This is the follow-up episode to the first episode on 'taking the pressure off.' In this episode, I address a whole new list of pressures that were sent to me by various listeners.
I hope this episode helps you to take the pressure OFF!
This episode is designed to be a simple, go-to resource for you. If you are feeling like you could use a pick-me-up, you can use this episode as such - and be able to listen to affirmations that will boost your feel-good chemistry.
Affirmations can create substantial changes within your brain and body, so, why not?!
In the beginning of this episode, there is an introduction to the science of affirmations. The second time you listen, you can skip right to the affirmations! They begin at 8 minutes, 24 seconds :)
Пропущенные эпизоды?
I know I said this episode would be a continuation of the last (the podcast about pressure), but I was inspired to create an episode on the topic of 'being in the highest emotional state' for today's episode. Part #2 on the topic of pressure will come next (episode #16)!
This episode is centered around being in a higher vibrational state...and maybe sustaining it...if you are into that sort of thing!
No pressure, as always :) just an approach you can try, if you want to!
In this episode, I talk about the pressures we face while regulating the nervous system, as well as the pressures we face being a part of a greater healing community.
I hope this episode helps you to take the pressure OFF!
This podcast episode speaks to the idea of processing emotions, and just how simple it is! If you have no idea how to process emotions, this podcast can help you to understand the flow of the process.
Processing emotions is not necessary to do, but can be hugely beneficial, if it resonates with you/feels authentic to you :)
Hi Everyone!
This episode is a bit different from the rest, because it may only apply to some of you. However, the way I describe how to deal with sleep disturbances is exactly how I would explain how to deal with any symptom, so this episode does have the potential to apply to all :)
I start this episode by talking about how science proves we are all good sleepers...Yes, even you. I then discuss that specific science, and how you can use it to improve/heal your sleep disturbances. After that, I loop a sleep script over and over again, so you can use it to regulate your sleep if you would like.
This episode looks as if it is over an hour long, but it is actually around 25 minutes. The last 47 minutes is the sleep script looped over and over again. As the sleep script loops over the 47 minutes, the volume decreases, so you can use it to fall asleep if you would like!
I hope this helps you to heal your sleep challenges :)
Link to recorded coaching calls if you are interested! --> https://tessamalcarne.sellfy.store/
This podcast is an audio clip I pulled from a session with a client, regarding surrendering to physical symptoms. I explain the science behind the feedback loop between the nervous system and the prefrontal cortex, and how we can use that feedback loop to settle the nervous system.
I hope this audio clip helps you to surrender more within your own life!
This podcast started out as an impromptu thought in a yoga class, but turned into a detailed explanation of how to break apart associations.
Associations are the basis of all belief systems, and if we can identify them and work on dissolving them, we can help the nervous system greatly.
I hope this episode helps you to dissolve your unhelpful associations, and create health-giving associations in their place!
Connecting to the highest truth means you are looking at the bigger picture instead of getting caught up in what the picture seems like. Symptoms seem terrible, and feel as if they are torturing us. But the highest truth is that symptoms are messengers. Symptoms show us what wants to be healed deep inside of us. If we neglect the highest truth, we miss out on so much potential healing, and so many potential realizations.
I hope this podcast helps you to connect with the highest truths.
We have all heard that someone else’s treatment of us has nothing to do with us, and instead, is a reflection of them. But what does that actually mean? How can we know this is actually true? What is the evidence?
In this podcast, I try to explain this concept to the deepest level, so when others treat us in a way that is less than we deserve, we are able to bounce back *immediately* and/or be completely unaffected.
So many of us use phrases like, "I don't even care about that." When, in reality, we must care if we are taking the time to say we do not care.
If we truly did not care, we would never need to say "I don't care."
We do this so unconsciously we may not even realize we actually do care!
Our emotions need to be brought into the conscious, and honored. This short, impromptu podcast, will teach you how to honor your emotions quickly, and easily.
This is an impromptu-rant-turned-podcast that was created when I had 3,000 realizations in a yoga class. I felt pulled to share these realizations with you, in hopes that I could get you to see that healing is actually quite easy when you break it down into its most basic parts.
In this podcast, I will break healing down into its most basic parts, and hopefully inspire you to let go of some of the fears/limiting beliefs (around healing) that may be holding you back. I hope this podcast show you how/why healing is actually easy!
The inner-hunter-gatherer is the sneakiest contributor to the imbalance of the nervous system because we do not think much of our inner-hunter-gatherer when conceptualizing how the nervous system is affected by the world. We think of that trauma we had as a young child, that toxic relationship we were in, and the time we were bullied in high school. But we do not give credit to how we have an inner-hunter-gatherer; who never evolved to understand the world as it functions today.
I hope this concept will give you more empathy for your nervous system, and help you to understand how/why your nervous system functions the way it does. This will help you navigate the imbalance of the nervous system with more awareness, and aid you in surrendering to physical symptoms.
The more we know and understand, the more informed we are, and the more confident we feel in making decisions for ourselves in regards to: the tools we use, the way we navigate the imbalanced nervous system, and where to go from here.
In this podcast, we will talk about 3 overarching ideas that will help you to move through the holidays with ease. The overarching ideas are: preparing yourself with visualization, creating a resilient mindset, and then, what you can do in the moment if you happen to become triggered.
‘Changing your relationship to the world’ means you notice the associations you have within your day-to-day life, and if those associations are not contributing to the regulation of your nervous system (or your happiness), you change those associations.
In this episode, we will explore the ways you can change your relationship to the world.
Synaptic pruning is one of the most foundational ways to change the brain. In fact, it is the way the brain changes in structure and in function.
In this episode, I break down synaptic pruning into its most basic, scientific components, and talk about how you can use synaptic pruning to your advantage, in really simple ways.
This episode explains the science that enables you to understand your symptoms through the most helpful - and most accurate - lens. When you understand your symptoms through this lens, you can take fear and anxiety away from symptoms, and help your nervous system rebalance, through every conscious decision you make.
Please note: This podcast is intended to education, encourage, and guide you on your journey towards rebalancing your nervous system My thoughts and advice are from my own experiences. I am not a psychologist or a medical doctor and do not offer any professional health or medical advice. In addition, my advice does not take the place of a doctor’s diagnosis, guidance or instruction.
This podcast is dedicated to the idea that "you only need you"!
It's true.
Before we give our power away to other modalities of healing by mindlessly following without questioning what is best for us, we first must find our own belief system and the inner-knowing of what our individual nervous systems need.
Join me in discovering why you only need yourself, how I know this is true, and how to go about finally trusting your inner-guidance!
Please note: This podcast is intended to education, encourage, and guide you on your journey towards rebalancing your nervous system My thoughts and advice are from my own experiences. I am not a psychologist or a medical doctor and do not offer any professional health or medical advice. In addition, my advice does not take the place of a doctor’s diagnosis, guidance or instruction.