you have beensending in as possible in this episode of You Me & The GP.
Some greatquestions on this week’s episode including; Should I eat more calories on dayswhen I run? (2:28) how can you prevent shin splints? (5:13) what are goodthings to eat before bed? (10:51) why is sweating good for you? (14:16) andlastly is there a routine to help me to do a handstand? (17:01)
Remember ifyou have a question that you want answered by Richard and Mark then email theaddress in the show notes below.
Show Notes
If you wantto have your questions answered on the show then you can email Richard in asmuch detail as possible at:
[email protected] orcontact Dr Daniels via [email protected],you can also contact Richard on twitter or Facebook with your question.
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
Join RichardClarke and Dr Mark Daniels for this Christmas Special episode of You Me &The GP. Mark and Richard answer the questions you have been sending into theshow.
The questionson this week’s festive episode include; do you have any tips to limit Christmasweight gain? (5:29) Do you have any clean recipes for mince pies and Christmas stuffing(12:36) should I eat before I sleep? (14:32) and finally what are good squat alternatives/variations?(20:32)
Remember ifyou have a question that you want answered by Richard and Mark then email theaddress in the show notes below.
Show Notes
If you wantto have your questions answered on the show then you can email Richard in asmuch detail as possible at:
[email protected] orcontact Dr Daniels via [email protected],you can also contact Richard on twitter or Facebook with your question.
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
The app thatMark mentioned to make your computer/laptop screen a yellow colour to help withsleeping is called F.lux
To try someof the supplements that Richard and Mark mentioned on the show go to www.philrichardsperformance.co.uk
Join RichardClarke and Dr Mark Daniels for this episode of You Me & The GP. Mark andRichard answer the questions you have been sending into the show.
The questionson this week’s episode include; do you have any advice on women doing weighttraining with men? (2:06) and have you heard of DNAFit and what do you think?(6:04) Richard and Mark then look over a lady called Irene’s results from herdoctor from a lipids test, Irene wants to know what her results mean (12:04).
The lastcouple of questions answered on the show was one from someone who’s friendcomes up with every excuse under the sun to not eat healthy, the question washow can you make healthy eating easy and cheap (18:05) and finally do you haveany clean protein snack ideas to keep macronutrient levels up? (20:50)
Remember ifyou have a question that you want answered by Richard and Mark then email theaddress in the show notes below.
Show Notes
If you wantto have your questions answered on the show then you can email Richard in asmuch detail as possible at:
[email protected] or contact Dr Daniels via [email protected] ,you can also contact Richard ontwitter or Facebook with your question.
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
If you wantto buy Richard’s cookbook go to www.richard-clarke.co.uk/cookbook/
Dr Daniels andRichard answer the questions you have been sending into the show in thisepisode of You Me & The GP.
The questionson this week’s episode include; my wife wants to resume exercise after havingtreatment for breast cancer and chemotherapy, she gets tired after climbing aflight of stairs would you recommend doing swimming for the first couple ofmonths? (4:03) are there any home workouts you would recommend to keep me inshape for the holiday season when I feel too cold and unmotivated to go to thegym? (6:57) and are reheated carbohydrates better for you than eating itnormally in terms of fat storing effects? (10:13)
Richard alsoreviews a product called Organo Gold Gourmet Black Coffee and talks about howthis compares to normal coffee (13:22). The last questioned answered on theshow is how can I work out what is causing me to have regular eye infectionsand other problems? (17:03)
Remember ifyou have a question that you want answered by Richard and Mark then email theaddress in the show notes below.
Show Notes
If you wantto have your questions answered on the show then you can email Richard in asmuch detail as possible at:
[email protected] orcontact Dr Daniels via [email protected],you can also contact Richard on twitter or Facebook with your question.
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
If you wantto get certain aspects of your health tested like food allergies, adrenallevels, cholesterol or any others with Dr Mark Daniels you can go to www.revolutionaryhealth.co.ukor email [email protected]
Join RichardClarke and Dr Mark Daniels for this special anniversary episode of You Me &The GP. Mark and Richard answer some more of the questions you have beensending into the show.
The questionson this week’s episode include; do you have to do cardio to get lean? That’sfrom someone who hates cardio and wants to lose weight (3:38), are there anyexercises you can do in the gym, from a lady who has broken her wrist and is ina cast? (4:46) and lastly do you have any experience with Nootropics or smartdrugs? (7:24)
Remember ifyou have a question that you want answered by Richard and Mark then email theaddress in the show notes below.
Show Notes
If you wantto have your questions answered on the show then you can email Richard in asmuch detail as possible at:
[email protected] orcontact Dr Daniels via [email protected],you can also contact Richard on twitter or Facebook with your question.
