In this episode, we talk about James' trip to England and Aardman animation. We also talk about Wallace and Gromit, Chicken run, and other animations they make. We also check out cool Wallace and Gromit toys. #aardmananimations #wallaceandgromit
It's another episode where we see the amazing and cool things you make and talk about them. From geeky music to a working Pipboy 2000. We also talk more about updates on the new Pip-boy from the Amazon series.
In this episode we talk about how trade mark and copywrite may be influencing our favorite franchises and removing the things we love. Will Back to the Future have to Remove the DeLorean from their Movies?
In this episode we look at your submissions and talk about how amazing you are. From Fallout to Hellboy and back.
In this episode we share geeky music we made, invite you to join us, and talk about problems we had with props.
In this episode we talk the many geeky items and things we have purchased from a Portal 2 gun to R2D2 parts and Hot Toys.
In this episode we talk about things we are making to make our dreams come true as well as the tools we use to make them. James also tells us his first skiing experience and why he owes his friend.
In this episode we review Suzume and the way it may explain recent Japanese disasters from Earthquakes to Tsunami. We also talk other anime and what we think.
In this episode we talk about Doctor Who, the recent events, and about the time I was Doctor Who in real life.
In this episode we talk about the new year, 2024, our resolutions, about things our members have done this year, and the Fallout good springs event. #fallout #falloutnewvegas
In this episode we talk about the Ghostbusters Ghost Trap and P.K.E. Meter by HasLab, when it will be released, how to get it, and what you get. Most importantly, will it be worth it.
Today we review the worst and wierdest movies made, while going through Propstores catelog.
We have been sick at home or traveling abroad. Today we talk about what we did and what you can do as a geek when sick.
We learn how Vinz helped Back to the Future crossover with Ghostbusters. It has almost been 10 years since the date he went to in the future. Join us as we talk about all the drama from back to the future. #backtothefuture
That's right, we are going road tripping. From the London Propstore to Goodsprings Nevada, we talk about our upcoming roadtrips and videos. Join us as we plan to take you with us around the world and back again.
In this episode we discuss our love and wish to travel to Japan, but why it may be Doomed and will take the most popular Youtubers with it. We also talk about how to get a free house in Japan, the robot wolf that keeps bears away, and the Monkey busters.
In this episode we talk about the good and bad of Starfield and whether or not to invest in the game and its props.
In this episode we talk about the change in voice actors for Solar Opposites and Rick and Morty. We talk about Venture Brothers and the Netflix One Piece series.
More details on the Goodsprings event and how to participate from anywhere.
In this episode I talk about future plans aned the Fallout Event in Goodsprings NV.
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