This podcast will go in-depth on the husbandry and breeding of captive reptiles, amphibians, fish and any other exotic pets as well as discussions on conservation efforts to save these species!
Follow Daffy:
Instagram: @Daffysreptiles
Twitter: @Daffysreptiles
Tiktok: @Daffysreptiles
Business: [email protected] -
Welcome to Colubrid Corner, the podcast that explores the diverse array of snakes we know as Colubrids. Together, Owen McIntyre and Riley Jimison dive into these reptiles one species at a time to shine a light on the largest group of snakes according to human classification. With global distribution, this group consists of obscure, common, large, small, colorful, bland, harmless, and venomous species of snakes. Each episode unpacks a particular species to bring the listener deeper into the beautiful world of snakes one Colubrid at a time.
This podcast was created to help parents around the world with the “biggies” of family life. Play Therapy Community will present a fresh, insightful episode once a week, usually on Thursday mornings.
On this podcast, we will cover topics such as picky eaters, struggles in school, behavioral issues, grief and loss, and so much more. We’ll also delve into specific diagnosis such as ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Specific Learning Disabilities, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, etc. Difficult topics, such as parenting through separation/divorce, depression, anxiety struggles, relationship struggles, and such will be explored as well.
As the host of Play Therapy Community, I feel honored that you are joining us on this journey for knowledge to truly help our children in a way that honors their mind, body, and soul. My name is Jackie Flynn, and I’m a Licensed Psychotherapist, Registered Play Therapist, Education Specialist, Adolescent Life Coach and a Parent Educator. -
I stiller spørgsmålene og vi følger svarene, hvor end de tager os hen. Tag med Radionauterne på skøre, skæve missioner ind i videnskabens verden, og bliv meget klogere end de voksne på alt lige fra prutter til tidsrejser og vulkaner. Er der noget du går og undrer dig over, så send dit spørgsmål til [email protected]. Radionauterne er tilrettelagt og produceret af Karen Brüel Birkegaard og Lisa Bay. Se mere på
Er de 1000 første dage i et barns liv virkelig de vigtigste? Hvad sker der i hjernen på en tolvårig med en mobiltelefon? Og er uhæmmet druk og deling af intime billeder virkelig et MUST, hvis man er teenager anno 2020? På KU Samfundsvidenskab undersøger forskerne, hvordan danske børn og unges trivsel påvirkes af de psykologiske, sociale og økonomiske vilkår, de vokser op i og kortlægger hvilke faktorer, der kan ændre et barns livsbane.
Journalist Josefine Stork og parterapeut og sexolog Ditte Winkel har en fælles mission - at aftabuisere den kvindelige seksualitet.
I podcasten ”Tænd for mig” undersøger de med varme, nysgerrighed og helt uden fordomme alle aspekter af sex-, under- og samlivet med det formål at give dig der lytter med ny viden og bedre sex.
I hvert afsnit tager de et nyt emne op og bringer både sig selv, lytternes spørgsmål og ny forskning i spil.
Vært: Josefine Stork
Medvirkende: Sexolog og parterapeut Ditte Winkel
Musik: Joshua Lindemann -
Learning From and Working With Nature- Interviews, news, and commentary about ecology, permaculture, organic gardening, sustainability, green living, and ethnobotany. Since 2004, Sustainable World has interviewed experts from around the globe; experts who learn from and work with nature. Tune in to discover positive solutions to environmental challenges; solutions that adhere to the Permaculture Ethics of Earth Care, People Care, and Fair Share. Visit us at