TV & Film – China – Popular podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • 两个单口喜剧演员的清谈节目。无聊斋,无聊的时候听一听。

  • 「展开讲讲」是一档专题式讨论好内容的播客。



  • 总是胡说八道,尽量保持真实的闲谈节目。
    本节目由未来欣、锅锅 、叉叉,三位女性共同主持。

  • 黑水公园是一档以电影、剧集、科幻、动漫为载体,畅谈人生的趣谈节目。

  • 「不丧」是一档严肃活泼,温情脉脉的夫妻聊天节目,男主播思维迟缓,女主播百无禁忌,黄腔不断。我们读书,观影,谈论流行文化;也关心社会和政治,拒绝自我审查,呼唤不同背景下人与人间的同情和理解。

  • 音频节目「单读」由单向空间出品,由作家/单向空间创始人许知远主播。每周出品两期,上线时间为每周六。许知远与你一起阅读这个时代。一段音乐,一本书,一页朗读,一种视角。我们生活在一个喧闹的时代,人们对噪音的兴趣,远超过洞见与思想。与你一起。重回安静、缓慢、智性的谈话。重拾对知识、情感、他人命运的好奇心。重新审视事物的真正价值。

  • Whether you like games, movies, TV, or some other obscure corner of geekdom, we're your source for news, reviews, and opinions.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • 欢迎品尝由“主厨”贾汀糊 (虎头) 和烤芬 (烤芬) 精心准备的「越烤越糊」,我们致力于把各种当代艺术文化、社会议题与文化理论乱炖一通,加热一下,注意火候。

  • 专辑简介:

    吃惊!雨田又上新专辑了!点击直达专辑 【雨田怪谈之阴阳诡事】

    3.新专辑订阅过1万:抽666元红包。订阅过5万抽:Air Pods(苹果蓝牙耳机)订阅过10万:抽iPhone13




  • 小声喧哗 Loud Murmurs, 是一档由几个当代青年一起讨论美国流行文化、电影、电视剧的播客。《小声喧哗》想和你分享对“视与听”最纯粹的热爱,也想和你聊聊银幕背后的文化、社会以及时事。影评家罗杰·伊伯特曾说,一部好的电影能让你在两小时中忘记自己的社保号码以及车停在了哪里。在冗余的网络信息和纷乱的日程中,《小声喧哗》开启一场值得加入和聆听的谈话。 欢迎关注我们的微信公众号: loudmurmurs iTunes等各大平台也能找到我们。 Loud Murmurs is a podcast dedicated to a thoroughly modern interpretation of pop culture, brought to you by four bilingual and multicultural women (and their friends) who are (unapologetically) loud and have lots of opinions. In our episodes, we'll discuss movies, television, and everything in between. Oh, one more thing: it’s in Chinese.

  • 美剧、英剧、小语种剧重度爱好者们的播客。解决剧迷的终极问题:值得看吗?好看在哪?展开讲讲。微信、微博、豆瓣与播客同名。听众群:关注公众号并回复“EICcast”。

    The world is better on TV,我们认为看剧不止是消遣:除了“进入剧情以忘掉眼前不快”,更可以收集不同世界的拼图。

    Telegram channel:,欢迎关注

  • 亲爱的朋友,你好,我是小江,江一燕。想听到我更多的声音,想跟我互动吗,那么就来公众号:小江的时间缝隙(lovejiangyiyan)找我吧!

  • DIE EISKÖNIGIN - VÖLLIG UNVERFROREN - ab 28. November 2013 im Kino - sowohl in 2D als auch 3D!

    Folge uns auf facebook:
    Offizielle Webseite:önigin

    Über den Film:
    Lose inspiriert durch das bekannte und beliebte Märchen „Die Schneekönigin" von Hans Christian Andersen, erzählt Disneys DIE EISKÖNIGIN die Geschichte der furchtlosen Königstochter Anna, die sich -- begleitet von dem schroffen Naturburschen Kristoff und seinem treuen Freund Sven -- auf eine abenteuerliche Reise begibt, um ihre Schwester Elsa zu finden, deren eisige Kräfte das Königreich Arendelle im ewigen Winter gefangen halten. In einem spannenden Rennen um die Rettung des Königreichs ringen Anna und Kristoff nicht nur mit den Naturelementen, sie begegnen auch mystischen Trollen und dem urkomischen Schneemann Olaf, der zu einem unverzichtbaren Begleiter auf ihrer Reise wird.

    Unter der Regie von Chris Buck („Tarzan", „Könige der Wellen") und Jennifer Lee (Drehbuchautorin „Ralph Reichts") wurde DIE EISKÖNIGIN modern inszeniert und in der Tradition der beliebten klassischen Disney-Meisterwerke von Peter Del Vecho („Winnie Pooh", „Küss den Frosch") produziert. Mit mitreißenden Songs aus der Feder der Tony®-Gewinner Robert Lopez („The Book of Mormon", „Avenue Q") und Kristen Anderson-Lopez („In Transit").

  • Inspired by the most notorious missing person’s case in New York history, ALL GOOD THINGS is a love story and murder mystery set against the backdrop of a New York real estate dynasty in the 1980s.

  • Tom Cruise and Morgan Freeman star in this groundbreaking event about a lone repairmen on a near-ruined future Earth who finds himself questioning all he knows in a fight to save humanity.

  • What if we told you there were “countries” the size of the average suburban household? What if they had their own rules, laws, and even currencies? What if we told you one of them almost brought the entire Internet to its knees in a single day? These are data havens. And they are the Switzerlands of the Internet. These bunkers, caves, and sea fortresses offer cybercriminals and freedom fighters alike the privacy to conduct unregulated information exchanges, malware attacks, spam dumps, ransomware breaches, and hosting. Almost every cybercriminal walks these halls, virtually or literally. Here today, gone tomorrow, misdirecting and re-emerging in similar shelters, away from prying eyes, and unaffected by 20-megaton blasts. These independent micro-nations are the only true providers of online privacy, offering 100% anonymity without any government restrictions. Welcome to The Most Dangerous Town on the Internet.

  • 四个奇形怪状的前北美留学生加一个现任留学生以非常认真的态度制作一档超级没溜的电影类播客节目。我们的话题涵盖大江南北,我们喷的口水灌满五湖四海!




