Fiction – Japan – New podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • 福岡市早良区の2世帯住宅に暮らす高取家。パパとママと娘と息子、そして、じいじとばあばの6人家族はごく普通に生きてきて、ごく普通に暮らしていました。 高取家の人々が大切な家族とともに繰り広げるちょっぴりドキドキ、そして思わず笑顔がこぼれるほのぼの系ラジオドラマです。

  • Prepare to embark on a heartfelt journey of love, growth, and self-discovery with Lucy Maud Montgomery's beloved novel, "Anne of the Island." In this enchanting installment of the Anne Shirley series, listeners accompany our spirited heroine as she ventures beyond the idyllic landscapes of Avonlea to pursue higher education. As Anne enters the vibrant world of college, she encounters new friendships, explores the complexities of romance, and faces the inevitable choices that shape her future. Montgomery's captivating storytelling paints a vivid picture of Anne's emotional and intellectual maturation, as she grapples with the yearning for independence while cherishing the deep bonds she has forged. "Anne of the Island" is a timeless tale that resonates with the universal experiences of youth, reminding us of the transformative power of love, the value of lifelong friendships, and the indomitable spirit that lies within each of us. So, open your heart to the magic of Anne's journey and discover a captivating world that will leave you inspired and longing for more. - Check out our Streaming Service for our full collection of audiobooks, podcasts, short stories, & 10 hour sounds for sleep and relaxation at our website

    Anne Shirley, marriage, love, loss, resilience, friendship, coastal village, home, beloved characters, heartwarming, growth, literature, poignant, enchanting, Prince Edward Island, transformative, idyllic, solace, Canadian author

  • レインボーブリッジは2023年8月26日に開通30周年を迎えます。 開通30周年を記念し、過去と未来、あなたとあなたをつなぐ、7つのラジオドラマ「RAINBOW RADIO」をON AIR! いつの時もレインボーブリッジを渡ると、ここが東京だと思った。渡った先には、いつかの、そしてこれからのあなたがいる。 これは、レインボーブリッジがつなぐ、あなたの物語です。 レインボーブリッジ30周年特設サイトはコチラ

  • A full-cast dark fiction anthology of horror, thrillers, and suspense. Each episode features a new character-driven horror story that spans genres of psychological horror, thrillers, suspense, creature features, and grounded tales where obsession, love, rage, and revenge clash in the murky worlds of the supernatural and paranormal.

    It’s Black Mirror meets Silent Hill meets American Horror Story - where the monster is always very close to home. 

    Every thrilling Ominous Thrill tale is fully dramatized and created in Dolby Atmos for stunning 3D Spatial Audio to fully immerse you in these creepy and devious stories. For the most intense experience, we recommend listening on headphones or earbuds. 

    Ominous Thrill is created by the acclaimed sound designer and director Jeff Schmidt, the creative force behind the vivid and immersive sounds of fiction-podcast thrillers Blood Ties and Aftershock and true crime mega-hit Dr. Death.

    If you enjoy OMINOUS THRILL, please leave a positive rating and a short review. Or tell a friend who loves good horror, Thriller, or Suspenseful fiction! 

    Learn more about OMINIOUS THRILL at

    OMINOUS THRILL is a proud member of the Fable and Folly network of Fiction Audio podcasts. Support our sponsors and partners here:

  • A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... well, not that far…she lives in London. Tia Kofi hosts The Final FronTia, the new podcast where the worlds of Sci-Fi and Drag collide for an unforgettable experience. The Glamorous Geek will be joined by Sci-Fi's biggest stars and the universe's top fans to talk about the moments that made them, behind the scenes tea and their geeky guilty pleasures. New episodes every Monday.

  • The Forever Foreign podcast is a fictional story following the audio diary of one English teacher and his friends in Japan. It’s whimsical, sometimes funny, and it’s often based on real experiences from people who’ve lived in the land of the rising sun.

    Podcast website:

  • Pièce (dé)montée Alice et autres merveilles de Fabrice Melquiot.

    Cette pièce est placée sous le signe de la rencontre, du mélange et du jeu, et qui mêle des personnages venus d’autres contes ou d’autres univers de fiction.

  • YouTubeチャンネル開設しました( ˃ ᵕ ˂ )

    右下の ▷から飛べます( ´͈ ᵕ `͈ )

    朗読や配信は初心者なのでお耳やわらかに(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⋆*

    拙い朗読しか出来ませんが、お時間ある時に遊びに来てくれたら嬉しいですっ૮₍´。• ᵕ •。`₎ა•*¨*•.¸¸♬︎

    皆様の今日が良き日でありますよーうに☆°。⋆⸜(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⸝

  • ゆるっとSFが好きな2人、音楽家のミズノと芸人のはらによるPodcast👾

  • SoundTrip is an all-new interactive audio experience. Each episode of SoundTrip will immerse you in a unique story, allowing you and a partner to embody a range of characters, and explore vastly different worlds, all through your very own headphones. From comedy to drama to spine-tingling horror, there is something for everyone. Happy Tripping!

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • いつもはYouTubeで女性向けにASMR耳かきボイスやシチュエーションボイスを投稿しています。

    ◆ YouTube

  • 「腐りかけのみかん(仮)」も始まって7年目。歳のことをいうのは、やめにしましょう。アラフィフ突入のバカ2人。それでも元気いっぱい放送中!そんな、言葉の魔術師改め言葉のペテン師二葉太郎と、ロリコンでおなじみのINAZOがおおくりする抱腹絶倒トーク!ぜひぜひお聴きください。徐々に中毒になりますよ~

  • 作家の燃え殻がBRUTUS.jpで連載中の書き下ろしエッセイ『明けないで夜』を、本人が朗読するポッドキャスト。

    ラジオJ-WAVE 81.3FMで放送中の「BEFORE DAWN」(毎週火曜日26:00~27:00オンエア)ではポッドキャストよりも早く最新エピソードをオンエア。




  • 吉本興業1年目のコンビ、パイレーツキャップがあなたの隙間時間を穴埋めする暇つぶしバラエティです。地元の友達2人の会話を盗み聞きする感覚でお楽しみください!

    宛先は[email protected]


  • The Box is four-part fiction story, it follows Seth as he steps into the unknown and unravels the mysteries of an underground facility, and AICS the enigmatic AI designed to help him survive. Can she be trusted or is she a hidden adversary?

    This story uses strong language and discusses death loss, military violence, and suicide. Listener discretion is an advised.

    Learn more at

  • 何者でもない20代のしょうたとこやまが露天風呂で雑談してるようなポッドキャスト♨️ 先輩後輩ふたりの世の中に対する新鮮な目線で斬り込んだ雑談を毎週火•金曜日の20時に更新!!



  • 猥談太郎とナメヒロシによる、朝から猥談散歩!


  • دراین سری پادکست از سفر میگم و اینکه ما چرا جابجا میشیم.از سفرها و تجربیاتم میگم و جوری که نگاه میکنیم به سفر. از سفر در سفر میگم. از آدمی که از سرزمینش کوچ کرده و دوباره شوق سفر داره