Office Horror Stories is the Podcast where YOU can tell YOUR office horror story or workplace nightmare. This is a show about horrible bosses, crazy co-workers, and workplaces that are the definition of hell. This is a podcast where YOU CAN LET IT ALL OUT. Whether its your current workplace or an office in the past, we want to hear your Office Horror Story! We do not take names, we do not track numbers. We do not call you back. This is an anonymous outlet to share your office horror stories and laugh at the crazy experiences of others!
To share your office horror story call toll free 1-833-HATE-JOB or write in at http://www.officehorrorstories.com -
Delivering compelling conversations about societal gender norms surrounding success, money and household roles. Focusing on a range of topics such as women in the workplace, gender roles within and outside the home, entrepreneurship, parenting, money, career, women's healthcare, wellness and more!
Hear from entrepreneurs, best-selling authors and industry leaders as they share their stories of how they themselves have risen to success or overcome obstacles; how they've seen those around them face challenges and opportunities; all while navigating their roles at home, at work and in society.
Hosted by Bethanie Baynes, a tireless women's advocate and recognized leader on the topic of breadwinning women. With an almost two-decade career in tech as an executive with Google, she is the founder of the Breadwinning Women's community at Google (3000+ global members) and has been featured on CNBC, Refinery 29, Know Your Value "Women in the News" and on podcasts such as So Money with Farnoosh Torabi. She was an official speaker at 2020's NYC Women's March and hosts many episodes of Talks At Google, the company sponsored YouTube channel, on topics focused on furthering women in various industries.
Note: The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host, and do not represent the opinions of her employer. There is no affiliation between this podcast and Google. -
For 58 years, The ACCJ Journal has chronicled the activities of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan and supported its advocacy efforts. Now the magazine of the ACCJ is available in audio format so that you can keep up with what’s happening in Japan’s global business community no matter where you are or what you are doing. Listen to narrated version of Journal stories and enjoy podcast-first content as well.
毎回様々なテーマで作った日本地図を広げながら、日本の多彩さを楽しむ番組です。JAPAN is small,but diverse.Let's find it viewing maps of various themes(お便りはメールで MAIL [email protected])
「聞く」ことを事業に、これまで多くの方に「インタビュー」をし、「キクマガ」「Life Update」などPodcastを配信してきたキクタスが始めるラジオ番組です。キクタスの裏側、インタビューとは何か、聞くことで広がる世界は何か、などをプロインタビュアー早川洋平と、キクタスのスタッフでお届けします。
■2019年3月まで配信しておりました「Life Update」は、インタビュー聴き放題・読み放題WEBマガジン「Life Update Unlimited」に生まれ変わりました。会員登録・詳細はこちら→ http://bit.ly/luup01 -
タイのポータルサイト「タイストリート」のPodcast。 タイストリート代表「市川 俊介」と、クリエイター「内山 光」がMCとなり、日々のタイ関連のお店やイベント等の取材の事から、タイの最新ニュース、まったく関係ない話題まで、毎回ゆるーくお届けする番組です。
Just another WordPress site
Just another WordPress site
小さなコツの専門家(経営者、講演家、ベストセラー作家) 野澤卓央が人生に奇跡を起こすコツを紹介する番組です。
「人生の彩りかた」をテーマに様々なライフスタイルのゲストと対談します。対談の最後には彼らの想いを即興で歌にします♪毎週金曜日配信! ナビゲーター:どり プロデューサー:上坂実
子どもを持つことを肯定的に思えず、結婚後も悩み迷い続けてきた私が、40 代で妊娠・出産できたからこそ良かったこと、子どもを持つことで自然に開かれた、新しい人生について語ります。 「自信がないまま、そのままでママになって大丈夫!」 と思えるようなヒントを「心のあり方」をベースにお伝えします。 聞くだけで、勇気と自信が湧いてくる番組をゆる~~くお届けします。お楽しみに!!
Just another WordPress site
【20代の仕事・ライフスタイル情報】に特化した番組の『STYLE CHOICE スターチョ!』は、自分の働き方を探している20代の皆さんの為に、毎回様々な職種のゲストをお招きしてトークしていく番組です。 自分に合ったライフスタイルを是非この番組で見つけてください。 ナビゲーターは、「安田佳生のゲリラマーケティング」や「坂東孝浩のズキュン♪チームビルディング」「ラン・リグ渡邉の教えて!リフォーム・工務店経営」「楠田祐の人事放送局~有名企業の人事にズバリ聞く!~」などのビジネスPodcast番組の制作を手掛ける『伝える』デザイナーの田島一希と、20代代表のナビゲーターMisaMisaがお届けいたします。 それではSTYLE CHOICEスターチョ! ・番組へのご質問やご意見はこちらアクセスください。→【『伝える』デザイナー 田島一希 HP:http://www.podcastproduce.com/ 】
The Sydcast is all about intimate and informative conversations with fascinating people you may not know. Until now. Because everyone has a story.
Listen in as Syd talks to entrepreneurs, community leaders, professional athletes, politicians, academics, authors, musicians, and many more about who they are and how they got there.
Sydney Finkelstein is an award winning professor at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, and a best-selling author of Superbosses and 25 other books. He’s written for the Harvard Business Review, the BBC, Fortune, Forbes, the Wall Street Journal, and more academic journals than you’d care to know about. He spends his time asking questions, and sometimes, even answering them.