[법륜스님의 즉문즉설] 공식 팟캐스트입니다.법륜스님의희망세상만들기
*저작권법에 의해 보호를 받는 저작물이므로 무단전재와 복제를 금합니다. -
The Korean, South Audio Drama New Testament (SKV) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible with approximately 180 different characters and a digitally recorded sound track with full sound effects. For a list of other available languages go to our website at The mission of Faith Comes By Hearing is to bring His Church together and make disciples from every nation, tribe, language, and people: to give every person the opportunity to listen completely through the New Testament in their heart language.
와싱톤한인교회 팟캐스트 설교 모음 - 노던 버지니아 지역의 아름다운 감리교회를 소개합니다. Are you looking for a good church? We're up for the challenge! Our promise is that when you come to this church you will meet a group of people who are passionate about making a difference for God in D.C. and around the world. Get ready for an exciting cross-cultural Christian experience. Vision of Peace is a part of the multi-congregatonal, multi-site community of the Korean United Methodist Church of Greater Washington. Plan to visit this Sunday!
여러분의 슬기로운 독서생활의 가이드, <슬기로운 독서생활> 매월 출간되는 비아 출판사의 책과 함께 주목해야 할 새책, 잊혀지기 아쉬운 책을 소개합니다. 방송을 통해 여러분의 풍성한 독서생활을 응원합니다.
Where does it hurt? Will I ever feel whole? Where do I belong? If these questions resonate with you, you’re in the right place. In this podcast, we'll utilize personal narratives and powerful questions to investigate the truths that go unnoticed. This is not a podcast for the faint of heart. We are going to face darkness, pain, and fear because they alone can introduce us to our most authentic selves. Above all else, this podcast reminds you that you aren’t alone. Despite what our social media feeds tell us, pain is more prevalent than we’d like to believe. Together we can explore our own invisible truths and experience restoration as we live out the principles of Radical Self-Awareness™.
Hallo, ich bin Christine und ich habe mir vorgenommen, die Essenz "hörbar" zu machen. In dir schlummert ein großer Schatz, deine Essenz. Wer und was bist du "wirklich"? Entdecke deine Essenz und lebe sie.
The Meeting Place is a monthly prayer meeting in Orange County, CA that gathers hungry and broken people to come and meet with God.
Here are our messages from our monthly gathering.
For more info about us:
Website: -
Creating a home culture in another country can be a LOT- so let's do it together! Join me each week as we have short, practical, encouraging conversations about living and thriving abroad.
Tune in for a weekly audio of the Sunday services of Christ's Commission Fellowship - a church founded in the Philippines that seeks to honor God and make disciples.
To learn more about CCF, visit -
Welcome to the Mysterious Multiverse Podcast, where we discuss all things metaphysical, paranormal, and otherwise unexplainable! Your hosts are Jason, Amy, Tristan and Carolyn.Jason is an Intuitive Tarot Card Reader and member of White Light Paranormal Insight.Amy is a Naturopathic Doctor, Allied Health College Professor, and intrigued in all things Metaphysical.Tristan is a Reiki Master, Energy Healer, Angel Card Reader, and Law of Attraction Life Coach. Carolyn is an Empath, Priestess and member of White Light with Jason.All are members of the Vision Collective. Support this podcast:
Connecting philosophy and spirituality with the modern human experience. You are it. Support this podcast:
Trang podcast Giảng Luận Kinh Thánh cung cấp cho các tín hữu và tôi tớ Chúa người Việt những bài giảng chọn lọc của các diễn giả “kinh điển” khác nhau, trong những thời đại khác nhau. Đó là những diễn giả và bài giảng đã được hội thánh chung công nhận, và được thử nghiệm qua thời gian.
Tính Kinh Thánh sẽ là ưu tiên hàng đầu trong việc lựa chọn.
Facebook: -
Do you want to harness the creative power that lives within your womb?
Do you want to proudly claim ALL of who you are and bring that essence to your relationships, parenting, and business?
Our planet is in a collective death cycle. Can you feel it? A rebirth is imminent, activating our deep feminine consciousness. This is shifting the way we relate to how we birth, how we create, how we view our bodies, how we love, how we heal, and how we treat one another.
Melissa April and Katherine Blanco, two mothers, lovers and creative entrepreneurs explore the deeper meaning of Birth, Death, Rebirth and the many Initiations we walk through as women in the world. We dive into birth in all forms from babies, to businesses, to our next level selves. We explore what needs to die as we become ALL of who we are in the world.
The Yoni Codes explore the mysteries of the divine feminine through the reclamation of Motherhood, Entrepreneurship, and Relationships.
Join us each week as we engage in powerful, paradigm shifting, soul expanding conversations. Experience the discovery of potent codes that live within as we allow our wild and raw truths come to the surface.
Once every moon cycle we will be joined by special guests who will share their unique perspectives on their own Rebirths through the lens of The Yoni Codes.
We look forward to connecting with you as we uncover the mysteries of the Divine Femine one conversation at a time. -
- A podcast in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition- Original audiobooks of the the Church Fathers and Sacred Scripture- Original audiobooks of Church doctors & famous philosophers- Free lessons in philosophy and theology- Thomas Aquinas is our guide! Support this podcast:
Exploring the vast stories of Genesis as we contemplate our spiritual life and wellbeing before ending the day in slumber...
بودكاست "مع الله" هو برنامج روحاني عميق، يهدف إلى توصيل المستمعين إلى مستوى أعلى من الاتصال والتواصل مع الله عز وجل، من إعداد وتقديم حسان عزايزة، يعتبر هذا البرنامج بمثابة رحلة روحية تعمق فهمك وإدراكك للعلاقة بين الخالق والمخلوق.
يتضمن البودكاست مناجاة ودعاءً متفردًا، يشجع التأمل والتفكير في جوهر الحياة والإيمان. بالاستماع إلى "مع الله"، ستشعر بالسكينة والطمأنينة، وستجد طريقك نحو التقرب من الله وفهم عمق التواصل معه.
سواء كنت تبحث عن الهدوء والسلام الداخلي، أو تود فهم أعمق للصلة الروحية مع الله، فإن بودكاست "مع الله" سيكون مرشدك الروحي ومصدر إلهامك. تابع حلقاته لتستكشف جوانب جديدة من الإيمان والصلاة، وتعمق روابطك مع الخالق.
من إنتاج راديو النجاح الذي يضمن جودة عالية للبودكاست وتقديم معلومات دقيقة وموثوقة. تابعونا على إنستغرام تابعونا على تويتر تابعونا على فيسبوك تابعونا على ساوند كلاود إدعمونا على BuyMeaCoffee
한국을 대표하는 기독교 인터넷 방송국 와우씨씨엠