Artes – Novos podcasts

  • Welcome to Creatively Random, we're here to inspire, encourage and entertain creatives of all kinds. Join friends Michael Craft & Padraig Treanor as they chat about their experiences as creative freelancers, chat to their creative friends and bring open, entertaining and raw conversations around creativity to your ear drums.New episodes every Monday fortnight on Spotify, Apple, PocketCasts & video eipsodes on YouTube!

  • 大阪・心斎橋の月2回だけオープンするバーの店長が映画他いろいろな話をします。


  • Welcome to Stronger Voices Together, a podcast series dedicated to exploring the diverse world of disability and inclusion, created by John Lyon’s Charity and hosted by disability activist Lucy Edwards.

    In each episode, Lucy engages in compelling discussions with experts, advocates and young people, delving into critical topics and unravelling the narratives, challenges, and successes within the realm of disability. Through insightful conversations, this podcast aims to amplify the voices of D/deaf, visually impaired, neurodiverse, and disabled children and young adults, as well as their families, schools, and the organisations working with them.

    Join us on this journey of discovery, as we champion inclusive opportunities, spark meaningful conversations, and promote positive change. Tune in to Stronger Voices Together and be part of the movement towards a more inclusive society.

    Visit for more information.

  • In "Am Abgrund" begleiten wir Detektiv Joseph Ford bei seinen Ermittlungen in der Gigapole Nova York im Jahr 2074. Ein Anruf eines alten Freundes öffnet Alte Wunden und ehe sich Joe versieht, steht er im Zentrum einer Mord-Ermittlung und einer weitreichenden Verschwörung, dessen Drahtzieher keine losen Enden zurücklassen wollen.

  • Step into the narrative labyrinth with Helen Corvis and Steaphan Kay on the "Co-Authoring Chronicles of Serial Fiction Podcast," where the secrets behind penning a captivating serial tale are unraveled. As co-authors of the enthralling series "In the Arms of the Void," Helen and Steaphan offer an unprecedented look at their collaborative journey, sharing their experiences, strategies, and personal anecdotes from their successful partnership.

    Each episode is a treasure trove for fans and fellow writers alike, as our hosts delve into the nitty-gritty of co-authoring. They will dissect their writing process, from the initial spark of an idea to the intricate weaving of each serialized installment. Listeners will gain insight into how two authors fuse their ideas, styles, and visions to create a coherent and compelling narrative that keeps readers eagerly awaiting each new release.

    Helen remarks, "We're excited to give our listeners a front-row seat to everything that goes into crafting 'In the Arms of the Void,' including how we tackle plot twists, character arcs, and pacing in serial fiction."

    Steaphan adds, "And it's not just about our successes; we're sharing our challenges too. From resolving creative differences to meeting tight deadlines—this podcast is about the real experience of being a writing duo."

    Beyond storytelling techniques, "Co-Authoring Chronicles of Serial Fiction Podcast" offers practical advice for those interested in exploring serial fiction or collaborative writing projects. Discover how to maintain consistency across multiple episodes or volumes, engage your audience over time, and manage feedback from your growing reader base.

    Whether you're an aspiring writer looking to explore serial fiction's unique opportunities or a fan curious about what happens behind the scenes of your favorite series, this podcast is your guide through the episodic world of storytelling.

    Subscribe to "Co-Authoring Chronicles of Serial Fiction Podcast" now and join Helen Corvis and Steaphan Kay as they chart the course through their shared literary universe—one chapter at a time.

  • Dall'antico continente d'Africa ci giungono fiabe, favole, leggende e racconti che non finiscono mai di stupire. L’immaginario fantastico viaggia tra magiche virtù e lotte per la sopravvivenza in una terra sconfinata, ricca di colori e tradizione.

  • A podcast that shines a light on Warwick District’s creative community.

  • Für die vorliegende Podcast-Reihe «Künstler:innen im Gespräch» lud Dagmar Frick-Islitzer 30 Künstler:innen aller Sparten und aus allen deutschsprachigen Ländern zu einem Künstlergespräch ein. Die Künstler:innen bekamen eine Übersicht mit 30 künstlerischen Fähigkeiten und Haltungen, aus der sie sich einen Begriff als Schwerpunkt auswählen durften. Mit ihren Gesprächspartner:innen vertiefte Dagmar Frick-Islitzer Themen wie Offenheit, Inspiration, Vorstellungsvermögen, Improvisation, Ausdauer, Perspektivwechsel, Mut oder Unabhängigkeit.