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
RichardClarke and Dr Mark Daniels host another Q & A session in this episode of YouMe & The GP. Mark and Richard answer some of the great questions you havebeen sending into the show.
The questionsfeatured on this week’s episode are; how do you keep yourself motivated duringyour workout? (3:33) Do you have a high intensity interval training routine youcan share? (10:08) Do you have any healthy protein bar recipes? (13:38) andalso how can I stop getting a stitch when I exercise? (15:37)
Remember ifyou have a question that you want answered by Richard and Mark then email theaddress in the show notes below.
Show Notes
If you wantto have your questions answered on the show then you can email Richard in asmuch detail as possible at:
[email protected] orcontact Dr Daniels via [email protected],you can also contact Richard on twitter or Facebook with your question.
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
To find thelink to Richard’s Youtube channel for the latest exercise videos go to www.advancedsportsperformance.co.uk
The barsRichard recommended were called 9Bars, Nakd bars and Eat Natural bars
Join RichardClarke and Dr Mark Daniels for this episode of You Me & The GP. Mark andRichard answer the questions you have been sending into the show.
The questionson this week’s episode include; I can’t get a flat tummy no matter what I tryin the gym (3:45), is the flu contagious? (7:20) what can I do to get rid ofgout? From a man who is taking blood pressure tablets (11:03) and also whatsupplements can speed up weight loss? (14:22)
Remember ifyou have a question that you want answered by Richard and Mark then email theaddress in the show notes below.
Show Notes
If you wantto have your questions answered on the show then you can email Richard in asmuch detail as possible at:
[email protected] orcontact Dr Daniels via [email protected],you can also contact Richard on twitter or Facebook with your question.
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
RichardClarke and Dr Mark Daniels welcome to the show Georgina Jones who owns acompany called Turn Lights On (TLO). Turn Lights On is a company whichencourages people to live more in the moment and interact more with themselvesand others in a non religious or spiritual way. Georgina has helped people ‘TurnTheir Light On’ which has helped to improve the quality of life of individualsand the people around them.
Georgina hasworked all across the world in a corporate setting and has a background insinging which helped her set up music business Sing And Inspire before startingher current business Turn Lights On. Sing and Inspire used singing to make apositive difference to people’s lives.
In thisepisode Georgina explains how through making some fairly straight forwardchanges you can Turn Your Light On and become a better you. Georgina talksabout how energy impacts our lives so much and how we can use it to make adifference to others also talked about on the show is her new book, theimportance of role models and interactions with other people and why you needto make the most of the here and now.
Remember ifyou have a question that you want answered by Richard and Mark then email theaddress in the show notes below.
Show Notes
If you wantto have your questions answered on the show then you can email Richard in asmuch detail as possible at:
[email protected] orcontact Dr Daniels via [email protected],you can also contact Richard on twitter or Facebook with your question.
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
To find outmore about Turn Lights On and to get a free chapter from Georgina’s book go to www.tloishappening.com or find thefacebook page or follow on twitter @TLOnow
In thisepisode hosts Richard Clarke and Dr Mark Daniels interview Weight CounsellorMarilyn Hawkins from Lighter Life. Marilyn has been working with lighter lifefor over 8 years and has been food counselling members on what causes them togain weight.
Marilyn hasover 30 years experience in counselling and uses various different psychologytechniques to help the people she works with address their issues.
This episodediscusses the lighter life approach, the mentality as to why we turn to food inso many situations, people’s attitudes towards their weight, key words andterms which affect our eating and also looks in detail as to why some peoplelose weight and then put it back on and get into a ‘yo-yo’ dieting lifestyle.
Marilynexplains how people can be addicted to food, it’s not just poor will powerwhich causes them to eat junk it is an actual food addiction.
Remember if you have a question that you wantanswered by Richard and Mark then email the address in the show notes below.
Show Notes
If you wantto have your questions answered on the show then you can email Richard in asmuch detail as possible at:
[email protected] orcontact Dr Daniels via [email protected],you can also contact Richard on twitter or Facebook with your question.
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
If you wantto get in touch with Marilyn for some advice or food counselling or to attend agroup go to the lighter life website http://www.lighterlife.com/centres/marilyn-hawkins/swansea/ or call 01792 795556
Join RichardClarke and Dr Mark Daniels for this episode of You Me & The GP. Mark andRichard answer the questions you have been sending into the show.
The questionson this week’s episode include; Why do you think I have recently been gettingregular spells of dizziness and pins & needles? (4:04) What can a lady do withatrial fibrillation to avoid taking warfarin to help preventing the risk ofstrokes? (6:34) How do you know when you’ve lost enough weight when dieting,plus are there any complications associated with the paleo diet? (9:32) andlastly what can a lady who suffers regularly from stomach aches and hassuspected IBS do to help her situation? (14:07).