    Die vorliegenden Podcasts geben Einblicke in unterschiedlichstes künstlerisches Schaffen und beinhalten einen Reichtum an Einstellungen und Herangehensweisen zu ihrer Arbeit. Folgen Sie Ihrer Intuition und wählen Sie aus einer breiten Palette an Gesprächen. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt von Künstler:innen und hören Sie ihre Erzählungen und Erfahrungen, die sie mit Ihnen teilen.

  • We are a group of students who are entitled to educate the public about the basics of photography in the country. This website specifically will give you the basics, the fun facts, business insiders,s and dangerous moves about photography. We as a group have deemed it a great opportunity to give out knowledge concerning photography to the public, so if you find yourself on our podcast, make sure to enrich your knowledge with our education and share it with your loved ones.

  • A look back at contemporary art photography in the mid/late aughts hosted by Matthew Porter. Hear about the transition from film to digital, the rise of the cell phone camera, and the endless handwringing over the rise of social media. Also, sometimes it's just a couple of artists talking about the old days...

  • Горка — это мастерская, которая работает с людьми, а не предметами — процесс важнее результата, человек важнее процесса.

    Этика через эстетику. Философ Фредрих Шиллер утверждал, что через эстетическую активность и красоту человек может достичь гармонии и свободы. Нам нравится эта идея, потому что именно у среды хватает терпения для присущих человеку медленных изменений. Мы переосмысляем каждый шаг, каждый процесс, каждую коммуникацию. Вместо фотографий предметов проводим перформансы, вместо поролона используем натуральный латекс, конкуренцию и указания заменяем на внимание и поддержку.

    Можно выделить несколько направлений: перерабатываем пластик в объекты или детали объектов, работаем со светом и фотографией, шьём и вышиваем, а также создаём свои мебель и предметы интерьера. Мы сотрудничаем с самиздатом о кино «К!» и проводим регулярные кинопоказы, устраиваем мастер-классы, поэтические вечера и другие события. У нас также есть экспериментальное направление, которое занимается поиском экологичных органических композитов. Мы верим, что новые композиты можно будет использовать в создании различных объектов. Сейчас в команде 8 человек: Андрей Болонев, Дарья Нескромная, Лиза Тимофеева, Ольга Цупко, Ксюша Тюленева, Никита Бояк, Анастасия Кемлер и Алексей Видлер. Но мы также привлекаем других классных людей из различных культурных институций для коллабораций. Мы стараемся тесно коммуницировать и объединять разные направления Горки, поддерживать, помогать и прислушиваться друг к другу.

  • In the year 52 BC, the Roman General Julius Caesar fought the last major battle in the conquest of Gaul. The implications of the battle have reverberated throughout history and can still be felt in the world today.

  • Interviews and Conversations with notable creatives from the
    Archived Dreams Community

  • Have you ever wondered why the Bauhaus art school became so famous that it is today still important for designers, artists, architects, and art historians all over the world? It was mainly because of the various talented men and women that made the Bauhaus so multifaceted, colorful, and interesting. The new "bauhaus faces" podcast is dedicated to the fascinating life stories of students and teachers of the legendary and infamous Bauhaus. Each episode will highlight a unique Bauhaus personality. With descendants, researchers, and authors I will navigate you through each personal Bauhaus story.

  • die dritte ausgabe des International Scenographers‘ Festival IN3 2010 in Basel ist diesmal ganz dem thema des ausstellens gewidmet – «exhibit! scenography in exhibition design» ist aufforderung und programm zu- gleich. an vier tagen werden die unterschiedlichen aspekte des gestaltens, ausstellens und der realisierung von ausstellungen verhandelt. dazu haben wir eine Vielzahl international renommierter gäste eingeladen, die ihre je- weils eigene sicht auf das ausstellen vortragen und diskutieren werden. Zudem werden im rahmen des Festivals zwei in3 workshops vorgestellt und erstmals im rahmen der in3 challenge ein preis für angehende szenogra- finnen und szenografen verliehen.

  • A podcast series about the future of our cities, exploring how the homes, schools, community spaces, shops, workplaces and public realm that facilitates our 21st century lives are evolving and how the built environment sector that creates these places is undergoing seismic change. Hosted by Naomi Kerbel, the podcast is produced by SEC Newgate in association with Regal London and The Clarendon Works.

  • A creative podcast produced by Pastiche Magazine. Talking about all things digital and film photography, creative processes and exploring the impact of social media on our art. Join our community of passionate artists and learn from the experiences of our guests, who have navigated their way through the evolving landscape of creativity.

  • Tough on Art is hosted by Jen Tough, an art dealer based in Santa Fe, NM and founder of the Artist Alliance. This podcast was created with emerging, re-emerging, and mid-career artists in mind. We focus on all things contemporary art, through down to earth interviews and straight forward conversations. Our mission is to make the often opaque and exclusive art world more transparent and a little less daunting.