Remember ifyou have a question that you want answered by Richard and Mark then email theaddress in the show notes below.
Show Notes
If you wantto have your questions answered on the show then you can email Richard in asmuch detail as possible at:
[email protected] or contact Dr Daniels via [email protected] ,you can also contact Richard ontwitter or Facebook with your question.
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
Thesupplements that Richard recommended to take if you don’t regularly eatshellfish or offal to stay healthy were Nature Multivitamins and are available onwww.philrichardsperformance.co.uk or if you can try and get desiccatedArgentinean beef liver.
Anotherquestion and answer session hosted by Richard Clarke and Dr Mark Daniels. Mark andRichard answer the questions you have been sending into the show.
The questionsfeatured on this week’s show are why do you need to eat carbs and protein aftera workout? What are good quick meal ideas? (6:45) What are the best ways torecover after an exercise session? (9:10) Should you run through a nigglinginjury? (13:46) How can you mix cardio exercise with weights? (17:52) andfinally how much protein should you consume if you are trying to lose weight? (23:10).
Remember ifyou have a question that you want answered by Richard and Mark then email theaddress in the show notes below.
Show Notes
If you wantto have your questions answered on the show then you can email Richard in asmuch detail as possible at:
[email protected] orcontact Dr Daniels via [email protected],you can also contact Richard on twitter or Facebook with your question.
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
If you arediabetic and not on insulin Dr Mark and his business Revolutionary Health wouldlike to hear from you, go to the contact page on www.revolutionaryhealth.co.ukas they have an offer on at the moment to try and improve diabetic people’scondition via changes to their diet.
Mark andRichard answer the questions you have been sending into the show in this week’sQ & A episode.
Some greattopics and questions this week such as what is a quick pre workout snack in themorning? (2:45), have you heard of a product called Organo Gold and is it anygood? (5:20), what is the best way to work your lower abs? (8:38) and finally arecompression shorts and leggings worth getting? (11:45).
Remember ifyou have a question that you want answered by Richard and Mark then email theaddress in the show notes below.
Show Notes
If you wantto have your questions answered on the show then you can email Richard in asmuch detail as possible at:
[email protected] or contact Dr Mark via [email protected] ,you can also contact Richard ontwitter or Facebook with your question.
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
Anotherquestion and answer session hosted by Richard Clarke and Dr Mark Daniels. Mark andRichard answer the questions you have been sending into the show.
Some greatquestions on this week’s show such as; which ibuprofen products are bad andwhat levels are safe? (4:30), what will happen when women lift heavier weights?(11:35), how much water should you drink? (16:28) and also how can a skinny guygain weight? (18:31)
Remember ifyou have a question that you want answered by Richard and Mark then email theaddress in the show notes below.
Show Notes
If you wantto have your questions answered on the show then you can email Richard in asmuch detail as possible at:
[email protected] or contact Dr Mark via [email protected] ,you can also contact Richard ontwitter or Facebook with your question.
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
Thesupplement that Richard recommended to gain weight was take 30 beef livercapsules a day they are called Nature Multivitamins and are on www.philrichardsperformance.co.ukor if you can get desiccated Argentinean beef liver. 10 capsules in betweenmeals 3 times a day.
Quick fire questionand answer session hosted by Richard Clarke and Dr Mark Daniels. Mark andRichard answer the questions you have been sending into the show.
This week’squestions include can Phil Richards Performance product Cognitive Care help himwith getting his words out and with his memory (2:36), what is the best way tosquat, wide or narrow? (7:09), is fruit bad for you and can it undo your hardwork during exercise? (9:21) and also is it better to do cardio before or afterweights for weight loss? (12:04)
Remember ifyou have a question that you want answered by Richard and Mark then email theaddress in the show notes below.
Show Notes
If you wantto have your questions answered on the show then you can email Richard in asmuch detail as possible at:
[email protected] or contact Dr Mark via [email protected] ,you can also contact Richard ontwitter or Facebook with your question.
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
A veryspecial question and answer session hosted by Richard Clarke and Dr MarkDaniels. Mark and Richard answer the questions you have been sending into theshow from their special event in front of a live audience.
In this quickfire Q & A Rich and Dr Mark answer as many of the questions that were sentin from the audience such as; Is it better to eat little and often or 3 setmeals? (1:18), can a degenerative disc in the lower back repair through ahealthy diet and exercise? (3:42), is a high protein diet healthy? (5:20), doyou need to replace carbohydrate stores immediately after exercise? (7:37), isred wine good or bad for you? (7:52), are gluten free oats okay to eat? (8:48),what is being done to improve GPs education on diet and nutrition? (9:53), howcan you improve your diet if you don’t like fruit or veg? (11:00), is the newcoke life drink better for you? (12:53) and why does research suggest carrying aweight reduces people’s risk of suffering from a heart attack as opposed to ifthey weren’t carrying weights? (14:17).
Otherquestions include; what type of exercises can you do if you have a colostomybag? (15:32), can you take an omega 3 supplement alongside a statin? (16:42), ona weekly basis what good foods would buy during your food shop with a lowbudget? (18:35), what do you think about the plant based study from the Chinastudy? (20:52), would you advise decreasing fruit intake for inflammatorydiseases such as eczema? (22:36), what foods would you recommend for anendurance athlete if carbohydrates make us fat? (24:15), would you treat amorbidly obese patient with drugs for their high fat level? (25:15), does thenutritional advice in schools and college need to be changed to reflect newresearch and findings? (25:53), the best ways to treat acid reflux (29:05), howmuch exercise should 16 year olds do? (31:44) and finally do too many peopleset too difficult goals with regards to diet and exercise? (32:48).
Remember ifyou have a question that you want answered by Richard and Mark then email theaddress in the show notes below.
Show Notes
If you wantto have your questions answered on the show then you can email Richard in asmuch detail as possible at:
[email protected] or contact Dr Mark via [email protected] ,you can also contact Richard ontwitter or Facebook with your question.
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
RichardClarke and Dr Mark Daniels answer the questions you have been sending into theshow.
The questionsanswered on this week’s busy show include what upper body exercises can you dofrom home? (3:16), do you know a local nutritionist/dietician/allergist who canhelp a lady with intolerances to certain fruits and vegetables? (9:30), shouldyou take time off training to break through a training plateau? (14:20), whatis the best way to improve physique in a natural, legal way? (17:44) andfinally how do you speed up recovery from an Achilles injury? (24:28).
Remember ifyou have a question that you want answered by Richard and Mark then email theaddress in the show notes below.
Show Notes
If you wantto have your questions answered on the show then you can email Richard in asmuch detail as possible at:
[email protected] or contact Dr Mark via [email protected] ,you can also contact Richard ontwitter or Facebook with your question.
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
If you wantto get certain aspects of your health tested like cholesterol levels, foodallergies, adrenal levels or any others with Dr Mark Daniels you can go to www.revolutionaryhealth.co.uk or email [email protected]
Hosts RichardClarke and Dr Mark Daniels answer the questions you have been sending into theshow in this Q & A episode.
A busyepisode today with some great questions being sent in including; Are NatrolJuice Festiv capsules a good supplement to take? (1:17), Is there any advice tocoming off anti depressants? (5:05), What is bulletproof coffee and is it anygood? (13:54) and finally what are the best protein powders to use? (16:42).
Remember ifyou have a question that you want answered by Richard and Mark then email theaddress in the show notes below.
Show Notes
If you wantto have your questions answered on the show then you can email Richard in asmuch detail as possible at:
[email protected] or contact Dr Mark via [email protected] ,you can also contact Richard ontwitter or Facebook with your question.
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
Phil RichardsPerformance supplement company is bringing out a natural greens vegetablesupplement in capsule form, they also supply the Anabolic Drive supplementwhich Richard takes after a workout, to check out the products go to www.philrichardsperformance.co.uk
The cognitivebehaviour therapy tool that Dr Mark recommended is called MoodGYM and you canfind it on the internet.
Zingers wasthe supplement that Rich said contained many serotonin boosting food to helpboost people’s mood.
Anotherquestion and answer session hosted by Richard Clarke and Dr Mark Daniels. Mark andRichard answer the questions you have been sending into the show.
The questionsasked on this week’s show are; what are your views on using the sauna and steamroom? (1:50), what is the best thing to do if you feel an ulcer or a sorethroat coming? (5:14), what are your views on juice plus compared to a greensuper food (9:14) and finally is ibuprofen gel better than taking tablets? (12:43).
Remember ifyou have a question that you want answered by Richard and Mark then email theaddress in the show notes below.
Show Notes
If you wantto have your questions answered on the show then you can email Richard in asmuch detail as possible at:
[email protected] or contact Dr Mark via [email protected] ,you can also contact Richard ontwitter or Facebook with your question.
If you likethe show then please remember to leave your review on iTunes or underneath thepodcast on www.richard-clarke.co.uk
To check outthe Juice Plus episode of the podcast go to episode 21 (16/04/2014)
Phil RichardsPerformance supplement company is bringing out a natural greens supplement incapsule form, to check out the products go to www.philrichardsperformance.co.uk
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